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House System and Wedding.

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Hiii, im new in this forum but i play Guild Wars since 4 Years.
Guild Wars 2 is a excellent MMORPG in your propose (wonderfull History, nice battles and infinite builds).
On the other hand, is a terrible game for RP compared at the actual MMOs in the market, we need more things to make the players feel like living a real another life in game.

What keeps a large portion of players is the feeling of belonging and that's why I think it's a great gain to consider the improvement of the House System and Marriage System.
Please ARENANET look into this more or you will lose many of your players to other current competitors in the market.

We need villages with houses for players to buy in all major cities and even some villages in some fields to have a peasant life hahaha. We need a system that allows us to place furniture, move it around, make it really iterative (Only some chairs are sitable in Guild Wars 2, this is really so 2010). We need a marriage system that makes a real ceremony so that the couple feels special to have spent a moment as magical as this one here in Guild Wars 2 I know there are many things, but these additions and changes are really necessary for the game to reach a long life and be able to compete with current MMOs. I LOVE GUILD WARS 2, and I want it to last forever. We need help ARENANET!

Sorry the bad insorry for bad english.

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3 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

RP does not need a marriage system, it just needs RPers to RP getting and being married. There are even armor and outfit options appropriate for weddings.


Are you satisfied with just that?

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I think you might credit Ashen with too much influence there 😂

Weddings have never driven populations in mmos. They were aways something niche. I have no interest in whether they add it or not, but let’s be clear they won’t make or break the game.

Housing is a different matter. There are strong arguments for or against and have been for ten years. I’m not convinced it fits the type of game gw2 is, but I can see it would be popular and I’d be I trusted if they did it right (their form on this has been mixed with things like Guild Halls and hubs so far) There’s usually a thread every week about it if you want to look for further discussion on it. My understanding though is that Anet want players out in the maps working together and not stuck inside houses or housing instances which makes sense in how this game works. Not every idea in other mmos can work well elsewhere after all.

If they did something original, I could be interested though

Edited by Randulf.7614
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You've likely hurt the Devs' feelings when you state Guild Wars 2 isn't an 'actual MMO'.  So, they aren't likely to jump to for your suggestion on Housing right away.

On the other hand, they have provided you with this:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wedding_Preparation_Package

and with this:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deverol_Gardens#Trivia

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12 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I think you might credit Ashen with too much influence there 😂

Weddings have never driven populations in mmos. They were aways something niche. I have no interest in whether they add it or not, but let’s be clear they won’t make or break the game.

Housing is a different matter. There are string arguments for or against and have been for ten years. I’m not convinced it fits the type of game gw2 is, but I can see it would be popular and I’d be I trusted if they did it right (their form on this has been mixed with things like Guild Halls and hubs so far) There’s usually a thread every week about it if you want to look for further discussion on it. My understanding though is that Anet want players out in the maps working together and not stuck inside houses or housing instances which makes sense in how this game works. Not every idea in other mmos can work well elsewhere after all.

If they did something original, I could be interested though


Your view is really very good, I agree with you in everything you said but in terms of the house system I think it would even move the maps more in the search for materials to make furniture and I even think it would move the market board a lot.

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9 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You've likely hurt the Devs' feelings when you state Guild Wars 2 isn't an 'actual MMO'.  So, they aren't likely to jump to for your suggestion on Housing right away.

On the other hand, they have provided you with this:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wedding_Preparation_Package

and with this:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deverol_Gardens#Trivia


Really? If that's all this game offers for marriage, it really isn't worth spending anything on it.

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Yes it might, but I’d prefer it to be less material based and more collection and trophy based. That would encourage event participation.

For example, a statue of a branded Forgotten requires a semi rare drop from serpents ire. Using the claw drop from Tequatl for crafting furniture. Or rewards from collections to reward furniture

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32 minutes ago, Lucas.4216 said:

It's because of people like you who are content with little that the game continues with the same backward vision of 10 years ago. But I understand, convenience is better than change for most people 🙂


Mate, if enough people thought like you (spoiler: they do not) and the game actually was losing players over it, they would've done something about it by now.


9 minutes ago, Lucas.4216 said:


Really? If that's all this game offers for marriage, it really isn't worth spending anything on it.




Why are you so invested in marriage in a game? And why do you think it actually adds a benefit to GW2?


I'm pretty sure that the majority of players really could not give a kitten about it, and it really isn't adding anything except RP (which you can just do yourself...).


About player housing - just go get a guild hall. You can decorate it to your heart's content and map there whenever you want.

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35 minutes ago, Lucas.4216 said:

It's because of people like you who are content with little that the game continues with the same backward vision of 10 years ago. But I understand, convenience is better than change for most people 🙂

Ahh personal attacks. Always a good sign that your position has no merit.

And, again, the game provides 100% of what is needed to have a wedding, to have characters get married, fro characters to be married.

What would you see added for a marriage system? Lets look at real world marriage for inspiration:

Two people who care for each other choose to hold a ceremony to include close friends and family in a celebration of the intent to cohabitate and spend their lives together. More realistically 8.2 years together (half of that on good terms). Nothing added ingame would make this more possible than is now the case. 

Another example: Two people have a ceremony celebrating one becoming the property of the other. One of the two is henceforth forbidden to own anything, spend money, etc. I suppose an in game marriage system where one participant gains complete control over the other's account, characters, items, wealth, etc would accomplish this reasonably well....not sure that it is a good idea though.


Hmm, perhaps some more real world examples of what marriage means beyond the decision to spend lives committed to eachother (again, something that no in game system is need for or can address):

1) When one spends gold the money comes half from each account.

2) Each partner has access to all of the other's property, item, wealth, etc. The exception being account bound items as they are limited in this fashion for non RP reasons.

3) Each partner is responsible for any debts accrued by the other.


There are other benefits and even "downsides" to being married but most of them are not applicable to a game (visitation rights for incarcerated individuals, having to make arrangements for the other's funeral-character death is not particularly permanent, but inorder for a marriage system to be true to real life character perma death would need to be implemented in some fashion).


In the end I guess the question should be asked: What would you want from an in game marriage RP system that provides no mechanical advantage, bonuses, or the like not possessed by nonparticipants?

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Just join an rp group and use your imagination?  I've even attended a wedding in Lion's Arch once since there is a location for that.  Honestly, this is something a very low percentage would care about, a bit too niche.  Can't wait for the divorces.  How will you divide up the player house?  Which brings us to...

Housing....well there's a post every week in the forums to tell about it. Not personally excited about the prospect since I don't spend all my time sitting in a house in game and happy with my personal instance as is.  Could make more of an argument for it, again don't really see why the commander would even have one. 

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I'm fine with them adding a wedding system although I hope it's instanced.

You throw a big wedding party in a major city and chances are people are probably going to troll it just for fun.

Making it instanced for a 50 man squad will solve that one imo.

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8 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Just join an rp group and use your imagination?  I've even attended a wedding in Lion's Arch once since there is a location for that.  Honestly, this is something a very low percentage would care about, a bit too niche.  Can't wait for the divorces.  How will you divide up the player house?  Which brings us to...

Housing....well there's a post every week in the forums to tell about it. Not personally excited about the prospect since I don't spend all my time sitting in a house in game and happy with my personal instance as is.  Could make more of an argument for it, again don't really see why the commander would even have one. 

House System and Marriage system need to be separated systems. Like in others MMOs

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I am honestly curious as to what needs to be included in an RP marriage system (that doesn't include exclusive mechanical bonuses, advantages, etc)

I have been an RPer for 40 years now and have had many characters have a wide variety of RP relationships, none of which would have benefitted in any way from game system intrusion into the RP.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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11 minutes ago, Lucas.4216 said:

House System and Marriage system need to be separated systems. Like in others MMOs

Think the humor shot past you there.  Usually you divide up property as part of a divorce...

11 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

I don’t need a marriage system ingame. What’s next? You have to do your tax declaration in Tyria? 

Absolutely.  Probably depending on what region of Tyria you are in, or in the expansion areas, you'll need to get proper approval and forms there too.  I foresee another long wait at the ministry for transportation.

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2 hours ago, Lucas.4216 said:


What keeps a large portion of players is the feeling of belonging and that's why I think it's a great gain to consider the improvement of the House System and Marriage System.
Please ARENANET look into this more or you will lose many of your players to other current competitors in the market.


Confirmation bias much?  Where is your statistical evidence that a "large portion" of player don't feel that they belong to GW2 because of the lack of housing and marriage?  Where is your proof that these missing in-game functions will cause the loss of players.

You might consider using the forums search feature to read all of the previous threads on each of these things.  You may find that they are not as popular, or needed, as you believe.

Personally, I feel that either of these ideas is a waste of valuable developer resources and time and would rather attention be place elsewhere on things in GW2 that are more likely to benefit a much larger portion of the player base and -- most importantly -- bring in profit for the studio and its shareholders.

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