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Alternative path for PVE Legendary Armor

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52 minutes ago, titje.2745 said:

I hate when selfish players just downvote it and don’t want others have the same feature.

 They don't. I am quoting myself yet again:

1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

I am not opposed to Legendary Armor for OW play.  The Person you responding to doesn't seem to be all against that either. A lot of people wont be opposed to the concept so long the reward structure is fair.

But fairness doesn't seem to be the end goal for the loudest part of the pro OW-Legendary armor crowd. WvW is comparable to OW content in effort if you wanna but out minimal effort. They are looking at a 300 Hour grind. Are you willing to disable all your PvE rewards for a PvE Legendary armor track that does take 300 hours to complete?


Edited by Albi.7250
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1 hour ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


At this point, 

At this point, i agree with the people that most of the repetitive offenders here who want the legy armor want to do next to nothing for it. Think of it what you will, but the answers and reactions in this thread show that very well.

where did I say I don’t want to do anything for it? Just change legendary insights to antique runestones or what’s called from arborstone? And about the reactions in this tread. It’s from selfish players who only think about their own. I am a person that wants the best for everyone (for nice ppl ofc) it doesn’t make me feel better by prevent someone else have also nice things. I better advice them how to reach a goal. And about doing nothing for it. We just can have a different collection. Also suggested with gifts of exploration. 2 for an armor piece. 
thats 6 world completions. And if you think that working for legendary amulet is like doing nothing for it. Then I better stop the discussion. For me the legendary amulet was a big frustration in the story as solo player. Took long. Many parts took more then 45 minutes. With in mind that an instance can crash (disconnect) and have to do everything again. So it was also stress. Ohw and I hate story’s. 


Its just a fact that even in games, you sometimes has to go out of your'e comfort-zone to aquire stuff.

(easy to say when you got your armor with content you like. This is exactly what I meant. Ppl can’t place them in others situation) because, you know, I got what I want so I don’t care.  Does it make you feel better? 

Because thats the good thing on a game, you don't need everything.

(you can’t say that for others, you are playing games. For your fun in free time, what if someone say you don’t need games in life. Just go to the gym or other nice things?) you like to play games so others have not the right to say this for you. 

And when you think the world ends because of this and someone is gatekeeping you ... you should go out and breath some fresh air x).

Edited by titje.2745
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10 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:


 They don't. I am quoting myself yet again:

But fairness doesn't seem to be the end goal for the loudest part of the pro OW-Legendary armor crowd. WvW is comparable to OW content in effort if you wanna but out minimal effort. They are looking at a 300 Hour grind. Are you willing to disable all your PvE rewards for a PvE Legendary armor track that does take 300 hours to complete?


How much gold you loose , for collecting the Aurora  and not doing Drizzlewood instead ?

Do you make the whole older maps  more  alive though ?


(Again if PvP ppl wants more rewards ,they can make a thread of it . It would be silly for somone to  oppose them , without him knowing the reasson)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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1 hour ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

 She makes not the most dmg, and makes mistakes. But she has fun. Because she is with the people she likes in a game what she likes.

So, what does this say?

So she isn’t doing very well. But she has fun and because you know her you accept it. That’s good. But why you prevent strangers for having nice features? We also like to stat swap, we are also not the best, but we have fun. And by reading your text it looks like the only thing that matter is having fun. Even when you are not the best. This is exactly the same. But you don’t know us so you think different. 

and sorry if I double post. I did edit post and then quote. But I don’t know if both of my posts merge after submit. I am typing on phone so I don’t know how everything works. Also I am not into web design things. 

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13 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

How much gold you loose , for collecting the Legendary Ring or  Amulet and not loosing Drizzlewood instead ?


(Again if PvP ppl wants more rewards ,they can make a thread of it , are you going there to opose them ?)

I am not talking about about Gold loss. Legendary armor right not comes with with a 300 Hour low effort time commitment(WvvW) and a 201 hour high effort time commitment(PvP).  And if you choose  any off these routes you don`t have a single Gold to spare. That's just how much you have to do, to get Legendary Armor. I get you want the armor. I don't get why you think OW players deserve it for a fraction of the effort and time.

Edit: When you say OW player should have access to legendary armor in the name of fairness. Then the reward structure should reflect that.

Edited by Albi.7250
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10 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

I am not talking about about Gold loss. Legendary armor right not comes with with a 300 Hour low effort time commitment(WvvW) and a 201 hour high effort time commitment(PvP).  And if you choose  any off these routes you don`t have a single Gold to spare. That's just how much you have to do, to get Legendary Armor. I get you want the armor. I don't get why you think OW players deserve it for a fraction of the effort and time.

Edit: When you say OW player should have access to legendary armor in the name of fairness. Then the reward structure should reflect that.

How much money  i make , while i chase  the Aurora ?

Bump those numbers in WvW +PvP


WvW + PvP will get more money

OW players will get their fork and chinese hat for the 1 year grind

Training Guilds are "creating the next set of Raiders" .


(I wouldn't say that the casual are treating Training Guilds are an extra formof  LFG  and then quitting . What whould the point of the actual LFG be then ?  Or how the Trainning Guilds are feeling with an overwelming amount of people waiting in the "que")

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Observe, kindly reader, how fast we moved away from "exotic with stat-swap functionality" as an idea, yet the "just let me stat-swap" argument gets repeated regularly...

Observe also how yet another page went by, and not a single suggestion of what it would take has materialized. Still in the "as easy as WvW, as fast as raids" ballpark.

But truly not a "gimme leggy armor", nope.

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1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:


 They don't. I am quoting myself yet again:

But fairness doesn't seem to be the end goal for the loudest part of the pro OW-Legendary armor crowd. WvW is comparable to OW content in effort if you wanna but out minimal effort. They are looking at a 300 Hour grind. Are you willing to disable all your PvE rewards for a PvE Legendary armor track that does take 300 hours to complete?


Notice, how fairness does not factor in what you propose either. If it did, you'd have mentioned how WvW players do not have to "disable" anything, and can keep playing the content they want, the way they always did, and still get that armor. And how the 300 hours is a calculation for someone new to WvW (Bronze and below), and drops with each tier (with the highest tier requiring 180 hour).

If we were to be equal replacement, you would require hours playing any PvE OW content you want (without "disabling" rewards from it), with ability to reduce the time played by half for OW veterans.

I don't see how something like this could be introduced (for one, i don't see any "counter" for "OW rank" that could be used to reduce the time needed - APs might be used in a pinch, but they are more of a general thing, not content-specific). If it could, however, then yes, i'd be perfectly willing to see this method towards obtaining legendary armor.

7 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Still in the "as easy as WvW, as fast as raids" ballpark.

Nah, as easy and as long as WvW is perfectly fine.

7 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

But truly not a "gimme leggy armor", nope.

Indeed. Not truly that. So you might drop the hyperbole now.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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10 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Observe, kindly reader, how fast we moved away from "exotic with stat-swap functionality" as an idea, yet the "just let me stat-swap" argument gets repeated regularly...

Observe also how yet another page went by, and not a single suggestion of what it would take has materialized. Still in the "as easy as WvW, as fast as raids" ballpark.

But truly not a "gimme leggy armor", nope.

Yeah , they can still be exotic stats .

But not that you need LI (that is gonna be tradable) t change stats


(for some reason , there's curricular conversations about not implanting them , but as the end their majesty Lord Bison that graced us with their visit , try to "propose" something with Li  (that they  horde all these time) , because theyhad a "Change of Hearts" . Someon1 could say that was their initial goal ..

Or something like that happens when when "turtle like rewards" are created > sell runs +use victim card >blames company.

Why not grease(gold) some1 from greece , it would be easier , for both of us ....)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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3 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:


And i am quoting myself here:

Your answer with this:

I REALLY don't want to put words in your mouth. But that's reads like you wanna make Legendary armor really easy to get. Just to? Appease the casual player? Hope the play more challenging content after they got there easy reward? If they don't start the these game modes with one of the best carrots in the game they never will. So not that smart. Also what point is in a reward, in playing the game in fact if everything comes easy? Again: I am not opposed to Open World Legendary armor, as long as the reward structure is fair.

You find really easy in anything I said.  I said I want to do it playing the content I enjoy because, get this, I bought a game to enjoy it. No one buys a game to hate it. At least no one sane.  No, I bought the game, I enjoy a major part of it, and I don't care if it's grindy or takes a long time.


As I've already said, I have all the legendaries I can get without raiding or PvPing and even 3 pieces of legendary armor from a combination of PvPing and WvWing.  I play this game more and harder than many people even if I don't do the hardest content.  I've done every fractal through level 100  (but not challenge modes).  I have the Fractal backpiece. I have the PvP backpiece.


So where did I say I want it easy? Show me.  All I ever said was I want to neither raid nor PvP/WvW, since the open world and stories and achievements in general are my thing.  PvPers get to play the content they want, same with WvWers. You want it to be fair, do the same for PvEer's And if it's grindy, I don't really care.


The word easy never passed through my lips.

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16 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I don't see how something like this could be introduced

Well coming up with something shouldn't be too hard, they could e,g. introduce a WvW rank equivalent for OW and remove the map specific participation system OW uses rn which most people don't even know exists anyways and replace it with a more general overarking WvW-esque one based on event participation. Also, add participation for the completion of various side tasks like e.g. heart completion or JPs. /done

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48 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And how the 300 hours is a calculation for someone new to WvW (Bronze and below), and drops with each tier (with the highest tier requiring 180 hour).

Haha. Funny you mention that. The 300 hours are calculated with your team winning All the time and commitment Bonus. So the actual time investment is even bigger.


48 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Notice, how fairness does not factor in what you propose either. If it did, you'd have mentioned how WvW players do not have to "disable" anything, and can keep playing the content they want, the way they always did, and still get that armor

Okay you clearly should inform yourself. All they get is the armor. That is all they get as a reward. Probably even less so if we ran the numbers. They probably have to go into OW to get the rest of materials. Which is seems to be an huge injustice. You don't understand your privilege.  Your Content throws so many rewards at you that you don´t grasp the concept that if you play WvW for 300 Hours and make armor:

  1. There is no Gold left
  2. there is no unidentified Gear
  3. there is no chance for an Infusion
  4. there is no mastery Progress
  5. There aren't that many Skins
  6. There is not even the glimmer of a chance to get a Legendary Weapon
48 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Notice, how fairness does not factor in what you propose either

I did explain how it does factor in. Multiple times. I literally did it spell it out. And I do it again. The current work you have to do to get ONLY nothing else ONLY Legendary armor is  300 hour low effort or 201 hours high effort. You want that while keeping all your regular rewards. Basically doubling your Rewards you get from playing the game mode you are enjoying. And that is indeed unfair.

Edited by Albi.7250
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2 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Funny, we have also an old lady in our guild. And our guild leader and a friend of here, started to bring here to raids(she wanted it, because she wanted to spend more time together). And she is doing fine. She makes not the most dmg, and makes mistakes. But she has fun. Because she is with the people she likes in a game what she likes.

So, what does this say?

I don't think it says anything since you have a data set of 1.  I have a number of people over 60 in my guild including myself.  But I also have people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s.  I talk to three 70 plus year olds in my guild on a regular basis. One of them has two full sets of legendary armor, but he also plays WvW all the time, and has been since before he even went for legendary armor. He has no problem staying in WvW all day every day because he enjoys that. 

What does that say?

Edit: I should add, he has 2 sets of legendary armor, but never made a legendary weapon. lol

Edited by Vayne.8563
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39 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Yeah , they can still be exotic stats .

But not that you need LI (that is gonna be tradable) t change stats


(for some reason , there's curricular conversations about not implanting them , but as the end their majesty Lord Bison that graced us with their visit , try to "propose" something with Li  (that they  horde all these time) , because theyhad a "Change of Hearts" . Someon1 could say that was their initial goal ..

Or something like that happens when when "turtle like rewards" are created > sell runs +use victim card >blames company.

Why not grease(gold) some1 from greece , it would be easier , for both of us ....)

Yeah LI isn't the best of ideas. Maybe something from the open world? But how come that no single Person who is in favor builds on that idea. Even now it only gets mentioned to reflect an argument.

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17 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Haha. Funny you mention that. The 300 hours are calculated with your team winning All the time and commitment Bonus. So the actual time investment is even bigger.


Okay you clearly should inform yourself. All they get is the armor. That is all they get as a reward. Probably even less so if we ran the numbers. They probably have to go into OW to get the rest of materials. Which is seems to be an huge injustice. You don't understand your privilege.  Your Content throws so many rewards at you that you don´t grasp the concept that if you play WvW for 300 Hours and make armor:

  1. There is no Gold left
  2. there is no unidentified Gear
  3. there is no chance for an Infusion
  4. there is no mastery Progress
  5. There aren't that many Skins
  6. There is not even the glimmer of a chance to get a Legendary Weapon

I did Multiple times. I literally did it spell it out. And i do it again. The current work you have to do to get ONLY nothing else ONLY Legendary armor is a 300 hour low effort or 201 hours high effort. You want that while keeping all your regular rewards. Basically doubling your Rewards you get from playing the game mode you are enjoying. And that is indeed unfair.

People here really don't understand how WvW rewards work. A suit of armor? 1500 memories of battle. They are a *huge* percentage of your "earnings" in WvW, if you choose to sell them. 

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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Observe, kindly reader, how fast we moved away from "exotic with stat-swap functionality" as an idea, yet the "just let me stat-swap" argument gets repeated regularly...

Observe also how yet another page went by, and not a single suggestion of what it would take has materialized. Still in the "as easy as WvW, as fast as raids" ballpark.

But truly not a "gimme leggy armor", nope.

Yep, it's outstanding to me xD. People don't even put effort in there whining and put, as alway, words in mouth of others ...

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4 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Over a hundred comments later, and the closest we've come to a "what would OW legendary armor take" suggestion is... I dunno, really... complaints that WvW one takes too long, and the raid one needs raids? So I guess we're at "easy as WvW, fast as raid", then?
Does that not classify as a gimme?

It classified as a strawman argument what you have been doing here, by taking some convinient points some people have said here to exaggerate and attacke them.


Specifics of how OW legendary armor should be implemented is out of matter right now, it will just get whole disscusiion farther from relevant points and is just another way to shut down discussion. So far in this topic i've only seen one post saying it should be done same way as Champion's Regalia had been done, the most common opinion is, though, that it should be comparable to other ways of acquiring legendary armor, in the sense that it have to have gold/material sink, timegate aspect to it and certain level of dedication. Any tradeoffs are completely pointless as it's not up to you, or me, or anyone else in this topic to decide what would be the exact requirements for it. So i suggest you to stop asking people how many bazillions gift of exploration would be required for one piece of legendary armor, as it serve no good purpose.



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2 hours ago, titje.2745 said:

Its just a fact that even in games, you sometimes has to go out of your'e comfort-zone to aquire stuff.

(easy to say when you got your armor with content you like. This is exactly what I meant. Ppl can’t place them in others situation) because, you know, I got what I want so I don’t care.  Does it make you feel better? 

Because thats the good thing on a game, you don't need everything.

(you can’t say that for others, you are playing games. For your fun in free time, what if someone say you don’t need games in life. Just go to the gym or other nice things?) you like to play games so others have not the right to say this for you. 

And when you think the world ends because of this and someone is gatekeeping you ... you should go out and breath some fresh air x).

oh, when you would se my original post, before i editit it, you would know i put myself very well in other people situation. But i try not to write to much, because most people don't read it aniways. But just for you.

I did a lot of stuff i don't like, because i wanted the skin, or title. One of them is funny-wise, the amulet. I HATE the Story of gw2. Not because its hard or stuff, but its boring, it has so many plotholes and the fight's are not hard, the fight's are just "trow as many enemys and effects as you can and show what happen". I hatet the last bit of the Amulet, these Missions you have to do in IBS. I did them mostly alone, although i joined open instances. And also there, they don't where dificult for me, they where just kittening annoying. But i did all of this, because i wanted a free amulet(free in terms of, i didn't need gold for it).

On my Old account i have 6+ Legendarys, for which i did ALL the Achievment stuff, because at the time i made them, this was cheaper. And i hatet it, i got even some achievments put in my inventory of how bugged stuff there where. But i did.

On my old account, and now on this account, i did PVP for the Backpack(asc version) because i love the skin. But PVP stresses me out. Thats why this one takes me the longest, i do it slow and nice, and try to have fun in my ways.

And there is more, and i bet everyone has something ingame what he dosn't like, but did anyways because he wanted the thing behind it.


Pls don't asume stuff, from which you have no idea and read more carefully. I don't know why you feel so attacked because of what i said, because what i said was not addressed to you.

And btw, again, i never said i'am AGAINST a OW path. I'm against an easy as LW-path. Because, yeah, you had trouble, i don't know you. But as i said, as other's said, you are not the only person playing this game. So the aquiring should be fair between Raid-Wvw-Pvp and OW.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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6 hours ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

back to something Vayne posted while i was writing this: Dungeon tokens can actually be acquired through items (a token voucher, not sure the official name) you acquire from Black Lion Chests, if someone happens to buy keys or key farm and happen to acquire and keep them. so for some people, they don't even need to do any dungeons in order to acquire their legendary weapons. i know this from experience opening BLCs

At least some of the festivals have "weekly rewards" vendors that sell, once a week, Tyrian Exchange Vouchers, which can be exchanged for dungeon currencies.  Also, WvW dungeon reward tracks give dungeon currencies.  If you have completed the dungeon's story mode you can use those reward tracks at any time.  If you haven't you can still use the tracks when they are in rotation.

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4 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

Again: I am not opposed to Open World Legendary armor, as long as the reward structure is fair.


You whole argument is whataboutism. Yes, WvW has bad GpH rate, or bad reward structure in general, you can create topics about it and believe me there will be no OW players saying: "I am not opposed to better rewards for WvW, as long as OW has legedary armor." We're not here fighing for social justice trying to fix every wrong in the world, but to defend our own interests, like every normal person do. If every person that thinks something isn't right will start to come to us and say: "Hey, open worlders, fix that unfairness for me and then you can have your legendary armor", we will never get anywhere.

Edited by Rinagal.9235
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10 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

People here really don't understand how WvW rewards work. A suit of armor? 1500 memories of battle. They are a *huge* percentage of your "earnings" in WvW, if you choose to sell them. 

Yeah , they could the same sink for OW PvE  .

For example forcing you to waste 70 Mystic  Coins per Gear (just like Legendary Weapons)

So in both PvE and WvW , the cost is 300-400 gold


(what was again the point of these curcular conversations?)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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22 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

Specifics of how OW legendary armor should be implemented is out of matter right now

No it's not.
It literally is not.
Asking relevant questions about an idea or a system is literally the opposite of shutting down discussion.

Also, look up the definition of the term "strawman". You'll find my argument doesn't fit.

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9 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

You whole argument is a whataboutism

Is this the only way you know how to converse? By accusing the other side of dishonest debate tactics and logical fallacies?
WHILE not understanding the terms you are using?

Also, I'm betting WvW players wouldn't predicate their buffs on OW getting a legendary armor, but that's just me, mate.

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