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Is there a reason to play elementalist ?


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I haven't tried Catalyst much. I played it a bit in the beta and I died a lot which wasn't fun so I left it there. And I don't need to play Cata. I'm in love with my Tempest and that's what I probably will keep playing. I got a nice build that has had quite some buffs over the years so I feel like I'm in a good place with my Ele.


In raids I'm having a difficult time, but perhaps that says as much about my personal skill level as about the Elementalist in general.

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  • 9 months later...
On 3/7/2022 at 3:19 PM, Daddy.8125 said:

This is the problem. 

To balance the game where the more complex the build the stronger it is makes the game vastly unaccessible. Such balancing would cause a riot larger then the dragons end meta is generating. 

You have to balance everything inline and then simply give different difficulty levels across the board. 

Your susposed to pick the complexity for enjoyment not profit in mmorpgs. 

Otherwise your simply telling older people, people with disabilities or physical injuries they simply can't play your game. 

If your enjoying the complexity, you won't find it a "pain in the kitten", because it's Fun in your eyes. If your choosing to play a complex proffession for a different reason you prolly should stop playing it.

Play what you enjoy and only what you enjoy. 

They would strip elementalist of difficulty faster then they would consider making it overpowered because of its complexity "

wrong. complexity doesn't matter when there is no time to use it. Not sure what world you play in, but in mine WVW roaming rangers , dragonhunters, and thieves compete for how fast they can kill eles.. doesn't matter your defenses like reflect etc, they pop something else before your next defense is up and do 9k dps and 2 seconds later poof..


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Like.. what?

Why necro a topic without even posting something on your own but quoting someone else's half-year old post?

Not to mention quite a bunch of the replies in this topic are rather outdated. Ele isn't top tier, but it's doing fine - no problem getting into groups, at least from my experience. (mostly as heal/alac tempest)

Edited by Chyro.1462
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