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PvP is trash now


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lmao GW2 PvP was good?

inb4 we get a lot of people telling me that "cele ele/petting zoo ranger/healing signet hambow/1-shot twitchy-burst meta/two thieves trading points without ever actually playing PvP" were "the good days" just because anet threw some pity money into a toilet to get ESL to begrudgingly accept GW2 as an E S P O R T™ for, like, two seasons.  Face reality, my dudes.  The only thing I remotely "miss" was the funny staff Elementalist quirk where you could cast Meteor Shower and then go into Tornado for 10k AoE impacts because the transformation used to scale up your power.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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On 11/3/2021 at 9:21 AM, dani.5680 said:

I see a lot of pvp streamers move away from this game! Is this because bots and trash ranked system? Or there are another reasons? Some of them move to games similar to GW2 but better PvP MM ratings and system! Anet will not do anything about it?

Saw at least 2-3 with 100+ viewers move(and 100+ viewers for GW2 is big) only in this week! Pvp streamers!


Wait wait wait.... tell me about these other games.

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On 11/6/2021 at 7:50 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

No surprise...the game is very badly managed and it's a far cry from the peak era of GW1, a combination of spoiled and rotten playerbase and a strong lack of design ideology have destroyed that legacy GW1 created and that was what attracted majority of people to GW2 in the first place.


Where in GW1 we had a design studio focused on adapting, innovating and creating fun content...in GW2 we have the opposite, they don't innovate or adapt, they simply downgrade to please a vocal and misdiricted playerbase, which is also very different from the playerbase of the last decade.


MMOs used to be a niche market with a very dedicated playerbase, you were rewarded for your time...now MMOs are made for the "playstation generation", the one made of players who buy the game today..and tomorrow expect to be dragon lords of the whole fantasy world...that sort of thing.


In GW1 as player you had to learn perfect timing to avoid interrupt, set change with "dodge" button, fake cast, positioning, timing CC as there was diminishing return......in GW2 players just want to rush at you, press all buttons and expect you to die, and if you don't....then clearly there is something wrong with the game and so we need to go the forum and complain even if I may have bought the game last week and got few dozen hours under my belt...that's your typical GW2 player.


Another thing: in GW1 if there was a mechanic/skill really too good for the effort, then the devs would change it so that it would still be effective but definitely less oppressive to fight....by contrast in GW2 these new devs simply nerf=delete the problematic build/skill so to please the vocal forum tribe throwing a tantrum on the forum.


So yeah, I am not surprised of what GW2 has become...of what MMOs have become these days, too mainstream too be any decent to watch or play like a streamer would, complexity and strategy are thrown out of the window to attract as many players as possible...boring to watch really


Agree with the sentiments here. They are more inclined to serve the instant gratification mindset of low effort, high reward. With the exception of playing anything elementalist. 

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On 11/3/2021 at 9:21 PM, dani.5680 said:

I see a lot of pvp streamers move away from this game! Is this because bots and trash ranked system? Or there are another reasons? Some of them move to games similar to GW2 but better PvP MM ratings and system! Anet will not do anything about it?

Saw at least 2-3 with 100+ viewers move(and 100+ viewers for GW2 is big) only in this week! Pvp streamers!

Yeah, jank. Manpower on expac and moderating the forum and banning people that swear on mapchat. 

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I would like to know why ANET feels the need to lie to the community about banning the so called what 84 accounts in PvP for botting and on the other hand I wonder how some of these folks can get into Plat or even Legendary status with so many bots or people who just don't care about winning whatever the case may be. If you aren't willing to do something actual about the BOTS don't get mad and ban me when I call them all POS Bots when we are clearly in the lead and loose the match terribly and when I say lead I mean by 300 points.

It is completely ridiculous that something more is not done about the mess, some of use really try to be good players, probably not to some peoples standards but I am not playing to please them, not sure why I keep coming back to this game because I know there are simply multiple Sh&&&er's that want to be Sh&&&er's

Edited by Mieka.2583
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For anyone wanting to check out an MMO with good pvp design and mechanics, I can't recommend Lost Ark enough. Just finished a week of beta, and instantly uninstalled GW2. Playing GW2 feels so dirty in comparison. Never coming back. LA devs just made a commitment in Korea to balancing and expanding their pvp modes. Arenas are already a lot of fun, and they're working on an open world pvp map. 

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19 minutes ago, nerva.7940 said:

For anyone wanting to check out an MMO with good pvp design and mechanics, I can't recommend Lost Ark enough. Just finished a week of beta, and instantly uninstalled GW2. Playing GW2 feels so dirty in comparison. Never coming back. LA devs just made a commitment in Korea to balancing and expanding their pvp modes. Arenas are already a lot of fun, and they're working on an open world pvp map. 

same, there is 1 thing wrong with lost ark pvp.
it doesnt handle lags well, any ping variation means skills dont register, CC doesnt work, damage doesnt register.
you can go from " I cought you so I will deal 50% of your max HP in a combo " to " one of my staggers wore off instantly or didnt register so you stunned me and now I lose 70% max HP "
Many Many connection related bugs, to the point where CC legit lasts longer when you have better internet. 
200 ping? gl with that, some CC lasts ~0,25s which is how much kittening delay you have lul.

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1 hour ago, nerva.7940 said:

you know the Western and EU release is early in 2022 right? There wasn't any lag in beta for me.

It doesnt matter if the game has laggy servers or not, the game in general handles ping in one of the worse ways I have every seen in my ~17 years of playing games. If you lag during a skill, it goes on cooldown and does nothing, dodges dont register, cc immunities dont work, buffs disappear, CC gets improperly stacked ( got knocked out of the arena by soulfist for example, she has strong knockback that freezes [ freeze locks you in place ] but freeze didnt register and I flew off the map and got stuck.

Imagine throwing plaguelands as a necro, but 2 ticks into it you lag and your skill stops registering hits -> this is how lost ark code works, in fact the code is so bad you can play something like devil hunter ( deadeye )
and you will have scenarios that you use rifle skills, lag ( so the shots dont fire ), unlag and suddenly 2-3 skills are unloaded from your character instantly ( it looks funny but its less funny to see a guy standing still and suddenly 7 different rifle shots just go flying )

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MMO is a niche genre.  To get good matchmaking you need a lot of players playing your game. 

There isnt a single MMO on the market with good matchmaking. To name an example:

I played wow arena quite extensively. Every season is the same: the first few weeks are ok. The last months are unplayble on any character at semi ok ratings. 

My lock which ended at 2678: you cant play since 9 out of 10 times noone plays at those ratings. When you play you have to sit in q for 5+ mins just to face a team that gives you 2-3 points (and -30 if you lose). At those ratings 90% of the players sit their rating. They dont play. 

My paladin and priest at 2200ish and my mage at 2300 are in boosting limbo hell. In wow you have a lot of professional boosting services that make 100's of euros boosting ppl. At those ratings its 99% piloted boosts which means top players play the accounts of new players to bring their rating up to 1800/2100/2400 the ratings the buyers need to get rewards. 

So on my 2200 characters i often fought better or similar opponents than on my lock.  If i can get a full team for that night. If ppl dont want to play or are offline and you have to rely on LFG youll sit in that menu for 1-2 hours with mostly "silver level players signing up for your legendary div games". 

At least in GW2 you can play. No matter what rating or what time. 

Edited by Locuz.2651
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Oh my dear sweethearts, PvP was always trash. Even at the beginning when the game was designed around it, and the devs trying to balance the entire game for it caused WvW and even PvE to be trash for years, too.


Luckily those game modes got better and survived their eSports obsession.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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Some of the synergies between specializations are so complex to be woven that I understand why it is easier for people to choose meta builds. For example Mallyx jump(CtA) and Whirling Axe warrior.
Imagine how hard it is to do stacking these skills together for landing when everyone is moving, evading (or have stability), and a necro can alone replace such complex combinations. I think you can find a lot of such examples.

Edited by DomHemingway.8436
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