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If you beat the Dragon's End meta for the Turtle mount - your headache isn't over just yet.

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On 3/10/2022 at 4:26 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

And this is the problem with any MMO / Game-as-a-Service. Raiders are always the vocal minority, who usually end up getting their way.

I've seen percentage figures for raiders in most MMO populations, and at the most, it's usually around 10% of the active player base that raid. In most MMOs, it's significantly lower.

The problem is that comparatively, it's easier content to make than a convincing and engaging open world area, and there's a lot of hype focussing on the raiding community as competitive PvE, with stuff like rewarding first clears.


The other thing that really ticks me off about this disease that infects all MMOs / GaaS is that it isn't really massively multiplayer.

It's instanced, small-to-medium group content. And yet so many players think an MMO isn't an MMO if it doesn't have instanced content.

GW2 has a sweet spot, where it understands that open-world bosses and meta-events can give a lot of the feel of challenging co-operative content while maximising player participation. While the later Icebrood Saga cops a lot of Flak, earlier parts of it are some of the best MMO content I've played, such as Drakkar and Drizzlewood Coast.

Unfortunately, I suspect that a lot of the team who understood this have been replaced by veterans from other MMO studios, who simply don't have the imagination to think outside of the old model's box.


But this rot started to spread early on in GW2's life, when they bowed to pressure from PvE elitists from other games by introducing Ascended stat gear. All they needed to do was make Ascended gear have the same max stats, but add infusion slots to it through some Ascension process (like the Doppelganger fight in GW1). But nope, they had to ruin their balance and introduce a power hike (albeit a small one compared to other MMOS).

This is why a lot of Core Tyria offers no challenge to veteran players. It was all designed around Exotic stats being the highest in the game, and the introduction of Ascended stats completely broke that.


Anyway, rant over. Suffice to say, EoD seems to have been developed by MMO traditionalists, and not people who understand Guild Wars.

Well said. This game has long ago lost its way from that old marketing video about grinding and being different.

Also, I think it extends well beyond raiding and goes as deep as MMO player retention and their obsession with rewards systems, with the typical raider gear treadmill design just being a common form it takes. GW2 has some other forms, like the legendary grind or the collections grind.

It's something that's bothered me for a while about how video games have evolved (single player too) and I noticed how it infected and changed the way I play video games over the years (and not in a positive way). Like to contrast, I used to play Super Smash Bros with siblings. I never thought about reward tracks or long term progression goals, I just liked playing Super Smash Bros with them (when we weren't getting too angrily competitive). The closest thing I can think of to that in this game is my experience with WvW. I genuinely enjoy the siege experience long as there's a comm to follow, but I also don't do it as much as I prob would if it was in a game built around having no reward/progression system. Cause that system taints it and so I see my time in WvW in relation to reward tracks, in relation to goals outside of WvW like progress on a legendary. I see it in relation to my participation meter in WvW and making sure it stays high so I get full rewards.

The end result is I end up enjoying the actual gameplay less and get stuck on a vapid goal that means nothing in the end. And MMOs are rife with this problem because why, I don't know. If their designers are stuck in the same patterns, they lack imagination, whatever the reason, they keep repeating these same treadmill designs, sometimes in slightly different flavors, to keep people logging in and I think it ends up hurting the game in the long term more than it helps because people do stuff they never wanted to do for long periods of time and they start resenting the game instead of doing stuff they enjoy. And often, because of those reward systems and the way they infect these games, if someone ignores them and focuses on just playing what they enjoy, they'll prob have some rewards they do want that they just never get because they aren't "playing the right way." So they actually get discouraged from playing purely in a way they enjoy, which you'd think is the opposite of how you want to design a game.

Edit: And to put a finer point on it, this leaves people in a bind where they are losing out either way. Either they're losing out on rewards, some of which are baked in to be things that will assuredly make their experience more enjoyable, or they're losing out on enjoying the game right now. It seems the only way to avoid this in a progression obsessed game is to reward you more or less the same things for whatever activity you want, but they never get this right even when they want to because the people who are looking to get the goal done efficiently will find that this area over here is way faster, maybe too fast, and then they'll nerf some reward gain to stop their players from getting finished and leaving too quickly, and end up making some niche activity too unrewarding in the process.

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39 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Well said. This game has long ago lost its way from that old marketing video about grinding and being different.

Also, I think it extends well beyond raiding and goes as deep as MMO player retention and their obsession with rewards systems, with the typical raider gear treadmill design just being a common form it takes. GW2 has some other forms, like the legendary grind or the collections grind.

It's something that's bothered me for a while about how video games have evolved (single player too) and I noticed how it infected and changed the way I play video games over the years (and not in a positive way). Like to contrast, I used to play Super Smash Bros with siblings. I never thought about reward tracks or long term progression goals, I just liked playing Super Smash Bros with them (when we weren't getting too angrily competitive). The closest thing I can think of to that in this game is my experience with WvW. I genuinely enjoy the siege experience long as there's a comm to follow, but I also don't do it as much as I prob would if it was in a game built around having no reward/progression system. Cause that system taints it and so I see my time in WvW in relation to reward tracks, in relation to goals outside of WvW like progress on a legendary. I see it in relation to my participation meter in WvW and making sure it stays high so I get full rewards.

The end result is I end up enjoying the actual gameplay less and get stuck on a vapid goal that means nothing in the end. And MMOs are rife with this problem because why, I don't know. If their designers are stuck in the same patterns, they lack imagination, whatever the reason, they keep repeating these same treadmill designs, sometimes in slightly different flavors, to keep people logging in and I think it ends up hurting the game in the long term more than it helps because people do stuff they never wanted to do for long periods of time and they start resenting the game instead of doing stuff they enjoy. And often, because of those reward systems and the way they infect these games, if someone ignores them and focuses on just playing what they enjoy, they'll prob have some rewards they do want that they just never get because they aren't "playing the right way." So they actually get discouraged from playing purely in a way they enjoy, which you'd think is the opposite of how you want to design a game.

Edit: And to put a finer point on it, this leaves people in a bind where they are losing out either way. Either they're losing out on rewards, some of which are baked in to be things that will assuredly make their experience more enjoyable, or they're losing out on enjoying the game right now. It seems the only way to avoid this in a progression obsessed game is to reward you more or less the same things for whatever activity you want, but they never get this right even when they want to because the people who are looking to get the goal done efficiently will find that this area over here is way faster, maybe too fast, and then they'll nerf some reward gain to stop their players from getting finished and leaving too quickly, and end up making some niche activity too unrewarding in the process.

This is an interesting point. Are you familiar with the Skinner Box? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operant_conditioning_chamber
Some time ago, game designers started applying these ideas to video games in the hopes of increasing player retention. It worked and they started refining it. And I think this is has become a problem that plagues most of the industry right now. Game companies want to make money so they apply psychological ways to increase player retention, players get conditioned into a certain mindset over time, forever chasing carrots on a stick. Actual content got downgraded to what basically amounts to glorified gambling and chasing shinies. RNG is a big part of this, and it works the same as slot machines, which for some people means that they start becoming addicted and their relationship to the game becomes something unhealthy. 
 And its taking over more and more companies. Look how Bethesda began and what they are doing now, look how Anet began and what they are doing now. You can see this with many companies. I believe its a complicated interplay between idealistic game devs and for-profit publishers pushing for more ways to increase profit regardless of what that means for actual gameplay and even long term consequences such as what it does to gaming communities and people on an individual level. 

In live-service games this problem is exacerbated even more. I believe the current model doesn't work, the only option to stay viable long term and keep up with the increasingly voracious demands of the consumers (which was created by applying these psychological tools in the first place), is to keep adding superficial, loot heavy content to satisfy that next ''high'' until that wears of and you start the loop again.  

And that's how you get this seeming disconnect between game consumers and developers. I believe most devs just want to make good games. But the market is very competitive, and lots of publishers came that only cared about the financial aspect. So sometimes it happens that old ideas get put into modern systems and that creates a disconnect for most players, who by now have been conditioned into fast reward expectations. Now the idea of playing for fun without any extrinsic rewards is becoming less of a given. I believe that a lot of the responses you see today wouldn't have happened years ago before games got so Skinner-boxed. 

On a side-note, a lot of aspects of (internet) society follow the same reward-principles as outlined above. Social media for example does it too, just adjusted for those platforms with likes/dislikes buttons serving as the proverbial carrots on sticks. 

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21 hours ago, eldrin.6471 said:

Anyone who cant/wont do strike missions and bought this expansion for the siege turtle was scammed by anet.

They probably intend for some of us to buy gems convert to gold and buy a run

through the strike mission. Thats what il need do as im way to old to be doing strike missions.

kitten move anet. But its what i have come to expect from these money grabbers.   

No you were not scammed. Stop this nonsense. Everyone can do strike missions, even old people, they are not difficult. 

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I *MIGHT* Have the solution to keep everybode happy:

-Skip this part WITH 100 (or more) of the EoD strikes currency

That means that you actually tried, and Anet clearly wants people to just improve, you will improve and be a better player, even if you don't complete the strike, all those tries just makes you a better player.

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1 hour ago, yoni.7015 said:

No you were not scammed. Stop this nonsense. Everyone can do strike missions, even old people, they are not difficult. 

A scam is a deceptive scheme or trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money. They got my money

and so far i see no way to get that turtle. Maybe dont go telling other people what they can do. I bought this expansion for the turtle that they claimed was no harder than the roller beetle to get. Dam lie. ,that cost me £25.99 .

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17 minutes ago, eldrin.6471 said:

A scam is a deceptive scheme or trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money. They got my money

and so far i see no way to get that turtle. Maybe dont go telling other people what they can do. I bought this expansion for the turtle that they claimed was no harder than the roller beetle to get. Dam lie. ,that cost me £25.99 .

There is a way to get the turtle, and it is not a difficult way. 
It’s your problem if you don’t do what the game tells you to do to get the turtle. Took me one day to get the turtle after I got the egg from the meta.
Tuesday you will even be able to just buy the egg. 
 Again, you were not scammed. This is nonsense. 

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1 hour ago, yoni.7015 said:

No you were not scammed. Stop this nonsense. Everyone can do strike missions, even old people, they are not difficult. 

Anet said the turtle mount aquisition would be similar to the roller beetle aquisition. Meanwhile they heavily marketed this feature and even put an image of this feature on the front page of their official website with the slogan "Ready to ride?" attached to it.

You can imagine this set certain expectations from the playerbase. Expectations that were clearly not met because they straight up lied about the turtle mount aquisition. I call that a scam.

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6 minutes ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

Anet said the turtle mount aquisition would be similar to the roller beetle aquisition. Meanwhile they heavily marketed this feature and even put an image of this feature on the front page of their official website with the slogan "Ready to ride?" attached to it.

You can imagine this set certain expectations from the playerbase. Expectations that were clearly not met because they straight up lied about the turtle mount aquisition. I call that a scam.

They didn’t lie and they didn’t scam you. It is similar regarding the amount of time it takes to get it. Skyscale took longer and griffon was more expensive. My expectations were met. 
After Tuesday you can buy the egg and have to do a collection to get the turtle, gather a few things, play some events and do one strike mission. That’s all and it’s really not a big deal. 

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On 3/8/2022 at 6:42 AM, Labjax.2465 said:

The whole concept of collections in GW2 is out of hand, IMO. Maybe I thought wrong to begin with, but I thought the spirit of it in the beginning was to do a scavenger hunt of sorts.

A lot of collections in GW2 are similar to the "quest log" for side quests in other games.

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14 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

They didn’t lie and they didn’t scam you. It is similar regarding the amount of time it takes to get it. Skyscale took longer and griffon was more expensive. My expectations were met. 

They did lie.

How did you unlock the roller beetle? You completed a story mission. Then you had to talk to an NPC which gave you a collection achivement to complete. You completed the collection achievement (all open world content), went back to the NPC, and you unlocked your roller beetle mount.

How do you unlock the turtle mount? You complete a story mission, do an absurdly overtuned RNG invested meta event that drove a gigantic wedge into the community and has a horribly low succesrate. If you manage to complete that you get to do a collection achievement, and one item you need to get is locked behind a strike mission.

See the similiarity? Yeah, me neither.

Imagine this, ok. Try to imagine this. The vast majority of Guild Wars 2 players have exactly zero interest in strikes, raids and even fractals. This isn't just the case for casual players. It's also the case for many PvP and WvW players. Some people just do not like instanced PvE. You can claim it's  easy and perfectly doable all you want. Most people still do not want to have anything to do with it. Period.

And now they are locked out of a main expansion feature that was promised to be as easily aquired as the roller beetle mount before launch.

That's a scam and you know it. Be it casual, raider, PvPer, I really dislike dishonest apologists. This was a bad call on Anet's part and they know it.

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1 minute ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

They did lie.

How did you unlock the roller beetle? You completed a story mission. Then you had to talk to an NPC which gave you a collection achivement to complete. You completed the collection achievment, went back to the NPC, and you unlocked your roller beetle mount.

How do you unlock the turtle mount? You complete a story mission, do an absurdly overtuned RNG invested meta event that drove a gigantic wedge into the community and has a horribly low succesrate. If you manage to complete that you get to do a collection achievement, and one item you need to get is locked behind a strike mission.

See the similiarity? Yeah, me neither.

Imagine this, ok. try to imagine this. The vast majority of Guild Wars 2 players have exactly zero interest in strikes, raids and even fractals. This isn't just teh case for casual players. It's also the case for many PvP and WvW players. Some people just do not like instanced PvE. You can claim it's  easy and perfectly doable all you want. Most people still do not want to have anything to do with it. Period.

And now they are locked out of a main expansion feature thatwas promised to be as easily aquired as the roller beetle mount before launch.

That's a scam and you know it. Be it casual, raider, PvPer, I really dislike dishonest apologists. This was a bad call on Anet's part and they know it.

Like I wrote before, after Tuesday you can just buy the egg. And then you have to do a collection, just like with the roller beetle. 
strike missions are also one feature of this expansion. It’s clever to combine the turtle with a strike mission, so everyone at least have to do one strike mission. And many players realized that these strike missions are actually a lot of fun. 

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7 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Like I wrote before, after Tuesday you can just buy the egg. And then you have to do a collection, just like with the roller beetle. 
strike missions are also one feature of this expansion. It’s clever to combine the turtle with a strike mission, so everyone at least have to do one strike mission. And many players realized that these strike missions are actually a lot of fun. 

Yeah, they implented that change after massive negative feedback from the community, and not just casuals. A lot of raiders and big streamers didn't like this aproach by Anet either.

There are a few main problems with locking it behind a strike mission.

1. This is not in line with how the turtle mount and it's aquisition was presented and advertised before and after launch.

2. The vast majority of people engage with open world content. very few people engage with strikes. Forcing people to do content they do not want to do to get acces to a main expanion feature that was falsely advertised, as I explained multiple times now, was a really bad call.

You seem to gloss over the fact the turtle mount was FALSELY advertised. Deny it all you want. Ignore it all you want. It doesn't make it any less true. Getting people to spend money through false advertisement is a scam.

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6 minutes ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

Yeah, they implented that change after massive negative feedback from the community, and not just casuals. A lot of raiders and big streamers didn't like this aproach by Anet either.

There are a few main problems with locking it behind a strike mission.

1. This is not in line with how the turtle mount and it's aquisition was presented and advertised before and after launch.

2. The vast majority of people engage with open world content. very few people engage with strikes. Forcing people to do content they do not want to do to get acces to a main expanion feature that was falsely advertised, as i explained multiple times now, was a really bad call.

You seem to gloss over the fact the turtle mount was FALSELY advertised. Deny it all you want. Ignore it all you want. It doesn't make it any less true. Getting people to spend money through false advertisement is a scam.

Very few people engage with strikes? The LFG is full with groups and many guilds run strike missions regularly. So how few are very few? Can you give some numbers? I don’t see any problems with locking it behind a not very difficult strike mission. Strike missions are one main feature of the game, just like the turtle. Combining this two  seems logical to me. 
You may think it was falsely advertised because you had a different expectation. That’s ok but it doesn’t mean that it is the reality. Like I wrote before my expectations were met. Of course you have to do something for the new mount. Just like the roller beetle it’s not expensive to get the turtle and just like the roller beetle it doesn’t take long. 

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8 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Very few people engage with strikes? The LFG is full with groups and many guilds run strike missions regularly. So how few are very few? Can you give some numbers? I don’t see any problems with locking it behind a not very difficult strike mission. Strike missions are one main feature of the game, just like the turtle. Combining this two  seems logical to me. 
You may think it was falsely advertised because you had a different expectation. That’s ok but it doesn’t mean that it is the reality. Like I wrote before my expectations were met. Of course you have to do something for the new mount. Just like the roller beetle it’s not expensive to get the turtle and just like the roller beetle it doesn’t take long. 

I do not think that simply looking at LFG gives you a clear estimation of what the average player engages with in Guild Wars 2.

I mainly do PvP. I'd never claim that PvP is engaged with by the majority of players. Because it's simply not true. Therefore I'd never argue for locking main expanion features behind PvP. Because it would kitten off the vast majority of the playersbase, casuals and raiders alike. And understandably so, I might add.

I had different expectations? Anet themselves set these expectations through their own words and actions. Did you not read anything I said before? Or are you just choosing to ignore all of that?

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13 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Very few people engage with strikes? The LFG is full with groups and many guilds run strike missions regularly. So how few are very few? Can you give some numbers? I don’t see any problems with locking it behind a not very difficult strike mission. Strike missions are one main feature of the game, just like the turtle. Combining this two  seems logical to me. 
You may think it was falsely advertised because you had a different expectation. That’s ok but it doesn’t mean that it is the reality. Like I wrote before my expectations were met. Of course you have to do something for the new mount. Just like the roller beetle it’s not expensive to get the turtle and just like the roller beetle it doesn’t take long. 

I just went into the game and had a look at the LFG tool.

Right now there are:

One strike mission group

Ten raid groups

One fractal group

Zero PvP groups

Zero WvW groups

Thirty-seven open world groups, most of which are in End of Dragons and Icebrood Saga maps

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On 3/7/2022 at 6:20 AM, Molesworth.1684 said:

now I feel I've been kicked in the teeth  by elitists who seem to have taken over the game. 

What elitists? Are there any left in the game at this point? There have been no new raids in over a 1000 days and no new Fractals in over 540 days. ArenaNet even went out of their way to make the encounters in the expansion work for everyone by doing the Story version, Strike Version and then the CM version of the Strike.


It is unfortunate that the meta is to hard for people and that it blocks people from getting the mount. But it has always been like that. People just did not notice it because everything was easier before.

The Siege Turtle needs Meta event completion, 1 additional meta event, 1 strike, 1 hard boss. 

The Roller Beetle needs Meta event completion, 1 Worldboss, 1 Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly, 1 Bounty, Alpha Beetle from Silverwastes, Toxic Spider from Kessex Hills and several other things around the world. 

The griffon needs Story completion, 1 meta event, 1 Legendary bounty and a lot of mapping for the relics and eggs. 

The Skyscale needs Story completion, 2 meta events, Hard mini dungeon/jumping puzzle, and a lot of mapping around the whole world. 

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On 3/10/2022 at 3:26 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

The other thing that really ticks me off about this disease that infects all MMOs / GaaS is that it isn't really massively multiplayer.

GW2 was sold with 3 modes: Open World, PvP and WvW. You can add instantiated dungeons to that which were the "vanilla" raids.

GW1 was fully instantiated and a lot of GW2 initial success came from veteran players joining the sequel of their beloved game. If it's vocal minority it happened throughout the years or because of Anet decisions, not because the game was sold as such.

But regardless, all these modes are "valid", and not acknowledging that, especially in such derogatory terms, is its own kind of toxicism/elitism. It's almost funny in a way because the open world crowd already gets the large part of the cake, yet ends up being the one filling forums with threads after threads of complains when there is -one- thing they need to do that isn't strictly open world.
Ever wondered what a WvW player feels like when they have to gear up?

Saying instantiated content in a MMO is a problem is an absolute non-sense. You can't expect all the players to want to play the same way or have the same goals. If anything EoD makes the need for instances all the more obvious. Instances are there so people can experience content at their own pace with like-minded folks. If you drop the false narrative that the required strike is a raid, you can absolutely get a group that is made only of pugs, all with kitten dps and large sustain, and you'll still get it. That's because it's not a raid, there is no timer, no harsh punishment for failing, it will just take you more time.
"Toxicity" there happens when people try to force their way into groups they don't share the same mindset with.

Finally regarding "massively multiplayer" you would think that a meta that pushes for cooperation, joining vocal chat, self-organize and beat content together and form guilds around it would match that definition?

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Yesterday I finished the EoD story and finished the meta event as well.  I got incredibly lucky because it was my first attempt at that meta.

I'm very nervous to try the strike mission because I avoid instanced group PvE as much as possible.  People tend to lose patience with me and I just don't enjoy when people are angry at me.  I'm an adult who retired a long time ago and I need information to be presented to me at a slower pace than what younger working people seem to need.  In large scale open world or WvW events, I can blend with the crowd and usually not get singled out for being "bad" but in an instanced group I am uncomfortable because my missed keystrokes, trouble identifying the correct target fast enough, and poorly timed dodges matter so much more.  It's just not fun to be judged by others.

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8 minutes ago, Grunim.9034 said:

Yesterday I finished the EoD story and finished the meta event as well.  I got incredibly lucky because it was my first attempt at that meta.

I'm very nervous to try the strike mission because I avoid instanced group PvE as much as possible.  People tend to lose patience with me and I just don't enjoy when people are angry at me.  I'm an adult who retired a long time ago and I need information to be presented to me at a slower pace than what younger working people seem to need.  In large scale open world or WvW events, I can blend with the crowd and usually not get singled out for being "bad" but in an instanced group I am uncomfortable because my missed keystrokes, trouble identifying the correct target fast enough, and poorly timed dodges matter so much more.  It's just not fun to be judged by others.

I can totally understand that.  For the beginning it might be the best to do strike missions with your guild or in game friends. They know you and they hopefully won’t judge you. 

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23 minutes ago, Grunim.9034 said:

I'm very nervous to try the strike mission because I avoid instanced group PvE as much as possible.  People tend to lose patience with me and I just don't enjoy when people are angry at me.

Just avoid groups that put any kind of requirement and you should be fine. There's really only one mechanic to pay attention too, if you get a number on you isolate yourself from the group and other 2 players with number.

Few things to know is there is no timer and nothing insta kills. Also even with 5 dead it's still doable to finish it, so even if you die, chance is you will get it.
I find it easier than bonneskinner or whisper of jormag. It's really not as bad as people make it out to be.

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5 minutes ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

Just avoid groups that put any kind of requirement and you should be fine. There's really only one mechanic to pay attention too, if you get a number on you isolate yourself from the group and other 2 players with number.

Few things to know is there is no timer and nothing insta kills. Also even with 5 dead it's still doable to finish it, so even if you die, chance is you will get it.
I find it easier than bonneskinner or whisper of jormag. It's really not as bad as people make it out to be.

Thanks for the tip about isolating myself if I have a number.  That will appear as an icon above my character's head?

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I did the strike for the first time yesterday and it was not hard with group in full meta composition and gear. I guess it would be quite difficult for ill-equipped PUGs


After the egg, the hardest bit for me to get the turtle has been trying to do the Jade Maw event because it's guaranteed failure if more than 10 people try to do it.

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20 minutes ago, Grunim.9034 said:

Thanks for the tip about isolating myself if I have a number.  That will appear as an icon above my character's head?

Yes and then just run away from the group so that no one stands between you and the boss. 

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