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WTB Zerg for Seasons of the Dragons Return to Metas

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13 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Which ones? When i did those, i had no trouble finding people on those maps. And i just about finished everything a week before EoD launched. So it was recent.

The vast majority who wanted them likely completed before EoD. The population distribution is very different now and some maps are much harder to get things done in (Jahai for eg).

So there will be trouble now for certain events which have no reason to attract players.

op - I assume you have tried lfg or your guild? If not, they would be your first ports of call. And if your guild won’t help you or schedule upcoming time, you have multiple guild spots to add more guilds to join that might be more accommodating.

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Best bet atm besides joining a guild or so is to, as mentioned by Gibson.4036, go to the maps which are daily and see how many players are there. It is also advisable to do so closer to prime time if one has the chance.


Running a strong open world build help too, just so one self contributes as much as possible or maybe even manages to solo some events.

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On 4/21/2022 at 6:39 AM, Randulf.7614 said:

The vast majority who wanted them likely completed before EoD. The population distribution is very different now and some maps are much harder to get things done in (Jahai for eg).

So there will be trouble now for certain events which have no reason to attract players.

op - I assume you have tried lfg or your guild? If not, they would be your first ports of call. And if your guild won’t help you or schedule upcoming time, you have multiple guild spots to add more guilds to join that might be more accommodating.

I did most of mine over the last three to four weeks. Definitely some delays waiting for others at times but I just worked on gathering and regular events until a commander doing a tour came along. No doubt some patience needed compared to when the return to process first launched but not too bad.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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5 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I did most of mine over the last three to four weeks. Definitely some delays waiting for others at times but I just worked on gathering and regular events until a commander doing a tour came along. No doubt some patience needed compared to when the return to process first launched but not too bad.

Yeah I’ve got nearly all of it to do at some point. I think it is going to be things like legendary Djinn which I’ll struggle with, but I might try tagging up for it during a peak time and see what happens

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Pretty much 2 weeks later and it's still impossible to do several metas for return to dead maps achievement.
Thank you Anet for locking legendary trash behind undoable content.

WTB a bunch of Anet Dev's to do different dead map metas because people keep refusing because they don't get enough riches from them.
Yo Anet 1g per Dev that is actually helping me to do those dead map metas for this dumb achievement you implemented.
Either that or you allow multiaccount botting so i am able to solo those dead map metas for this achievement.

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Daily really should work. At least in 2020/21 when I played the normal old achievements for the first time (before Return to startet) I never had a problem to do the metas in S3/S4.

I think the Ice Floe (south meta) in Thunderhead Peaks is the one that seemed most troublesome. (+ that map has some buggy events I think it got a bit better now though ... Pepperseed guy was bugged often).

Do you have problems with specific metas? Season 3 everything pretty much should be crowded. (Well at least in EU servers ... don't know about the US.) Unless you really play way past midnight. Season 4 Istan and Dragonfall are always done by a lot of players. Thunderhead Peaks seemed to have the lowest amount of people. (Especially the south meta often failing and the part for Deldrimor thing you get there is much more expensive at the TP.)

Do not know about the other 3. I think Kourna is super easy. Sandswept should have lots of people (for the 32 slot bag - those events are crowded).  Jahai ... could be troublesome. Shatterer should get a few people though. (Not always a commander there though.) Minor events might need more actively asking in chat or lfg.

Yeah ... S4 Thunderhead peaks and Jahai could be a problem. Other maps seemed lively - when I did them not too long ago and before the Return to was active. (Still alot later after the initial release of those maps.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Did you try to open lfg  squad 10-15 min before start? You dont need to command it. Just open "meta taxi". Never fails for me. Maybe Serpents Ire but even that one I did with my own squad for achievs. Did command it though as it requires some coordination (well did, before the big nerfs). 

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Which meta did you stuck, I finished the meta-achievement 2 weeks ago so it is definitely doable.

A. LS4
Some meta do not have players due to time conflict with other better meta events
E.g. "The Oil Floes" from Thunderhead Peak, which conflicts with AB, one of the most popular meta. However, there are players who want this event for the same achievement

Be there early before the event, group up these people, brief them about the meta mechanics to prevent failure. I had to camp Thunderhad Peak for "The Oil Floes" and Sandswept Isle for "Gathering Storm"

Prioritize those "empty meta" is the key to reduce the pain, in this case, "The Oil Floes" was prioritized whenever I saw a group is running

Popular meta are still very active (dragonfall, domain of istan, dragonstorm, jahai etc), there shall not be any problem.

B. LS3
Most of the meta run on their own map timer, join the map and ask around about the meta, there are people wanting to do the same event too, such as Jade Construct chain in Bloodstone Maw (took me nearly 1 hour camping the map)

Ember Bay wurm/destroyer can be solo'd

May need to camp Lake Doric for the centaur boss, not many groups doing it, it can be done with a small group with flying mount, as approaching the boss becomes easier

Draconis Mons has a pretty long chain and only few people bother to do them, clear the events slowly, broadcast to the map to get more support for the boss when it is ready (just pick one of them, don't have to do both)

I didn't have any issue in Siren's Landing, there were enough people doing the events

Edited by Katsuki.1674
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You could beef yourself up for OW by stocking up on United Legions Waystations for EMP's (if you have LWS5) and the Jade Tier-10 Core & 2 hours of Offense/Defense buffs (if you have EoD). With all that I can solo a lot more stuff than I could before, and the Waystations even tend to attract more players (who then help you even more with their own EMP's).

If that isn't enough, you can also summon several allies at the same time from consumables like Fire Elemental Powder, Ogre Pet Whistle, Pocket Jade Armor, Sunspear Paragon Support, Raven Spirit Shadow, Deployable Thumper Turret, Deployable Mortar Kit, Cannon in a Box, Mortar Seed Turret, and Shadow Mender. I think you can have only 3 or 4 of those active at once, and I don't remember off the top of my head which combinations are valid, but you can also experiment by stocking up and then double-clicking all of them in sequence.

Many of the metas really do need human companions, of course, but that will at least help with some of the relatively easy/unpopular ones.

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