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9 hours ago, Aphex.9782 said:

Currently in Heart of Thornes and about to give up. Everything instakills you. I have hundreds of screenshots of dead bodies oneshot from bosses. This is just trash game design, utter garbage. It is not challanging it is cheap cheap design and plain impossible but hey, just keep throwing bodies at the boss he'll eventually go down. Mindless zergfest.


Story is gated behind massive grindfests. Go here watch cutscene now grind for five hours to unlock next cutscene. Every zone has a new currency to grind, every way is blocked, every quest obstructed, every path obscured, oneshot ambushes out of nowhere arround every corner, gotta get those engagement metrics huh?


In your defence, Heart of Thorns can be arguably the most challenging open world content in the game.

When it was first released, for even veterans at the time, it was a reality check - nobody was as good as they thought they were, and we had more learning to do. But that's what we did - we learned and became better players for it. In fact on release, Heart of Thorns was even more difficult than it is right now. 

That's why it's not " trash game design", it's by definition good game design because it made us better at the game.

But please don't throw around "engagement metrics" around like it has any relevance here. By using this term, you gave away that you've obviously come here from a certain Blizzard game that's going through the roughest time in it's history, and Guild Wars 2 is a different beast entirely. 

You absolutely will get better. And it'll make you a better player in other MMOs as a result. But slandering it as "trash game design" will win you no favours. 

Edited by Obliviscaris.6937
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3 minutes ago, Aphex.9782 said:


You have linked a video where, if you don't know what you are looking at, it's mostly a player making bad choices.

If you try to solo Champions and Hero Points, you may very well run into issues (as is the case in this video).  If you stand in front of a boss, and let it's frontal attack hit you, your gonna likely die, and that's probably on the player.  Letting the same mob repeatedly down you when it charges at you, because you are poorly positioned and not dodging, also probably on the player.

Yes, sometimes you will get killed, and that is okay, it's part of the game, it's part of the learning process.  But getting killed because you are making bad decisions means that there is room for the player to learn and grow more.  Each of the mobs and bosses in this video have obvious tells as to what is going to happen, and through a good build, gearing and interactive gameplay, you can overcome every obstacle put into the game.

There really is no 'one shoe fits all' here.  You play, you learn, you conquer, and do it again in the next zone.

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31 minutes ago, Aphex.9782 said:


You do realize that

a) this is a person intentionally clowning around (watch all the times she just walks back and forth instead of actually activating a skill or even dodging)

b) the video has "PARODY" in its title

Heart of Thorns is quite challenging, especially for a newer player. It's meant to be: most of it is group content, meant to encourage teamwork and cooperation with other players. You can't simply walk in, stand in front of mobs, and expect to tank all the damage. You must keep moving, you must keep dodging, you must keep reacting to the fast-paced combat. It isn't poor game design - it makes you think and truly engage with what's going on. HoT can be extremely difficult if you don't know what you're doing (it took me until halfway through Tangled Depths to finally learn my class - a Daredevil - and get a solid handle on how combat works), but it is by no means impossible or too hard to learn. Have patience, keep practicing, and keep persevering.

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28 minutes ago, Aphex.9782 said:

Ok let me adress something really quick here. I don't care what forum warriors with 1000+ posts have to say. Everyone knows you live on the forums and this game is your entire identity. I don't want to "have a conversation" in my feedback post. This is my feedback and no ammount of "advice" will change that. People like you have been arround since the inception of MMOs and you never had anything constructive to contribute except "Please add some more cute costumes i can spend money on uwu!".


Every game that listens to forum warriors is doomed to fail, why? Because those people play your game regardless of any changes. If you turn this game into my little pony: the pony management sim they will defend those changes and call you a noob that can't properly plant a carrot field.  If if you want real feedback do surveys ingame.




Oh, you wanted an echo chamber to enjoy complaining about the game. Not a forum where you can learn to overcome the challenges the game presents. 

While the method of communicating is different from poster to poster, you will generally find players on the forums want to help new players, or those with difficulty enjoying the game. If you attack the people trying to help you then the conversation will turn sour. 

We have all, to some degree, had to learn to overcome the game challenges using the tools the game provides. It isn’t always easy but it can be very enjoyable. Don’t attack those who are trying to help you by discounting who they are and what they are offering. You are new to the game and can learn a lot more before sounding off on those who genuinely are responding to you. 

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Ok let me adress something really quick here. I don't care what forum warriors with 1000+ posts have to say. Everyone knows you live on the forums and this game is your entire identity. I don't want to "have a conversation" in my feedback post. This is my feedback and no ammount of "advice" will change that. People like you have been arround since the inception of MMOs and you never had anything constructive to contribute except "Please add some more cute costumes i can spend money on uwu!".

Every game that listens to forum warriors is doomed to fail, why? Because those people play your game regardless of any changes. If you turn this game into my little pony: the pony management sim they will defend those changes and call you a noob that can't properly plant a carrot field.  If if you want real feedback do surveys ingame.

You know, part of what you said is true. The people who respond to you do, in fact, like this game. We like it so much that we want other people to like it, too. So when someone comes in complaining about stuff that can be easily remedied with a bit of work on their part, we want to help them, so that they enjoy this game as well.

We're trying to help you.

Whether you accept that help or not is up to you, but throwing a tantrum because you wanted to complain about your problems instead of solving them benefits no one.

Edited by Batel.9206
Forgot to quote what I was responding to. Whoops.
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52 minutes ago, Aphex.9782 said:

Every game that listens to forum warriors is doomed to fail, why? Because those people play your game regardless of any changes.

Can't the same be said about people who don't want to learn the game , its systems, or how to play it but rather complain and want it changed to fit their whims?


This is also an open forum that you posted in. People are free to critique your "feedback" or question your opinion.


You're also snapping at people who, as mentioned, are just trying to help you with the game. You're complaints are reasonably solvable but the issue to me seems to be you do not want to solve them, rather the game change to solve them for you. As harsh as it may sound to me this thread reads as "hey, here are my complaints", 'ahh, how about trying this it may help', "I don't need help, I want the game to change...its just trash design".


Also what's up with this trend of people who disagree with someone being branded "a forum warrior", "Anet shill", "White Knight" etc. You do know its entirely possible for people to disagree with you without being any of those things? But I suppose branding them as such makes it easier to disregard anything they may be saying and entrench yourself in your own position...

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On 12/28/2021 at 8:08 PM, Aphex.9782 said:

It is not challanging

-said the person repeatedly failing the challenge.


At least that's how it looks from over here. Learn the game or stop pretending you're some be-all-end-all of valuable feedback, while you ignore other people's advice, since -from my understanding- the ego can't handle it. You're free to ignore whatever advice you want, or even all of them, but then don't pretend it's the game's fault when you refuse to improve.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Aphex.9782 said:

Ok let me adress something really quick here. I don't care what forum warriors with 1000+ posts have to say. Everyone knows you live on the forums and this game is your entire identity. I don't want to "have a conversation" in my feedback post. This is my feedback and no ammount of "advice" will change that. People like you have been arround since the inception of MMOs and you never had anything constructive to contribute except "Please add some more cute costumes i can spend money on uwu!".


Every game that listens to forum warriors is doomed to fail, why? Because those people play your game regardless of any changes. If you turn this game into my little pony: the pony management sim they will defend those changes and call you a noob that can't properly plant a carrot field.  If if you want real feedback do surveys ingame.




Sorry the game is too much for you.  Enjoy your meltdown and have a nice day!

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On 12/24/2021 at 12:26 PM, Aphex.9782 said:

Another thing is dungeons aka wipefests. I went into this dungeon with what seem to be expierienced players and we must have died at least 50 times to plain oneshot mechanics.  Most fights are over in a second, either you kill them in a second or they kill you in a second. No tactics, no gameplay just nuking your way through until you get nuked. You basically implemented fights and bosses suited for a classic trinity but now instead every character has to be tank, healer and dd all in one. The mobs across the board in this game are inconsistent. The golden circle means nothing since some are easy and some are just oneshotting you, VERY inconsistent. Most of the time though you just get oneshot wich is very frustrating.

Every single story mode dungeon, as well as most of the explorables, are fully soloable on any class. Your group was far less experienced than you thought.

The no tactics, 'just nuking your way through' is a speedrun approach, and your group was clearly not up to par to that task.

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