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I guess I'm not going to get the siege turtle.

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4 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I feel like people have completely forgotten just how difficult HoT was...and even still is, lol.

I remember, and that is why I have not gone back to HoT in years. It was not fun for me, so I left it for those that enjoy that hot mess, and horrid map design. 😎

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8 hours ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

My problem is with OP saying he tried it 2 times and claiming he will never succeed. 


Its like saying he will never win a game of chess after only played it twice..

I dont claim that whatever the reason is he wont succeed is easy or hard. Maybe he is right that it is insanely difficult. But how can you know after 2 times? 

how many mouthfuls do you have to take, before you can determine whether you like the food or not?

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On 3/14/2022 at 10:16 PM, Tom.6478 said:

This is not really a complaint. Some things in this game are, or should be for the better players.

I never do strike missions because I'm not that good. My fingers and reflexes are poor. And since I don't do them, I have a hard time to even understanding the mechanics of and given mission.

The two times I have tried this mission was embarrassing. Thats not fun.

I just wish there was an alternative way to get the thruster control unit even if it took a lot of grinding

If your on NA add me and we can get you the win. Might have to have you gg so you don't accidentally kill someone else with the red or number mechanics.

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48 minutes ago, NumNums.7935 said:

If your on NA add me and we can get you the win. Might have to have you gg so you don't accidentally kill someone else with the red or number mechanics.

THIS is the way to educate players. please send me some DNA samples for my clone bank.

dirty laundry is fine, i have gloves

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1 minute ago, battledrone.8315 said:

THIS is the way to educate players. please send me some DNA samples for my clone bank.

dirty laundry is fine, i have gloves

Dude doesn't need education, he knows what he wants and its not to do this type of content. Idk the strike mission is easily doable with 5 people who love this kind of content.


Why not help them out then godfather them on a later date for idk shovels for my guild hall or something. Lol



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9 minutes ago, NumNums.7935 said:

Dude doesn't need education, he knows what he wants and its not to do this type of content. Idk the strike mission is easily doable with 5 people who love this kind of content.


Why not help them out then godfather them on a later date for idk shovels for my guild hall or something. Lol



were good, it was meant as a compliment. just telling people to git gud is the wrong way, you are one of the very few players, who are trying to close the gap, instead of making it even worse. 

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26 minutes ago, battledrone.8315 said:

were good, it was meant as a compliment. just telling people to git gud is the wrong way, you are one of the very few players, who are trying to close the gap, instead of making it even worse. 

Sorry about that lately on the forums its been a salt mine of arguing players. I'll try not to be so hasty on my assumptions next time.

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@Tom.6478 Don't be so disheartened. You don't need to be exceptionally brilliant to do these strike missions. Completely  understand if you feel  you don't have the reflexes or movement skills to do those. It just takes time and practice as with anything else that is seemingly hard. But it is understandable if you don't wish to be a regular in that type of content.
You can always find helpful people/commanders that would make a squad and help you get your loot then forget about it.

If you like, you can hit me up in game and I'll make a squad for you to get the collection Item(s).

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16 hours ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

See I don't think promoting group content as the primary content is a bad thing in an MMO.

Strike missions and raid are not the primary content. Big difference between strikes and just tagging around in group for a meta.


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7 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

were good, it was meant as a compliment. just telling people to git gud is the wrong way, you are one of the very few players, who are trying to close the gap, instead of making it even worse. 

"Just telling people to git gut" is the wrong way indeed. The right way though is giving them more specific tips on how to succeed (and/or playing with them in groups to see what they need help with), which some people on this forum for some reason try to paint as "git gut!" trolly response anyways. Completing content for someone certainly isn't "educating" anyone and has nothing to do with "closing the gap".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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12 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

I remember, and that is why I have not gone back to HoT in years. It was not fun for me, so I left it for those that enjoy that hot mess, and horrid map design. 😎

Bummer. It's hella rewarding and there are entire guilds dedicated to doing the metas.


Kinda tempted to "sell" the turtle strike...for the cost of the one food/utility I'm using on it (so...50s?).

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I dare to disagree that you dont need dps in this because you do. What you dont need is heals.The longer you spend there the greater the chance for a mistake and wipe.


I agree it's not difficult, you just can't pug it with random people who have no experience with group content like fractals or raids.

I tried 😁

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10 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Bummer. It's hella rewarding and there are entire guilds dedicated to doing the metas.


Kinda tempted to "sell" the turtle strike...for the cost of the one food/utility I'm using on it (so...50s?).


Nah, just help them out then see if they have anything they can do to help you out. Like I don't like farming the Silverwastes so if I carry someone and they just happen to have a few shovels in their stash I'll gladly let them donate them to the guild treasury.

Thats the best part about MMO's is diversity of community and content. So everyone has purpose/ can bring something unique to the table.

Edited by NumNums.7935
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10 minutes ago, NumNums.7935 said:


Nah, just help them out then see if they have anything they can do to help you out. Like I don't like farming the Silverwastes so if I carry someone and they just happen to have a few shovels in their stash I'll gladly let them donate them to the guild treasury.

Thats the best part about MMO's is diversity of community and content. So everyone has purpose/ can bring something unique to the table.

I'm a staff member in a guild with a max hall, and I have just about everything I could ever want on my account or have the means to get it. I just enjoy slapping things. If they're cool (not whiny), could even maybe have them join the guild if they want.


For the most part, I just want to slap things. Moving has taken away all my playtime since EoD came out.

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18 minutes ago, BatelGeuce.3591 said:

I dare to disagree that you dont need dps in this because you do. What you dont need is heals.The longer you spend there the greater the chance for a mistake and wipe.


I agree it's not difficult, you just can't pug it with random people who have no experience with group content like fractals or raids.

I tried 😁

Its 100% pug-able, many players know the fight now. The mechanics are not dynamic so once you know them and know what to look for its easy.


There is a few times we finish with only 5 players left which is fine. 


As for dps, yes its valuable but without an enrage timer this fight can be carried by healers. 

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I was disappointed to learn that strikes no longer have a public option.  I don't have ten friends or trusted players that I feel good about 'wasting their time' while learning a strike, or that are just willing to altruistically carry me.  I never had trouble in the public strikes, though I read a lot of people did.  I probably only played each strike once, though.  I thought they were reasonably well paced.. but:


 ... they are NOT what I originally purchased and like to play guild wars 2 for.  I don't enjoy raiding, I've done it extensively with friends on other mmos, its "fine" so long as I'm doing it with friends.  Like how if friends want to play cribbage, go bowling or something, sure, I'll do that with friends, even though.. not my favorite games.


For me, what shines about Guild Wars 2 is the exploratory and open world content.  Just stumbling upon an event with a bunch of random folks and saving the day.  Finding a treasure chest behind a waterfall.  That's fun to me, and a unique experience from other mmo offerings.


I'm a little disturbed about the turtle collection requiring a strike to complete.  Even moreso now that strikes no longer seem to have that faceless public option.  The turtle seemed to be sold as a feature of the expansion, so I purchased in with the expectation that it would be obtainable through my ordinary play patterns.  There was never any indication that it would take any great skill or effort to obtain it.  It being GW2 I did expect a grind and traveling the world picking up random do dads from random events and climbing the highest mountain, and completing the story mission. (It was a very good story.)


As I've managed to succeed in getting the dragon end's meta done, and that horrible maw fiasco, too.. to discover I need to form a group for a strike probably means that while if I put my mind to it I'm capable of doing the strike.. but it isn't something I look forward to.  I don't follow the meta, changing the builds I run on my main for open world play would be dangerous as I have learned that I'm slow to learn new builds, and thus would be sub optimal either way.  No one likes being "that guy" in a group of strangers who are all counting on you not to be a complete screw up so they can get their turtle bit and move on.


I'm going to do everything else I can first, and sit on it and see if Anet doesn't provide a more open world player friendly method of turtle collection completion.  Just because I probably can do something, doesn't mean I want to for fun on my day off. 


Anyhow, I play GW2 for the open world content.  I'd like a turtle for my buddy and I to ride to and from open world content on.  Not interested in instanced play.  Thanks for reading.

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The turtle was a big selling point for EoD. Many people here ended up not being able to get the turtle, by doing the meta and the strike. People are now understandably angry. Some people who want to sell runs are nicer than some of the 'helpful commenters' here. This is not a 'job', we paid to be here, so yes, anyone has the 'right' to complain. It's pretty simple. ( My comment is only about the people trying to shame and troll others)

Edited by SimulationOfLife.4657
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13 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

how many mouthfuls do you have to take, before you can determine whether you like the food or not?


There is food I didn't like as a child and love now.


7 minutes ago, fenriswolfman.5486 said:

An xpac selling feature should be easily available to all players. Period.


It is available for all players. The BotJS meta is the larger mess. Strikes are tame and people can even get carried if they remain unwilling to learn the game they're playing (with others).

No where was it stated that the Turtle just arrives in your mail, it was said "faster to earn than the Skyscale" (sic) which would've been true if Dragon's End were not the roadblock it is.

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9 minutes ago, Desh.7028 said:


There is food I didn't like as a child and love now.



It is available for all players. The BotJS meta is the larger mess. Strikes are tame and people can even get carried if they remain unwilling to learn the game they're playing (with others).

No where was it stated that the Turtle just arrives in your mail, it was said "faster to earn than the Skyscale" (sic) which would've been true if Dragon's End were not the roadblock it is.

Stop putting feathers in your own kitten. The strike is not tame.. The icebrood saga strikes are tame. 

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On 3/15/2022 at 2:46 AM, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

I personaly like that mount is locked behide harder content

If you spot someone with Turtle, your racher thinking "wow 😮" and it's give more of Prestige for having it

It's more of like treauser 🥰

But it isn't locked behind "harder" content...it's locked behind "I got lucky with rng or didn't".

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3 hours ago, aspirine.6852 said:

Stop putting feathers in your own kitten. The strike is not tame.. The icebrood saga strikes are tame. 

The strike can literally be done with 9 healscourges and a DPS (stealing someone else's quote) because there's no time limit and the only really dangerous mechanic is the zappy laser from the mech boss. (and stacking with the I - II - III markers on your head)


Really late Edit:

Y'all are really just psyching yourselves out when things are not as terrible as you think they are.

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
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