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daily reminder that warrior is trash


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1 minute ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:


it's not weak, it's literally YOU playing the same old kitten expecting it to work

I think Multi is like one of the only warriors that has fully internalized CmCs meta religion, whether that is for ironic purpose or not. 
But I'll bite. Pray tell, how should it be played now? 

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41 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I think Multi is like one of the only warriors that has fully internalized CmCs meta religion, whether that is for ironic purpose or not. 
But I'll bite. Pray tell, how should it be played now? 

I'm not keen on any warrior nerfs, but it don't need buffs.

What needs to happen is nerfs to other classes, without compensation.

Thief, shadowarts and smokescreen nerfs.

Marks for necro should not be unblockable.

Ranger GS 4 Blcok should only work for 1 single attack, not be channeled like wars on a shorter CD, it ha s flip evade KD, that is my justification.

But, I will play builds like:


and just today, I stomped out plenty of necro and Effy Smith on their holo, who even cockily told his team mates to leave them to him (me), I wooped his kitten lol...

I don't care if thief gets nerfed, and I hope they do, in terms of cheap kitten.

I don't consider kitten or CS cheap, but I know they will complain regardless.

I'm gonna play the above build the rest of the season, and I'll actually try.

If I get in top 250, this thread is over.

Edit: I will be playing Asura, my only advantage. Better than snaggletoof charrs 

Edited by Crab Fear.1624
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11 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

I'm not keen on any warrior nerfs, but it don't need buffs.

What needs to happen is nerfs to other classes, without compensation.

Thief, shadowarts and smokescreen nerfs.

Marks for necro should not be unblockable.

Ranger GS 4 Blcok should only work for 1 single attack, not be channeled like wars on a shorter CD, it ha s flip evade KD, that is my justification.

But, I will play builds like:


and just today, I stomped out plenty of necro and Effy Smith on their holo, who even cockily told his team mates to leave them to him (me), I wooped his kitten lol...

I don't care if thief gets nerfed, and I hope they do, in terms of cheap kitten.

I don't consider kitten or CS cheap, but I know they will complain regardless.

I'm gonna play the above build the rest of the season, and I'll actually try.

If I get in top 250, this thread is over.


I sincerely wish you the best of luck! Make us proud!


A few things, though:

1.) Whether one player (e.g. you) makes top 250 or not does not mean Warrior is good/bad as a profession. We need to look at the big picture here.


2.) Even if you succeed wildly and we all agree that your build is actually really good (I'll spare you the suspense, it's not), you'll notice that is just the same tired GS/Axe +shield combo. Warrior has so little that it can do apart from that. And therein lies one of the chief problems of Warrior: the master of weapons has pretty much one combo that works. 


Moreover, it has only a few utility skills that are any good. And exactly one good heal skill.


In short, there's very little on warrior that actually works. And the tragic part is that even what "works" is less good than what most other classes can offer.


I'd agree with you that the"good" parts of warrior don't need any buffs, but there is about 75% of the profession (weapons, skills, traits) that is nearly unusable. And that needs to change in order for Warrior to truly be healthy.


Oh, and those other classes you mentioned need to be nerfed too. Otherwise even Warrior's best stuff needs to be buffed to keep up with it.  If Warrior is CMCs benchmark for how good a profession should be (as he alluded to at one point), many other professions would need to be tuned down to get to that level. If there is some other standard for what "balanced" is, then Warrior needs to be brought up to that level.

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14 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I sincerely wish you the best of luck! Make us proud!


A few things, though:

1.) Whether one player (e.g. you) makes top 250 or not does not mean Warrior is good/bad as a profession. We need to look at the big picture here.


2.) Even if you succeed wildly and we all agree that your build is actually really good (I'll spare you the suspense, it's not), you'll notice that is just the same tired GS/Axe +shield combo. Warrior has so little that it can do apart from that. And therein lies one of the chief problems of Warrior: the master of weapons has pretty much one combo that works. 


Moreover, it has only a few utility skills that are any good. And exactly one good heal skill.


In short, there's very little on warrior that actually works. And the tragic part is that even what "works" is less good than what most other classes can offer.


I'd agree with you that the"good" parts of warrior don't need any buffs, but there is about 75% of the profession (weapons, skills, traits) that is nearly unusable. And that needs to change in order for Warrior to truly be healthy.


Oh, and those other classes you mentioned need to be nerfed too. Otherwise even Warrior's best stuff needs to be buffed to keep up with it.  If Warrior is CMCs benchmark for how good a profession should be (as he alluded to at one point), many other professions would need to be tuned down to get to that level. If there is some other standard for what "balanced" is, then Warrior needs to be brought up to that level.


No warrior buffs.

None, zero, nada, at all.

Show your build playa or you can keep your comments about mine to yourself.

Probably, incompetently, running an old metabaggle, build.

Yes, if I get top 250 on the above build at 4% war games played all time, it means war is fine, and the forum wars got carried by fotm.

I never see the wars that I consider good here.

I'm not good, but War is.


Also, most professions are locked into certain weapons in pvp.

Thief os dp shortbow

Necro is staff and axe/focus or scepter dagger

Mes is staff lol

Rev is sw/sw and staff 

Ranger is gs lb

Engi is holo

Ect ect.....


Edited by Crab Fear.1624
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1 hour ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:


No warrior buffs.

None, zero, nada, at all.

Show your build playa or you can keep your comments about mine to yourself.

Probably, incompetently, running an old metabaggle, build.

Yes, if I get top 250 on the above build at 4% war games played all time, it means war is fine, and the forum wars got carried by fotm.

I never see the wars that I consider good here.

I'm not good, but War is.


Also, most professions are locked into certain weapons in pvp.

Thief os dp shortbow

Necro is staff and axe/focus or scepter dagger

Mes is staff lol

Rev is sw/sw and staff 

Ranger is gs lb

Engi is holo

Ect ect.....


Stop, warrior is not terrible, but also not on a good spot, still the lowest powercreep class.

And also don't compare the poor weapon choices with the """master of weaponry""" , a class that is supposed to handle weapons better and with more variety viable choices than the others, but we all know that it's not true, most of warrior weapons are outdated.

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5 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

it's not weak, it's literally YOU playing the same old kitten expecting it to work

It does work that's why I play it. I think its pretty new too. I didn't start playing that way until our lord CmC blessed us with the means for it to work, otherwise it would not work.


Most don't have the patience to fight builds like that, let alone play them.

I think Azure is right in saying such builds are reserved for the few of us with the most 'faith' in CmC. 🙏

5 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Edit: I will be playing Asura, my only advantage. Better than snaggletoof charrs 



I'm at a loss for words. I'll see you in the ring i'm sure. You know how I play.

Brace yourself.



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6 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

If I get in top 250, this thread is over.

Edit: I will be playing Asura, my only advantage. Better than snaggletoof charrs 

Reminds me of that time I was dueling a thief with core war (the thief was Yama, though I didn't know who that was at the time), because on spb you just melt in wvw (vs thief). Some guard came and told me "oh you gotta be spb for the tether, just watch Boyce" (the thief probably used stealth like 2 times per duel at most).

So, ugh, yeah. If you struggle with war because its not good, just watch one of the best players and ... ugh .... its gonna be better for you. Do you seriously think, you getting anywhere with war proves anything for war? How about you reach higher than your best placement, this time with war? If war is in a good spot, surely you can do that. Take 2-3 seasons if you need, to reach peak skill with war (I read war is simple on the forum, so maybe you need only 1 season?). Maybe at that point you will understand the frustrations that lead to threads like this.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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The sucking is real. That's why I will gunflame every mfer in existence and jump corspe them to prove warrior superiority 


Jkjk /s


Tho warrior is the least of our concerns rn to be a problematic class...........


Dunno why the ironclad negativity towards a class played a lot by other people as well receiving a buff which would be in the form of 1) No 300sec CDs, 2) A means for our CCs to deal dmg through traits non crit, 3) Address the balancing of warrior without the discipline line in mind, 4) Improve our CDs on our skills that need it and 5) A proper reevaluation of resistance and resolution and similar effects on warrior. 


And today cause I got moody I'll go in WvW and relentlessly chase thieves. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. 

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This thread would be a great point of reference for the devs and players alike if only....people would actually focus on improving what's weak rather than wasting energies with their "revenge nerf" crusades, there are quite few things Anet could improve on warrior....while actually benefetting the whole game...and not only the personal petty agenda of some individuals.


1) Berseker's stance : replace resistance with resolution , 8s duration, stance CD reduced to 25s

2) Adrenal Health : CD reduced to 10s in PvP and 5s in WvW

3) Cleansing Ire: 2 condis removed for Adrenaline spent, now activate on burst used and not on burst hit (better upclose condi clear uptime, better sticking to target)

4)Revenge Counter: replace resistance with resolution

5)Bull's charge: reduce CD to 20s in all game modes


For starters, if you want sustain : You must invest in sustain and that means using Defense Line, the traitline can be improved so that it becoems a staple for warrior players looking for more defense options, the idea of some individuals that you should be able to use 3 power lines and somehow still have the sustain of a brawler is simply  absurd.

My proposed changes to the Defense line would make warrior also that much harder to kill for a thief without straight deleting the MU which should remain in thief favour...that's what thieves do and all other specs suffer just as bad against a well played thief...no exception, the warrior is not the only class who can have troubles sticking or hitting a well played thief...but again that's what they're good for.

Warrior has already good sustain against power builds....people stating otherwise are liars , what needs to happen now is to increase warrior defenses against condi burst as the class struggles during teamfights and that's surely not because of power dmg


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16 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:


No warrior buffs.

None, zero, nada, at all.

Show your build playa or you can keep your comments about mine to yourself.

Probably, incompetently, running an old metabaggle, build.

Yes, if I get top 250 on the above build at 4% war games played all time, it means war is fine, and the forum wars got carried by fotm.

I never see the wars that I consider good here.

I'm not good, but War is.


Also, most professions are locked into certain weapons in pvp.

Thief os dp shortbow

Necro is staff and axe/focus or scepter dagger

Mes is staff lol

Rev is sw/sw and staff 

Ranger is gs lb

Engi is holo

Ect ect.....


You can get top 250 with basically anything these days. This is not a usable metric. 


Also, while other classes do have 'primary' weapons that are generally considered the best, they also have second weapon sets that may not be the top tier meta, but are still considered half/decent/viable/whatever you want to call it. Warr does...not. Its weapons are much more out of date, badly designed, etc. Thief can still use sword/dagger. Rifle still exists despite how much hate I have for the design and it can be 'okay'. 


When's the last time you looked at a warrior weapon outside of dagger/shield + greatsword and thought, wow, that weapon may not be the best but it can still kinda hold its own, good on you lil fella, holding on and trying to keep up with the times? My guess is that the answer will be - with some variance based on personal preference and how awful your opponents are - none.


I started running a core hammer/GS build Vallun put out recently (was getting tired of thief/necro, etc, bounced between it and the usual str/disc/spellbreaker setup) and it was...well, it was super fun, but also a deep, deep pain. Playing without shield is painful, hammer is **ridiculously** slow in basically all aspects and fighting on terrain was an absolute nightmare (trying to hit hammer burst skill is just not happening on steps).

You can certainly make the comparison for a lot of classes and say that have similar issues - and while, yes, that may be true, the point is that warrior has it **worse**. I still see thieves using rifle, pistol/dagger, sword/dagger, , even d/d and sword/pistol.  That's...actually, I think that's everything? Pretty sure I've seen basically every thief weapon in upper gold/low plat. I have only ever seen one warrior using off-meta weapons and that was a core bunker warr that was using...I think, longbow and x/warhorn? Just one. 


It's also important to recognize bias. We've done thief 1v1s before - I know a lot of ppl complain about warr vs thief on here and how stupid the blinds are (and, to be fair, it is pretty ridiculous). But I don't have nearly as much trouble with thieves because I have an (or so I like to think) above-average experience playing one. That doesn't mean there aren't issues, though. None of this means SHake it off isn't still a horrendously designed skill that should have never gotten to the point of being given a 75 second cooldown, or that greatsword's evade and 'mobility' + shield's block (on a 30 second cooldown, weee) aren't both very important defenses on warr that you miss when are gone while simultaneously being worse than most or all of what other classes have access to when filling a similar role for comparison purposes.


Build was something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAIFlJwwYJMFGKO2PrLfA-zZILBZHA (and you can find the usual spellbreaker build on metabattle, probably) , I forget the sigils used. Pretty sure I hovered in top 250 while I was using it. Might not be up there anymore (string of losses, necros that die on home node all game, my own mistakes cause I usually play other classes, etcetc) but this is what I used.


Edit: Just gotta get this rant out, but. "Have you tried-" yes. Yes I have. There are blinds, blocks, and stability flying around. Very few weapons have complimentary skills so you're forced to take one weapon for one thing only that it does kinda okay and another weapon to kind-of enable the first in the clunkiest way possible. It sucks. It's less sucky when playing sides but warriors just have **less** than other classes.

Edited by Curennos.9307
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