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Dravvi's comprehensive guide to how to unfudge WvW


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Dravvi's comprehensive guide to how to unfudge WvW
Brought to you by, Dravvi.3146
Co written by, Dravvi.3146

Now that the obvious nature of this post is out of the way by the part written above, time to get down to business. ANET YOU GOTTA FIX THIS! THE FUN IS BEING SUCKED OUT OF IT!


#1: The State of Condition Damage and Duration in World Vs World

Every fricken time this point is brought up you get nothing but the "Oh it's balanced." or the "Oh just bring more condi cleanses." or "Oh it's just because u bad bro LOL, LMAO, LMFAO, KEKW." But people fail to understand just how broken condi has been since HEART OF THORNS. When Anet made the changes to condi damage, it had become SO BROKEN to the point it being PROMINANT everywhere. Not on par, But completely taking over! Yeah power builds are still good, but Jesús! Please just fricken fix it! Make it so power is ON PAR with condi because honestly condi mirage for example still COMPLETELY stomps many classes just by dodging and pressing F3.

Condi cleansing can only effect you so much before the condies are reapplied and the changes to Resistance only made it 100% useless. 33% reduction in condi damage does NOTHING against 30-40 stacks of bleed/torment/poison or 15 stacks of burning. I keep saying this, keep being proven correct every time, and still. Nothing is done. Anet do you like limiting peoples choices or something? Because I thought that's what gw2 was all about! Freedom of player choice, and slowly but surely it's being taken away.

Condi duration while not as important in WvW it seems based on what the "playerbase" has said, definitely still kicks in AFTER a person uses all their cleanses and it only makes the problem even worse! People dodge twice then press F3 and walk the other direction until their target is down, who ever calls that skill has clearly never played a full zerker ele with a staff in WvW. THAT is the real pain right there.

#2 The current boon sharing meta, a recent serious issue that anet fails to care to fix.

This one is fairly straight forwards, boon sharing has become a MAJOR problem where I have literally watched Gw2 players go from condi metas and pirate ship metas, to some other weird meta of scattering around to disorient people (Looking at you SoS), and now? This stupid boon sharing meta that honestly.. is WAY too op, Coming across entire parties that are using nothing but 100% boon uptime? Using both Resistance, Resolution, Stability, Protection, and Regen.. Becomes a battle of attrition, how long can either side last until the other falls?

The answer? The one who can apply every boon in the game with 100% uptime, when a group of 5 people can literally stand in the middle of a 25 person zerg and take 0 damage. Dont you think it's about time to fix it?  Like that amount of sustain when barriers are applied as well.. is pretty fricken broken. And it makes the average individual who does WvW really just not want to deal with it. 

Honestly it hasn't even been 2 months yet (As of this post) and WvW is already unbearable because of this issue alone, but we're gonna KEEP ON TRUCKIN ON TO THE OTHER ISSUES CAUSE THATS NOT ALL!

#3 The state of Power Builds in WvW and the like.. 2 classes that actually use them. (not literally)

*Hangs head and sighs* Power builds.. Yep.. back in the day these were just as bad as condi is now. I honestly don't know how to properly put this so I am gonna do my best.. EVEN POWER BUILDS ARE BEING HIT WITH THE BOONSHARING ISSUE! Like on their own without the boon sharing, power builds are weak as heck right now and it is not at all fun to play one.. Couple that with the lacking of I don't know.. any defense against condi players for some classes (Looking at you thiefs <3) and it becomes just.. why? Why cant power builds get some love too? Oh you wanna throw willbender or soulbeast at me as an argument? Well.. Got news for ya, those arent the only TWO OUR OF NINE classes that can play power.

They are however the MOST effective and honestly? Just nerf em, just make them on par with.. core engi? I guess? Because I main a soulbeast and will straight up say it, we are way too broken.. #2 on longbow? LOL Wheres the balance Anet? You can dodge it yeah, but it doesnt make a difference with that short of CD. As for willbender? Well.. I hate all of you equally, if its any comfort.

However what really gets me is that in order to even start to compete on classes like thief when using power builds? One has to like.. FAR over do it and sacrifice way too much in order to try and keep up with condi builds.. honestly.. please anet I beg you, do something about it.

#4 Roaming with that fricken Warclaw and constantly being outnumbered!

You know the problem with the warclaw? ..Let me explain it to you, when people can just dodge right past you on a mount and ignore your attacks completely? It takes what roaming used to be in like.. 2014 and throws it totally out the window, encouraging zerging and rushing to zergs over actually having a chance to disrupt your enemies by killing them and making the zergs FORCED to respond to you. 

I mean.. it was a good idea, but it's self explanatory. You killed roaming entirely with the introduction of this, roaming used to be by definition? you out on your own having a blast killing, dueling people, and taking random things yourself. Now? the definition of roaming is.. "Lets form a roaming party." 5 people with warclaws pressing #1 on targets together, yep that's real fun right there Anet good job. A+.

Only certain classes can knock a player off a warclaw from range, the rest? lol might as well walk the other way because GOOD LUCK catching up.


Back in 2012 Gw2 released and showed us WvW, The best kitten PvP mode in any game I have ever played. Honestly, it stomped on battlegrounds in WoW and made things feel fresh, new, actually fricken exciting to play. The maps were AMAZING, and the gameplay with different classes and siege? even better. GOD  I had fun, I would give anything to see a classic version of gw2 with everything reverted back to that including the original trait system. Furthermore the devs also added Season 1 of WvW where we were able to obtain unique skins, armor, ect. Actual good rewards for your world placing higher in the rankings per tier than the others.

Annnd then.. it was all gone. Season 1 was still the only season quite like it we have ever had and those who were around back then have fond memories of all we fought for in order to obtain our goodies and have server bragging rights in every tier. They also changed alot of stuff in WvW and added the desert borderlands as a "New" map.. and EVERYONE hated it, I mean EVERYONE. ..Maybe like 5 people in the entire game actually liked it. But from what I saw EVERYONE avoided it like the plague and complained until they took most of them out of the game and left Red BL as the only desert borderland left.

Both of those things? left a very sour note in our mouths as WvW players, VERY sour. We felt like they did something good and teased us then took it away as a "haha you wish" moment. And then added the desert borderlands as insult to injury. Not cool. Very. Not. Cool.

(Oh god here we go, Dravvi making another post on what they think we want.)

#1 The Balancing of Condi Damage and Condi Duration

This one is actually pretty simple really, adjust the scaling of condi damage and duration to be a little bit lower.. Thus making people have to actually play smart on how many they apply and not just be able to SPAM #1 ON NECROMANCER SCEPTER UNTIL THE END OF TIME ITSELF! Because my god.. between that and shortbow on soulbeast? EUGH! Seriously bad.

Also bring back the original effect of resistance (Immune to condi) but make the buff unaffected by boon duration as that would actually make a huge difference for power classes ability to fight back against condi players, just saying.

And please.. just stop saying "Use more condi cleanses kekw."

#2 Nerf Boon Sharing Durations and Application Cycles

Theres this thing (I am gonna do it again and mention FFXIV), That FFXIV does right in PvP.. They have a buff that players can apply to prevent being stunned, slowed, ect. Much like stability but when they timer ends? they cannot apply it for a set amount of time afterwords, This debuff that it applies is non-removeable and has made it so that buffs like those are very situational. This could be a big *snickers* BOON to WvW and PvP. Making it so that boons can only be applied every so often and having a debuff appear when they expire, lasting for a set amount of time before it falls off and those boons can be reapplied.

This regardless of what you might think, is very balanced and makes people go "Hmm.. should I hit this buff now or later?" depending on the situation they are in, bringing back strategy.. A core part of WvW and PvP.

#3 Buff Power Builds (On certain classes, but not too much)

I aint suggesting making One Wolf Pack on Soulbeast do 30k each tick of the fricken birds LOL, no.. But make power classes able to survive better and hold up against condition damage builds so that it is not so one sided, yep.. That's really all I am asking, a not so simple fix I know but I also know you can do it. You have been able to pull of miracles before Anet, please consider this request seriously.

I would love to be able to get on core thief and laugh as it can keep up with the current most OP specs in the game, as well as be welcomed into zergs. (I'll touch on that in a bit.)

#4 Bringing back Roaming and Making the Warclaw Less Prominant

This suggestion is a easy one I think would add a new dynamic to WvW, much like how we can't glide in areas that do not belong to us? Make it so that players cannot mount the warclaw in areas that do not belong to us, thus making holding territories that much more important and taking away this current "Lol you cant catch me." crap people do in WvW atm, it makes things not fun for the average player wanting to roam when people just wiz right by them with reckless abandon.

This alone would be a major step back in the right direction.

#5 Seasons and Map Design, The BIG requests.

I am well aware of how long it can take to bring new game modes to a game or even new maps, but that original season 1 was so huge for WvW players that if you were to bring it back for new seasons? I am more than certain, people would LOVE to come back into WvW and the competitive nature would FULLY return to that part of the game. Having fight for your servers first place in a season was invigorating and came with some really epic rewards. This was one of my best times in WvW and I really want to see it return, alliances just wont cut it.

GvG Maps!!!! These are something guilds would LOVE to see, a staple of the Guild Wars franchise and something that is right in the name. Give a map where two guilds can go into an arena with no objectives and have spectators sitting outside it, an all out clash for top dog between two guilds with rewards for those who come out on top. THIS IS GUILD WARDS DAMNIT! WHERE ARE THE GUILDS FIGHTING FOR SUPREMACY?!

The Desert BL just straight up gotta go.. Replace it with the original alpine BL and maybe do some more iterations on it? Or add a secondary part of WvW for those who like the desert BL's? 3 separate maps specifically for that? Also, uh.. That edge of the mists situation is looking pretty grim, you may want to take a second look at that, third, fourth. whatever..


..I'll make this one short, you need to look at thief and ranger to see what you can do about them being kicked out of zergs. Yes I am salty about it but heres the thing, they bring nothing useful to the table. (According to many but I disagree.) and would benefit from a rework for many of their skills. Bring back venom sharing, increase the shadow portal to 20 players.. make the stances actually do something on ranger, I dunno.. you can figure it out.

- If you got all the way to this point, thank you for reading and considering! 
- Love Dravvi
PS: I hate you for playing condi necro.

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1. Sounds like a personal issue with mirage rather than condition damage itself.

2. That would mean that you have this short period of time to play before you get CC locked into death considering the core gameplay of WvW is zerg vs zerg and roaming is a side thing.

3. Refer to #1

4. Ah so you are a roamer. Refer to the last point of #2.

5. Ignoring all but the last point, realistically, all of the specs need a rework considering the core ideal of guild wars has changed from unique MMO where the trinity is discarded, endgame isn't a grind, build diversity is encouraged, and PvP is the main focus to slowly becoming another WoW clone because the sly attempt to abandon guild wars 2 failed and the fallout was tons of layoffs and a greatly disappointed and shrunken playerbase.

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Xenesis's comprehensive guide to how to unfudge WvW

Brought to you by, Xenesis.6389
Co written by, Xenesis.6388

Directed by, Xenesis.6387

Produced by, Xenesis.6386

#1: Getting Anet to listen to regular WvW players.



#1: Good luck with that!



Other than that...

#1: Personally don't have a problem with conditions at the moment, the only problematic ones I still see is condi spam thief but it's rare, sometimes immobilize spam rangers, but that's more server specific. The torment specs all took a nerf bat to the head with the runes nerf. Certainly not a problem for groups.


#2: Been discussed many times, pointless to discuss anymore, it won't change, anet wants it, guilds want it, more boon spam on the way with the june balance patch.


#3: You'll have to be more specific on specs. The future balance plan is to hand over more self fury and might to dps builds, spread out more alacrity and quickness.


#4: They just introduced specs with a whole lot of mobility on them. Take out mount and you won't getting back the "old" roaming, that's dead, these new mobile specs will have a huge advantage. Get over the mount already.


#5: Good luck with all that. Seasons are not in because of burnout and unbalanced populations, been said a million times(ok not on the forums but combined in everyone's head over 9 years).


Bonus round: So kill another mesmer skill to share with thieves? one that even gives stealth on use? how about no? Also you're complaining about conditions, but then want thieves to be able to spam it for groups? how about no? Rangers don't need buffs sorry, they have too much tools to use as it is, their lack of aoes and group support is what's kept them out of zergs, but don't worry untamed has boon strips, and anet will be buffing their spirits with alacrity and quickness in june.

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1. Conditions

There are two related things worthy of noting with conditions: a) There is a certain amount of balance-creep to it with certain classes gaining powerful traits and interactions to deal with the late-vanilla PvE changes to conditions while other classes have not necessarily been given that; and b) As this is largely a "build" issue it is also very much a "knowledge" issue where there are alot of players who suffer from conditions, not necessarily by how they play, but by what they know and how they build.



This can be a problem, but if there is a problem it is mostly that. They are either not using what they have or they simply play something that has no competetive options, or perhaps a combination of both (we have similar issues with other effects and mechanics). Most issues with conditions are the same as with other issues in WvW: They are problems with class-related balance (mechanics, traits) that then filter differently through stats and effects. People often assume broad problems that do not really exist because of experience with few classes.

So what are the problems with conditions? It is mainly class-class problems with a dash of "specialisation" problems where knowledge matters more so inexperienced or unspecialised may suffer more against certain specialised builds while other specific builds have interactions that more or less sidestep it. That is a problem, but the problem isn't as simple as "condi too stronk".


2. Boons (mainly stab?)

Nevermind FF14. There used to be this really cool game called GW2. It had duration-stacking boons on buttons with relatively long cooldowns (20s+). It also had boon-stripping mechanics on equally long cooldowns. This meant that you could time your button to either almost cancel out their button or hardly do anything at all to their button. Then the developer decided that stability should get intensity stacks and that every CC in the game should take away 1 stack of stability. So, we needed more stability on shorter cooldowns with more interactions.



We still have this wonderful system of boons and boon-strips, however, the system we have now is no longer the simple 1-for-1 and instead we have spam with more buttons on shorter cooldowns and more complex interactions of taking 1 stack or taking all stacks and attempting to strip or not or just overwhelming opponents with CC or not. It makes everything far more chaotic and prone to go all-or-nothing in either direction with little overview. With the old system, people who couldn't strip still complained about boons, but it was at least easier to explain to them what it was, how it worked and it was much easier to see it play out. Now, the same overarching rules still apply, but it is a jungle with more of everything.

Like many things for PvP in GW2: The old system was simply superior and we suffer from PvE changes and an overall neglect of PvP as a whole. The old system was made for both PvE and PvP. The current system was only made for PvE so PvP has to make do with what it gets, to patch-up the biggest holes.


3. Power

I have no idea what you are talking about here.

4. Claws

Like with conditions there are two things to keep track of here: a) The Claw has balanced non-combat runspeed across classes, b) The Claw has not balanced combat runspeed across classes. This means that popular speed roamers still have footspeeds similar to mounts while other classes suffer from more classes being able to catch up to them from out-of-combat. So it has added a rather complex web of interactions. Overall, a larger group that can afford keeping opponents in combat while mounting friends out-of-combat has an easier time running down opponents.



On the other hand, successful roamers have always used speedy- and slippery builds and classes with those builds have always had advantages when it comes to X vs. Y roaming. So it has mainly changed the size-factor for slow builds. The fast (or otherwise slippery) builds are not very affected by it. The class-class balance is also not very affected by it. This also means that larger groups have always been able to afford running fast builds as tackle, have they wanted it. Overall it has changed little and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. As for the dodging. Yes, the mount has dodges, just like you do on foot.

I don't think the Claw should ever have been added. But now we have it. Most problems with it are small and we have learnt to live with them. There are worse ways for Anet to sell skins (there are also better ways, but...).


5. Maps

Well, uh, yeah.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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Nah they'll just nerf the next situational skill like winds and keep the spam-for-100%-uptime garbage the same.

As for roaming... lol. We might get spvp balance for the new specs, but wvw smallscale? Maybe some safe nerfs to professions no1 plays (like the "recent" spb attackers insight nerf, who got kitten there?).

I'd love for them to actually do something for wvw (if they ever finish alliances) but they've done next to nothing in years. Why would they start now?

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On 4/25/2022 at 3:34 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

Nah they'll just nerf the next situational skill like winds and keep the spam-for-100%-uptime garbage the same.

As for roaming... lol. We might get spvp balance for the new specs, but wvw smallscale? Maybe some safe nerfs to professions no1 plays (like the "recent" spb attackers insight nerf, who got kitten there?).

I'd love for them to actually do something for wvw (if they ever finish alliances) but they've done next to nothing in years. Why would they start now?

Sadly I do not think alliances will do anything more than damage WvW worse than them not doing anything already has, reason being because.. it really adds nothing to WvW aside "Guild WvW" essentially.

What we need is seriously some new additions to the current WvW, not another gate kept version of it.

Edited by Dravvi.3146
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19 hours ago, Dravvi.3146 said:

Sadly I do not think alliances will do anything more than damage WvW worse than them not doing anything already has, reason being because.. it really adds nothing to WvW aside "Guild WvW" essentially.

What we need is seriously some new additions to the current WvW, not another gate kept version of it.

Yep, alliances are nice and fill up the maps (as far as I've seen), but the dearth of Commanders and difficulty in replacing them means winning sides will continue to SNOWBALL matchups.


The whole system is about PUNCHING DOWN and then the ubiquitous benefits for the powerful side causing a SNOWBALL effect that exacerbates the problem.


I'd like to see changes to mechanics - making it more difficult to hold large territories instead of instant teleports and super-fast mounts. More powerful/tanky Lords when you've got fewer objectives. These are number tweaks that could have been done (or at least TRIED) a decade ago. But no, #CornerstoneMeme, you lose. You get nothing.

Edited by Svarty.8019
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I apply my own boons on my Deadeye and would be in a bad spot if there were a debuff on their application. Thief builds generally don't have a full lineup of boons because they mitigate more by shadowsteps and positioning along with Control, but on my DE build I'm likely to be almost stationary or at least too close to the target to build up Malice, which I have to hit the target for. If there is a debuff, it might just hit the off switch on that build. If you want to do something about the other sides boons, pull their support, get full stops and Control, and dismantle their team composition.

Guess I missed out on the GW2 zeitgeist, how is Power bad right now? 

People learned how to use what they have to gank lone runners before. People have even more now than ever with three full Elites along with core utilities and skills. If a slow kitten, wingless Griffon Warclaw is that much trouble for someone who has the jump and likely has 1-10 other "roamers" with them then what are you even doing with your time. Warclaws don't take that many hits and the fall is a great time to Control and clean up. 

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  1. Minstrels / Nomads deleted
  2. Stability and superspeed deleted
  3. Food and Utility items no longer work in WvW
  4. Can no longer enter tower/keep/castle teleport doors while in combat
  5. Entering a tower/keep/castle via the teleport doors gives you a debuff for 60s that makes you unable to reuse the door
  6. All mobility skills quadrupled in cooldown
  7. All healing(6) skills placed on a 60s CD
  8. All stun breaks placed on a 60s CD
  9. Leaping in a smoke field no longer grants stealth
  10. Revealed duration increased to 15 seconds
  11. One Wolf Pack nerfed by 99%

Now see how the mode is.

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I feel boons would work better if you had diminishing returns.  Make them more of a quick buff for a window of opportunity rather than a managed state. 

Boonstripping hits too few and boons go right back up anyway. Maybe they cant apply boons for a solid 15 sec after?  Maybe do it by whoever fits in the circle so blobs can be countered a bit more?

There is just too much kitten condi spam.  Its both not really fun to use as an attack and less fun to be on the receiving end.   Condi is a fun mechanic thats just gotten too out of control and is everywhere all the time now.  Its the ground effect condi's that are the problem in WvW.  I get it, between siege spam and the ground effect condis every step I take is going to hurt.  Is that fun however?  Single target skills packing a lot of condi is fine however, just maybe rework all the kitten ground target skills.  Again not really a "its too strong" complaint but more of a "isnt there a more fun way to do this in WvW?" question.

Condi cleans needs a buff applied that prevents reapplication for a short time.  Otherwise whats the point.

Foods and banners, all annoying.  Could easily be replaced by world buffs.  Spend your mountains of <insert currency type here> at the worldbuff NPC, have it be a cumulative contribute.  Maybe make dead enemies drop the resource or from capturing.  Now its something fun and everyone can contribute.  Just make it one, coverall, buff, and make it so you can keep it rolling if everyone is contributing at least.

Other than that, getting the "server" balance will likely have the most positive effect on WvW, other than making reward tracks not suck as much.  They are not quite yet a year behind on that so maybe they will have some time after?





Edited by StrangerDanger.3496
increased wall of text effect
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It's funny that point 2 kinda contradicts point 1, at least for large battles, since condi is even more useless than power against the boonbals, there are times when i'm playing burn guard, and depending on how stacked they are (or how many Scrappers they have), i don't even see any burn ticks, even though they have like 4 symbosl underneath them, it's like i'm playing a power class that deals 200 damage per auto lol, i know Guard is the easiest class to cleanse against, but it's still horrible to see that.

About CC and boons, for CC they could give a new effect to stunbreaks that gives you imunity to CC for like 1 or 1.5 seconds, just so everyone has a equal chance of escaping, it's horrible when you use a stun break, and imediatly get CC afterwards before you can even react, specially true for people with low FPS, low ping, or even both.
It's kinda like how some traits give stability after you stunbreak, but that can be easilty corrupted, so this would be a new effect, not a boon, all stun breaks would get this (maybe have a CD for Firebrand Mantra), maybe rebalance/rework stun breaks if needed too.

About boons, i was thnking about merging boon strip and corruption into one thing, every time you strip a boon, it becomes corrupted and that player cannot receive that same boon again for a few seconds, maybe 1,5 or 2, of course that would require reworking/nerfing boon strips across the board since it would be way to OP with this effect, it's kinda like old Bubble, but could work better with some good balancing.
Another option is to use the new Bubble mechanic on all boon strips, every time you strip a boon, if the person receive the same boon again in the next 5 seconds it has reduced duration.

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16 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:
  1. Minstrels / Nomads deleted
  2. Stability and superspeed deleted
  3. Food and Utility items no longer work in WvW
  4. Can no longer enter tower/keep/castle teleport doors while in combat
  5. Entering a tower/keep/castle via the teleport doors gives you a debuff for 60s that makes you unable to reuse the door
  6. All mobility skills quadrupled in cooldown
  7. All healing(6) skills placed on a 60s CD
  8. All stun breaks placed on a 60s CD
  9. Leaping in a smoke field no longer grants stealth
  10. Revealed duration increased to 15 seconds
  11. One Wolf Pack nerfed by 99%

Now see how the mode is.


16 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Now see how the mode is.

Looks empty.

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On 4/26/2022 at 9:13 PM, Kozumi.5816 said:
  1. Minstrels / Nomads deleted
  2. Stability and superspeed deleted
  3. Food and Utility items no longer work in WvW
  4. Can no longer enter tower/keep/castle teleport doors while in combat
  5. Entering a tower/keep/castle via the teleport doors gives you a debuff for 60s that makes you unable to reuse the door
  6. All mobility skills quadrupled in cooldown
  7. All healing(6) skills placed on a 60s CD
  8. All stun breaks placed on a 60s CD
  9. Leaping in a smoke field no longer grants stealth
  10. Revealed duration increased to 15 seconds
  11. One Wolf Pack nerfed by 99%

Now see how the mode is.

you forgot deleting celestial. 

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On 4/26/2022 at 2:48 PM, Svarty.8019 said:

Yep, alliances are nice and fill up the maps (as far as I've seen), but the dearth of Commanders and difficulty in replacing them means winning sides will continue to SNOWBALL matchups.


The whole system is about PUNCHING DOWN and then the ubiquitous benefits for the powerful side causing a SNOWBALL effect that exacerbates the problem.


I'd like to see changes to mechanics - making it more difficult to hold large territories instead of instant teleports and super-fast mounts. More powerful/tanky Lords when you've got fewer objectives. These are number tweaks that could have been done (or at least TRIED) a decade ago. But no, #CornerstoneMeme, you lose. You get nothing.

Filling up the maps is a better start though than the current state of WvW. Theres so much dead space at the moment because of the uneven server pairing. 


i had lots of fun on alliances. my small group of 10 could hold an objective or stall a capture because there was actual pressure on the map. currently theres barely anyone and commanders just ape you at the first smell of action. 

pair that with a lack of rewards, the same map for over 10 years, no good gold source, and you can clearly see why the game mode is dying. WvW is getting the same treatment as Spvp and look at that game mode lol. 

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I don't think there need to be any more boon hate mechanics, but less boon access overall.


This used to be a standard skill for guards once upon a time. Back then it had a 35s base cooldown but getting that little bit more prot and regen uptime was still worth a utility slot.


This trait was considered overpowered by many back when d/d ele was a top tier pvp/roaming build, to the point that Anet toyed with making it a gm trait to compete with evasive arcana. Nowadays this much boon access is weak compared to what gets baked into every elite spec for free.

Power creep and building the game around the pve standard "you have every boon all the time" assumption got us here, reversing that is the only possible way to fix it.

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issue is rather that most people who anet is in contact with, but also on the forums or on reddit are absolute rookies.


half of the arguments are on the level on players who just started gw2 and entered Wvw for few weeks only. kinda pointless. some act as if  wvw = roaming (which is srsly rather dead than anything since warclaw was brought up)


some argue from a pure pvE or spvp point of view, which also is totally non fitting to Wvw. largescale formats fill easy 80% of the Wvw spectrum and should always be center of balancing and changes.


so the obvious majority of content happening is:

large scale starts kinda with structured gvgs of 15v15, then has guildraids 15-25, casual guilds with 30-40, followed by  karmatrain blobs, pugzergs & openvoice zergs with ~30+ and blobs with ~43+, zergsize cloudings, blobsize cloudings


opposed to:

1v1 duelers, single roamers, gankergroups 3-15 like HUNT, SA, Rat (and more, y'all surely know them well enough)


shows u why the mobility focus and smallscale / non aoe focus was just another punch onto the Wvw-system's head. shows u why healing and aoe dmg and classes that focus on synergy over ramboism have simply more usefulness and are more wanted on the maps.

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