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Gating the turtle egg behind the map 4 meta is really sleazy

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Topic.  People took off work to accomplish as much as they could in the short amount of time they have and you chose to gate an entire mastery line behind the completion of a meta that requires folks to do something other than stand there and auto-attack.

I've failed this like 8x now.

Why is my progression locked behind something that requires 100 other people to not be kitten ups?

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Come play guild wars 2. Fight dragons, explore forests, ride turtles.


Oh well turtle you will not see unless you are lucky with rng of group of random people after spending one hour on each attempt.

I think this is a super blunder when this is a big advertisement of the expansion.

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i liked how Griffon was an epilogue mastery:


ie: even though it was hidden until you took the drop to the zoo. the drop (which could be 3 different items that were not from bosses) would drop once you finished the story, and you could proceed.


i would very much like the egg to be obtainable similarly: that you don't need to complete the meta first.


honestly.. i'll keep doing the meta anyway, but it seems like the meta was designed FOR turtle mounts. so rewarding normal mode completion with easymode completion seems lame. 

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Yeah.. with the current state of the meta, many people will simply be unable to ever unlock the turtle collection.


Not only is the dps check extremely tight, but the event itself is such a massive time commitment (you ideally want everyone to complete at least 10 events before the one hour event itself), that i just find it hard to invest that much - to ultimately fail the event.

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I'm ok with the tight dps check because the majority of the new elite specs are overtuned anyway, but the time sink leading up to the meta is exhausting. It's simply too long overall from start to finish and the majority of players don't want to spend 2 hours on a meta event just to have it fail.

Edited by wayneericgouin.9371
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Im fine with fights that require a time commitment, have tight dps checks, and a bunch of things you need cooperation to do properly... in raids. In open world where there is...

1: No guarantee everyone on the map is participating in the meta,

2: no guarantee anyone participating will be able to contribute enough dps,

3: no guarantee everyone participating will even stay for the whole thing, where after a certain point it doesn't appear to let anyone else join to replace those who drop. or it doesn't feel like it anyway.

Open world meta events are a fantastic idea, but they have to be modeled and tuned with the above points in mind. It doesn't feel like that was done for this one.

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it feels like they made an (amazing) raid boss and put it into open world in front of players who dont have the tools to organize their squads in the same way they do raids and maybe arent geared for that high level of difficulty that raids have or just dont want that level of difficulty, they're playing open world instead of raid after all

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7 minutes ago, piitb.7635 said:

ANet put something in game that wasn't straight faceroll and its the end of the world.

Use it to gate a cosmetic or legendary items and no one will complain.


But just imagine locking gliders behind raids. Wtf. It's a central, core piece of content to the expansion and it's inaccessible and will remain inaccessible to a majority of players until ANet makes significant changes. With absolutely no heads up this would be the case. In fact, they said it'd be faster than Griffon / Skyscale. Big lol at that. Already taken me more time to not even start than Griffon. And it seems it'll be more than Skyscale too.


That's borderline false advertisement and definitely not ok.

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17 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

Use it to gate a cosmetic or legendary items and no one will complain.


But just imagine locking gliders behind raids. Wtf. It's a central, core piece of content to the expansion and it's inaccessible and will remain inaccessible to a majority of players until ANet makes significant changes. With absolutely no heads up this would be the case. In fact, they said it'd be faster than Griffon / Skyscale. Big lol at that. Already taken me more time to not even start than Griffon. And it seems it'll be more than Skyscale too.


That's borderline false advertisement and definitely not ok.

Wow that’s nonsense. Just coordinate a bit and do more than auto attack. The meta is really fun. 

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14 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Wow that’s nonsense. Just coordinate a bit and do more than auto attack. The meta is really fun. 

Oh kitty cat you.

It literally doesn't matter what you do. Nor does the amount of organization matter. I'm on 9 or 10 runs. Several with full setup, subgroups, full pre event. Everything went right. People splitting properly, switching targets to tail reasonably quickly and being fast on CC for the first ~85% of the fight. And my personal record is 5% HP.


If you don't have the luck of a map with way waaaay above average DPS and only experienced people and no major mistakes by anyone. Then it's just literally impossible. 

The meta was fun the first two times. It's a piece of kitten the 10th fail in a row. Literally two playthroughs were I have genuinely no idea how it could be played better. Beyond just having perfect raid equipment and experience on all 50 people. 

And kitty cat you twice for just coming in to brag. 

Edited by Erise.5614
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24 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

Oh kitty cat you.

It literally doesn't matter what you do. Nor does the amount of organization matter. I'm on 9 or 10 runs. Several with full setup, subgroups, full pre event. Everything went right. People splitting properly, switching targets to tail reasonably quickly and being fast on CC for the first ~85% of the fight. And my personal record is 5% HP.


If you don't have the luck of a map with way waaaay above average DPS and only experienced people and no major mistakes by anyone. Then it's just literally impossible. 

The meta was fun the first two times. It's a piece of kitten the 10th fail in a row. Literally two playthroughs were I have genuinely no idea how it could be played better. Beyond just having perfect raid equipment and experience on all 50 people. 

And kitty cat you twice for just coming in to brag. 


Meh, I just saw a video to unlock the Siege Turtle and honestly I'm not in a rush to get it. In my opinion the Skyscale is the best mount you can have in this game between all 3 expansions simply because of how well it can move through maps with tall buildings/trees/etc. It proved itself as the best mount with EoD for me, I used it the most. So if people want to consider getting one of the achievement-based mounts, go for the Skyscale.

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3 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Wow that’s nonsense. Just coordinate a bit and do more than auto attack. The meta is really fun. 

All I see is "I'm selfish. I got my turtle just fine. Keep it prestigious." Talk to me after you fail 12+ times with exp'd high dps players. This garbage is not fun. Let alone have a selling point of EoD locked behind it... 

Edited by AtlasSi.9130
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I've already spent more time in game trying to unlock the turtle collection than I did the griffon, skyscale, and roller beetle combined.  It was a bald-faced LIE and has ruined the entire expansion for me, because that's the feature I was looking forward to the most.

People who have managed to unlock it are even deliberately trolling runs now too... purposefully getting greens and not coming back up so others can't get it.

I want to freaking scream!

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Failed my 21st run this evening, still fun, masteries leveling like crazy, but maybe I dont want the turtle so much anymore...I've quit map chat in that zone as its either people asking how to do the meta and if you are brave enough to answer you get slapped down for explaining something thoughtfully.  Bad vibes nowadays.

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3 hours ago, Jaunty.6018 said:

Surprised they don't just hand those out in the story tbh.

At first I was expecting the conditions to be
1- Clear the Story
2- Help Defend the Hatchery for an Egg
And 3- Do the Collections.

But nope, locked behind a RNG Roulette that highly disadvantages the players.
Well at least this is now going to be the testament to prove if the devs are truly "reading" the forums (as they claim to be doing).
(Ironically, considering the fail rate is also from the fact people cannot read).

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On 3/2/2022 at 2:38 AM, Cookiemonster.8527 said:

Come play guild wars 2. Fight dragons, explore forests, ride turtles.


Oh well turtle you will not see unless you are lucky with rng of group of random people after spending one hour on each attempt.

I think this is a super blunder when this is a big advertisement of the expansion.

I wish it was 1 hour.  It's 2.  Each frigging time.

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4 hours ago, Will.9785 said:

I've already spent more time in game trying to unlock the turtle collection than I did the griffon, skyscale, and roller beetle combined.  It was a bald-faced LIE and has ruined the entire expansion for me, because that's the feature I was looking forward to the most.

People who have managed to unlock it are even deliberately trolling runs now too... purposefully getting greens and not coming back up so others can't get it.

I want to freaking scream!

Yeah.. this.  I've wasted 2 hours several times a day for the past 3 days.  At first, I put the fails down to noobs.  Maybe people don't speak English.  Maybe they're dyslexic and can't read.  Whatever the reason.  But a couple of attempts today, yeah... Definitely trolls standing in the green circles to waste 2 hours of everyone's time.  

Anet can't do anything about the trolls.  All they can do is change the mechanics so that one troll doesn't kitten it up for everyone else.  Either remove the wisp phase entirely, which is the nuclear option and so they won't do it.. or shorten the cooldown.  Or make that phase only happen once, not twice.  That would mean stuff happens every 25% instead of 20%.  Doable. Would definitely mitigate the effects a troll has, especially when people are screwed out of 2 hours that are completely wasted with nothing to show for it.  That does not make people enjoy content very much.  

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I never post here (and grats to those who were able to get your Siege Turtle) but I had to chime in. ArenaNet gave everyone the impression that getting the Siege Turtle was on par with the length of time required for the Roller Beetle. (this article, to be specific).

Whether or not one agrees with the current gate behind the collection, it's unquestionable that expectations were set up and are not met. Sure, the article doesn't talk about the length of time to actually get the collection started (which one would assume would be included in the overall time to get the mount). 

The recent post regarding map size and the statement about having no plans to change Dragon's End is deflating, to say the least. 

Hey, I'm totally appreciative of challenging content. I'm not appreciative of misinformation ahead of an expansion launch. 

Edited by arawulf.5210
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Sleazy? You are being too kind.

To tie a mount behind a massively OP meta that needs a: An organized group and b: ZERO trolls and afk farmers, is absolutely horrible and a stab in the back of the playerbase.

To me this is a massive negative on the entire End of Dragons release.

I am discusted and appauled by this move.

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On 3/1/2022 at 10:08 PM, Will.9785 said:

Topic.  People took off work to accomplish as much as they could in the short amount of time they have and you chose to gate an entire mastery line behind the completion of a meta that requires folks to do something other than stand there and auto-attack.

I've failed this like 8x now.

Why is my progression locked behind something that requires 100 other people to not be kitten ups?

You'll get it...eventually.  What's the problem?  What's the rush?  You expecting the next expansion to release in the next year?  In the next 2 for the matter.  You have nothing but time to get yourself and 100 other noobs to down the boss.  You guys are making it sound like they're handing out dunce hat achievements for people that don't have a turtle on day 3 of release. 

Edited by Borked.6824
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I too am very angry that getting the turtle collection started is gated behind a near impossible meta.  I've played GW2 for over 9 years, done every map meta, so am an experienced though in no way elite player.   I have never done raids, have no intention of ever doing raids, and resent the gating of a crucial part of the pre-release advertising behind an event that apparently seems to have raid-type mechanics and meta build requirements.  As for those green circles, no idea what they do or why you shouldn't stand in them - and I bet a large part of the people in the map are the same as me.   Add to that the 1 and a half hours of preparation needed on top of the hour-long meta - it will make it impossible for people who have limited time to play to get the turtle.  


I really enjoyed the new story and like the maps; but when I found out about this mess, I felt like demanding a refund of part of the cost of the expansion.  It smacks of false advertising.

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