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POLL - Improved Rewards are in the early planning stage.


What aspect of rewards would you like to vastly improve if you had to pick just one?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. What aspect of rewards would you like to vastly improve if you had to pick just one?

    • Skimish Chest - lackluster?
    • Skirmish reward track - We need moar gold! mystic coins! tickets! memories!
    • Npc drops - Another spoon? Another bone? Another.. hey that's an unidentified green thingie!, and sometimes a precursor!
    • Player drops - Badges for days, here's another unidentified green thingie, and sometimes a precursor!
    • Improved rarity of drops - Where's the precursors man? like? "I get perm bank access from black lion chest before pre's in 9 years!" wtf?
    • Reward tracks - More passive junk in my bags that I don't even notice.... well other than that paperweight gift of battle....
    • Event rewards - Karma? copper? I just defended this place with my life and that's all I'm worth?!
    • Rank up rewards - Sometimes you get precursors here too! when the moon is blue and hits your eye like a big pizza pie.
    • Daily achievement/rewards - Yo daily vet, you suck stop taking 10 mins of my life standing afk...
    • Time to completion - Full skirmish reward track / Reward tracks / Improved pipping / Extra wxp / Better participation credit?
    • Add brand new rewards - Moar wvw exclusive skins!, add some pve rewards? add some spvp rewards? legendary accessory/amulet finally?
    • Improve wvw currency - Need more exchanges for these stockpiles, need more drops for this other stockpile
    • Guild missions - Cheaper guild catas?
    • Nodes - Need moar leather!
    • Other - Post your "You didn't think of this smartypants!" rant.

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Every reset we get a special Reward base on how we do in that week, if you up tier or stay you get another special Reward, that means 2 Rewards, when there is a relink everyone get a Giant Reward containing loots, which depended on how well your server do in maintaining tier etc, and for the amount of enemy players killed on the time span.  And last but not least everyone get another Reward depending on your server placement. 

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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15 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I mean I don't disagree to adding more stuff to the vendor. But the whole purpose of that vendor was to provide ascended gear for you to buy if you couldn't obtain it through drops, then the legendary upgrades came later, not to be some infinite rewards/resource trader. All content have cut off points to their rewards eventually, even raids which also have legendary gear as it's top reward.

Once I'm done with the legendary sets, got all the ascended weapons, got all the infusions I need, I'll just buy superior siege I guess? skirmish track and tickets are not the sole reason I play wvw, I played it for 5 years before skirmish even came in for other reasons and there's other rewards to earn.

Memories of battle just needs to be given out more often and the prices will go down, but there's wvw players who don't even want that to happen because it's "gold" for them.

Just let us buy Ascended dear the same way literally every other place in pve has it. 

Stat selectable gear boxes. 

Roughly 200-300 tickets each + 200 Badges of honor + 5g

Done. Problem solved. Keep the old price for precourser Ascended only. 

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Other: based on your participation, you should get a reward based on your server's standing for the week. Players on the 1st place server get more than players on the 2nd place server, for example. Easy to calculate (based on participation).. Could also be  weighted: so a server that is constantly outnumbered due to massive differences in active WvW players would get bonuses even if they finished 2nd or 3rd. 

Let's say that the reward is Mystic Clovers (note: I am making up numbers for the player counts. No idea what those numbers could be):

1st place: 50 MCs - 500 active WvW players

2nd place: 30 MCs - 400 active WvW players (400/500=80%) - bonus 20% more MCs - total: 36 MCs

3rd place: 20 MCs - 200 active WvW players (200/500=40%) - bonus 60% more MCs - total: 32 MCs

All these would change based on the player's weekly participation level. There could also be other factors based on the actual participation (you can hit 6 early on and stay there for the week if you play often enough). Players with more participation get bonuses as well. Dunno.

Edit: I can see someone was confused. Was it the big words? The math?

Edited by misterman.1530
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6 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Just let us buy Ascended dear the same way literally every other place in pve has it. 

Stat selectable gear boxes. 

Roughly 200-300 tickets each + 200 Badges of honor + 5g

Done. Problem solved. Keep the old price for precourser Ascended only. 

Did you bother comparing the ascended pieces on every vendor?


The three areas(fractal/wvw/spvp) that allow selectable stat gear all cost gold, all cost marks, all cost main/secondary area currency.

The only big difference between them is the cost of memories of battle. The other two areas raids and strikes cost more gold and restrictive on currency.

The only area out of whack is the memories of battle prices, and we've already argued over that a dozen times in these forums, to which the morons always reply no it's fine they like the price so they can sell it. So if you think gear is expensive take that up with the morons that block the arguments in improving memory acquirement every time.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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3 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

Other: based on your participation, you should get a reward based on your server's standing for the week. Players on the 1st place server get more than players on the 2nd place server, for example. Easy to calculate (based on participation).. Could also be  weighted: so a server that is constantly outnumbered due to massive differences in active WvW players would get bonuses even if they finished 2nd or 3rd. 

I mean technically the winning server does already get more rewards during the match. They get to run over the smaller severs easier for more rewards in bags or champ bags, they get more pips for faster track progression so they would always be ahead to anyone with comparable hours/rank, probably get more wxp per hour than their foes.

But mystic clovers are mostly only used in legendary recipes so I don't care about giving out more to winners lol, heck I don't even know why they took out the extra green bags for winning the week either, mystic coins might be different story though. As long as it's rewards that don't promote super stacking then I'm fine with it.


The confused wasn't me btw!

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Reward tracks are just too outdated atm. Everyone says "use boosters", but the celebration/birthday boosters give a measly 10% and maybe if you buy that infusion and put on guild buff it becomes 25%. And no, don't tell me about the Candy Corn Gobbler, aka RSI generator. They really need to fix that. Maybe let boosters be purchasble with tickets.

And beyond that compress the things. I should not have like 13 different containers that open into more containers.

Allow us to buy daily reward potions with tickets.

Do something about those desert/cantha coffers that require you to select items and manually open each one. Maybe a vendor like skirmish chest? Can't we have an open all for a selection that is made?

Warlord's Armor boxes I think could also just drop tokens to be used at a vendor. Granted they are just salvage fodder for me atm.... but weekly gated exotics seems a bit harsh. I think it should drop 1-2 more pieces. This only benefits new players, and gives veteran players like.... 6 more ectos. Don't be stingy when it comes to exotics.

Laurel vendor should give stat selectable accessories. edit: Oh wait those already exist in the skirmish ticket vendor. Kinda shows how poor value they are.

Can we stop selling paper siege for 12 silver? Delete that tab already. I'm not pissed because I accidentally bought 3 for big spender. Maybe.

Some Level 80 food for badges + memories? With ascended food, level 70 food is effectively tier 3 food. 

Can the WvW laurel vendor also sell crafting materials like the regular laurel vendor too? That's just annoying, and also makes Armistice Bastion a bit annoying.  Speaking of Armistice Bastion which is a bit off topic, can we get a golem with actually useful feedback features? And maybe a couple of them so people don't have to line up or get in the way? Would it kill you to sell it more than 4 times a year?

Emblems should be a currency.

Give Grandmaster Marks instead of shards, or just delete it already. Or let me vendor the stupid shards.

Can we make all XP gain boosts apply to WxP? Right now it's extremely inconsistent and stuff like some banners and campfires are useless.

That's all for now.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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3 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I mean technically the winning server does already get more rewards during the match. They get to run over the smaller severs easier for more rewards in bags or champ bags, they get more pips for faster track progression so they would always be ahead to anyone with comparable hours/rank, probably get more wxp per hour than their foes.

But mystic clovers are mostly only used in legendary recipes so I don't care about giving out more to winners lol, heck I don't even know why they took out the extra green bags for winning the week either, mystic coins might be different story though. As long as it's rewards that don't promote super stacking then I'm fine with it.


The confused wasn't me btw!

LOL. It always amazed me that people use that reaction without explaining why they are "confused".

As for Mystic Clovers - I only used that as an example. Anything would work. A chest with selectable rewards - anything. 

I agree with not wanting to give out rewards to winners who simply steamroll rather than play well (looking at you BG :) ). Maybe increase the weighted bonuses - kind of like a handicap. Lower the rewards to the winning server if they outnumber the 2nd and 3rd place by a certain amount :) That would certainly force a lot of people to move servers :)

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11 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Every reset we get a special Reward base on how we do in that week, if you up tier or stay you get another special Reward, that means 2 Rewards, when there is a relink everyone get a Giant Reward containing loots, which depended on how well your server do in maintaining tier etc, and for the amount of enemy players killed on the time span.  And last but not least everyone get another Reward depending on your server placement. 

Catering to stacking on 1 server? Please no.

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2 hours ago, LetoII.3782 said:

Voted other because a minute of dev time spent rearranging the sparkle distribution system is a minute wasted. Nobody quits over bling, nobody plays for bling. Lets invest resources in what people ARE leaving over.

Bad rewards greatly reduce the amount of new players joining.

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23 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

The problem then becomes one of defining performance. This is likely to negatively affect anyone who plays during their server off-hours versus server blobs.

True, but there could be categories that are easier to contribute to during off-hours, e.g. kills while outnumbered. Or it could be split by time period, so you're only ranked against server mates playing at roughly the same time as you.
I'm not particularly concerned with which metrics are used, I'd just like to see a competitive reward element that still functions even if your server is getting hammered this week.

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