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Teams ranked conquest will solve 90% of issues

Crab Fear.1624

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1. Bots on your team? ....Nope you made your team and they all are hooman. 

2. Match manipulation? Nope you vetted these players.

3. Rage quit? Fine, you are off the team pal.

4. Griefing? Off the team

5. Bad balance? Your team swaps, they want to win.

6. Don't know who the players are or intentions? Now you do, you made the team.

7. Rating mix, silvers with plat? Not on your watch, you made the team.

8. No more double thief.

9. Choice to really build any format of team you want.

10. Pre arrange a discord room for even faster comm for slow types and skill clickers.



Oh the con....


You will have to form a team.... 😞

woe is you


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1 hour ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

1. Bots on your team? ....Nope you made your team and they all are hooman. 

2. Match manipulation? Nope you vetted these players.

3. Rage quit? Fine, you are off the team pal.

4. Griefing? Off the team

5. Bad balance? Your team swaps, they want to win.

6. Don't know who the players are or intentions? Now you do, you made the team.

7. Rating mix, silvers with plat? Not on your watch, you made the team.

8. No more double thief.

9. Choice to really build any format of team you want.

10. Pre arrange a discord room for even faster comm for slow types and skill clickers.



Oh the con....


You will have to form a team.... 😞

woe is you


This is what ATs are, and there usually isnt more than 10 teams playing at a time. Even for the MAT there are only like 30 teams. Game is dead now, this would make it deader.

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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Yeah, solve 90% of problems by removing 90% of players.


None of those pros outweigh the con.

5 isn't even a pro. Class swapping is yikes 😬

Everytime anyone brings up any suggestion the first thing people say "but it will remove players" please stop this you are making this up. You have no idea how it will affect queue, how ever we do know what the queue looks like with no teams for a few years now, and if you look at the forums and take it at face value it looks like kitten.

And anyways whose to say the removal of team queue's didn't kill the queue because as far as I am concerned that is the first and greatest sin by the pvp devs, and thats a fact since you just wanna arbitrarily say 5mans will make people leave.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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3 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Everytime anyone brings up any suggestion the first thing people say "but it will remove players" please stop this you are making this up. You have no idea how it will affect queue, how ever we do know what the queue looks like with no teams for a few years now, and if you look at the forums and take it at face value it looks like kitten.

And anyways whose to say the removal of team queue's didn't kill the queue because as far as I am concerned that is the first and greatest sin by the pvp devs, and thats a fact since you just wanna arbitrarily say 5mans will make people leave.

Wym? We've had teamQ be available several times as an option and forced. 


You can think of 5man as some sort of savior for the game if you want, I just think it isn't all that exciting really.

I don't think it shouldn't exist either. If people want it, go for it.


I just dislike how people try to force it on us.

If it was a separate queue I could ignore it blissfully  and the people that enjoy it could do so, everyone would happy. That would also get the DuoQ people away from me which would be amazing.

Yolo solo queue is an entirely different game that is infinitely more convenient and less time consuming than having to form a fully party to search for other full parties. 

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7 minutes ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:


Getting farmed by a top of leader board teams because they que in off hours (which is my primetime).


This might not kill spvp entirely but I doubt many would que in my primetime after the first week, duo queuing in "off hours" already sucks for us solos 

That sounds like an issue with match making and not a team queue issue. Why would your team of gold players face a team of plat or higher players? 


For most people a team queue only changes how you form a team. Instead of Anet forcing bots, trolls, and afk farmers on your team, you would simply put a group together in lfg like we do literally everywhere else in the game.


If the match maker can't function because there aren't enough legitimate players (since bots, trolls, and afk players would essentially be removed from the queue) then that is a population issue. Again, this is not a team queue issue. If the match maker can only work by including those bots, trolls, afk players, or throwing players of vastly different ranks together in a team, then that is a problem, not a solution.


If the PvP population of legitimate players (the only kind that should be in a Ranked game mode to begin with) is so low that it cannot support a 5v5 game mode, then the solution is to either draw in more legitimate PvP players, or use game modes with smaller teams. Right now we are sacrificing the quality of games just to get a quick match. That is something that you do for Unranked, not Ranked.


I honestly do not see the issue with team queue. Again, we literally use the lfg for every other area of the game to form a team to do instanced content, this is no different. Your team of gold would face another team of gold so long as the match maker does its job. If the population of PvP is too small for the match maker to do its job, then the solution is to use a game mode with smaller teams, not trash the game mode and give up on it. The only people that could possibly be opposed to this are the bots, trolls, and afk farmers that would now be excluded from PvP. 


On a side note, quit with the "Well you have automated tournaments for that" when you know kitten well that is once every 6 hours or so. If you are so anti social that you don't want to actually work as a team (which is mind blowing in a 5v5 team game mode) then you will still have Unranked.

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15 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Yeah, solve 90% of problems by removing 90% of players.


None of those pros outweigh the con.

5 isn't even a pro. Class swapping is yikes 😬


They already removed 90% of the players with removing teams, and another 90% when the restricted duos for a couple seasons.


What's another 90% now?

90 players?

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10 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Wym? We've had teamQ be available several times as an option and forced. 


You can think of 5man as some sort of savior for the game if you want, I just think it isn't all that exciting really.

I don't think it shouldn't exist either. If people want it, go for it.


I just dislike how people try to force it on us.

If it was a separate queue I could ignore it blissfully  and the people that enjoy it could do so, everyone would happy. That would also get the DuoQ people away from me which would be amazing.

Yolo solo queue is an entirely different game that is infinitely more convenient and less time consuming than having to form a fully party to search for other full parties. 

Time consuming is being thrown into a garbage match and 500-13.


No cap, your way ruined the game mode.

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16 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

This is what ATs are, and there usually isnt more than 10 teams playing at a time. Even for the MAT there are only like 30 teams. Game is dead now, this would make it deader.


They only have conquest in common, but the frequency/availablilty and rewards/goals are different.


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16 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

And anyways whose to say the removal of team queue's didn't kill the queue

The removal of Team Queues did kill the queue. A lot of guilds that had organized around playing pvp together quit when this happened because there was no way to strategize. Theres scraps of the complaints lingering around still.

The question we should be asking if it's too late at this point to flip the switch back the other way. The people that enjoyed the prior system or benefitted from it are long gone by now, and probably not holding their breath for this to return. 

They should test it. Announce that they're doing a mini season of ranked/solo queue merged via email campaign, see how many people opt for the former instead of the latter, whether there is population growth because of the re-inclusion of that option, and then go from there. if nobody goes for it, fine; it was a mini season, nbd. if people try it out and play move via teams through all ratings, then maybe look into letting the option stick around. 

Ranked premade would indeed fix a lot of issues we have with throwing and match manipulation, but it should not be forced, and there should be some kind of counterbalance given to individuals who want to play solo so they arent aggressively handicapped. Maybe they can be weighted a bit differently for rating gain or loss based on how they perform against premades they match against, based on how much they contributed to the game.  If carrying pugs as a solo player leads to rating gain for the more productive players, and less for the ones not assisting, that may further discourage people throwing because they'll only be ruining their own experience, and players will have reason to try even if team has a couple bots. 

Even with the premade option fixing the current system of match abuse, it's important to realize premades will introduce its own set of techniques for abusing matches and not pretend to ignore that some people are going to get farmed, or that its going to take significantly longer to organize when the bulk of people that are still here at this point just want to be able to play and get on with their day without sinking into lfg like it's a raid prep. Whichever option has the more easily-dealt-with farming needs to be picked here. 

It definitely isnt cut and dry, but the solo-q system isnt entirely solo-q, so its being abused. 


17 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

This is what ATs are, and there usually isnt more than 10 teams playing at a time. Even for the MAT there are only like 30 teams. Game is dead now, this would make it deader.


We need more data on how these running all day/being more accessible scheduling wise affects the people willing to team up, also. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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4 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Time consuming is being thrown into a garbage match and 500-13.


No cap, your way ruined the game mode.

My way shouldn't even affect you at all. It's just a way to play the game that should be an option.


If people who want to SoloQ are forced to TeamQ just to make it work, then that's proof of TeamQ's failure before it has even come back.


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21 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

This is what ATs are, and there usually isnt more than 10 teams playing at a time. Even for the MAT there are only like 30 teams. Game is dead now, this would make it deader.

Except that 10 teams is 50 actual human players.

There are only ever about 80 to 100 human players queueing spvp at any given time.

ATs encompass easily 50% of the spvp player base each and every time an AT queue rolls around.

People want to play 5 man.


21 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

to any player that thinks forced team queue is solution to anything, yall never played other games have you? lol

Fractals are a forced team queue.

Dungeons were a forced team queue.

Pushing Enter Queue in Ranked is a force team queue. You just don't get to select who is in that team.


You guys are just afraid of social cohesion. Get over it.

There are too many problems with solo/duo queue enabling match manipulation and low population algorithm botches.

We need 5 man queues again.


20 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Yeah, solve 90% of problems by removing 90% of players.


None of those pros outweigh the con.

5 isn't even a pro. Class swapping is yikes 😬

Read my first response to Paradoxalogulonga, because it is true.


7 hours ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:


Getting farmed by a top of leader board teams because they que in off hours (which is my primetime).


This might not kill spvp entirely but I doubt many would que in my primetime after the first week, duo queuing in "off hours" already sucks for us solos 

It's called queue dodging. Everyone does it. Learn how to do it. 5 man teams would actually make it easier for you to queue dodge these teams you speak of.


6 hours ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

If the match maker can't function because there aren't enough legitimate players (since bots, trolls, and afk players would essentially be removed from the queue) then that is a population issue. Again, this is not a team queue issue. If the match maker can only work by including those bots, trolls, afk players, or throwing players of vastly different ranks together in a team, then that is a problem, not a solution.


If the PvP population of legitimate players (the only kind that should be in a Ranked game mode to begin with) is so low that it cannot support a 5v5 game mode, then the solution is to either draw in more legitimate PvP players, or use game modes with smaller teams. Right now we are sacrificing the quality of games just to get a quick match. That is something that you do for Unranked, not Ranked.


I honestly do not see the issue with team queue. Again, we literally use the lfg for every other area of the game to form a team to do instanced content, this is no different. Your team of gold would face another team of gold so long as the match maker does its job. If the population of PvP is too small for the match maker to do its job, then the solution is to use a game mode with smaller teams, not trash the game mode and give up on it. The only people that could possibly be opposed to this are the bots, trolls, and afk farmers that would now be excluded from PvP.


Everything in this single post is completely 100% accurate.


5 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Time consuming is being thrown into a garbage match and 500-13.


No cap, your way ruined the game mode.

A good point that isn't brought up enough.

With a 5 man queue, a team actually has a chance to beat any other team if they cared enough to try hard.

No synch queues or bots or mole throws in 5 man.


4 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Ranked premade would indeed fix a lot of issues we have with throwing and match manipulation, but it should not be forced,

It wouldn't be forced. They could still solo or duo or mixed queue all they want in ranked, it's just that ranked would also allow 5 man teams, the wise players who want to block themselves from the effects of win trading & bot throws.

In all seriousness, the players who insist on solo queueing in that environment who are too lazy to queue dodge, wouldn't be winning or losing anymore matches to 5 man premades than they already are to win trades now in solo/duo only. Anyone who believes otherwise, is living within the placebo of solo/duo ranked somehow being fair match making. Which, ranked solo/duo only somehow being fair match making, couldn't be further from the truth.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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41 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Read my first response to Paradoxalogulonga, because it is true.

Except that 10 teams is 50 actual human players.

There are only ever about 80 to 100 human players queueing spvp at any given time.

ATs encompass easily 50% of the spvp player base each and every time an AT queue rolls around.

People want to play 5 man.


That's all well and good but people want to SoloQ too. Some people even want to SoloQ and TeamQ.

41 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Fractals are a forced team queue.

Dungeons were a forced team queue.

Pushing Enter Queue in Ranked is a force team queue. You just don't get to select who is in that team.

Fractals and Dungeons are also purely cooperative PvE activities. PvP is competitive so team structure is not only important, but also completely different to PvE. How can you even compare the two?


The randomness of SoloQ is also one of the main reasons to play it. Even if it is like TeamQ; being 5v5 teams, it is still different from TeamQ in that you won't often fight the same teams and when its at its best(That being SoloQs only going against other SoloQs) it is sPvP at its most fun and fair.

41 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


It wouldn't be forced. They could still solo or duo or mixed queue all they want in ranked, it's just that ranked would also allow 5 man teams, the wise players who want to block themselves from the effects of win trading & bot throws.

In all seriousness, the players who insist on solo queueing in that environment who are too lazy to queue dodge, wouldn't be winning or losing anymore matches to 5 man premades than they already are to win trades now in solo/duo only. Anyone who believes otherwise, is living within the placebo of solo/duo ranked somehow being fair match making. Which, ranked solo/duo only somehow being fair match making, couldn't be further from the truth.

Its not an actual choice so long as a SoloQ still has to go up against teams. It is already bad enough with 2 people per team. If a solo had to go up against a team of 5, then it wouldn't be a very fun or remotely fair match and it would still be a forced interaction.


SoloQ and TeamQ; separate queues, and two entirely different ways to play Ranked. 

The best way The only way for the two to coexist harmoniously. 

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41 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

That's all well and good but people want to SoloQ too. Some people even want to SoloQ and TeamQ.


That's why we can all happily queue together in a merged queue, just like unranked. Win Win. I"m telling you, believing you are getting fair matches in solo/duo IS A PLACEBO my dude. You are still against 5+ man teams just about every other match you're in, you just can't see it because they are synch queues working together.

At some point you've got to decide, would you rather lose to invisible teams who are cheating with match manipulation to do it, putting you into matches that would be impossible to ever win even if you were the strongest duo in NA, or would you rather lose to 5 man teams who are at least playing fairly and actually outskilling you in a legitimate way? I mean.. they deserve to win in that scenario, and so would you if you were participating in a good 5 man team. That is the way the game was meant to be played. It was not meant to be played by planting your friends or your bot's alt accounts on the enemy team so they can throw the game for you, while fooling the community into thinking the algorithm is somehow granting them fair match making, when the truth is that just about 50% of remaining players at this point are completely 100% abusing the highly exploitable solo/duo only system.

It's just true man. Nothing you can do will fix this problem outside of allowing players to block themselves from having open slots in their team for synch queues to land on. Absolutely nothing. This problem has been persisting for nearly a decade now, it has currently reached a peak of being absolutely rampantly out of control, and it will persist and never go away, until they reverse the problem that started all of this, which was forcing solo/duo only which allowed synch queue mole throwing to happen.

You gotta see around this solo vs. team thing man. For years now you just don't seem to get it. Look, I AGREE WITH YOU, if we were talking an environment where cheating with match manipulation was not an issue, where there was little to no match manipulation as all, I AGREE WITH YOU. But none of how you are seeing this is even in the ballpark of being realistic. The problems with match manipulation in GW2 are so amazingly prominent in terms of "What is the priority to be fixed" because NOTHING can be fixed before this problem with match manipulation is fixed, nothing. First and foremost before worrying about how effective a team of solos are vs. a premades, the problem with high tiered well developed techniques of match manipulation is very seriously 10 fold more detrimental to the quality of our matches than solos vs. premade ever was. No matter what anyone was to do to better the quality of match making, it would not matter at all when you have so many people match manipulating due to being able to exploit solo/duo only, which is able to be exploited because players cannot form a 5 man team to block the synch queues. <- THIS is where 90% of the problems with match quality are coming from. I don't see how you or anyone else who has actually played this game for 10 years is unable to identify this at this point. Solo/Duo only needs to STOP. We don't need Solo only, that isn't going to solve anything. People will still manipulate it just as hard as they do Solo/Duo now. We nee 5 man queue, it's the only way.

Anet cannot ban everyone. They can't catch everyone. They can't necessarily prove it even when they do catch them. F2p is real, even if Anet did start going crazy on bans, people will just come back on f2p or even paid, it will not stop. The match manipulation exploitation of solo/duo only WILL NOT STOP until they remove the system of forcing us to play with slot joins open on our teams that we have no idea who is going to join, that are open to exploitation from synch queues meant to throw. IT WILL NOT STOP. Nothing you can do will fix anything or even slightly better it, until this very prominent issue with match manipulation is resolved.

Not only is it the only way to fix this problem, but it is also the easiest and most direct intrinsic way to do so, just allow 5 man queues. 90% of problems solved. Once that happens, then we can argue about how much average MMR adjustment a 5 man team should have. But until then, I truly am baffled by the ones of you that still argue against the return of 5 man. It is just so ridiculously blatantly obvious in every mentionable way that this is the answer, I don't understand how anyone couldn't see it.


41 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Fractals and Dungeons are also purely cooperative PvE activities. PvP is competitive so team structure is not only important, but also completely different to PvE. How can you even compare the two?

Not really. People have been subjugated by their builds & skill in play, and judged into being flamed & kicked from parties back when dungeons first started all the way up to how fractals are now. In fact, it is arguable that the elitism, toxicity, and judgmental gating/kicking from parties is actually worse in pve than it ever was in pvp. But that never stopped anyone from using the LFG to form 5 man parties in pve now did it?

Maybe this is all psychological conditioning in pvp that players need to get over. Using LFG tool to form a 5 man group in pvp is absolutely no different than it is in pve. Next time you're on, join me for next AT. I mean seriously. I'll show you how ridiculously easy it is to put together final round material in under about 2 minutes. And yeah, people know me within the community, but I could sign into an alt that no one even knew, and still form at least a bottom plat team in a lot less time that it takes to a form a T4 fractal group waiting to get a Healbrand and Alacrity.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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59 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

But until then, I truly am baffled by the ones of you that still argue against the return of 5 man. It is just so ridiculously blatantly obvious in every mentionable way that this is the answer, I don't understand how anyone couldn't see it.


Who is arguing against 5 man?

5 man is fine so long as we aren't forced to play into it

That means no merged queues. Unless 2,3,5 because I can kind of understand that.


It already is a merged queue being solo/duo and it has been the worst its ever been since DuoQ came back in S13.

If someone is trying to manipulate matches and game the matchmaker, that is so much easier with even 1 more person you can guarantee to one team. Imagine how that would be with 5.


It wouldn't be feasible or even possible in SoloQ or TeamQ, but in any sort of merged queue its easy.

That's why so many of the top players/match manipulators started crying when DuoQ was removed back in s9. 

Merged queues are their crutch; their vehicle to wintrader, match manipulate, and metagame. 


Literally its simple math. Even in my current state of mind I can explain it.

You want someone on the other team to throw. That means they can't be on your team.

So put 1 more person on your team and that's 2/5 slots filled that the person throwing can't fill.

Put 4 more and that's 100% chance of the person throwing not being on your team. At that point it becomes about queue sniping that person, and in this game; not very hard to do.

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4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Except that 10 teams is 50 actual human players.

There are only ever about 80 to 100 human players queueing spvp at any given time.

ATs encompass easily 50% of the spvp player base each and every time an AT queue rolls around.

People want to play 5 man.

People can play 5 man in AT, where there is a common time for people to coordinate a group. 5 man que with such a low population means there will just be one plat 2-3 group farming games. Maybe with 10x the population it would work. If people want fairer games, 5 man que will not help. If people want better competition, 5 man que will not help. If people want an even easier time metagaming the rating system, then by all means keep trying to bring back 5 man ques.

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28 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

People can play 5 man in AT, where there is a common time for people to coordinate a group. 5 man que with such a low population means there will just be one plat 2-3 group farming games. Maybe with 10x the population it would work. If people want fairer games, 5 man que will not help. If people want better competition, 5 man que will not help. If people want an even easier time metagaming the rating system, then by all means keep trying to bring back 5 man ques.

  1. Queue dodge those teams if you don't want to face them. You said it yourself, it would be only 2 or 3 teams. Very easy to queue dodge.
  2. 5 man queue is the only way to get fairer games. You just need to actually play in a 5 man team to get those fair games. This is where most of the argument seems to come from, people who do not want to play in 5 man queues, who would rather live in a placebo of believing that solo/duo only with A LOT of match manipulation is somehow creating more fair match quality.
  3. I will definitely keep advocating the return of 5 man queues.
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5 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  1. Queue dodge those teams if you don't want to face them. You said it yourself, it would be only 2 or 3 teams. Very easy to queue dodge.
  2. 5 man queue is the only way to get fairer games. You just need to actually play in a 5 man team to get those fair games. This is where most of the argument seems to come from, people who do not want to play in 5 man queues, who would rather live in a placebo of believing that solo/duo only with A LOT of match manipulation is somehow creating more fair match quality.
  3. I will definitely keep advocating the return of 5 man queues.

Fairer in the sense that you can kick people on your team who you think are throwing, sure. Fairer in the sense that you will be matched against teams of equal skill? Definitely not.

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38 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

People can play 5 man in AT, where there is a common time for people to coordinate a group. 5 man que with such a low population means there will just be one plat 2-3 group farming games. Maybe with 10x the population it would work. If people want fairer games, 5 man que will not help. If people want better competition, 5 man que will not help. If people want an even easier time metagaming the rating system, then by all means keep trying to bring back 5 man ques.

I want to chop out bots, throwers, match manips, and rage quitters from my team.

This is the only way, and I want to do it in ranked, not inconvenient tournies.

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Fairer in the sense that you can kick people on your team who you think are throwing, sure. Fairer in the sense that you will be matched against teams of equal skill? Definitely not.

If your team of golds is playing a team of plats, then the issue is the match maker, not team queue. I really don't get why such a simple concept is so hard to grasp. It's like you're intentionally ignoring facts just to argue against team queue because you have no legitimate objections. 

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3 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

If your team of golds is playing a team of plats, then the issue is the match maker, not team queue. I really don't get why such a simple concept is so hard to grasp. It's like you're intentionally ignoring facts just to argue against team queue because you have no legitimate objections. 

What i dont get is how people dont realize low population makes team que not work. Its not the fault of the matchmaker if there is only one or two plat teams queing at a time. What alternative are you suggesting? 30+ minute que times? Plat 3 teams would never get a match if the matchmaker didnt let them play vs lower ranks. It's like you're intentionally ignoring facts because you refuse to take a minute and consider the consequences of low population.

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

What i dont get is how people dont realize low population makes team que not work. Its not the fault of the matchmaker if there is only one or two plat teams queing at a time. What alternative are you suggesting? 30+ minute que times? Plat 3 teams would never get a match if the matchmaker didnt let them play vs lower ranks. It's like you're intentionally ignoring facts because you refuse to take a minute and consider the consequences of low population.

I'm glad someone is looking at it from both sides, all the negative effects from 5man que would be significantly worse for anyone playing outside of NA primetime.


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