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does your server defend?


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Depends on the time zone, who we link with and match against.  If  my server knows it will be match against Maguuma next match up, the week will mostly be defenseless . You can hit us now. there will be minimum defense as the majority of players don't want to be against Darkhaven next week.  

And yes, ArenaNet needs to know this too, so they can minimize this type of  "tier manipulation" one time zone wanting an easy match up, leaving the rest of the time zone dead is not fun for the rest of the server/team.  


We were  hit few hours ago, Langor/Blue keep were flipped, leaving one Bravost tower @ t2, we have the number to defend that last tower but someone tag up to back flip the paper keep and paper Langor.  leving not enough players to defend Bravost, hence we lost all.

The worse thing was, players like back flipping vs defense , they think if they died, maybe they would lost a toe of something.


Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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22 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

And yes, ArenaNet needs to know this too, so they can minimize this type of  "tier manipulation" one time zone wanting an easy match up, leaving the rest of the time zone dead is not fun for the rest of the server/team.  

Manipulate TC into lower tier thanks, seems like its happening this week which is kinda hype, I don’t want T1 anymore.

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As a PUG commander (which will be the majority of your tags, as most guilds go invis these days), a fort has to be T3 to even have a chance at responding to it in time, unless the group is already really close. Anything paper is generally lost long before your group can respond, no matter how early you make the call out.


This is because walls are actually very weak unless fortified, and Lords are relatively weak too with even single players being able to solo them within minutes. So the best strategy is usually to just take their undefended stuff and then flip your own stuff back.


It all comes down to being a numbers game. Without sufficient numbers you can't take their T3 forts and end up having to take paper forts instead to at least keep your group's participation up, while on the other hand if they have a huge blob they can just run over your forts like they're nothing, even if fully upgraded.


In an ideal world everyone would be equal, but no such thing exists right now. And even when you do get two equal groups together, they usually fight over territory (for bags) instead of objectives.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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17 hours ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Its more so that I want to get away from the constant of Blobgate, I dont like running in zergs much anymore, and fighting zerg after zerg is excrutiatingly boring, especially Blackgate who we have been fighting since like what, 2-3 months now in a row ?

As of today we getting BG and Darkhaven next week, congratulation.

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The word "Defending" needs some definition imho. For me;

1. Defending is having a reasonable number of players, (10+) who aren't following a tag, per-se, but are doing the necessary things such as disabling, manning siege, putting supply traps, repairing behind enemies etc.

2. Defending is NOT turning up with a zerg from another map and wiping the attackers. That's counter-attacking in my eyes.


  • Does my server do #1? Not a lot. We're facing two servers that do (Deso & Elona/Miller) and their defending puts ours to shame.
  • Does my server do #2? It used to do it a lot, but now that it's normal for group sizes to equal the squad capacity, commanders are reluctant to change map because half of the squad will be stuck in a queue.
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Its a mix, but we seem to be back peddling into the we can just recap it later days with changes over time. I will say the hopes of getting people to refresh defensive siege has pretty much been tossed out the window, but to attack comms that is probably a good thing. But peoples mileage will vary.

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1 hour ago, Svarty.8019 said:

The word "Defending" needs some definition imho. For me;

1. Defending is having a reasonable number of players, (10+) who aren't following a tag, per-se, but are doing the necessary things such as disabling, manning siege, putting supply traps, repairing behind enemies etc.

2. Defending is NOT turning up with a zerg from another map and wiping the attackers. That's counter-attacking in my eyes.

  • Does my server do #1? Not a lot. We're facing two servers that do (Deso & Elona/Miller) and their defending puts ours to shame.
  • Does my server do #2? It used to do it a lot, but now that it's normal for group sizes to equal the squad capacity, commanders are reluctant to change map because half of the squad will be stuck in a queue.


Well made points. +1.

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They need to actually flip WvW on its head and reward defending only and not flipping. 

If holding gives rewards, then you only attack to hold and must also hold things like camps, instead of just rotate flipping everything.  You still get fights, because attackers still want rewards, but now they must organize to get it instead of just flipping paper things.  

See, the way it is now fight avoidance is paramount.  If a zerg shows up on one side, then your group goes to other or goes counter-attacking paper things.  If you had to hold things then it forces fighting.  Basically people are only going to do what rewards them, and right now defending actually actively punishes you, whether it be repair participation removed, glitched yaks not giving participation from escort, etc. etc.  

Anyway, I would get rid of claim buff as well, and buff siege enough to encourage it being built and used.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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If it's a T3, usually the com will want to defend it.


Now if it's like a T3 that is next to the spawn vs a T3 that is far away from the spawn, I think they usually pick the one closer to the spawn.


But Anet did not really incentivize defense while removing the participation from repairing walls. When you're attacking you get participation and some exp for destroying the wall/gate and killing the mob around (+ players if you manage to do so). As a defender well if you cannot kill the opponent the game consider you did nothing even though you actually repelled the attack and repaired the wall. If my participation is running low, somehow, and I have to make a choice between repairing a wall and hope that a zerg will come in time to defend it or attacking a sentinel, my choice is very easy. 

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most scout reports are not useful or very late. thanks to the warclaw, enemy blobs move too fast, reaching them in time is impossible. smartnet even nerfed our warclaw speed in own territory = further nerf to defending anything.


siege dmg is in fact far too high, as u can stack (and ppt servers do that) absurd amounts of it.


zergs from ebg will very often obviously not swap map, just because someone on an empty map cries for help. u simply cannot, as even a 15ish people group won't be able to re-enter EBG again, if there's a 27ish queue, u know? and very often it is just for not many attackers or some effortless ppt zergs, which just run at sight or wipe and swap map after one engage. only few times these jumps would even pay off.


defending became worse, as the dmg nerfs on classes make fights more stall, slow and less relying on players' skill than they were pre the feb20 dmg nerfs. the untouched condi dmg, siege dmg and happened sustain nerfs however even made defending easier tho

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