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Dear PvP Devs. These things should take priority over nerfs.


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7 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:


As far the super-vigor goes, there is one very important distinction to make between Vindi and Mirage, and it's one I personally dislike because the game does such a poor job of communicating this. 

Both Vindi and mirage have 1 dodge bar.

But Vindi has 100 endurance

Mirage has 50. 

Take away all sources of endurance generation and Vindi has half as many dodges as Mirage, yet Vindi  managed to find a place for themselves in the meta.


nah, one dodge mirage was still very strong, it was just garbage ONLY because daredevil existed, if daredevil never existed, mirage can easily take the missing spot. mesmers mains could easily climb top 10 and hard carrying in ranked. just not in competitive, because there's a daredevil in basically every team.

but now every spec pales in comparison to the new op EoD specs, so there's that.

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7 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:



Not to derail the thread further or anything...Aren't you listing normal things every other class deals with as downsides?


I was reading this and started laughing:

- Clones are gone. So new players wont be lost anymore. Like every other class.

- New shatters do not track.  So imagine your target decides to move 1 inch left/right/any direction and your shatter can no longer hit, some say it does now, idk. Like every other class' projectiles.

- Gotta get 5 blades to be effective, unlike other mesmer specs. Your traits make this ridiculously easy.

- To shatter need to face a target. Like the vast majority of targeted abilities.

- Shatters have a cast time. (Because its not fair that all shatters need no cast time! So unfair...! /s) Like the vast majority of abilities. And sometimes abilities without a listed cast time have one (overcharged shot anyone?)

- Must take unblockable shatter trait or else you wont be playing the game because everything virtuoso does are projecties. When anti projectiles/reflects are dropped you cant play the game and turns a fight/game/whatever into 5v4. Welcome to the world Core Engi has been living in since Day 1 friend. Try running a pistol/rifle grenade build into Necro/Tempest/Guardian teams.

- Lost distortion, now unblockable tear your main defense apart and conditions which mesmer inheritely weak as well, now you gotta take utility or face some consequences. Like every other class with blocks.


The other stuff idk/idc.

Ngl, reading all your nonsense you wrote... makes me concerned how someone can be so delusional /uninformed and lacks common sense to make such claims. Lets see...

No clones - a unique feature belongs to this class and how it works, when you lose it nothing bad happens.../s. Following your logic any trait that associates with toolbelt must not work because you no longer have toolbelts but mech commands, it makes sense that it shouldnt work. Cant be wrong about it.

Spoiler - clones do passively attack and apply conditions which is why their scepter/staff autos are so weak, because clones do their thing, like dueling trait for bleeds works only on phantasms and why would I care about this trait with 20-30s cd on phantasms (where is really only pistol phantasm can benefit from instead of every clone, just saying)?  When they take something so important, where is any compensation to this? Did they rebalance scepter/staff and I missed that?

Most projectles velocity is so fast that moving an inch wont make it miss unlike virtuoso, on range ~600 where 1/5 will hit if they suddenly change their direction, that behaviour presented through the entire beta, cant tell for now (cant confirm that every shatter has tracking now) since I wont pay for this garbage, they should pay me to play it.

About 5 blades, there is the only trait that makes it super easy and its infinite forge but since  unblockable trait is a must, literally cant take it. Unblockable trait gives 3 blades, has ICD(IIRC its 3s),  And gotta evade/block someone's attack to trigger it, cant do that at will.  

Classic shatters have no cast time , why would "new" would have? Unless... once again... bad players wont complain that mesmer came from nowhere and blew them from a blink or a stealth... because u know, gs2 has a 3/4 cast time... coincidence? I think not.

Face requirement(that never existed on shatters) - I'm sending my regards to nades, unblockable necro marks, certain toolkits and whatever skills can be thrown backwards. Now you gotta explain why not every single skill require you to face its target. Steal included.

Projectiles on le day 1 - yea.. POOR ENGINEERS SINCE DAY 1... wait what... how they were been able to play with p/s and rifle through the entire core... rabid condi engis/celestial rifles were on every corner... but you see no virtuoso at all (except few memers), must be some kind of magic ... Probably your nades dont get to be reflected in your face and tempest didnt exist back then. I dont know any other class that entire kit would be projectile based. (May be if you take engi with rifle and static discharge then all your stuff gets reflected but its your choice to build into that, as a virtuoso, I dont have any choice but to have everything as a projectiles).

As about distortion - they rip what belongs there and packed into utility slot while leaving this mess wasting all blades (which doesnt make a difference 1 or 5) that most likely self-reveal you if some rev/thief/anyone were close to you at the moment. Massive downgrade right there like other shatters. Why is why I mentioned it.

In a conclusion: Why suddenly every element that people hate about it (in competitive setting) is being thoroughly deleted? 
What everyone expeted from a espec - something new and unique, what mesmer gets every expansion - same shatters that do the same thing on same cooldowns but chrono/virtuoso distortion got meme'd. We live in a world where guardian gets brand new virtues, necromancer brand new shrouds but mesmer-  instead of remaking shatters(the main mechanic that goes along with clones)  they tried to add something new on top of core  (chrono f5, ambush on mirage) and this time they just got rid of clones and made new shatters worse. 

 I'm not longer addicted, chrono tradeoffs, 1 evade mirage and now virtuoso, this completely cured me from any desire to play this game, I'm very greatful.

Dont expect me to answer to you ever again, tyvm

Edited by semak.7481
Typos, clarifications and memes
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15 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

Could have forgotten something, have fun reading


Scepter is slow, clunky, very high cooldowns.

Staff 3 phantasm used to do damage, now its cant, its just there doing at best 1-2k (used to be 2 phantasms for more clones but someone wanted mesmer to die for real, so its back to 1) on zerk amu, on ... 18s cd? High quality joke from anet At least they updated chaos armor, that thing is cool now, they nerfed staff5 in the past... Not a fond of that.

Sword offhand phantasm is slower than a turtle and gotta run to its target from your location and damage is low af.

Torch phantasm 30s cd and it takes eternity for phantasm to finish its attack, so you can run behind it and it will be still cating.

Sword MH - sword 2 (you could compare it to pistol whip but the latter is a stun and repeatable and does way more damage than BF) is mere stationary evade when other evades have mobility on them and way more damage than this joke. Swoop, rocket charge on scrapper, monarch leap on ranger, sd thief 3rd skill, burning speed can do 7k damage from ele while evading and moving forward (may be some other skills exists I dont remember).

GS is servers one purpose, ambush burst, arguably not healthy when it come from PU mesmer, you dont know if its there. Imo it needs redesign. GS5 is a joke,25s cd for a push that works 50/50 and doesnt work on elevation (if someone above you) when HAMMER5 on guardian got massively reduced in cd which is incomparably better than this joke, god, replace it with something that works, pls, also the entire kit there is no defense whatsoever.


You know, I dont want to dig every single nerf, but if I'd have to the list would be pretty big.

I wont tell you ever single nerf it had, or every single trait that I consider trash, it would be faster to name few that I think are okay, lol. Behold the nerfs that I think massively hit mesmer viability (I hate what they did to chrono traits)


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  1. Evasive mirror (dueling mid tier), was OP on mirage, bad on core/chrono, dont remember which cd was, 1.5s ? After nerf became 10.
  2. Dueling trait same position as EM-> blind on shatters(became blind on f2 only, 25s yay)  felt bad because you are playing fragile light armor class that cant sustain like an ele or just facetank it like necro does, that hurt power builds the most.
  3. Alrdy mentioned critical infusion(dueling minor) - all traits that proc vigor on crit provide 5s/10s cd but mesmer 2.5 (literally chopped 50% of it, mind you they always go for extremes, utility phantasms, shield, mirage evade...?).
  4. Chaos GM - Chaos interruption - everyone loved to be interrupted and immobilized, so it was straight up deleted and replaced with nothing which does nothing even today. Like come on, you deleted a trait, replace it with something at least.
  5. Both utility phantasms had 50% damage reduction, shield4 on chrono 50% damage reduction. 
  6. Daze on f3 (38s cd) is gone, so you cant setup burst and gotta pray he wont just dodge because he seeing you or just random evade (some can argue it was necessary I'll just leave it)
  7. Mantra nerfs, they took away charge time, but forgot that FB dont need to charge them for benefit but mesmer does, heal doesnt heal anymore, daze mantra doesnt reduce f3 cd (which used to do so, so taking away nice things and counterplay to said skills, a long cast time). Daze mantra - to use it you have to stare on a person, if he is slightly off your vision, it wont let you use it. So if you still get cucked by mantra, thats totally on you.
  8. Some traits were straight up deleted in the past (ironically, traitline name is INSPIRATION but traits themselves are completely uninspired.)
  9. They buff scepter 3 (25% and 1 more strike) and then smite it by 50%. From 9k on power(I believe it was chrono with some might) it became 4k on zerk or something, cant remember.
  10. Delayed reactions on chrono, used to be 3s slow and 2s alacrity and GM - lost time, applied slow on CC and around 200 damage and had 100% crit damage multiplier on crits (so it was like 1.5k crits? Cant remember). Deleted and replaced with garbage that chrono has now- 3s alacrity on 3 seconds cd when you apply slow... Basically split delayed reactions, took out alacrity and slapped as a GM trait (why it has kitten 3s cd? Not like chrono has insane access to slow, does anyone know that 3s of alacrity is like a bit better than 1s chill? Like 25% cd reduction per second vs 66% cooldown increase and movement speed?), while deleted light version of LightningRod.

Honorable mentions : 

Dueling - first trait choice -Desperate decoy 120s cd (stealth on 50% health). Who need passive traits on such cds? Illusionary Defense - GM trait in inspiration - 90s, creates taunting phantasm.



Shortly what they did to chrono - took away ability to self shatter, so your ~1300 hp clones are blown left and right, imagine playing revenant with cap of energy of 10 and most of times its 0, nice gameplay, isnt it ?

Because of chrono core was nerfed MANY times. Its main feature of having alacrity is gone to other classes. CS is 90s cd, and its the elite spec MAIN FEATURE?! SUPER CONDITIONAL - either you are close to full hp and have all ur best cooldowns ready or its useless, either you die or you wont be able to make use of such massive cooldown. And chrono have all cd's and you dont have all your defensive cds or at least one channeled block, it may feel unfair, I bet chrono feels the same when CS split being wasted cuz you were stunned mid cast or he sees someone to use channeled block.

Its wells are worst wells that exists, scrapper have his wells glued to him, why not do the same with chrono?


Contrary to popular believe mirage has no tradeoffs - you cant cover distance with your evades and cripple/chill affects you. You may disagree whatever. What was the problems? Ambush clone damage was long af by default, what they had to do is to force mesmer to take offensive traitlines instead of bunkering up with chaos when it was bombarded with nerfs, literally pushing it into finding something that works and it was that.Once again, you can argue it was broken, so other specs too at that point of time, iirc it was when zan was meme'ing without weapons on holo in ranked and rolling over mirage's right and left, what a time... 


What is played now by Misha is PB roamer and he can only run for his life, its painful to watch someone of his caliber, the best mesmer in the game is being c*cked so hard and when he tries to kill someone he barely can finish someone, especially painful was when 50% hp pressured rev w/o heal turns around and nearly kills him when he had all cds and 100% health, so he had to leave rev alone. Not even top players.

So as a result, lots of nerfs to core, axe,base vigor, mirage vigor, ambush trait for confusions(not missing that one) and the most ridiculous solution that was suggested on the forum and actually done - REMOVING A DODGE, leaving it with A ONE DODGE, ONE. Daredevil has better evades but its 3 bro, what is that?


Virtuoso is just a whole new level of bad imo, 99.9% of mesmer players wish that wouldnt ever happened. 

Its done by someone who hates mesmers, took everything that all everyone hate and removed it - Clones ? Gone, instant shatters? Gone, weapon has no evades / no mobility or boons or conditions. 


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Clones are gone. So new players wont be lost anymore. 

New shatters do not track.  So imagine your target decides to move 1 inch left/right/any direction and your shatter can no longer hit, some say it does now, idk.

Gotta get 5 blades to be effective, unlike other mesmer specs.

To shatter need to face a target.

Shatters have a cast time. (Because its not fair that all shatters need no cast time! So unfair...! /s)

Must take unblockable shatter trait or else you wont be playing the game because everything virtuoso does are projecties. When anti projectiles/reflects are dropped you cant play the game and turns a fight/game/whatever into 5v4.

Lost distortion, now unblockable tear your main defense apart and conditions which mesmer inheritely weak as well, now you gotta take utility or face some consequences.

Heal and all utilities and elite except invul  are bad.

F3 is worthless waste of daggers, F4 is channeled block of fixed duration despite description says some nonsense (from illu traitline that says it extends duration).

Dagger is useless outside of melee range, and its a 1200 ranged weapon bois. 

Traitline itself is dueling 2.0,  spec has boosted fury without decent fury access, nice meme. Traits are bad imo.



Blinding on only F2 nerf is a classic ANerf move. 

The problem was ineptitude not the blinding, power mesmer got rekt instead. 

Stun on F3 was fine it was nerf prior to that because it was on daze not on F3 and synergyze too well with Mirage sw ambush. After that it was the qqers that got the trait deleted and replace by trash no one cares about. 

Mirage cloak major issue was and still is dodge while stunned, instead of nerfing it like every mesmer suggested, they decided to follow the anti-mesmer league and nerf everything else, Mirage which is supposed to the daredevil spec of Mesmer is instead the extreme opposite. 

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15 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Blinding on only F2 nerf is a classic ANerf move. 

The problem was ineptitude not the blinding, power mesmer got rekt instead. 

Stun on F3 was fine it was nerf prior to that because it was on daze not on F3 and synergyze too well with Mirage sw ambush. After that it was the qqers that got the trait deleted and replace by trash no one cares about. 

Mirage cloak major issue was and still is dodge while stunned, instead of nerfing it like every mesmer suggested, they decided to follow the anti-mesmer league and nerf everything else, Mirage which is supposed to the daredevil spec of Mesmer is instead the extreme opposite. 

Old pal Mohlla.

I didnt include daze to stun cuz it mostly viewed toxic as it lined up with mantra cd perfectly and I dont recall if that was in PoF, so long ago it was. 

F3 into stun was more acceptable but it is what it is, now landing burst without pistol5 stun is practically impossible unless its from stealth and they dont expect it. 

Mirage cloak is another whole problem. Why making things that makes sense and fix the underlying issues? Better to just to come up with a suggestion from the forum, remove the dodge and make fun of players who play mesmer on stream, thats speak the volumes.

They gave BETTER evades to DRD but it got MORE evades and MIRAGE LESS, which never meant to have 1, where is VINDI is meant to have one, look where is vindi and mirage.

That was a short visit and I'm leaving, bai 😏


Edited by semak.7481
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10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

Ngl, reading all your nonsense you wrote... makes me concerned how someone can be so delusional /uninformed and lacks common sense to make such claims. Lets see...

Oof, right off with the personal attacks. Let's try to stick to the game and be concise.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

No clones - a unique feature belongs to this class and how it works, when you lose it nothing bad happens.../s. Following your logic any trait that associates with toolbelt must not work because you no longer have toolbelts but mech commands, it makes sense that it shouldnt work. Cant be wrong about it.

Your original point was that clones won't confuse new players anymore. Mine was that having a single target/character is normal for most other classes. To your new point, clones weren't removed without being replaced by something. Toolbelt traits don't really work with Mech commands, and it would be unfortunate if Clone traits don't work with Blades.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

Spoiler - clones do passively attack and apply conditions which is why their scepter/staff autos are so weak, because clones do their thing, like dueling trait for bleeds works only on phantasms and why would I care about this trait with 20-30s cd on phantasms (where is really only pistol phantasm can benefit from instead of every clone, just saying)?  When they take something so important, where is any compensation to this? Did they rebalance scepter/staff and I missed that?

Arguing that certain skills or traits are weak and need buffs is better than what you originally said.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:


Most projectles velocity is so fast that moving an inch wont make it miss unlike virtuoso, on range ~600 where 1/5 will hit if they suddenly change their direction, that behaviour presented through the entire beta, cant tell for now (cant confirm that every shatter has tracking now) since I wont pay for this garbage, they should pay me to play it.





I have boatloads more clips of projectiles and non-projectiles missing immobile, stunned, and point blank targets. This categorically isn't true and you're clearly not very experienced if you think it is.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

About 5 blades, there is the only trait that makes it super easy and its infinite forge but since  unblockable trait is a must, literally cant take it. Unblockable trait gives 3 blades, has ICD(IIRC its 3s),  And gotta evade/block someone's attack to trigger it, cant do that at will.  

All of the traits support blade generation passively and all are relatively easy, but I understand that certain ones are better for PvP. Just like many classes traits.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

Classic shatters have no cast time , why would "new" would have? Unless... once again... bad players wont complain that mesmer came from nowhere and blew them from a blink or a stealth... because u know, gs2 has a 3/4 cast time... coincidence? I think not.

This is a fairly incoherent rant, but I'll try to parse it. Not every shatter is point blank. Yes, other shatters were instant, but clones often have travel time and can be kited in ways projectiles can't. So instant cast makes more sense for them instead of blades.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

Face requirement(that never existed on shatters) - I'm sending my regards to nades, unblockable necro marks, certain toolkits and whatever skills can be thrown backwards. Now you gotta explain why not every single skill require you to face its target. Steal included.

I specified "targeted abilities", but maybe that was unclear for you. Most ground targeted (AoE) or teleport skills don't require you to face the target. Most targeted-to-character abilities require you to face your target.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

Projectiles on le day 1 - yea.. POOR ENGINEERS SINCE DAY 1... wait what... how they were been able to play with p/s and rifle through the entire core... rabid condi engis/celestial rifles were on every corner... but you see no virtuoso at all (except few memers), must be some kind of magic ... Probably your nades dont get to be reflected in your face and tempest didnt exist back then. I dont know any other class that entire kit would be projectile based. (May be if you take engi with rifle and static discharge then all your stuff gets reflected but its your choice to build into that, as a virtuoso, I dont have any choice but to have everything as a projectiles).

It's your choice to play Virtuoso over other Mesmer variants. Whether they're strong or not is a different argument. To be clear, my point isn't that Mesmer doesn't have problems. It's that the problems you list (like projectiles hate) are common things other classes deal with regularly. It sounds spoiled and like a L2P issue.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

As about distortion - they rip what belongs there and packed into utility slot while leaving this mess wasting all blades (which doesnt make a difference 1 or 5) that most likely self-reveal you if some rev/thief/anyone were close to you at the moment. Massive downgrade right there like other shatters. Why is why I mentioned it.

About distortions being replaced by blocks, again, having to deal with counterplay to blocks or slot condition clear is a pretty common problem to have. Maybe your options for condition clear are weak, then argue that instead. Otherwise, learn to play around the counters like everyone else.

10 hours ago, semak.7481 said:


Dont expect me to answer to you ever again, tyvm

Lol. Ok, edgelord.

Edited by bethekey.8314
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Ladies, ladies. Calm your mammaries. 

Can we kindly agree that both classes have their issues instead of trying to 1-UP each other. 

Playing up your class' issues while downplaying the other gets us nowhere. 

Both core engi and virtuoso get hard shut down by projectile hate

Both technically have ways to play around it. 

Virtuoso has their weapon skills on staff, scepter, sword, ect, and can gain access to unblockables. 

Core engi... If it's the core grenadier build, you get down on your knees and pry to our lord and savior prybar to smite the heathen who dared reflect your projectile. 

Doesn't change the fact that both could use some serious work... and i feel I should clarify this for Anet. By work I mean actual work into fixing weak, disfunctional, or outdated parts of their kit. NOT more nerfs, dear god. 

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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Ladies, ladies. Calm your mammaries. 

My message, as a came here, was about only certain people recognizing only their class needs help, and warrior is by no means is as terrible as people here claims it to be, its insanely strong, not just strong (bladesworn, when I say warrior, shout build is literally broken, unblockable unblindable and unstunnable slashes and all their sustain is crazy but its to be expected since EoD spces must be the strongest) and because its not every mothers pick at MAT doesnt mean, its the worst class when it has at least that particular build/spec at play.

1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Playing up your class' issues while downplaying the other gets us nowhere. 

I dont downplay engineer, if engineer skills miss THAT often, thats need a fix and see if engi life is improved after that.

Kits need an updates to be in line with the present, to my taste they are not cool, rework some skills but it requires them an extra effort, they dont like such things. 

Its weird to see that engi doesnt even have a good mainhand  melee weapon. May be if they give mace as default for all... but they wont.

Most of these e-specs is an addition on top of a core which allows them to not take 3rd traitline they otherwise would like to take or like 5-10 times better than any core traitline you can get (cant think of better example than holo below)

Holosmith would be a whole new level of powercreep if compared with core, because it has very good mainhand that core is lacking and have super good melee kit (super good offensive melee kit with a risk that is not hard to avoid) and inbuilt healing/cleaning traits in his traitline which also boosts forge effectiveness. Its basically nicely packs very good offense -> new kit and so much needed mainhand weapon +  and cleanses + heal straight from 1 traitline.

How can 3rd traitline can compete with such powercreep?

Are they willing to buff core and nuke holo? Are they willing to do so for every spec? All of them? With 1 intern that works 2 days in a year? 


Both core engi and virtuoso get hard shut down by projectile hate

Both technically have ways to play around it. 

Virtuoso has their weapon skills on staff, scepter, sword, ect, and can gain access to unblockables. 

I encourage you to try scepter and staff in your war against projectiles, tell me about your experience later 🤣

Edited by semak.7481
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42 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:


How can 3rd traitline can compete with such powercreep?

It can't. I've been advocating for Anet to strip power from Holo and add it onto core for years. Holo does too much, and it has to in order to fill the gaping holes that they've ripped into the core spec. 



I encourage you to try scepter and staff in your war against projectiles, tell me about your experience later 🤣

I can only speak to my experience playing in in WvW since that's where I spend most of my time these days. I play Scepter/Pistol with Sw/Torch or Sw/Focus

Overall it was pretty good. 

Scepter 3 goes through reflects and does respectable damage on both condi and power builds. You can use it to bait dodges so you can land your shatters. 

Scepter 2 synergizes with Psychic Ripose and gives you an immediate 4 daggers + unblockable on your next hit so you can counterpressure through a projectile reflect. 

To give a practical example, a catalyst comes blazing at you with magnetic aura. You scepter 2, block blazing speed, he's conveniently in your face so there's little threat of your shatter missing, and it's unblockable now, you smack him in the face with your f1 or f2. 

If it's a bad catalyst... this is usually the part where they hit themselves in confusion for 20k damage and die.

If they're good, I locate myself towards the nearest bottle of lubricant because I am going to have a rough time. Good eles are scary. 

41 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Your posts are usually a breath of tactful, fresh air on here, but please, don't lump me in with this...person. Lol.

Just trying to remain neutral to both parties and diffuse a spicy situation lol. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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34 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

It can't. I've been advocating for Anet to strip power from Holo and add it onto core for years. Holo does too much, and it has to in order to fill the gaping holes that they've ripped into the core spec. 

Look at mesmer how devasted it left, buffed virtuoso to heavens and even gave UNBLOCKABLE on shatters and its still bad, notice THEY BUFF ELITE SPEC instead of buffing CORE. 
Thats a message: core is irrelevant, your chrono must be dead and no chance to return, we are fine with 1dodge meme but we want to push EoD sells, buy it already!

34 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I encourage you to try scepter and staff in your war against projectiles, tell me about your experience later 🤣

I can only speak to my experience playing in in WvW since that's where I spend most of my time these days. I play Scepter/Pistol with Sw/Torch or Sw/Focus

I'm pretty sure pvp =/= because of stats, food and how unbalanced it is there. And different quality of players, give someone overperforming class and drop a squad of total noobs with questionable builds and he will whack them.

34 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:
1 hour ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Your posts are usually a breath of tactful, fresh air on here, but please, don't lump me in with this...person. Lol.

Just trying to remain neutral to both parties and diffuse a spicy situation lol. 

He gives me strong vibes of a certain ranger main from this forum*. I wonder if they are siblings by any chance

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4 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

My message, as a came here, was about only certain people recognizing only their class needs help, and warrior is by no means is as terrible as people here claims it to be, its insanely strong, not just strong (bladesworn, when I say warrior, shout build is literally broken, unblockable unblindable and unstunnable slashes and all their sustain is crazy but its to be expected since EoD spces must be the strongest) and because its not every mothers pick at MAT doesnt mean, its the worst class when it has at least that particular build/spec at play.

I dont downplay engineer, if engineer skills miss THAT often, thats need a fix and see if engi life is improved after that.

Kits need an updates to be in line with the present, to my taste they are not cool, rework some skills but it requires them an extra effort, they dont like such things. 

Its weird to see that engi doesnt even have a good mainhand  melee weapon. May be if they give mace as default for all... but they wont.

Most of these e-specs is an addition on top of a core which allows them to not take 3rd traitline they otherwise would like to take or like 5-10 times better than any core traitline you can get (cant think of better example than holo below)

Holosmith would be a whole new level of powercreep if compared with core, because it has very good mainhand that core is lacking and have super good melee kit (super good offensive melee kit with a risk that is not hard to avoid) and inbuilt healing/cleaning traits in his traitline which also boosts forge effectiveness. Its basically nicely packs very good offense -> new kit and so much needed mainhand weapon +  and cleanses + heal straight from 1 traitline.

How can 3rd traitline can compete with such powercreep?

Are they willing to buff core and nuke holo? Are they willing to do so for every spec? All of them? With 1 intern that works 2 days in a year? 

I encourage you to try scepter and staff in your war against projectiles, tell me about your experience later 🤣

So, first off let me just say that your mesmer struggle does not go unnoticed. I recognize that mesmer is a shadow of what it was. If anything, you mesmers are in the warriors' boat. That being said: you are dead wrong about warriors. I will explain why.

  1. Bladesworn. Yes, that Bladesworn shout build is strong, BUT it has critical flaws. That Bladesworn is required to be stationary to pull all that off. A stationary target means a sitting duck for more mobile classes. Bladesworn, as a whole is clunky to use. It will fall against competent players with on-par builds.
  2. Everything pales in comparison to Bladesworn. Berserker. Unusable. A berserker will get CCd to death. Berserker mode can actually get interrupted therefore neutering the entire warrior offense. Core. Mediocre. Lacks the damage from weapons and CCs it used to have minus the axe. Spellbreaker. Same thing as core although a bit more sustainable.
  3. Warrior is burst-dependent and can easily be neutralized with the blind condition and mobility. As of End of Dragons, classes have more and more access to blind and movement speed. This collectively shuts down a warrior, of which the entire POINT of warrior is to get in melee position to hit things. Warriors have NO WAY to counter all of this mobility and blind spam.
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On 5/20/2022 at 1:58 AM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

So, first off let me just say that your mesmer struggle does not go unnoticed. I recognize that mesmer is a shadow of what it was. If anything, you mesmers are in the warriors' boat. That being said: you are dead wrong about warriors. I will explain why.

  1. Bladesworn. Yes, that Bladesworn shout build is strong, BUT it has critical flaws. That Bladesworn is required to be stationary to pull all that off. A stationary target means a sitting duck for more mobile classes. Bladesworn, as a whole is clunky to use. It will fall against competent players with on-par builds.
  2. Everything pales in comparison to Bladesworn. Berserker. Unusable. A berserker will get CCd to death. Berserker mode can actually get interrupted therefore neutering the entire warrior offense. Core. Mediocre. Lacks the damage from weapons and CCs it used to have minus the axe. Spellbreaker. Same thing as core although a bit more sustainable.
  3. Warrior is burst-dependent and can easily be neutralized with the blind condition and mobility. As of End of Dragons, classes have more and more access to blind and movement speed. This collectively shuts down a warrior, of which the entire POINT of warrior is to get in melee position to hit things. Warriors have NO WAY to counter all of this mobility and blind spam.

Falls against competent players? The said forum claims virtuoso to be broken af, come on (and teapot agena is the same too).

Slash is broken and ignores all the rules - screw blocks blinds stealth stuns and huge reach and high damage if they charge it a bit. Ranged gunsaber skill killed helseth power zerk mesmer in 2 hits from full hp with around 7 might, very bad class indeed 🙂

Edited by semak.7481
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57 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

the best mesmer in the game being hard slapped by random BS and then said BS kills herald before misha revives. 

Falls against competent players? The said forum claims virtuoso to be broken af, come on (and teapot agena is the same too).

Slash is broken and ignores all the rules - screw blocks blinds stealth stuns and huge reach and high damage if they charge it a bit. Ranged gunsaber skill killed helseth power zerk mesmer in 2 hits from full hp with around 7 might, very bad class indeed 🙂

Again, you forget that the BS has to stand still for any of that to occur. BS is a literal sitting duck. You're only focusing on the Bladesworn spec, which is an outlier. The rest of us are focusing on warrior as a whole, which pale in comparison.

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1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

 The rest of us are focusing on warrior as a whole, which pale in comparison.

Im well aware that core warrior is bad, bersrker is too. Its natural cycle in this game, if you havent noticed, new espec outshines the prvious ones, there is an exception which is herald, then their new specs and new specs again. (gotta sell the expansion but little did they know if ppl like their game, because either you have loyal playerbase or you dont).

You are very downplaying SPB power (it wasnt garbage but it wasnt mAT material, let be real). 

While we are here, I wanna express how I dislike the fact that GS F1 is always the same no matter what, always the same damage on lvl1 adrenaline or lvl3.  So SPB makes use of T3 power of GS burst.

2 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Again, you forget that the BS has to stand still for any of that to occur. BS is a literal sitting duck. You're only focusing on the Bladesworn spec, which is an outlier.

Core mesmer is trash, chrono is dogs**t, mirage is 1 legman and virtuoso... is virtuoso (despite them buffing it REAL HARD) its still bad and every single spec is frustrating to play and none of it is good, at least you have BS.

This game became an utter joke. Skill is irrelevant, your class and build is determinate how competitive you are. 

Look at misha, he plays since launch, participated in many tournaments, won multiple monthlies and comm.conqueror title (mota?) and he struggles to play his main class even in ranked.

What I want to say, its very unlikely that they will rebalance everything around core spec, its much easier to focus on the last released expansion(mostly) and give way less attentin to others. If it works in PvE, Anet is happy.



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Bladesworn gameplay 🤢

Anet fixes warr:

Put 1 GM with might gen, unblockable, unblindable, hard CC with dmg (warr inability to hit fixed 😁)

Give an Elite which synergizes too well with the worst self-sustain option (spam aoe heal shouts very good gameplay 😁)

Rinse and repeat, enjoy sitting around.

Contrary to PvP in WvW BsW does no dmg even with full zerk gear. 


Anyway, I think the original post is something we all support. 

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Bumping this coz @Kuma.1503 is one of the most rational and intelligent forum member without try harding to sound smart. Plus he's humble, doesn't pick fights, multi-classes and theory builds. Agree with the original post so much. It's all about fun for me these day as I've lost my interest in being competitive.


Make this game mode fun for normal/avg players, both the current and hopefully the influx of new ones. Im an average pvper but me sticking around for this long obviously makes me and most of us that still play, outliers. 

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@JTGuevara.9018 just pls get rid off that minus axe...... i mean think about that weap. It BURST skill hits less that the one of greatsword but in the same time its Single targed so at least that burst skill should hit harder than the greatsword one lel. Also its third skill does good damage but gues its only against people with 25% life so if it hits for 3k or 6k is not rly a different xd. (Only if enemy heals in exact that moment tho)

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Some nerfs are too absurd that looks like the functionality was entirely removed from the PvP content without compensation.


Examples of aparentily removed content:

  • 300/180/120/100/90/75 seconds cooldown skills (e.g. "Eternal Bond", "Battle Standard", "Winds of Disenchantment", "Transmute", "Emergency Elixir" and "Reactive Lenses").
  • Skills hard to activate, with some requeriment, with too long cooldown or both them that grants umbalanced or near null beneficts (e.g. "Comeback Cure", "Purity of Purpose", "Mech Frame: Channeling Conduits", "Mech Core: Jade Dynamo", "Mech Core: Barrier Engine").
  • Skills that was designed to deals big direct damage but can't do it because also causes croud control (e. g. "Overcharged Shot", "Rocket Fist Prototype", "Static Shock", "Throw Wrench", "Big Ol' Bomb", "Launch Personal Battering Ram", "Mine Field", "Crash Down", "Core Reactor Shot", "Sky Circus (Landing Damage)", "Rocket Punch (Mech)", "Personal Battering Ram", "Throw Mine", "Explosive Rockets (Rocket Turret)", "Thump", "Force Signet", "Prime Light Beam").
  • Mechanist without the Robot or underwater.



Sorry for any misspell or bad english 🙂

Edited by JETWING.2759
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On 5/20/2022 at 12:47 AM, semak.7481 said:

the best mesmer in the game being hard slapped by random BS and then said BS kills herald before misha revives. 

Falls against competent players? The said forum claims virtuoso to be broken af, come on (and teapot agena is the same too).

Slash is broken and ignores all the rules - screw blocks blinds stealth stuns and huge reach and high damage if they charge it a bit. Ranged gunsaber skill killed helseth power zerk mesmer in 2 hits from full hp with around 7 might, very bad class indeed 🙂

I think most people on the warrior forums (note that I didn't say " warrior mains" as they honestly either don't complain or they don't play warrior) disagree

I do too

Everybody thinks warrior op cause too much damage but in reality they barely if even last long enough to do it.

This is due to sustain nerfs in quick succession and nerfs to the entire defense trait line(it is not used anymore by any build on metabattle in any game mode)

And who wants a berserker who can tank your damage right?

*sarcasm just in case you didn't notice*

Edited by Infinity.2876
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15 minutes ago, Infinity.2876 said:

I think all most warrior mains on the forums disagree

I do too

Everybody thinks warrior op cause too much damage but in reality they barely if even last long enough to do it.

This is due to sustain nerfs in quick succession and nerfs to the entire defense trait line(it is not used anymore by any build on metabattle in any game mode)

Disagree with...?  I'm hallucinating that Misha dies to warrior and then herald right after Misha ...? Ngl, this forum doesnt like direct links.

It does low damage? 

Or with the fact of what slash does ?

Insane sustain through shouts might and evades? 

Too many questions

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