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Interesting quote from dev about the June balance patch


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12 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

It provided all the boons aoe. That was a problem then. Just might wouldnt be a problem. actually all the boons wouldnt be a problem anymore with hmech and hfb in the game.

It wouldn't be a problem regardless of mech/fb, all those boons could already be provided by druid even back then, they just wanted to remove some of the boon spam from chaos chrono.

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2 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

It provided all the boons aoe. That was a problem then. Just might wouldnt be a problem. actually all the boons wouldnt be a problem anymore with hmech and hfb in the game.


21 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

That was 4.5 years ago in a different context where they wanted to make room for FB and renegade in PvE.

This is anet

They ain't fixing kitten for mesmer.

Feel My Wrath is 6 seconds of self quickness, 3 seconds of quickness to allies baseline on a 30 second cooldown.

Time Warp pulses of 1s quickness five times, totaling 5 seconds of quickness baseline on a 120 second cooldown.  Feel My Wrath provides 2.5 times the quickness uptime of Time Warp for allies and 5 times the self quickness uptime for the guardian.

If you think Anet is do anything to make mesmer even remotely competitive with guardian you're deluding yourselves.

Edited by mortrialus.3062
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On 4/20/2022 at 10:19 AM, Mell.4873 said:

Well to be fair condi builds benifit hugely from Might which is why stuff like condi staff Mirage is so strong.

If might didn't benefit them so much I bet they would be pure supports and not a DPS spec. 

Tho fury has far lower impact on condi builds than power builds.
And most power builds also cant hold up fury properly.

Condi doesnt need so many stats to get strong.
Same goes for the boons.
Condi builds basically just need might.
But Power builds need might and fury.

So having condi builds spreading out might while power builds lack in self might and fury, is not healthy.

Its not a secret that literally all condi builds deal far more damage in solo open world than power builds do, this exactly because power builds lack in self fury and might while most condi builds have a ton of self might and some even good fury uptime even if they dont need it as much as power builds do.
Power Reaper has no access to self fury at all (which is sad enough since its a power build) but condi reaper, scourge and harbinger are gaining self fury whenever they step into their shroud (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Furious_Demise).

Of course most power builds are having more fury than condi builds, but on like 90% of power builds the fury uptime is like 50%.
While condi builds dont need fury that much and are having (a bit less) access to it + a lot of might.

Self-boons are far better to maintain on condi builds than on power builds atm.
And this, is (imo) bad balance between power and condi when it comes specifically to solo play.

The only condi builds not gaining a ton of fury/might are:
Condi Weaver (no fury, low - fine might), Condi Mirage (no might), Condi Mechanist (no fury, no - low might) and maaaybe condi berserker (low might).
Thats it. That are 3-4 builds.
All other condi builds have good might uptime and often also good fury uptime.

While most power builds have no or halfbaked fury and low or even no might:
Power Weaver (Low Fury, No might), Power Virtuoso ("okay" fury, low might), Power Soulbeast (fine fury, no might), Power Reaper (no fury, "okay" might), Power Mechanist (low fury, no might), Power Chrono ("okay" fury and low might), Power Harbinger (no fury, fine might) and arguably Power Dragonhunter ("okay" fury and fine might) and Berserker ("okay" fury and fine might).
That are 7-9 builds. thats more than the double.

I find it interesting that some builds (example: Power Weaver) have improved might in their builds (Power_Overwhelming_(trait)) but have no access to self-might at all. Thats a bit funny, but mostly just sad.
Power Reaper and also has improved might but has no access to maintain might outside of shroud at all if the enemy isnt under 50% hp.
Same goes for the traits like No_Scope that increase ferocity while having fury but the builds themselved not having good fury uptime. Example: This trait is the only fury source of Power Holosmith, Mechanist and Scrapper. So you have exactly 50% fury uptime (if you instantly do a crit in range 300 after the ICD, otherwise less than 50%).

Traits like this only make it even more unforgiving for power builds to not have good might/fury uptime.
Most Power Builds should really get a good amount of fury and might added.
(And a few condi builds)

Since this is the Mesmer forum,
something to Mesmer:
Also for Virtuoso its very important to hold up a very very good fury uptime because for virtuoso, fury is 30% crit chance instead of 20%.
Which also makes it unforgiving to not have perma fury because you lose a lot of damage if its not perma fury.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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  • 4 weeks later...

I would honestly really like it if Anet reversed some of the changes it made for EoD. In their push to increase focus on community and group play, they nerfed a lot of solo capability for people like me who don't have active friends and don't generally use LFG to find groups to play with. Because of this, I have developed solo builds capable of running most content that doesn't require multiple people to complete.


Many of the EoD changes that centered on shifting Guild Wars 2's gameplay focus to group play hit the sustainability of many classes pretty hard. It seems like Anet made these changes because they wanted groups to strategize more with their build composition to provide necessary support, but it came at the cost of almost requiring a group to maintain viable levels of sustain.


My main solo capable builds were hit hardest with these changes. Torment runes lost heal on inflicting torment and gained regeneration instead, forcing me to change whole builds to compensate for the massive loss of sustain. One of those classes was Renegade, which was doubly affected by the nerf to Battle Scars as well. The number of changes they made that affected solo-ability and sustain on builds I used are to many too go through here so I'll stick to just those examples.


In short, while I like the increase in group focused gameplay (I do like to run strikes pretty often and would eventually like to get into raiding if I ever have an active friend group to play with regularly) I feel Anet has made this focus shift at the cost of the players who enjoy playing solo. The changes they made seem as though they are almost intended to push solo players into group play, and I don't believe that should be necessary for the non-group focused content. 

Edited by McQwak.1459
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17 minutes ago, McQwak.1459 said:

In short, while I like the increase in group focused gameplay (I do like to run strikes pretty often and would eventually like to get into raiding if I ever have an active friend group to play with regularly) I feel Anet has made this focus shift at the cost of the players who enjoy playing solo. The changes they made seem as though they are almost intended to push solo players into group play, and I don't believe that should be necessary for the non-group focused content. 

What content intended to be played solo in GW2 can’t be completed since the nerfs you mentioned?  

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2 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

What content intended to be played solo in GW2 can’t be completed since the nerfs you mentioned?  

So far there is nothing that can't still be completed solo. My point on it was that it required pretty drastic changes to my existing builds to make up for the nerfs to personal sustain, and the necessary changes result in builds that are measurably less capable than their previous versions. And the nerfs to personal sustain mechanics don't appear to have any practical effect. Reducing the ability for self sustain doesn't affect group play when you already have dedicated healers. In many metas you don't have healers so it certainly has no benefit there.


The idea to reduce some classes' abilities to give boons to a full party and cap their boon share at 5 targets was a good idea that helped ensure there weren't only a handful of builds cornering the market on support in group play. I've seen LFGs demand specific classes and builds for support very often, effectively locking people out of using other capable classes in group play just because there are more efficient builds, so most of the boon changes stand to do a lot of good. However, I fail to see how reducing any player's ability to heal themselves aids in any capacity in group or solo play. The nerf to sustain seems like it only serves to try to artificially push players into group play by relying on others to make up for their lost sustainability.


Basically, the short of the point is content is still soloable, but with changes that should not have been necessary caused by sustain reworks that don't appear to have been beneficial in any way.

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6 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The sustain nerfs seem to be entirely philosophical. Someone decided they didn't like 'heal as a proportion of damage dealt' traits and basically destroyed them all. Actual performance and use of builds with those traits wasn't considered.

Players that liked to cheese PvE throught high dps were saying that it was unfair that there could be builds that could cheese PvE throught sustain.

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I'm betting that the homogenization of desirable features between classes for instanced group content does not bode well for people who aren't willing to make fluid build choices across specs, even within their favoured class. Unless the features are in the CORE traits or skills ... there will be some pretty salty people. 

I suspect that Mesmer may actually benefit from this, but not anymore than any other class that will get it (or already does it) as well. It's not that big a change IMO. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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On 6/2/2022 at 4:33 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

I suspect that Mesmer may actually benefit from this, but not anymore than any other class that will get it (or already does it) as well. It's not that big a change IMO. 

How exactly would this benefit Mesmer where the desirable features are in their especs? 🧐


I do actually somewhat agree with your assumption regarding features in core. However, unless the next patch is a dumbster fire, this will mostly benefit Warrior and Ranger. 



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1 hour ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

How exactly would this benefit Mesmer where the desirable features are in their especs? 🧐

I take Anet's statement as development of other boons, which mesmer has, for teamsharing. 



I do actually somewhat agree with your assumption regarding features in core. However, unless the next patch is a dumbster fire, this will mostly benefit Warrior and Ranger. 

I don't think anyone should expect anything different than other balance patches we have seen. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I take Anet's statement as development of other boons, which mesmer has, for teamsharing. 

Let me clarify/rephrase. You said that players might be upset if desirable features are exclusive to espec and not on core. You then went on and stated that Mesmers would benefit from that (but not anymore than other classes).

So... How do you exactly expect Mesmer to benefit from the upcoming changes if - by your own statement - not more than other classes plus desirably features (namely Alacrity and Quickness) being limited to the especs? Do they benefit? Don't they? How? I'm genuinely confused what your argument is here.

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1 minute ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

Let me clarify/rephrase. You said that players might be upset if desirable features are exclusive to espec and not on core. You then went on and stated that Mesmers would benefit from that (but not anymore than other classes).

I meant that Mesmer could benefit from Fury/might team sharing, not features exclusive to an espec. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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