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House System and Wedding.

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In FFXIV, you can buy 3 levels of marriage (in the store, i.e. with real money). There's an instanced location, where a ceremony takes place (around 30 minutes). The couple receives a ring each that allows them to teleport to each other for free at any time, a 2-seated mount, a bunch of invitations (you need one to enter the ceremony instance), glamours (transmute) and some other stuff. The participants of the ceremony receive a minion (mini). The couple can also divorce, in which case the ring stops working.


It's a nice touch and some of the items are truly useful. It's also quite expensive (I mean real money expensive), so there's some money to be made there. However, I think RP-ing a ceremony yourself is fine, if not better. A dedicated instance to avoid getting trolled might be nice.


I think everything, that makes the game world feel like a place where your character lives, is good, so that includes marriage. I personally wouldn't use it, tough. Also, it's possible to RP a marriage, we don't really need a game mechanic for it. I'm not against it, but there are other priorities, e.g. player housing. 😁

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Marriage system was pretty nice in a previous MMO I played.
If you were close to your spouse you'd both get a buff, you could port to them and got a unique pet. 

Would be nice to have some reasons to do stuff in pairs around Tyria. Rn you either solo everything or do things in a large group when it comes to metas.

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I would say, there won't be any player loss after soon 10 years of GW2 without any further features for RP players.

And if you want some buyable "Marriage" certificate, then you will need some (more expensive!) "Divorce" certificate, that also splits and divides all you inventory and bank items including monthly gold transfer from the wealthier player to his/her ex.

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4 hours ago, Friday.7864 said:

Would be nice to have some reasons to do stuff in pairs around Tyria. Rn you either solo everything or do things in a large group when it comes to metas.

And if you so wish, nothing is stopping you from doing anything and everything in pairs. You don't need extra buffs or rewards for it if you actually want to spend time together. So....yeah.

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We already have taxes though, when you sell  stuff at the tp :' )

My first mmo like 15 years ago introduced an actual wedding system even when there was a wedding place for rp. It made so you'd get extra exp if playing in the same map, a ring giving you a skill to buff each other's stats for a few minutes... but that game was a lot about it, very rp-ish and with many couples meeting there. In gw2 I really haven't seen much about it. I know there are rp communities and couples but it's not like it was at that other game with weddings all the time, people sitting and gathering around, your personal camp with decorations and functional furniture to show off etc. I really can't see it being any popular to be honest, but houses, like that camp thing, sounds really like your home instance but with more customization. Having maps with fixed houses is a problem though since space is limited and it'd just create issues with just the rich people being able to afford those if they are auctioned or others hoarding entire places with dozens of accounts. Not sure how those problems could be solved but this game hasn't given me the feeling of needing either marriage or housing in maps for the 7 years I've played it, but that's me.

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4 hours ago, Yggranya.5201 said:

And if you so wish, nothing is stopping you from doing anything and everything in pairs. You don't need extra buffs or rewards for it if you actually want to spend time together. So....yeah.

They dont really want to play as a duo, they want to be paid to play as a duo.

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2 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

They dont really want to play as a duo, they want to be paid to play as a duo.

Yes, 2k gems per month should do. You're a genius. I'm mind blown, why didn't I think of that myself?

Why incentivize people to interact with each other, do stuff together outside of instanced content and make things more fun & interesting in general? Pfft. 

Oh and when I said reasons I totally meant rewards only cuz in dictionary: reasons = rewards. It can't be anything else.

Marriage system? That thing that has proved itself to be a good thing in games more successful than GW2? Buuuuuncha noooooonsense. 

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1 hour ago, Friday.7864 said:

Yes, 2k gems per month should do. You're a genius. I'm mind blown, why didn't I think of that myself?

Why incentivize people to interact with each other, do stuff together outside of instanced content and make things more fun & interesting in general? Pfft. 

Oh and when I said reasons I totally meant rewards only cuz in dictionary: reasons = rewards. It can't be anything else.

Marriage system? That thing that has proved itself to be a good thing in games more successful than GW2? Buuuuuncha noooooonsense. 

So you agree, it is about wanting to be paid to play together.

A marriage system does not incentivize people to interact with each other. Character marriage is something that comes after characters have already been RPing together. The ability to have a wedding already exists in game. The ability to be married already exists in game. So, if marriage already exists then the ONLY purpose to the request is, by definition, not to make in game marriage possible...it is a request to get exclusive rewards.

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7 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

So you agree, it is about wanting to be paid to play together.

A marriage system does not incentivize people to interact with each other. Character marriage is something that comes after characters have already been RPing together. The ability to have a wedding already exists in game. The ability to be married already exists in game. So, if marriage already exists then the ONLY purpose to the request is, by definition, not to make in game marriage possible...it is a request to get exclusive rewards.

Totally, it's all about the money. I want a check each month delivered by Anet personally. No; a truckload of money would be better.
We can just roleplay the wedding system, you're so smart. Why bother adding it to the actual game. 
And snowcrows can just imagine and roleplay fighting a new raid boss. Amazing. This totally replaces the need for actual new content and features.

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Three pages later, I still don’t have a coherent picture of what the OP is actually asking for.

I understand a wedding package with the outfits and maybe a decorated instance, but what would a game supported marriage actually entail?

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23 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Three pages later, I still don’t have a coherent picture of what the OP is actually asking for.

I understand a wedding package with the outfits and maybe a decorated instance, but what would a game supported marriage actually entail?

You know, just like those other games *waves hand vaguely*

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It's nice if a game you love has everything you could ever want and that goes for everyone, but that's impossible and complete fantasy. My girl and I will most likely have a wedding ceremony in LA in front of our guildies and friends after our real one in front of our friends and loved ones. I'm all about challenge mode! 


As far as GW2 lacking because marriage and housing aren't as big deal as you like them to be, that's on you. They've given us the platform and the canvas to let our imaginations do the rest especially with marriage. Guild Halls provide almost all you need for your personal housing and there's always PUG's who'll join up to help people get a GH especially for a couple gold each. 

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