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There is a SERIOUS problem with hackers under the maps in world vs world and it is starting to make the game mode unplayable, when deadeyes and core thieves are under any wvw map and one shotting you and the worst part is you can't target them to report them. Arenanet, your studio and developers need to take a serious look at improving the security of your game and this game mode. You have stated that wvw is going to be a cornerstone of Guild Wars 2, but with the hacking that y'all are unable to prevent, it seems like maybe your cornerstone comments are simply false? When hackers are able to kill you from under the map even in a safe zone or inside of the lords room of a keep or smc because they are under the ground, it simply makes the game unenjoyable. It is happening alot from the Sea of Sorrows server as well. Please do something to fix your game. 👎👎👎

Is anyone else having issues with hackers ruining their World vs World experience? Because it sure seemed like after being shot through the ground and killed about 5 times in a 15 minute time span that I was being targeted.

Edited by WeightTrainer.3219
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3 hours ago, nthmetal.9652 said:

Imagine needing hackers to go under maps, when you can actually bug the mount so it does higher leaps than should be possible and thus just jump into towers and keeps ...

That's not how the mount thing works.  It's a "hole" between the seams of a structure.  You might see mounts that leap higher than normal sometimes, but that's just a graphics rendering bug due to lag of positional data between the client and server similar to watching gliders jump up and down in altitude.

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21 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

That's not how the mount thing works.  It's a "hole" between the seams of a structure.  You might see mounts that leap higher than normal sometimes, but that's just a graphics rendering bug due to lag of positional data between the client and server similar to watching gliders jump up and down in altitude.

There are youtube videos around, that might strongly disagree. The jump height bug actually allows people to use the mount to skip into towers and keeps without damaging them.

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Just now, nthmetal.9652 said:

There are youtube videos around, that might strongly disagree. The jump height bug actually allows people to use the mount to skip into towers and keeps without damaging them.

That's a bug and desync. Whenever you see someone leap very high followed by sprinting forward faster than normal in the air, it's looks perfectly normal for them. It's dismounting that make people "jump" higher than they otherwise could on foot, which isnt technically a bug, just poor design for WvW.

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4 hours ago, nthmetal.9652 said:

There are youtube videos around, that might strongly disagree. The jump height bug actually allows people to use the mount to skip into towers and keeps without damaging them.

What you're seeing in videos is the desync.  Getting through the "hole" in the structure requires dismounting in a certain spot.  They aren't jumping high.

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I got stuck under the floor in the lord's room of Stoic Rampart in DBL...I leaped or something right when those stupid rock spires shot up from the floor, got stuck in them, then they dragged me under.  Anet, please remove the jumping rock mechanics in Stoic Rampart...they interfere not only with the attackers but defenders as well.

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