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Anet, The longer you stall the adjustments to DE meta the worse it will get

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After like 20 tries, I finally managed to finish the DE meta. And let me tell you that I didn't feel good about it, I was just glad that the meta is finally over. I am never ever touching that thing ever again unless ArenaNet nerfs it. Making open world content into a raid player fantasy will only divide the community.

Make the open world version easier and make a Strike Mission/Raid/whatever that is harder for the raiders. We're already at the point where people are very toxic during the meta or you can't even join the meta because people want you to play meta builds, to show raid clear proof and other stuff. And what other option is left then? The regular players which don't raid and which will have no idea what to do and the meta will 99,9% fail. Don't try to turn this game into another "git gud" game where players are invalidated if they don't do elitist/ego boosting content, personally I've had enough of those games and that's why I'm playing Guild Wars 2.

What's next? Players only being able to access the story if they play meta build and learn raid-level mechanics?

Edited by Crono.4197
small typo
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3 minutes ago, Crono.4197 said:

After like 20 tries, I finally managed to finish the DE meta. And let me tell you that it didn't feel good about it, I was just happy that the meta is finally over. I am never ever touching that thing ever again unless ArenaNet nerfs it. Making open world content into a raid player fantasy will only divide the community.

Make the open world version easier and make a Strike Mission/Raid/whatever that is harder for the raiders. We're already at the point where people are very toxic during the meta or you can't even join the meta because people want you to play meta builds, to show raid clear proof and other stuff. And what other option is left then? The regular players which don't raid and which will have no idea what to do and the meta will 99,9% fail. Don't try to turn this game into another "git gud" game where players are invalidated if they don't do elitist/ego boosting content, personally I've had enough of those games and that's why I'm playing Guild Wars 2.

What's next? Players only being able to access the story if they play meta build and learn raid-level mechanics?

Congrats, and yes Anet needs to get their act together quickly to save this situation from becoming something even uglier than it already is now. I'm not touching the map unless they fix it, and will be avoiding the gem shop as well. It needs to be fair for ALL player types.

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Some guildies gave it a shot yesterday. My stomach turned just thinking of the fight. I hate it. But I joined them because I want to do anything I can do to help them get it.


First thing the commander does when we join the discord, is explain how we are going to hide... then lie in map chat that the meta is dead, so "casuals" can leave. Then the commander asked everyone to ping their builds. I immediately left.


My guildies got it done, and I'm very happy for them.


But that moment solidified my stance on this whole issue.


I have my turtle, got it by pinging kp. I felt dirty afterwards.

Edited by SmoovRihx.2789
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I realized just 1h ago all the drama surrounding the DE meta and I understand why both sides are arguing.
Unfortunately I can already see that Mukluk was right: people that have already done the meta don't wanna do it anymore and people that haven't done it yet are becoming more and more bitter and toxic with gatekeeping, lies and stuff.


The only thing I can say is that I think Anet should do something just to not divide our NORMALLY amazing community. Please guys don't fight with each other, fight together the common problem in the game, try to understand the opposite side and ask Anet for a solution that can please everyone 🙂

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23 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Well, what you can or can't stand has nothing to do with how the game works so ?

I mean, you failed 5/5? Not a problem ... People also failed hard on other metas when they were released as well. 

AGAIN, do NOT go out a week after content is released and try to rip through it if you are NOT willing to fail it ... ALOT, ESPECIALLY on the meta content.  

Who are you to say "Not a problem" to someone else? Do you know how's my routine? Or how much time i have to play the game?

If you see my history of posts in this forum you can see that i try to be reasonable. But some things are just too much. Going into a META event that is required for one of the featured new things in EoD (mounts) that takes 2 hours with a very large possibilty of failure is not ok. This is worse than Serpent's Era.

Now you can still live in your bubble thinking that everything is alright, that people are just crying and that its "Not a problem" for them  until population starts to bleed out an incredible expansion that EoD is, start to get flammed down because a single Meta with design flaws that are very simple to ajust. 

Anet even tried to do some fixes here and there. If it ain't broken it doesn't need a fix right? Well guess what, they are trying to fix because this IS broken. 

Mukluk talked about it politely and with great arguments in his youtube channel, you should check him out. Also, altruism is a virtue. Remember that while you can play for hours, not everybody can, and after a very hard and bad day we only want to log in for 1 or 2 hours and get a good CHALLENGE to enjoy and don't fool yourself, EoD is not a Challenge by any means, its just frustation mainly because of 5 people trying to carry 45 and the massive leap from having to just 111111 to having to know dodge, rotations, gear and subgroups

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On 3/8/2022 at 3:33 PM, MechanicalMind.9126 said:


And by then it will be too late. I dont think they understand how many casuals vs raiders they actually have.. and how many of those casuals just simply come on for the little time they do have, do some open world stuff, pay some money to get cool stuff on the shop.. then come back next time they can play. 


Honestly as many have said, its a simple fix. Move the flipping turtle to something else much easier and give the meta more rewards for those wanting to do that kind of thing. Im not even asking for it to get nerfed. Just want a turtle and ill never freaking touch whatever gives a turtle again.

id recomend to them to look up what happened to wildstar to ignore the casual playerbase.....that game catered to the raiders/hardcore players.......dear lord thats the fastest ive seen an mmo die and ive been at it since around the end of EQ >.>

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38 minutes ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

Who are you to say "Not a problem" to someone else? Do you know how's my routine? Or how much time i have to play the game?


I don't know any of that .. I don't need to. The game can't cater to anyone's particular personal restrictions, even if something is a 'problem' for you. Therefore, what I said was true .. what YOU can or can't stand has nothing to do with how the game is designed. 

I'm also being reasonable here. If there is a problem with DE, Anet will fix it. Right now, I would say that the meta failing isn't a problem ... any REASONABLE person would expect that there is a high failure rate for a meta event 1 week after it's release REGARDLESS of why that is. 

I also can't play for hours ... so I do the WISE thing and wait for these problems to get sorted out before I rush headlong into new content that might need to have bug fixes or adjustments. You can be like me and do something else until those changes happen .... or waste your time. I don't care. Again, any REASONABLE person will expect these bugs and adjustments to occur and it will take TIME for them to get addressed.  

Edited by Obtena.7952
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8 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I don't know any of that .. I don't need to. The game can't cater to anyone's particular personal restrictions, even if something is a 'problem' for you. Therefore, what I said was true .. what YOU can or can't stand has nothing to do with how the game is designed. 

I'm also being reasonable here. If there is a problem with DE, Anet will fix it. Right now, I would say that the meta failing isn't a problem ... any REASONABLE person would expect that there is a high failure rate for a meta event 1 week after it's release. 

I also can't play for hours ... so I do the WISE thing and wait for these problems to get sorted out before I rush headlong into new content that might need to have bug fixes or adjustments. You can be like me .... or waste your time. I don't care. Again, any REASONABLE person will expect these bugs and adjustments to occur and it will take TIME for them to get addressed.   

1st) your first part there contradicts what your kinda preached before like your trying to just brush it off now?

2nd) i dont think anyone expects things to be fixed at "the press of a button" as some people like to say for "instant/fast" , but theres been some issues with fixes they have done to cantha in general (map population that excluded jade sea was a bit of a red flag to me but meh) , i rarely see the bosses defiance bar vulnarable even when doing everything else successfully but then hear some say theyve seen it up to 7 times in exposed...which leads me to think either bad design or bug, with no response that can be frustrating to a player whos observing these things. 

3rd and last) ive been playing mmos since around the end of EQ , your mindset isnt one that works to keep an mmo alive anymore......yours is one that helps kill them off.

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11 minutes ago, Enundr.9305 said:

1st) your first part there contradicts what your kinda preached before like your trying to just brush it off now?

2nd) i dont think anyone expects things to be fixed at "the press of a button" as some people like to say for "instant/fast" , but theres been some issues with fixes they have done to cantha in general (map population that excluded jade sea was a bit of a red flag to me but meh) , i rarely see the bosses defiance bar vulnarable even when doing everything else successfully but then hear some say theyve seen it up to 7 times in exposed...which leads me to think either bad design or bug, with no response that can be frustrating to a player whos observing these things. 

3rd and last) ive been playing mmos since around the end of EQ , your mindset isnt one that works to keep an mmo alive anymore......yours is one that helps kill them off.

I'm just telling you how this is going to work, because this isn't theoretical anymore. It's happening. Anet will fix it when they can based on the priorities they have to fix other things from EoD release. This isn't 'my mindset' ... this is how it's worked, always. Not just GW2 either. This isn't even unique to MMO's. The highest priority items are flagged to be fixed in any bit of software. 

HOT TAKE: I don't think any difficulty adjustment on EoD will happen soon, because it's not actually a failure of software (bugs) causing people to fail the event and there likely isn't anything exploitable here. Also, not having a turtle doesn't prevent progression for people in the story or lock them out of access to anything but the turtle itself. 

I get this isn't ideal for lots of people but the bottomline, no matter WHAT you are after here ... is you have to wait, or keep wasting your time failing and hope you get lucky. THOSE ARE THE CURRENT OPTIONS.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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11 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm just telling you how this is going to work, because this isn't theoretical anymore. It's happening. Anet will fix it when they can IF it's even still a problem, based on the proirities they have to fix EVERYTHING in EoD. This isn't 'my mindset' ... this is how it's worked, always. Not just GW2 either. This isn't even unique to MMO's. The highest priority items are flagged to be fixed in any bit of software. 

HOT TAKE: I don't think any difficulty adjustment on EoD will happen soon, because it's not actually a failure of software (bugs) causing people to fail the event and there likely isn't anything exploitable here. Also, not having a turtle doesn't prevent progression for people in the story or lock them out of access to anything but the turtle itself. 

ok you "win", anet is going to ignore this until this fix the bugs, while half the playerbase bakes in misery.

it's in everyone's interest to have this situation "resolved" asap (however it's resolved).


disclaimer: i have the turtle already and i wont be touch DE again unless random lfg pug success rate is at 50%, at which point i'll do it a couple times more for achieves and never come back to DE

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8 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm just telling you how this is going to work, because this isn't theoretical anymore. It's happening. Anet will fix it when they can IF it's even still a problem, based on the proirities they have to fix EVERYTHING in EoD. This isn't 'my mindset' ... this is how it's worked, always. Not just GW2 either. This isn't even unique to MMO's. The highest priority items are flagged to be fixed in any bit of software. 

HOT TAKE: I don't think any difficulty adjustment on EoD will happen soon, because it's not actually a failure of software (bugs) causing people to fail the event and there likely isn't anything exploitable here. Also, not having a turtle doesn't prevent progression for people in the story or lock them out of access to anything but the turtle itself. 

I get this isn't ideal for lots of people but the bottomline, no matter WHAT you are after here ... is you have to wait, or keep wasting your time failing and hope you get lucky. THOSE ARE THE CURRENT OPTIONS.

the question is , how many players will they lose in that time frame? they ignored increasing player cap in jade sea but hit every other cantha map , i end up in so many dead maps for it its not funny so its kinda obvious at that point that they needed to do it for jade sea as well , you see squads recruiting but their maps end up as full , now how could that have been avoided and with "dead maps" ? by not excluding jade sea perhaps? theyre kinda putting off actual fixes and doing minor ones , but in that process may end up losing alot of player faith from the bigger fanbase , ie the casuals. and the turtle useless? ah because it cant fly like the skyscale? yeah totally XD i know some couples who wanted to ride it together because....well ill let you put 2+2 together on why couples / married gamers want a 2 person mount <rolls eyes>. your way of thinking as i said is what kills mmos , the casual player base is the bigger one , its been proven in wildstar and many others (look at FF14 making their mmos "solo friendly" , kind of a thing Anet needs to step up on if they want GW2 to stay alive unless they planned for it to die after this expansions release...). i mean you can probably find lord knows how many mmos that went from being more towards hardcore to catering to the casuals and did better.....

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3 minutes ago, Peterson.5172 said:

ok you "win", anet is going to ignore this until this fix the bugs, while half the playerbase bakes in misery.

it's in everyone's interest to have this situation "resolved" asap (however it's resolved).


disclaimer: i have the turtle already and i wont be touch DE again unless random lfg pug success rate is at 50%, at which point i'll do it a couple times more for achieves and never come back to DE

Honestly, I think that's EXACTLY what is going to happen. As long as there are bugs that cause more serious problems with the game, DE will not be the priority. 

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Just now, Enundr.9305 said:

the question is , how many players will they lose in that time frame? 

They shouldn't lose any of the reasonable players ... because there is NOTHING exceptional with what is happening here. Anet are fixing their more problematic issues before addressing lower priority ones. That's NOT a unique approach to how MMO expansions are handled. 

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1 minute ago, Peterson.5172 said:

ok you "win", anet is going to ignore this until this fix the bugs, while half the playerbase bakes in misery.

it's in everyone's interest to have this situation "resolved" asap (however it's resolved).


disclaimer: i have the turtle already and i wont be touch DE again unless random lfg pug success rate is at 50%, at which point i'll do it a couple times more for achieves and never come back to DE

as ive said their mindset is that of one who kills mmos. id wager their "win condition" is when GW2 shuts down. you see these ppl in every mmo trying to get it killed off. theres an old view on things , to truly like a it , you have to be able to give it harsh criticism (generally you want to be constructive of course but yeah) , otherwise just turning a blind eye doesnt say much for how you feel about it.

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1 minute ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Honestly, I think that's EXACTLY what is going to happen. As long as there are bugs that cause more serious problems with the game, this will not be the priority. 

and like i said, you win. this situation is going to make anet immediately plan the next epic open world meta like DE

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1 minute ago, Peterson.5172 said:

and like i said, you win. this situation is going to make anet immediately plan the next epic open world meta like DE

No, I don't 'win' ... I just have a more realistic view of how this will play out than some other people do. I mean, look at the patch notes from the last week ... they are fixing bugs and server crashes. 

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

They shouldn't lose any of the reasonable players ... because there is NOTHING exceptional with what is happening here. Anet are fixing their more problematic issues before addressing lower priority ones. That's NOT a unique approach to how MMO expansions are handled. 

....you do know there is an achievement for the story (ie to get mastery points) to do (and finish) the meta before you get to the last part of the story right? do you understand that this is literally making that achievement stupid to do because its reliant on both players besides you and the meta?

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

No, I don't 'win' ... I just have a more realistic view of how this will play out than some other people do. 

your "view" is as "realistic" as a work of sci-fi....with alien species , laser blasters and so on.....you mix partial realistic views while weaving them to be contrary to realistic situations.

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1 minute ago, Enundr.9305 said:

....you do know there is an achievement for the story (ie to get mastery points) to do (and finish) the meta before you get to the last part of the story right? do you understand that this is literally making that achievement stupid to do because its reliant on both players besides you and the meta?

You do know that someone missing an achievement point is NOT a huge deal compared to fixing server crashes and bugs right?

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Just now, Enundr.9305 said:

your "view" is as "realistic" as a work of sci-fi....with alien species , laser blasters and so on.....you mix partial realistic views while weaving them to be contrary to realistic situations.

OK believe what you like ... but what I'm describing is happening AS WE SPEAK for the last week. Go read the patch notes. 

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

You do know that someone missing an achievement point is NOT a huge deal compared to fixing server crashes and bugs right?

when youve played games as long as i have , you learn that bugs are eternal and somehow re-emerge at some point....server crashes id say is more something they have to do on the spot usually. and yes i crashed earlier too and was lucky the map didnt get filled up in time....even if the meta failed.....guess what fear wouldnt be there if they had included jade sea max pop increase? yeah......

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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

OK believe what you like ... but what I'm describing is happening AS WE SPEAK for the last week. Go read the patch notes. 

youve described snipped parts of whats happened , i wont waste time saying believe what you like because we both know thats what youll do either way when theres more than enough facts if youve been paying attention to everything thats happened in the game (and others really in history)

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Just now, Enundr.9305 said:

when youve played games as long as i have , you learn that bugs are eternal and somehow re-emerge at some point....server crashes id say is more something they have to do on the spot usually. and yes i crashed earlier too and was lucky the map didnt get filled up in time....even if the meta failed.....guess what fear wouldnt be there if they had included jade sea max pop increase? yeah......

OK .. that's doesn't change what I said. Go read the patch notes if you want to see what things Anet is prioritizing to fix for the last week if you don't want to take my word for it. 

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3 hours ago, MrSmith.9643 said:

I realized just 1h ago all the drama surrounding the DE meta and I understand why both sides are arguing.
Unfortunately I can already see that Mukluk was right: people that have already done the meta don't wanna do it anymore and people that haven't done it yet are becoming more and more bitter and toxic with gatekeeping, lies and stuff.


The only thing I can say is that I think Anet should do something just to not divide our NORMALLY amazing community. Please guys don't fight with each other, fight together the common problem in the game, try to understand the opposite side and ask Anet for a solution that can please everyone 🙂

Personally i've done it multiple times, only and only because I want to see more and more turtles out in the world, otherwise - nope. trash loot, I can get the same value in loot by doing a core Tyria event where you smash jars or whatever in 5 minutes.

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