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Confusion about Black Powder


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This weapon skill on Pistol off-hand says Stealth(3s). Checking the wiki entry, it also says it gives stealth, and its listed under the list of weaponsklls that give stealth in the main "Stealth" entry of the wiki. So I'm confused, I never remember it saying this before, and is this skill supposed to give stealth or not?


Because currently it doesn't without blasting the field.

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Yeah, I noticed this too. I've long been a proponent of removing the leap from heartseeker and making black powder stealth on it's own, so seeing this tooltip definitely caught my attention. If they did make this change it would make sense as then 3s stealth would cost 6 ini instead of the 9 ini that the fields and one leap currently does.

It probably is a mistake, but you never know. 

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6 hours ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Yeah, I noticed this too. I've long been a proponent of removing the leap from heartseeker and making black powder stealth on it's own, so seeing this tooltip definitely caught my attention. If they did make this change it would make sense as then 3s stealth would cost 6 ini instead of the 9 ini that the fields and one leap currently does.

It probably is a mistake, but you never know. 

The skill would finally feel useful on P/P, Sword/P (even though the stealth attack is mostly useless) and Sc/P if that were the case. It probably should be done.

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On 10/28/2021 at 5:23 PM, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Yeah, I noticed this too. I've long been a proponent of removing the leap from heartseeker and making black powder stealth on it's own, so seeing this tooltip definitely caught my attention. If they did make this change it would make sense as then 3s stealth would cost 6 ini instead of the 9 ini that the fields and one leap currently does.

It probably is a mistake, but you never know. 

Aside from the self reveal the skill would have built in if you have a target ... it is obvious that the initiative gain would have to be increased to 9 if this skill would grant stealth on its own.

A 6 ini cost would mean 9 seconds of self stealth for any trickery thief and 12 seconds for any shadow arts + trickery thief. During that 12 seconds you would regenerate at least 12 ini (16 with shadow's rejuvination), which means you could basically perma stealth yourself with spamming one skill that is also an aoe blind.

100% broken.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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28 minutes ago, KrHome.1920 said:

Aside from the self reveal the skill would have built in if you have a target ... it is obvious that the initiative gain would have to be increased to 9 if this skill would grant stealth on its own.

A 6 ini cost would mean 9 seconds of self stealth for any trickery thief and 12 seconds for any shadow arts + trickery thief. During that 12 seconds you would regenerate 12 ini, which means you could basically perma stealth yourself with spamming one skill that is also an aoe blind.

How are you getting 24 initiative in 12s?

Edit: When I sat down and worked it out, yeah, 6 ini on 3s base stealth when combined with Kleptomaniac and stealth on steal would give permastealth even when not considering the extra stealth duration from SA. Better to make it either a 1s stealth or a 9 initiative cost, both of which would either force SA use or remove the point of changing it to make the stealth more readily accessible to specter. And that's before considering whether you should remove the smoke field or not. Good point well made sir ^^

Edited by Jugglemonkey.8741
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6 minutes ago, KrHome.1920 said:

... During that 12 seconds you would regenerate 12 ini, which means you could basically perma stealth yourself with spamming one skill that is also an aoe blind.


Isn't the ini gain from stealth every 3 seconds not every 1? Which would mean in 12 seconds you would get additional 4 ini back.

Edit: nevermind, just realised you're including the natural regen.

Edited by Rin.1046
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19 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

on crit/dead/trick and zerk that kitten can hit upwards of 2k and has been a decider in some of my duels lol

Also the shot can proc basilisk venom and air sigil because it does damage and can crit. I used to use it to set up a one shot with D/P bound when pulmonary impact was OP because nobody really thought to avoid the blind shot. 

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