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Removed the WvW participation grace time granted from repairing


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On 12/3/2021 at 8:07 AM, God.2708 said:

Whilst it's all fun and games, a bit of research on what 'defense' is can be insightful.

Characteristics of proper defense can be described as disruption, flexibility, mass and concentration, preparation, and security.

Someone only repairing walls is only looking at two of those characteristics. Most 'scouts' are doing at best three of those things. Whether you like it or not, you are defending badly. Playing worse should lead to worse rewards.


 Worse rewards? We are talking about NO reward here. Oh my God 😀

Their at best work is already the best given how much defending mechanics and tactics have been stripped down and nerfed over the years. And now, even the rewards are removed.

Almost every one wants to k-train for pips. Only a handful are willing to stay and defend high tier structures. And yet there are ppl who said these scouts are not doing enough 🤷‍♀️

Edited by Mil.3562
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On 12/6/2021 at 8:46 AM, Mil.3562 said:

What? Now we have auto-attack-auto-repair-afk bots? 😄


The bots are evolving! they are getting more sophisticated! what is next, they form a group of raiders and take smc under the noses of the enemy and then position themselves at the walls spam clicking them to repair, auto get supply and then auto run up the walls to attack enemies nearby! 

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So Anet, ETA on the update that reverses these changes to make WvW Objectively better for everyone? Not entirely sure why its been so long now that we've had wvw made a worse game mode in everyway it was before the update that changed this, why you needed to nerf scouts, roamers, solo players, defenders. Why Anet do you only want us to K-train? Why Anet do you not want us defending? 

Updates should only make Grace period easier to get, not harder for everyone actively playing the game. It makes no sense that you can be super active in wvw and get less rewards then people afk flipping camps. 

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