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Heaven's Palm Is a useless skill.


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Not only has a 45 sec cooldown but its also really slow to execute and its very easy to interrumpt. I cant understand why do we have such a slow skill on a class that is supposed to be all about speed, blinks and teleports and not only that, it also knocksback the mobs surrounding the targeted target, why? we want to have the mobs all in one place so we can use F1 skill or word 5 and 4. 


I think that it would be a good fix if the skill caused Crippled or Immobilized instead of knockback since its supposed to be a huge weight dropping on the enemies from abone because as it is right now you can only use it on bosses and nothing more. 



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The elite skill seems designed for pvp in mind since you do want to knock down your main target and knock back everything else in pvp. But the windup is so long and the range of the skill is so short that you have to use it right in front of the enemy which is very bad for pvp. 

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10 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

The elite skill seems designed for pvp in mind since you do want to knock down your main target and knock back everything else in pvp. But the windup is so long and the range of the skill is so short that you have to use it right in front of the enemy which is very bad for pvp. 

No it was designed for stationary PvE creatures, not PvP players who could easily move out of the way or CC you while channeling. Bane Signet is another skill that has a shorter cast time with huge range that literally does the same thing but isn't used for a lot of the same reasons; there's better utility alternatives. 

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38 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

No it was designed for stationary PvE creatures, not PvP players who could easily move out of the way or CC you while channeling. Bane Signet is another skill that has a shorter cast time with huge range that literally does the same thing but isn't used for a lot of the same reasons; there's better utility alternatives. 

I do not think it was created for PvE targets either. Probably training dummies 😛

In all seriousness, it was one the million things copied from reverent, but being unnecessarily worse.  Jade winds specifically. Except Jade Winds has longer range, lower caste time and is a stun to all enemies. So… ya. This skill is garbage.

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I absolutelly agree 100%, is boring, sure might be good for pvp with the stun, but the point is that it just seems like another utility skill... and we had one already in POF ( wich for the firebrand playstyle was nice to have ).


I think an elite skill should feel special, an elite! , remember tomes pre HOT? , as cluncky as they were, were good elite skills ( still miss tome of wrath big explosion #5 ), the elite is just one of the reason why i think willbender as a concept NEEDS MOBILITY to make it feel special, F2 should have more range for example ( think of the wind walker monk from WOW )


Ideas how to fix the elite? (random possible ideas)

  • Maybe akin to the virtues make it activate some sort of buffs after the impact,
  • Make it deal WAY MORE damage.
  • Change the fundamental gameplay aspect of the skill, make it interesting worthy of being an elite.


I really really hope we are not stuck with a broken wheel for the whole expansion lifecycle, yes other elite speccs are still available ( im playing as DH now ) but it just feels bad not having new interesting toys to play with my favourite profession.

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A lot of these physical skills suffer the same issue as their DD cousins. Especially the elite skill like Impact Strike.

Like ANET intended for them to be used in PvP but they are so BAD that there's no point in using them. 

Heaven's Palm is like a giant telegraph that's so easy to evade and honestly the pay off is not worth it. 

Any decent guardian will not choose this over Renewed Focus. 

Also, another problem is it's another casualty of the CC Damage nerf so it needs another effect to make it worth it. 

Suggestion: Reduce CD to 30s (keep 25s in comepetitive), increase range to 1200, ADD Blindness. Then maybe it will see some play. 

Edited by DragonSlayer.1087
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12 hours ago, zaery.6478 said:

As a pve player who understands how important defiance bars are, I love heaven's palm.

Unless there is niche encounter that requires a ton of CC, I ain’t using this. Heck, I would just play DH that has better cc to begin with, if CC is needed.


12 hours ago, Nawrotex.9521 said:

It's not useless.

It's great in Pve for good CC and in PvP for securing downed players and interrupting revivals. 

There is no situation, in PvP, where you would use this instead of RF, especially that WB sustain is kitten. And it is 1.25 cast with 275 distance leap. Unless enemies are literally blind, you will never land this.

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On 3/10/2022 at 6:29 AM, Guirssane.7082 said:

In pvp, the 3s invuln is just too good not to take, you can't take this elite, it's just not good enough. In pve it seems super situational to break defiance bar for specific bosses maybe? 

It is super situational, I wont deny that It melts the cc bar of bosses and elites but thats it, Im not a fan of how long it takes to activate and I dont see myself using it in open world pve or pvp for that reason. 

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