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Anet added new way to obtain egg for turtle, what about other things? (Gift of Battle)

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It is worth considering what to do next. 🙄

Raids PVE and strike missions are too hard . Someone doesn't like making them. Should we be able to buy legendary armor now? Someone does not like do a living story, should we give the opportunity to buy legendary trinkets? Someone doesn't like to do achivments, should pvp / wvw / pve backpacks be available from seller? 🙃

Legendary items don't give you an edge over other players. They are trophies like titles or skins that show other players that their owner has really had a hard time getting them. That this player has been playing this game for a long time and that player is someone significant.

To get the opportunity to diving skimmer or get a griffin, you need to do a whole POF living story. Due to the fact that I don't like living story, these things are unavailable to me. Am I complaining ?! No, because I am humble and I have accepted that, as in life, also in the game. You have to work and sacrifice to have something. I've spent a lot time of living stories and achievements to get legendary trinkets and even though I don't like it, having them is satisfying to me. Let's not forget that legendary items are not only about doing things, but also about a great cost in gold.

You can earn the title of fractal god by playing cm + t4 daily for a year. Shouldn't we shorten it to a week? That way, no one will say that it is impossible for him to do so. 😂

I don't understand people who say they have the right to anything without their own contribution. What is the point of playing when you have everything on the tray?

Greetings 😉

Edited by Mlody.4180
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I hate WvW or any form of PvP. I dont like what it does with my personality when I'm pvping. But I did my share of WvW for my legendaries because it's more like open Pve and events, where players group together when it's needed and disband when it doesn't. So, it's much more casual friendly than strike missions or fractals.

I only have problems with the strike mission part of the Thruster Control Unit. I'm a casual player, I don't have 10 friends in the game online for a 1.5 hour strike mission, and PUGS tend to fail about 20/1. I'm seriously thinking about giving up for the Siege Turtle and move on, but that kitten moving bus is keep following me in Arborstone...

So, I'm really frustrated because of this. If they give me, for example, a hard Pve mission or a second collection achievment, then it's ok.

Compared to the more usable mount, the skyskale, this collection is ridicuolus.

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27 minutes ago, Rinn.2375 said:

...I'm seriously thinking about giving up for the Siege Turtle and move on, but that kitten moving bus is keep following me in Arborstone...

So, I'm really frustrated because of this. If they give me, for example, a hard Pve mission or a second collection achievment, then it's ok.

Compared to the more usable mount, the skyskale, this collection is ridicuolus.

Just curious: if you can't stand being followed by a massive turtle, why not just stay out of Arborstone?

Edit: or does that thing follow you wherever you are in the new maps.

Edited by misterman.1530
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32 minuty temu Rinn.2375 powiedział:


Mam problemy tylko z częścią misji uderzeniowej jednostki sterującej Thruster. Jestem zwykłym graczem, nie mam 10 znajomych w grze online na 1,5-godzinną misję strajkową, a PUGS mają tendencję do porażek około 20/1. Poważnie myślę o rezygnacji z Żółwia Oblężniczego i ruszeniem dalej, ale ten autobus z kociakami jedzie za mną w Arborstone...

Więc jestem z tego powodu naprawdę sfrustrowany. Jeśli dadzą mi na przykład trudną misję Pve lub drugie osiągnięcie kolekcji, to jest w porządku.

W porównaniu z bardziej użytecznym wierzchowcem, skyskale, ta kolekcja jest śmieszna.

I also have no friends. I played mostly with PUGS, but that didn't stop me from completing three legendary armor. Legendary fractal backpack. Consequently, thanks to air raids, fractals and strikes, I found a guild with which I can now go to various group events.

I don't have EoD, but the fact that there is a tough meta event and impact missions needed to create a turtle is fun. Because it makes you adapt, perfect your skills, and keep in touch with other players. Maybe events like this one where success forces players to gather a group and perfect their skills will make people start talking to people and stop playing solo, as if they are afraid of contact with other people. After all, the turtle is a mount for two, so there must be some cooperation.

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On 3/18/2022 at 2:02 AM, Ultramex.1506 said:

Give WvW players more WvW-Legendaries without having to do too much PvE then we'll talk. 

Totally agree. 

OP needs to look at things from us WvW players perspective. We generally don't like PvE, find it boring, unimaginative, but  do you ever see us on forum about all the PvE elements we have to do to obtain Legendary items?? Nope cos that's the requirement and we just grin and bear the PvE stuff. 

Gift of Battle is a total walk in the park, 8 hours without boosters, 4 hours with all boosters and faster still if you do the easier WvW dailies for the WvW potions. 

Can I do dailies to advance my Gift of Exploration??? If I start a new character the fastest I can do 0-100% Full Tyria Complete is about 3 days gaming on/off most of the day: That's 303 Renowned Hearts which for me personally are one of the most boring, mind-numbing, tedious activities in game, but I endure them to craft the Legendaries I want. 

Thus there is no argument for a PvE based Gift of Battle unless PvE elements are made possible to acquire in WvW and that seriously ain't gonna happen after 10 years. 

Edited by Gregg.3970
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1 hour ago, Rinn.2375 said:

I only have problems with the strike mission part of the Thruster Control Unit. I'm a casual player, I don't have 10 friends in the game online for a 1.5 hour strike mission, and PUGS tend to fail about 20/1. I'm seriously thinking about giving up for the Siege Turtle and move on, but that kitten moving bus is keep following me in Arborstone...

The strike mission doesn’t take 1.5h. It’s daily today so there will be groups doing it. Did it this morning with a pug group, many in the group casuals and new players. We didn’t wipe. So the strike mission is really not hard. 

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On 3/19/2022 at 12:51 PM, Gregg.3970 said:

OP needs to look at things from us WvW players perspective. We generally don't like PvE, find it boring,

Dude, i responded to same person as you quoted, mentioning exacly about that.


I feel like most people don't even read, so not gonna even bother respond to most. As for those "i don't like it too, but ain't bitchin, i take it like a man, endure it" - cool, you stayed quiet and look how your gamemode looks / performs. With that attitiude for sure you gonna change something. Now i see it's pointless to even try. Good luck, have fun 🙃

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On 3/18/2022 at 9:21 AM, Peterson.5172 said:

First, get these:


(possibly) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karmic_Converter

These converters sometimes have these https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Box_of_WvW_Supplies, which takes about 3 for one wvw level, save 6-7 and use when there's a WvW ranker daily on (=2 track potions)


Second, when you have wvw rank 10, get this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Portable_Provisioner, and buy food when there are Big Spender events on (=1 track potion)


A full reward track/GoB costs 80 potions to complete

Also if you dont spend the wvw currency anywhere else, it will even very slowly go up

There are even more non-WvW ways to get a GoB:


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