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Potential solution to the frustrating CC meta


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There is a more healthy solution: reduce the occurencies of CC, by longer CD or even removing the CC from some skills. But that should be part of a bigger balance that should reduce the occurencies of everything (CC, stunbreak, heal, damage, boon, condis, blocks, evades, etc.). But I do not think Anet is capable of that, they have tried to fix it more than a year ago and left an unfinished mess behind them 🤨

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2 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

I think a lot of people started to realize that necromancer was vulnerable to lots of stuns and so now there is an insane number of stuns going around



and what is a good build to you?


I hope you are not mistaking overpowered for good, the difference being that a good build performs well and has weaknesses while an overpowered build performs well but does not have any, that is why they have to nerf things from time to time.


Flamethrower is trash build

everyone dodges all ccs u listed from ur build, u never land ft push, rifle knockback, aed stun… except if u are playing vs silvers, which i suppose u are since u play rifle ft aed scrapper


good build is daredevil, nadesmith, weaver…. which arent overperforming - most of good builds require thinking (btw ur ft build is not just braindead, its designed for….)

all classes have stuns just like all classes have stunbreaks

U cant say cc is braindead, its reverse. The more ccs u dodge and more ccs u land the more chance u have for win. Its not because necros, its just healthy game mechanic.

Also there is no CC locks, except if u are afk 1v3

Edited by Filip.7463
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58 minutes ago, aelska.4609 said:

There is a more healthy solution: reduce the occurencies of CC, by longer CD or even removing the CC from some skills. But that should be part of a bigger balance that should reduce the occurencies of everything (CC, stunbreak, heal, damage, boon, condis, blocks, evades, etc.). But I do not think Anet is capable of that, they have tried to fix it more than a year ago and left an unfinished mess behind them 🤨

No thats braindead, u are asking for game to be easier. There is also cc in LOL. Play clash royale if u dont like them.


we have stupid patches because of u, OP, that rifle ft guy and similar people

Edited by Filip.7463
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5 minutes ago, Filip.7463 said:

No thats braindead, u are asking for game to be easier. There is also cc in LOL. Play clash royale if u dont like them.

How is carefully managing its skills more braindead than spamming them ? If a skill has a low CD and many effect, spamming it is more likely to bring an advantage than a skill that is more specific.

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7 minutes ago, aelska.4609 said:

How is carefully managing its skills more braindead than spamming them ? If a skill has a low CD and many effect, spamming it is more likely to bring an advantage than a skill that is more specific.

U dont spam CC. Also u dont spam other skills.


longer cds make game go slower into the bunker meta

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Just because you put the word Meta after what ever word you use doesnt make it real.

I know you want it to, But it doesn't.

Lemme give you an example just in case you don't understand where i'm coming from.


Potential solution for the Mirage Meta

Bring condition cleanse and a thief and some aoe to deal with the clones, condi thieves can win on the side node almost 100% of the time also nerf condition damage to 0 so they don't exist.


Now, to an average joe since i put the word Meta at the end you'd think i'd have some validity here but i don't, i have neither given solutions for the issue and given my own subjective view on a state of a class in a larger state of the meta which is wrong, now i can call it a meta but it does make it a meta.


I hope you enjoyed this lesson OP.


Edited by Genesis.5169
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I don't think cc is a problem at all, with dodges, stability, stunbreaks and blocks, I realy don't feel like I'm CC'd too much. 


CC in gw2 has very short duration, on WoW you can be polymorphed for 7 seconds and then blinded (which is the same as a polymorph) for another 7 seconds. Not to mention you can be sapped for 10 seconds. It's insane.


The only annyoing CC is mesmer's power block builds and the CC mantra. Instant hard CC should'nt be a thing.

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I casually walked into a pvp match and 1-shotted a guardan straight through their aegis as a warrior (and no, not like a 4 hit combo, a quite literal 1-button, 1 instance of damage done = dead 1 shot), that is my answer to that, now Imagine that but then also add the same person then also being able to stun for significant lengths of time too in addition to their allies stunning.


In another instance, I pressed the volley button and dealt over 22000 damage to someone while their dodges were down, again, unblockable, you guys are expecting people to avoid this level of damage but somehow also avoid getting cc spammed by other people I assume?

Edited by Stalima.5490
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1 hour ago, DanSH.6143 said:

I don't think cc is a problem at all, with dodges, stability, stunbreaks and blocks, I realy don't feel like I'm CC'd too much. 


CC in gw2 has very short duration, on WoW you can be polymorphed for 7 seconds and then blinded (which is the same as a polymorph) for another 7 seconds. Not to mention you can be sapped for 10 seconds. It's insane.


The only annyoing CC is mesmer's power block builds and the CC mantra. Instant hard CC should'nt be a thing.

Its not hard cc. Its 1s daze. Power block trait gives mesmer power at roaming, without power block its bad build. Try healing urself after he powerblocked random skill, when he is blinded, when u have stab, when u arent in line of sight or when u are invis.

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38 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

I casually walked into a pvp match and 1-shotted a guardan straight through their aegis as a warrior (and no, not like a 4 hit combo, a quite literal 1-button, 1 instance of damage done = dead 1 shot), that is my answer to that, now Imagine that but then also add the same person then also being able to stun for significant lengths of time too in addition to their allies stunning.


In another instance, I pressed the volley button and dealt over 22000 damage to someone while their dodges were down, again, unblockable, you guys are expecting people to avoid this level of damage but somehow also avoid getting cc spammed by other people I assume?

Were u afk so u tanked full whirling wrath? This guy is literally calling unviable build being op (-dps core guard).

Guard doesnt even have cc except gs5??? And even that is 3/4s cast time


Either stop talking or tell which class can spam cc really


The answer to your problem is, dont random dodge for mobility, dont dodge AAs, dont use stunbreaks when u arent stunned. Its L2P problem, not “cc meta / spammable cc” or anything similar.

Edited by Filip.7463
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12 minutes ago, Filip.7463 said:

Were u afk so u tanked full whirling wrath? This guy is literally calling unviable build being op (-dps core guard).

Guard doesnt even have cc except gs5???


Either stop talking or tell which class can spam cc really


The answer to your problem is, dont random dodge for mobility, dont dodge AAs, dont use stunbreaks when u arent stunned. Its L2P problem, not “cc meta / spammable cc” or anything similar.


Did you only read like 2 words in this thread? you already saw that my engineer has 5 cc skills setup in a way that counters what would normally counter it, get close and you are bombarded by any number of disabling effects, if any of my allies happen to also be targeting such a person then they usually end up being deleted or extremely close to down,after all, the static shock even activates quickness now (even if it misses).


Also, you got the part about me instantly killing other people backwards because the warriors damage output can simply be that high if they want it to be and I can't imagine it being fun for these people to see their block mechanic is active and then get downed at full health.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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5 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:


Did you only read like 2 words in this thread? you already saw that my engineer has 5 cc skills setup in a way that counters what would normally counter it, get close and you are bombarded by any number of disabling effects, if any of my allies happen to also be targeting such a person then they usually end up being deleted or extremely close to down,after all, the static shock even activates quickness now (even if it misses).


Also, you got the part about me instantly killing other people backwards because the warriors damage output can simply be that high if they want it to be and I can't imagine it being fun for these people to see their block mechanic is active and then get downed at full health.

Out of ur 5ccs only supply crate ever lands.


The stuff u are talking makes no sense, u have no clue. No class 100-0 u. If u use ur ccs on engi u will swap 3 weapon kits in that time and all ur CDs without doing any damage in meantime.

war only dagger f1 is unblockable and gs f1 does like 5-6k, nothing close to oneshot

Edited by Filip.7463
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1 minute ago, Filip.7463 said:

Out of ur 5ccs only supply crate ever lands.


The stuff u are talking makes no sense, u have no clue. No class 100-0 u. If u use ur ccs on engi u will swap 3 weapon kits in that time and all ur CDs without doing any damage in meantime.


What are you talking about, it is increadibly easy to hit with air blast to move enemies away and spare capacitor is also fairly easy to hit with vs melee as it is a 360 aoe because if they choose to not get hit by the shredder/capacitor combo you can then elixir U and flame jet healhbars off because they chose to move away and thus be in prime range for incineration, if they don't move away then it simply disables all of your abilities making you a prime target for any nearby allies of the engineer.


Just for review:


Flamethrower, has a pushback

AED has a stun and applies superspeed+quickness ( being stunned vs a quickened enemy is going to hurt)

Shredder gyro has a Daze toolbelt and also does some chunky damage.

The rifle turret has a Launch and a net and is thus able to set up it's burst (10k jump shots have been seen)

The supply crate has 2 stuns and a consistent immobilise (sometimes you swap to sneak gyro if needed allowing you to essentially static shock with zero telegraphs)


As you can see, such a build has a huge arsenal of disables and only requires 1 kit, your consistent dps mode in the FT and your burst damage mode in the rifle, because you can also fit an elixir U in there, you can also do extremely high amounts of damage output.


This is not just limited to engineers however as I'm sure you have seen elementalists and mesmers also achieving huge damage output while also spamming disables and many more builds with at least 2 disables each on top of damage bursts.

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6 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:


What are you talking about, it is increadibly easy to hit with air blast to move enemies away and spare capacitor is also fairly easy to hit with vs melee as it is a 360 aoe because if they choose to not get hit by the shredder/capacitor combo you can then elixir U and flame jet healhbars off because they chose to move away and thus be in prime range for incineration, if they don't move away then it simply disables all of your abilities making you a prime target for any nearby allies of the engineer.


Just for review:


Flamethrower, has a pushback

AED has a stun and applies superspeed+quickness ( being stunned vs a quickened enemy is going to hurt)

Shredder gyro has a Daze toolbelt and also does some chunky damage.

The rifle turret has a Launch and a net and is thus able to set up it's burst (10k jump shots have been seen)

The supply crate has 2 stuns and a consistent immobilise (sometimes you swap to sneak gyro if needed allowing you to essentially static shock with zero telegraphs)


As you can see, such a build has a huge arsenal of disables and only requires 1 kit, your consistent dps mode in the FT and your burst damage mode in the rifle, because you can also fit an elixir U in there, you can also do extremely high amounts of damage output.


This is not just limited to engineers however as I'm sure you have seen elementalists and mesmers also achieving huge damage output while also spamming disables and many more builds with at least 2 disables each on top of damage bursts.

I can also make build full of 1s ccs but thats trash build.



Edited by Filip.7463
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5 minutes ago, Filip.7463 said:

I can also make build full of 1s ccs but thats trash build.




Here, take a reference on the build calculator so you can see the extent of what is going on be sure to read between the lines, I am considering swapping elixir U for a thumper to make it the most aggravating build in the game.



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5 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:


Here, take a reference on the build calculator so you can see the extent of what is going on be sure to read between the lines, I am considering swapping elixir U for a thumper to make it the most aggravating build in the game.



Thats legit worst build i have ever seen and i dont have reason to talk to you.

u run explosions without explosion kit, its full dmg 0 sustain build

just stop posting stupid things on forum and l2p

Edited by Filip.7463
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5 minutes ago, Filip.7463 said:

Thats legit worst build i have ever seen and i dont have reason to talk to you.


just stop posting stupid things on forum and l2p


a meta isn't formed overnight you know, it gradually builds up as people see something stupid, you are right it is the worst, but it is the worst in all the right ways.


Burst damage

Mass disables


Anti-focus mechanics


The build itself has proven itself to be worthwhile, especially if you just run the sneak gyro into stun cheese variant, it has enough damage output to top the damage stat and all the stuns to go with it.

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CC meta? Was there a patch that I missed recently?


Almost every build, condi or power has access to some sort of CC (hard, soft, short, long)  and we can easily counter by evading or race to apply ours first making sure it lands. If I get downed by a CC chain then it's my fault for not applying mine first or not dodging fast enough. Always have a stun break so you can disengage if needed and not get downed.. If I get stunned first, Im at the ready to dodge out or interrupt their next cast or put on stability. There OP, those are 3 immediate techniques to apply.


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2 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:


Here, take a reference on the build calculator so you can see the extent of what is going on be sure to read between the lines, I am considering swapping elixir U for a thumper to make it the most aggravating build in the game.




Glad you're able to make this build work for you. I've never seen anything like it. 

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There is no CC meta, spamming CC doesn't do any damage. It's up to you using counters properly, trust me if this was a CC meta, hammer warriors would have a field day, given they can still hit very hard with it, it's only after CC's that they can and nothing stops their opponent from sitting down waiting for the time it happens.


Someone spamming CC's on you? Let them, stunbreak on the last one of theirs or use Stability if you can.

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On 9/12/2021 at 11:56 PM, Stalima.5490 said:


Here, take a reference on the build calculator so you can see the extent of what is going on be sure to read between the lines, I am considering swapping elixir U for a thumper to make it the most aggravating build in the game.




Hi, FT Scrapper is a fun build I play when about to log off from exhaustion/feeling worn out playing other builds. 


Are you still using this build? You may want to consider removing explosives, unless you replace crate with Mortar Kit or since you're already using an elixir, maybe you can substitute Explosives with Alchemy - for better synergy and some form of defense. I personally use Inventions on FT. However, Alchemy is a must on the other 2 engie builds I play.

Try using hammer too for the powerful skill 5 aoe stun and damage, skill 4 barrier and skill 2 reflect (game considers it an explosion). 



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13 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


Hi, FT Scrapper is a fun build I play when about to log off from exhaustion/feeling worn out playing other builds. 


Are you still using this build? You may want to consider removing explosives, unless you replace crate with Mortar Kit or since you're already using an elixir, maybe you can substitute Explosives with Alchemy - for better synergy and some form of defense. I personally use Inventions on FT. However, Alchemy is a must on the other 2 engie builds I play.

Try using hammer too for the powerful skill 5 aoe stun and damage, skill 4 barrier and skill 2 reflect (game considers it an explosion). 




That particular build is a 100% damage output build with tons of cc just handed out to it for free, after all the scrappers offense is it's defense, mostly it is used to cheese people by either deleting their health bar or spamming cc while someone else deletes it, normally the flamethrower can have trouble up close but then if you have multiple melee cc's it can cause no end of grief to anyone trying to stay close. Generally use the sneak gyro as that allows you to do some rogue like "cheap shot" nonsense. It's not really about synergy, just raw damage+ thus the abundance of rather dull bonus damage traits.


I am actually experimenting with an elixir gun scrapper now which is a whole different machine.

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On 9/12/2021 at 10:33 AM, Stalima.5490 said:

I casually walked into a pvp match and 1-shotted a guardan straight through their aegis as a warrior (and no, not like a 4 hit combo, a quite literal 1-button, 1 instance of damage done = dead 1 shot), that is my answer to that, now Imagine that but then also add the same person then also being able to stun for significant lengths of time too in addition to their allies stunning.


In another instance, I pressed the volley button and dealt over 22000 damage to someone while their dodges were down, again, unblockable, you guys are expecting people to avoid this level of damage but somehow also avoid getting cc spammed by other people I assume?

I don't understand why you seem convinced that rifle warrior is good.

You can't even justify the fact that you landed all of volley without specifying that someone's dodges were down.

If their dodges are down, their dodges are down. They were doing something before you got engaged that caused them to run completely out of endurance, and they were outnumbered, while you were safe enough to assess that entire situation and determine that

*they couldn't dodge. 

*they couldnt move behind a pillar or obstacle.

Getting hit by all of volley isn't objectively unfair, and neither is expecting people to dodge or respond to cc. 


I casually walked into a pvp match and 1-shotted a guardan straight through their aegis as a warrior (and no, not like a 4 hit combo, a quite literal 1-button, 1 instance of damage done = dead 1 shot)

Explain your build again, for those that didn't see the last time this came up. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 minute ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I don't understand why you seem convinced that rifle warrior is good.

You can't even justify the fact that you landed all of volley without specifying that someone's dodges were down.

If their dodges are down, their dodges are down. They were doing something before you got engaged that caused them to run completely out of endurance, and they were outnumbered, while you were safe enough to assess that entire situation and determine that. 

Getting hit by all of volley isnt objectively unfair, and neither is expecting people to dodge or respond to cc. 


Even if dodges aren't down, that is not even the gunflame, the thing that drops 90-100% of a healthbar off an enemy, the volley is just a ridiculously powerful bonus allowing you to either change target and erase their health aswell for your allies to finish up or delete the target if they get downed as another gunflame would inevitably become available, yes any build has some counter but you cannot reasonably defend being able to literally 1shot with gunflame and then also have a followup volley that is even more powerful than that at the end of the day, anything than can instantly kill someone is overpowered regardless of what is or isn't needed to achieve it.

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