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Fishing feedback thread

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I see a lot of threads about fishing but so many posts are fragmentary or just bickering about reaction times, opinions, it's very existence, WOMM and so on. I want to make a thread for collected constructive feedback, directed towards developers.

First I want to address the existing systems.

  • Both visual and audio feedback within the minigame is rather poor and arbitrary. For some reason I can see the '!' markers of other players, both above their names and the minimap(???) which is not only completely irrelevant, but also extremely confusing if I'm standing next to one. The splashing and movement of the bobber is rather hard to read, especially if other people are fishing in the same hole. The audio cue of a catch is extremely hard to hear if not actually inaudible sometimes, and contrasts bizarrely with the loud and prominent bell chime you get just for casting into the water(Which really isn't needed--these two cues could be swapped, for a better experience). Often times my character will animate like they're about to be pulled into the drink by the rod (playing charr), but it seems to have zero correlation to events in the minigame. The animation really ought to be tied to fish snagging, which would help immensely with feedback.
  • Catch difficulty being random and having no correlation to fish rarity or size is a miss. It seems strange that the green leading bar can go sicko at 600+ fishing power only to give me some blue-quality aquarium fish, while a giant legendary-quality swordfish is the easiest and most docile catch of the day. The minigame suddenly being difficult should be a sign that something significant is on the line, making it exciting instead of leading to disappointment.
  • Fishing hole FP rating being higher in starter zones than EoD is extremely counterintuitive. Imagine being a new player wanting to fish on their journey through leveling an alt, having only dabbled in EoD on a boosted character; it is either a contradictory and unreasonable spike in difficulty without masteries, or an actual impossibility for a lack of bait or tackle that can only be acquired in EoD zones. A staple feature of fishing should be immediately accessible;  I think there should be basic fishing suppliers in starter areas that enable the player to engage in this fun minigame right off the bat rather than having to grind end-game content first, and fishing requirements should be cohesive with the leveling experience.
  • FP catch calculations as of writing this appear to be bugged, much like Magic Find was for some containers previously. Somehow I catch multiple legendary- and ascended-quality fish before I get a single exotic, or the chance seems to almost wrap around and give me nothing but blues and trash; phenomena that seems corroborated by other posts on the forum. This just compounds the frustration of trying to catch the single last exotic in a collection and somehow getting every other possible catch instead. Every collection I am near to finishing has stalled on one exotic instead of a legendary or ascended, that seems wrong.
  • Dawn/Dusk requirements are currently ludicrous. The game has neither an in-game world clock(there is apparently now a Tyrian Time option) or an actual day/night-cycle(the sky literally crossfades or stretch wraps a second texture over the first with no sunrise/set), which forces me to rely on out-of-game third-party apps just to know when to fish, but also "dawn" and "dusk" apparently last for a measly five minutes at a time, every hour. I  apparently have just five minutes, or about 6-9 attempts, to catch one single fish that is somehow the rarest of the lot thanks to bad RNG calculations. I don't dislike the idea of timed fish but this doesn't seem implemented or communicated well. Dawn and dusk are also kind of subjective to people living up a hemisphere and you need external knowledge such as the wiki to truly know the exact periods.
  • Having to constantly navigate between your fishing equipment and the collections hidden in the achievement tab in the hero panel to figure out what bait to use where and change accordingly is extremely fiddly and frustrating. Bloat and browsing in the hero panel has always been a problem and it's getting really bad with EoD. I can't think of a solution besides just adding another window for some of the features currently stuck in there, such as achievements.

I'd also like to leave suggestions. The minigame is decently engaging, but barebones and likely lacks longevity. I seriously hope it is being expanded on much like mounts were with utility skills.

  • Fishing should at least have a size system and record, if not also a leaderboard. Showing off the size of the creature you reeled in is a pretty staple thing in fishing. Having a record to beat gives you both additional goals and dopamine hits.
  • Fishing should have a tacklebox where I can store bait and lures. It would at least partly alleviate the hero panel bloat and having to shuffle bait around characters and inventories, and enable me to check both collections and equipment simultaneously. It could potentially feature fishing suggestions or tracking for the current zone/hole, freeing me from the frustrating achievement panel.
  • Further mechanics and skills should be added to the minigame with masteries. Some people seem to have such poor hand-eye coordination or reaction time they struggle to even beat the fishing tutorial, maybe add an electric shock mastery that stunts the fish and locks the green bar for a duration. Imagine a utility that lets you chain-catch or double mooch, or an elite skill that summons a laser shark that blasts a load of fish out of the water. The design team is usually pretty creative with gameplay so I'd trust them to make something fun.
  • Fly fishing? Rocket fishing? Fishing in the mists

For context I have been fishing for days now throughout the game world. Fishing was probably my most anticipated feature of the expansion. I know there is no way it could have compared to FFXIV's mature and extensive fishing system (that features an entire class, a creative questline including cutscenes, as well as multiple types of fishing(you can fish on a ship, underwater, in sand, or in space)), but it definitely could have been much worse, such as the copypaste click-the-bobber non-content in other MMOs. I'd have to describe fishing as being in the state it should have been in August 2012, but beggars can't be choosers, better late than never, etc. Very glad it's here but it still needs work to shine as I hope it can.

Edited by Snowskau.4369
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I keep seeing complaints that fishing is too hard. I am sorry for you but outside of the tutorial I really do not understand the argument. Not everything in this game is for everyone. I think the fishing is too easy and would like it to be made harder. If they make it even easier its going to be boring.

It's like if someone walked into a raid instance, wiped a few times and said its too hard, i am not fast enough to do a good rotation. Please make it easier for me. It's missing the whole point. Overcome it.. or don't. 

I do not believe fishing should be forced on anyone who doesn't wanna do it. But as someone who has played stardew valley and caught every fish in that game. There isn't anything in this game that is even catfish level difficulty, and thats one of the first fish in stardew you actually have to try on. 

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7 minutes ago, Jaricko.6143 said:

I keep seeing complaints that fishing is too hard. I am sorry for you but outside of the tutorial I really do not understand the argument. Not everything in this game is for everyone. I think the fishing is too easy and would like it to be made harder. If they make it even easier its going to be boring.

It's like if someone walked into a raid instance, wiped a few times and said its too hard, i am not fast enough to do a good rotation. Please make it easier for me. It's missing the whole point. Overcome it.. or don't. 

I do not believe fishing should be forced on anyone who doesn't wanna do it. But as someone who has played stardew valley and caught every fish in that game. There isn't anything in this game that is even catfish level difficulty, and thats one of the first fish in stardew you actually have to try on. 

The only time I myself failed is when I went out of my way to test FP requirements, but you have to understand some people have legitimate disabilities. Accessibility isn't about making things easy; it's about giving alternatives to input or support options like easily readable text and symbology. From what I've read I'm not sure the fishing UI is quite good enough in this regard.

Edited by Snowskau.4369
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1 hour ago, Snowskau.4369 said:


  • Fishing hole FP rating being highest in core areas is extremely counterintuitive. Why does a starter zone like Plains of Ashford ask for 450 FP, requiring near maxed masteries, fishing gear and/or fishing food? Imagine being a new player wanting to fish on their journey through leveling an alt, having only dabbled in EoD on a boosted character. Without the lvl-80 fishing boosts from the very latest areas of the game that's practically impossible. Absolutely absurd.

This seems a very targeted complaint. A player started EoD, did a little bit of fishing, and then started an alt who should be able to then fish easily in starter zones?

Said player could stick around in EoD just long enough to get Tier 3 Fishing Mastery, which is gained really quickly.

Rod 25 + Bait 100 + Base fishing lure 50 + Yellowfish Sushi 100 + Fishing on a Full Tank 100 + 3rd Tier 60 = 435

This isn't with maxed gear, masteries, or the best (or even second best) fishing food. If that orginal character popped over to New Kaineng Harbor for a better lure, they'd be a 460, putting your Plains of Ashford fishing into easy mode. Your hyptothetical new character could also fish in open water in the Plains of Ashford with recommended fishing power 400 to make things a little easier.

Just a little investment in fishing power makes EoD zone fishing painfully easy. I'd hate to see a bunch of other zones in the game made easier when most players who are interested will get over 400 fishing power in the first handful of hours after they set food in Cantha.

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I find fishing repeatative, boring and lacking reward..

To fish in hard area.. You need alot of tempertory stuff..

Fishing note-60 min if i remember corrrctly

Food-last 30-60 min.

Lure- 100 charge

Bait 1-25 stack


All these junk fill my bag real fast..its just isn't fun...plus when i want to fish on my alt. I can't..need another set to fish in Tyria... And the worst is when they expired. I have to travel all around the world to acquire the buff/food/lure/bait.....it suppose to be relaxing..but anet make it felt like preparing for a raid...


Fiahing power required 650

Fishing rod 25

Mastery    100

Lure.          100

Bait.           100(150)

Food.         150

Well fed.    100

Skiff.             50(one catch)


Total.           625(675)



It is no surprise new player find fishing hard.. Before you start the mastery and collect all junks...it is really hard to fish



P.s. why do i have to eat specific food to fish well.. I just don't understand..

Edited by decease.3215
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56 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

This seems a very targeted complaint. A player started EoD, did a little bit of fishing, and then started an alt who should be able to then fish easily in starter zones?

Said player could stick around in EoD just long enough to get Tier 3 Fishing Mastery, which is gained really quickly.

Rod 25 + Bait 100 + Base fishing lure 50 + Yellowfish Sushi 100 + Fishing on a Full Tank 100 + 3rd Tier 60 = 435

This isn't with maxed gear, masteries, or the best (or even second best) fishing food. If that orginal character popped over to New Kaineng Harbor for a better lure, they'd be a 460, putting your Plains of Ashford fishing into easy mode. Your hyptothetical new character could also fish in open water in the Plains of Ashford with recommended fishing power 400 to make things a little easier.

Just a little investment in fishing power makes EoD zone fishing painfully easy. I'd hate to see a bunch of other zones in the game made easier when most players who are interested will get over 400 fishing power in the first handful of hours after they set food in Cantha.

"Really quickly" is subjective. I maxed my fishing first thing on release, but a lot of people might not want want to focus EoD straight away. A very common recommendation for new players is to hop into the PoF starting mission just to unlock the raptor,  and then progress through the core game "normally" for that "true experience". Sure, if the player is a true fishing enjoyer and is well informed on the game's systems they can strategize it like that, but seeing responses on this forum, you might be expecting too much of completely new players who don't have friends or a guild to guide them. With fishing being such a staple feature, and applicable anywhere just like mounts, I think there should be nothing keeping you from delving into fishing right off the bat without first having to grind through end-game systems and resources and shuffling items through the bank just to make it work. It just makes so much more sense for the FP requirements to match the zone level, with starting value of Seitung to the max of end-game Orr and subsequent. People genuinely buy games just on the fishing minigames, but you might be surprised how easily some prospective players bounce off a game if they have to jump through some hoops first.

Edited by Snowskau.4369
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Agree on many points, especially the need of storage space for lures and baits.

About the dawn/dusk part here's what the GW2 Wiki says: "Fishing will treat dawn and dusk as both day and night at the same time."
I think this was done on purpose because of the short duration these events have. It's likely someone has tested this since it was added to the wiki.

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35 minutes ago, Snowskau.4369 said:

"Really quickly" is subjective. I maxed my fishing first thing on release, but a lot of people might not want want to focus EoD straight away. A very common recommendation for new players is to hop into the PoF starting mission just to unlock the raptor,  and then progress through the core game "normally" for that "true experience". Sure, if the player is a true fishing enjoyer and is well informed on the game's systems they can strategize it like that, but seeing responses on this forum, you might be expecting too much of completely new players who don't have friends or a guild to guide them. With fishing being such a staple feature, and applicable anywhere just like mounts, I think there should be nothing keeping you from delving into fishing right off the bat without first having to grind through end-game systems and resources and shuffling items through the bank just to make it work. It just makes so much more sense for the FP requirements to match the player level, with starting value of Seitung to the max of end-game Orr and subsequent. People genuinely buy games just on the fishing minigames, but you might be surprised how easily some prospective players bounce off a game if they have to jump through some hoops first.

You unlock fishing in EoD zones, you can't even fish without getting there first, on a level 80 character. After that, you can provide your alts with anything you want in order to raise their FP to what you want it to be. Fishing holes matching mob levels doesn't exactly make much sense in the way it is implemented as a feature in this game, since you're going back to those zones after reaching level 80 anyways.

If someone "geniunely bought gw2 just for the fishing", then they can use a booster (personally, wouldn't really recommend, but in the end it's their choice), unlock fishing and then... keep fishing?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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This is true. Once you have the masteries, you could always just transfer the bait / lures over to an alt via the bank, there is nothing stopping the alt from fishing, except maybe a minor inconvenience acquiring the equipment. Fishing is end game and the easiest fishing zones are the ones immediately around where you acquired fishing. 

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47 minutes ago, decease.3215 said:

I find fishing repeatative, boring and lacking reward..

To fish in hard area.. You need alot of tempertory stuff..

Fishing note-60 min if i remember corrrctly

Food-last 30-60 min.

Lure- 100 charge

Bait 1-25 stack


All these junk fill my bag real fast..its just isn't fun...plus when i want to fish on my alt. I can't..need another set to fish in Tyria... And the worst is when they expired. I have to travel all around the world to acquire the buff/food/lure/bait.....it suppose to be relaxing..but anet make it felt like preparing for a raid...


Fiahing power required 650

Fishing rod 25

Mastery    100

Lure.          100

Bait.           100(150)

Food.         150

Well fed.    100

Skiff.             50(one catch)


Total.           625(675)



It is no surprise new player find fishing hard.. Before you start the mastery and collect all junks...it is really hard to fish



P.s. why do i have to eat specific food to fish well.. I just don't understand..

You could eat any food, and that 475 (525) fishing power is going to make it easy to fish in almost the entire game.

Fishing power 650+ is only in Ember Bay, Draconis Mons, and fishing holes in Orr.

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What I'm saying is I don't think that should be necessary. I find it very strange that players would be going "back" from endgame to starter zones but seeing a converse increase in requirements. I think new characters should be able to get into fishing without having to do a relog shuffle from EoD zones and resources; they should be able to buy some basic +50 bait and tackle around the starting areas and cities that can enable them to start and have fun right away with a gradual progression that is more cohesive with the leveling experience, in spite of how ANet ended up implementing the unlocking of fishing.

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Excellent feedback.  You missed one thing though:  Having to mash the number keys.  I saw someone suggest being able to use LMB/RMB instead of 2/3 if desired, and I like that idea; I think I'd be gentler on my mouse buttons than on my poor keyboard, plus I'd have faster reactions than trying to do split second full key presses when I've been subconsciously jamming down the 2 button way too hard to try to make the slider move faster and suddenly have to lift up on that and press the 3 instead.

It would mean having the camera locked while reeling in a fish, though, which is its own problem.  I'm still mulling over ideas on ways to deal with the issue.

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4 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

Excellent feedback.  You missed one thing though:  Having to mash the number keys.  I saw someone suggest being able to use LMB/RMB instead of 2/3 if desired, and I like that idea; I think I'd be gentler on my mouse buttons than on my poor keyboard, plus I'd have faster reactions than trying to do split second full key presses when I've been subconsciously jamming down the 2 button way too hard to try to make the slider move faster and suddenly have to lift up on that and press the 3 instead.

It would mean having the camera locked while reeling in a fish, though, which is its own problem.  I'm still mulling over ideas on ways to deal with the issue.

You can also use movement keys instead of numerical ones btw.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

You could eat any food, and that 475 (525) fishing power is going to make it easy to fish in almost the entire game.

Fishing power 650+ is only in Ember Bay, Draconis Mons, and fishing holes in Orr.


Kryta polkute lake 500

Ascalon noxious water 500

Crystal desert 550

Domain of Istan 600-650

Sandswept Isle 600-650

Ruinof Orr 650-700

Ember Bay 650-700

Draconis Mons 700-750


Personally i don't have much problem.  But imagine you are a new player just starting gw2, brought the expansion with the level boost.  Enter Cantha grab the fishing pole... Wouldn't they get a big slap on the face?


Basically for new player and anyone still working on mastery.  They must stay in Cantha if they like to fishing.  For new player without mastery, they can only fish in Seitung


EOD the expansion reek of elitism.  To get turtle, you must do meta(or grind) and strike.  To fish you have to acquire every bit of fishing power and complete both fishing and skiff mastery. I felt sorry for those who don't have much time to play, jump in Cantha experiencing what this expansion has to offer.

P.s. just saying.. I don't enjoy crafting..and i don't care about crafting.. But jade bot module are account bound..i was forced to rush to max level.. Just so i can enjoy jade bot.  Now try walk in the shoe of new player, then you will probably see why many don't enjoy this expansion.    In HOT anyone can glide.. No crafting required.  Just one mastery line.  In POF you can get first few mount cheap and easy.  Everyone can enjoy it.   Now imagine HOT require you to have gliding power to glide in other zone.   Or HOT require you to have mount power to ride your mount in different map.


P.s.  imo they should make fish scale to fishing power.  Not fishing hole.  The more fishing power you had the harder/quality of fish may be caught.

edit: soz , can't type on phone.   fix some spelling error

Edited by decease.3215
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I can see what you all are saying. I get that "starter zone" feels incongruous with "challenge".

It's hard for be to wrap my head around this idea, though, that someone is going to jump into Cantha first on a boosted level 80, then almost immediately turn around and create a new character to level up from the beginning, and want to fish.

It really does just take a few hours running around Seitung to get to fishing mastery 3, which will make the vast majority of fishing easy. 

I definitely agree with you on the jade bot, though, Decease.

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I am consistently having issues with high Fishing Power making fish just under the top tier fish extremely rare.  Getting an abundance of Legendary or Ascended fish, and then some Exotic fish that uses the same bait will basically never appear.  The weighting on the catch type based on Power needs to be reworked to not make some mid tier fish next to impossible to catch.


Also, when it can take an hour to build party boat stacks, and it can take several day cycles to catch a fish, the 60m time limit on closing maps really hurts fishing.  Fishing can require hours in the same map, and many maps consistently close every meta, world boss or event cycle.  Party Boat stacks need to be reworked.

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Up until they crashed the ambergris market, I did see exotic and ascended combined maybe equally as often as i saw legendaries... but i just counted my blessings as ambergris were selling for 3 g a pop. In an hour in Crystal oasis i would have 8 - 10 ambergris and i would make decent coin all the while playing something i actually enjoyed. 

Now that they crashed the market and collections are the only thing left. I could see why this would be a problem. With that said, it was never such a problem that i didn't have most of a zones fish within an hour outside of like ascalon or something that has a bunch of annoying dusk / dawn fish. 

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10 hours ago, LuRkEr.9462 said:

Dusk/Dawn should be extended to 10-15 minutes atleast. Its the worst going for the three ascalonian fisher dusk/dawn catches.

If the GW2 Wiki is correct (see Day/Night Schedule), you can catch fish that say dawn or dusk (or both) also during day and night. So the ingame description could just say "time: any", but I guess this was done because of variety and all.
I haven't been paying attention when did I catch them but haven't had (too much) trouble catching them either. Should be pretty easy to test tho.

Edit: It might also be that dawn means from midnight till midday and dusk is from midday till midnight.

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10 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Excellent feedback.  You missed one thing though:  Having to mash the number keys.  I saw someone suggest being able to use LMB/RMB instead of 2/3 if desired, and I like that idea; I think I'd be gentler on my mouse buttons than on my poor keyboard, plus I'd have faster reactions than trying to do split second full key presses when I've been subconsciously jamming down the 2 button way too hard to try to make the slider move faster and suddenly have to lift up on that and press the 3 instead.

It would mean having the camera locked while reeling in a fish, though, which is its own problem.  I'm still mulling over ideas on ways to deal with the issue.

I was able to bind my numpad keys for fishing, but cannot get my mouse buttons to register at all.  

As for day/night... I never knew we had a day & night cycle in GW2. There are no visible cues, it does not get darker or lighter, so I had no idea it supposedly existed.  Very bizzare ha ha 

I would like to see some kind of tackle box to hold the multitude of consumables we need for fishing. 😎

~Edit~ has anyone found a fishing supply vendor other than the one in Eastern Wilds?  That is a long way from a waypoint.   And is the exclamation point above our head new? I never saw it until today... 

Edited by Tukaram.8256
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3 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

As for day/night... I never knew we had a day & night cycle in GW2. There are no visible cues, it does not get darker or lighter, so I had no idea it supposedly existed.  Very bizzare ha ha

To me it's pretty clear what time it is ingame, if hard to tell then look at the sky. Moon = nighttime & sun = daytime. Perhaps having some setting on low disables this. You can also set the minimap clock to show Tyrian Time from options.

3 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

~Edit~ has anyone found a fishing supply vendor other than the one in Eastern Wilds?  That is a long way from a waypoint.   And is the exclamation point above our head new? I never saw it until today... 

The wiki has a list of fishing supply vendors and fishmongers who trade fish fillets (also trade fine fillets for mackerel bait fish now). The exclamation mark is not a new thing but they made it bigger so now it's much easier to see.

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Your 2022 game shouldn't have worse fishing than a game 2 decades old:


Fishing needs urgency - my rod can't break, I can't "lose" the fish after I have it on my line.

The UI is worse than a 2002 game, I shouldn't need to navigate multiple menus to equip lure/bait and the game doesn't even tell me when I have no lures left!

There's basically 1 fish. They all "feel" the exact same. I catch a legendary and don't even notice it because it has the same "fighting" strength as a white fish.

I can't watch netflix while fishing because it requires too much attention to constantly fish, while also being too easy that I'm not entertained enough by what I'm doing.

Lack of progression. The only thing is cosmetic titles/rods and you release rods in the gem store that are better than the "catch everything in the game" rod. Really crappy to pull that, tbh. Masteries for fishing were over before I even fished once, there's no grind to fishing and being better at it from an RPG sense almost immediately, why?

Fishing is too basic, easy, and has no urgency. I barely interact with it.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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For me the biggest crimes are the ui / inventory for fishing and targeting the rng of generic any time of day and any bait fish.

First thing's first, The mastery button is better than nothing, but it's not sufficient, this will get even worse in the future when more stuff get's thrown into this single tiny button. Skiff, fishing rod and jade waypoint need their own buttons or keybinds, this could easily be solved by giving jade waypoint its own button and interlinking the fishing rod/skiff ones by giving the fishing rod a call skiff button and the skiff a button to both anchor skiff and equip fishing rod.

All the elements of the fishing panel should be visible and interactable while fishing rod is equipped, like F1 could be bait, F2 could be lures and F3 could be a watch telling you time of day and current fishing power, could even have an F4 of Gut all fish in inventory and F5 for placing skiff

The inventory management is also an issue, i have full 32slots so it's not specifically a problem for me, but good grief the thought of a player with lesser bags trying to properly do fishing is horrifying, i have a full 32slot bag dedicated to bait lures and fishing food, that's not including the actual fish, greys or tonics you catch. I don't know if them being crafting materials or even a currency is the answer but this area needs improvement.


With the shear amount of bait variety that already exists i can't see a valid reason why we couldn't have a preferred bait for every possible fish in a zone, if there is some unforeseeable legitimate reason why this isn't the case already that i don't know about then please lets do the mackerel treatment to the rng issue. Something like let us trade in legendary fish of that zone for a bait that let's you target some of the more generic fish.


Anecdotal evidence so far, i've actually stopped using bait entirely when targeting generic fish that i'm struggling with and it's surprisingly worked good so far for 4 out of 5 different fish,  i got a fish i spent days trying to catch on the very first no bait attempt, another fish in the 2nd attempt and a 4th and 5th fish both on the 3rd try. Only the third attempt at doing this for a certain fish did not give it within first 5 attempts however i managed to get it immediately after putting bait back on and trying for an entirely different fish because of time of day change. (to use no bait just split a bait to 1 stack then equip it, use it and now you're fishing with no bait)

Edited by Bookah pls.9352
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8 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:


Fishing needs urgency - my rod can't break, I can't "lose" the fish after I have it on my line.


Please no breakable rods. With bait, lures, and fishing food we already have three things to constantly restock in order to fish.

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