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Anet, The longer you stall the adjustments to DE meta the worse it will get

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

OK .. that's doesn't change what I said. Go read the patch notes if you want to see what things Anet is prioritizing to fix for the last week if you don't want to take my word for it. 

ive read it , they fixed SMALL parts , but not some of the core issues , which really comes down to the metas design.

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Just now, Enundr.9305 said:

youve described snipped parts of whats happened , i wont waste time saying believe what you like because we both know thats what youll do either way when theres more than enough facts if youve been paying attention to everything thats happened in the game (and others really in history)

Again, you don't NEED to argue with me ... go read the patch notes to see what Anet is working on. 

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1 minute ago, Enundr.9305 said:

ive read it , they fixed SMALL parts , but not some of the core issues , which really comes down to the metas design.

Label it however you want, but it's not different than what I'm telling you. They are prioritizing the important fixes over the less important ones. This is NOT exceptional to how game devs act when they release an expansion. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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even if they do somehow fix it, once i get the turtle, i am never going back. i mean i have a choice, at a min, playing for 2 hours and getting next to nothing...or doing 2 1/2 dragon fall runs for loads of rewards in the same amount of time. meh, no event should be 2 friggin hours long and be that unrewarding, it's just a massive waste of time.

Edited by fixit.7189
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1 minute ago, NOneWarhead.7648 said:

Personally i've done it multiple times, only and only because I want to see more and more turtles out in the world, otherwise - nope. trash loot, I can get the same value in loot by doing a core Tyria event where you smash jars or whatever in 5 minutes.

very true , that has been the only reason anyones willing to suffer this meta.....i understand the devs wanted to make something epic....but a meta in an open map and not a raid battle design......is kind of a bad way to approach that.....honestly IBS last map with the charr fighting was probably more interesting overall than this , wvw but in pve scenario , scaled down though  so siege is very minimal in comparison...

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3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Again, you don't NEED to argue with me ... go read the patch notes to see what Anet is working on. 

again , ive read them , your the one arguing as well using snipped bits of information to use rather than everything. so you choose to argue with partial truths. not much else to say there is there?

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5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Label it however you want, but it's not different than what I'm telling you. They are prioritizing the important fixes over the less important ones. This is NOT exceptional to how game devs act when they release an expansion. 

<facepalm> care to clarify that last sentence there? XD exceptional being a reference to how well someone performs and such....typo...?

Edit: do you perhaps mean "This is NO exception to how game devs act when they release an expansion." ?

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4 minutes ago, Enundr.9305 said:

again , ive read them , your the one arguing as well using snipped bits of information to use rather than everything. so you choose to argue with partial truths. 

I'm not snipping bits of anything. Anet is going to prioritize the IMPORTANT issues over the ones that aren't. You can SEE what qualifies as an IMPORTANT issue by looking at the patch notes from the last week. 

I mean, the only thing happening here is that you are trying to raise the issues with DE to the level of the things Anet has been addressing for the last week to argue they need to fix it now. That doesn't make sense. 

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm not snipping bits of anything. Anet is going to prioritize the IMPORTANT issues over the ones that aren't. You can SEE what qualifies as an IMPORTANT issue by looking at the patch notes. 

and your trying to say you have more understanding of whats "important" to the players yes? because....i think theres many who may disagree with most of what you claim.

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5 minutes ago, Enundr.9305 said:

and your trying to say you have more understanding of whats "important" to the players yes? because....i think theres many who may disagree with most of what you claim.

I'm not trying say I understand what's important at all. I'm telling you if you want to see what is important, you can see it in the patch notes from the last week. There is no 'disagreeing' about that with me ... that's a disagreement you take up with Anet. 

Again, I'm not inventing anything here. Anet will make changes to DE IF and WHEN it's appropriate to do so, based on the other things they are working on. If you are going to argue DE is AS important as the things Anet has been patching for the last week, that's NOT an argument you have with me. 

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Something else I don't think I've seen mentioned, is that not everyone plays in NA prime time. There are players in other time zones too. NA prime time for me is 4am.

At my prime time the available pool of players is much, much smaller. I paid for the game too but the chances of me completing this unless I give up several hours of sleep are much diminished.

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1 minute ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm not trying say I understand it at all. I'm telling you if you want to see what is important, you can see it in the patch notes. There is no 'disagreeing' with that with me ... that's a disagreement you take up with Anet. 

and yet you keep on going as if i am just disagreeing with just you? ive made a reply to them as well with everything ive seen as of today. you just happen to be trying to use your snippets from "All your experience" in gaming....thats where the disagreement with you is. ive been in an alpha , plenty of (not payed for) closed beta tests , open beta , and so forth...all the way till games fully release , this includes mmos and non mmos alike. and alot of things you try speaking of are what kills mmos , the mindset of an mmo killer as ive said several times.

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3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm not trying say I understand what's important at all. I'm telling you if you want to see what is important, you can see it in the patch notes from the last week. There is no 'disagreeing' about that with me ... that's a disagreement you take up with Anet. 

Again, I'm not inventing anything here. Anet will make changes to DE IF and WHEN it's appropriate to do so, based on the other things they are working on. 

whether you are right or wrong about bugfixes, you are fueling the fire and making the situation worse

you could be right and they are all stupid for not listening, it's still not helping

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Just now, jamesg.7128 said:

Something else I don't think I've seen mentioned, is that not everyone plays in NA prime time. There are players in other time zones too. NA prime time for me is 4am.

At my prime time the available pool of players is much, much smaller. I paid for the game too but the chances of me completing this unless I give up several hours of sleep are much diminished.

putting the turtle behind the meta was kind of a bad decision really....skyscale wasnt,  griffon wasnt , beetle wasnt.

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5 hours ago, SmoovRihx.2789 said:

Casuals: "this fight is too hard"


Hardcore players: "casuals are to blame"


One hates on the game mechanic.

The other hates on the people.


A fundamental difference.


You can't expect casuals to sit back and let you trash them with such condescending tropes about how they play, when all they tried to do is get the fight changed, they didn't ASK raiders to change the way they play, but raiders are definitely asking casuals to do such thing. Not sure how this is confusing to people.


But casuals should know what a break bar is and how to use CC. They should also know how to hit more than 2k DPS. It is the casuals fault that they fail. They do not want to learn. Post confusing emojis all you want. But just learn a simple rotation and tada. you will be a better player that ALL will appreciate.  Especially themselves.

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2 minutes ago, AlCapwnd.7834 said:

But casuals should know what a break bar is and how to use CC. They should also know how to hit more than 2k DPS. It is the casuals fault that they fail. They do not want to learn. Post confusing emojis all you want. But just learn a simple rotation and tada. you will be a better player that ALL will appreciate.  Especially themselves.

why gate keep? what the hell happened to "play the game your way" most folks probably do know what the break bar is and missing one or two of those phases should not end and entire hour and a half of working for the kill. a full map of folks should be able to kill this boss if all of them are on it.

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I came to this forum to see if anyone was as frustrated as I am about the meta. Yesterday, I played the meta again. It failed not because people didn't know what to do (very few down players during mechanics transitions). It failed because either there were not enough players, or the boss has too much health. The event timed out with the boss at about 1/5 health pool. Today, we had to beg in map chat to get enough players on the west map just to get things started, same thing with east. People are just not doing the meta. I see way more players doing other map metas. I hope this issue (whatever it is) gets fixed soon.

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2 minutes ago, Xyos.2740 said:

I came to this forum to see if anyone was as frustrated as I am about the meta. Yesterday, I played the meta again. It failed not because people didn't know what to do (very few down players during mechanics transitions). It failed because either there were not enough players, or the boss has too much health. The event timed out with the boss at about 1/5 health pool. Today, we had to beg in map chat to get enough players on the west map just to get things started, same thing with east. People are just not doing the meta. I see way more players doing other map metas. I hope this issue (whatever it is) gets fixed soon.

for a real shot at the meta, you need to join a prep group, which usually starts their lfg 2hrs in advance, around xx:45-:00 (usually when soo-won is being fought on most maps)

they are often pre-filled outside the game (discord etc.) and are looking to fill the rest of the slots

they typically have requirements e.g. some ask for supports such as alac, quick; some ask for 20k dps; some ask for kp.

i would say a group like this will typically have 30% chance of beating it

another thing i noticed, if your group doesn't finish the pre-soo-won events (at the temple, filling crystals etc.) by xx:30, or maybe even xx:25, your chances of killing are slim

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I agree some more tuning needs to be done.  But my attitude has change a little of the last couple days.  It seems if you join a group early  you have a much better chance at winning.  Of course the amount of time involved can be to much for some people and I understand that.  Was able to get on 2 runs today.  Not hardstruck or something like that.  A commander who knew how to make the calls.  From the responses it seemed a majority of the people was their first time to win.  Both runs were wins.  Make it 3/21 runs.  Very possible I got extremely lucky to be on both runs.  One run was down to less than 30 seconds to win.  The other run had about 1 min left to win.

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12 minutes ago, Xyos.2740 said:

I came to this forum to see if anyone was as frustrated as I am about the meta. Yesterday, I played the meta again. It failed not because people didn't know what to do (very few down players during mechanics transitions). It failed because either there were not enough players, or the boss has too much health. The event timed out with the boss at about 1/5 health pool. Today, we had to beg in map chat to get enough players on the west map just to get things started, same thing with east. People are just not doing the meta. I see way more players doing other map metas. I hope this issue (whatever it is) gets fixed soon.

mmmm unfortunately theyre taking their time doing whatever else theyre going to do , as we saw they just fixed the too much biting she was doing , i made a reply to them that the Defiance bar seems to be random as F and sometimes you never get it making the fight even harder than it has to be....and said how either thats bugged as some ppl have had it up to 7 times vulnerable , and sometimes never.....or that its a flatout bad design and needs to be changed period for an actual mechanic phase. i think that would be a step in the right direction (i wouldnt say no to an HP decrease overall as well , tone it down some as it is unrewarding as F once you get the turtle and far easier metas to farm for stuff). There are of course some ppl on here who are just die hard trying to just say (not in exact words mind you but read enough and you start to see it)  to just kitten about complaining about this meta being a problem.

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6 minutes ago, danielrjones.8759 said:

I agree some more tuning needs to be done.  But my attitude has change a little of the last couple days.  It seems if you join a group early  you have a much better chance at winning.  Of course the amount of time involved can be to much for some people and I understand that.  Was able to get on 2 runs today.  Not hardstruck or something like that.  A commander who knew how to make the calls.  From the responses it seemed a majority of the people was their first time to win.  Both runs were wins.  Make it 3/21 runs.  Very possible I got extremely lucky to be on both runs.  One run was down to less than 30 seconds to win.  The other run had about 1 min left to win.

i join a group , the problem is maps get FULL , but they decided to leave Sea of Jade alone in map population increase......<glares at this decision>

Edit: so i see futility in joining groups unless theyre on the current map im on....and often than not its usually a dead map......;_; thanks Anet for not increasing Sea of Jade pop size.

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36 minutes ago, AlCapwnd.7834 said:

But casuals should know what a break bar is and how to use CC. They should also know how to hit more than 2k DPS. It is the casuals fault that they fail. They do not want to learn. Post confusing emojis all you want. But just learn a simple rotation and tada. you will be a better player that ALL will appreciate.  Especially themselves.



Case and point. When people come raging at you, don't be a surprised Pikachu.

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5 hours ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

I rest my case on the amount of bad faith of this topic.

5 hours ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

I would argue that you didn't try when it first came out, same with Teq or AB or TD. 

Makes unverifiable claims about other players, accuses others of ‘bad faith’


Ok then.

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55 minutes ago, Peterson.5172 said:

whether you are right or wrong about bugfixes, you are fueling the fire and making the situation worse

you could be right and they are all stupid for not listening, it's still not helping

That's some LOL because my advice here is probably the most useful of any in this thread. Just stop doing the meta and wait. If people stop doing the content, Anet WILL FIX IT. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, Enundr.9305 said:

and yet you keep on going as if i am just disagreeing with just you? 

Well you ARE replying to me and accusing me of 'snipping bits of information'  and pretending I'm just dreaming up what's currently happening. Here is some advice ... just ignore me and believe whatever you like because it's clear you don't care if what you want to believe is related to what's actually happening. If that's what you want to do, no reason to argue with me about it, because obviously reality means little to how you think. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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