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That one NPC that we love too much.

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I enjoy playing Guild Wars 2, however, the writing is generally so terrible that characters change quite drastically within short periods of time. There is absolutely no voiced characters that I can tolerate for any extended periods of time. Zero, zip, zilch. I mean, I would have said Canach, except they ruined him in EOD. Taimi has been annoying from the start, but even as the character changes through the game, stays annoying. Braham actually started out pretty normal, then I have no idea what happened but the character regressed in to an emo teenage rage state, and pretty much stayed there. I could rip every character if I listed them.


So, all the the previously listed characters (in this thread) are a no go. Trash, all. 


BUT I bring to you two characters who do not speak. Will not annoy you, and otherwise barely move...that can bring joy in to your gaming life IF you choose to go visit them.


The first is obviously Pickle. Slightly over weight. Enjoys food, being petted and absolutely hates whoever put all those stairs on Cat Island. ANET I WANT PICKLE IN MY HOME INSTANCE.


The second is Bubbles "The Megalodon". Doesn't say or do much. Can't offend because Bubbles is just super chill. Wears a fancy red bow and does not care how you feel about it. ANET I WANT THIS AS A PET ASAP. 


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I'm another Dawkkurra fan.

Also Ceera. After leaving her unconsolable and raging in her grief in the Straits of Devasation, it was wonderful to discover her in Tarnished Treetop declaring that it is Tonn's memory that keeps her fighting.

And of course, Tybalt and Demmi.

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22 minutes ago, Nasbit.3240 said:

Mai Trin.

It was literally the first time in gw2 i had tears in my eyes. Neither Tybalt nor Aurenes fake-death got me. 

I would trade Aurenes life for Mais in no-time.

Cannot say that I understand the sentiment. The world is better off without her and would be a better place had she never lived.

That said, fun opponent.  A villain that I love to hate.

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Scholar Nimmin from the PoF story in the Elon Riverlands. Hands down the funniest dialogue I’ve seen in this game. 

<Character name>: Excuse me. I'm in need of information.
<Character name>: I'm scouring the Riverlands for a place of special significance. It might be related to Vlast. Anything come to mind?
Scholar Nimmin: Special significance? Well, I did have the most spectacular romantic encounter of my life on an overlook just thataway—
<Character name>: Not quite like that. What I mean is—
Scholar Nimmin: Let me set the scene for you!
<Character name>: Please don't.
Scholar Nimmin: Sunset. I'm looking out over the Riverlands, brooding and pensive. A rebel with a heart of gold... If only she would notice.
Scholar Nimmin: And just then: she arrives! Dressed to kill and wearing the most alluring fragrance. But why?
<Character name>: Please stop talking for a moment.
Scholar Nimmin: Then I realize: This is no chance encounter. She's on a mission.
Scholar Nimmin: And her sole objective: taming a heart that, by its very nature, must run free.
<Character name>: Fantastic. I need to go now.
Kind of similar to Snargle Actually. And there’s more after that. 
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One more. On my first playthrough of the original story, I chose the Vigil, so my mentor was Forgal. He doesn't get much love - he lacks the humor of Sieran or Tybalt and just maintains that professional stoicism all the way through,  but that big gruff old man holds a special place in my heart. The other mentors are fantastic, don't get me wrong, but yeah. Forgal deserves a mention too.

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