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Untamed has the best 1shot build in history


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The optimal play for untamed is to kite until your 1shot burst is up again and do 13k damage in an instant, often times from stealth. This is better than peak 1shot Mesmer as not only does that build rely on 1shots to get kills and untamed does not, its burst is much slower and often times more telegraphed. It relies on more hits than untamed (2) which means more cooldowns and more opportunity to break out of it. Every build that can 1shot ever outside of untamed has very high risk involved with getting the combo done. Soulbeast’s sic ‘em build not only takes longer and requires a clear line of sight (like Mesmer) it is an overall glassy class because of it. Same for FA weaver. Same for peak core guard (low mobility, no barrier, stealth, weakness, poison, projectile hate). The only thing that was nearly as bad as untamed is now is launch deadeye but even though it could 1shot totally from stealth with Death’s Judgement, it still required build up (untamed does not) and line of sight (untamed does not) and it left the thief at least semi-vulnerable (untamed is not vulnerable during or after the burst). With the projectile block poison field fro pet and the weakness uptime and the stun, block, evade, and knockback in the great sword kit there is very little many classes can do to fend off an untamed. Needs a serious nerf.

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It's true that untamed can be played as a general bruiser that can do surprise busts here and there... and since it does 10-13K damage in an untelegraphed instant, it's quite effective.
But again, this is on purpose. I remember CmC even mentioning in the reveal stream how the teleport they add to the class comboes so well with tailswipe... so they wanted this. I don't get why, but they did. 

Also good luck nerfing this burst. I legit have no idea how to do it, you either remove features from untamed or ruin all other power-ranger builds, or both.

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38 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Trust me, oneshot mesmer at its best was able to drop well over 20k

I remember soulbeast mauls for 25k (world impact wasnt too far behind as well) or unblockable DJ 35k. 

Edited by semak.7481
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31 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Those were fun times. You could kill or you could get killed, instead of running for 16 minutes.

... except DJ wasn't fun in any way, shape or form. It still isn't.

Yeah, the rest just hit you instantly with no warning. Every time you died to a DJ, you had the thought "i could have dodged that".

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Just now, Bazsi.2734 said:

Yeah, the rest just hit you instantly with no warning. Every time you died to a DJ, you had the thought "i could have dodged that".

TBH DJ is not fun either, even now. It's just a skill you have to dodge, and you DO dodge. But there's no reward in doing so because you can't really counterattack from that range anyway; not with the skirmisher shots that come after that.

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9 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Yeah, the rest just hit you instantly with no warning. Every time you died to a DJ, you had the thought "i could have dodged that".

Dying through blocks to a DJ and stupid engine that wont load stealthed enemies for solid 1-2 seconds, which in fact hides DJ. So no, I never thought about it.

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I wouldn't mind Untamed stealth one shots if Stealth render lag wasn't such a pain in this game. 

I've had moments where the untamed Hilt bash > Maul's me from stealth and I don't see them until after the Maul has already landed. 

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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I wouldn't mind Untamed stealth one shots if Stealth render lag wasn't such a pain in this game. 

I've had moments where the untamed Hilt bash > Maul's me from stealth and I don't see them until after the Maul has already landed. 

I said about it 1 post earlier than you. 

I remember watching someone's wvw video, he was stabbed by a backstab for 22k, NO ONE APPEARED ON THE SCREEN (because despite the aftercast of backstab, he managed to cast MELD IN SHADOWS, to stealth again, without being ever rendered) and stomped him, seemed like nothing killed him, stomped and never been there 😆

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On 5/26/2022 at 4:31 PM, Poelala.2830 said:

The optimal play for untamed is to kite until your 1shot burst is up again and do 13k damage in an instant, often times from stealth. This is better than peak 1shot Mesmer as not only does that build rely on 1shots to get kills and untamed does not, its burst is much slower and often times more telegraphed. It relies on more hits than untamed (2) which means more cooldowns and more opportunity to break out of it. Every build that can 1shot ever outside of untamed has very high risk involved with getting the combo done. Soulbeast’s sic ‘em build not only takes longer and requires a clear line of sight (like Mesmer) it is an overall glassy class because of it. Same for FA weaver. Same for peak core guard (low mobility, no barrier, stealth, weakness, poison, projectile hate). The only thing that was nearly as bad as untamed is now is launch deadeye but even though it could 1shot totally from stealth with Death’s Judgement, it still required build up (untamed does not) and line of sight (untamed does not) and it left the thief at least semi-vulnerable (untamed is not vulnerable during or after the burst). With the projectile block poison field fro pet and the weakness uptime and the stun, block, evade, and knockback in the great sword kit there is very little many classes can do to fend off an untamed. Needs a serious nerf.

Vids or didn't happen 

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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I dont mind high damage really,if im able to learn whats hitting me ill try to avoid it. What i do mind is classes like this that still have tons of sustain ontop of that damage,which is an issue to me. It should be Damage Or Sustain. And some specs currently do both way too proper.

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1 hour ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

I dont mind high damage really,if im able to learn whats hitting me ill try to avoid it. What i do mind is classes like this that still have tons of sustain ontop of that damage,which is an issue to me. It should be Damage Or Sustain. And some specs currently do both way too proper.

As you said they will try to kite away because they do not have much sustain (unlike what you said). Keep a stunbreak if you see one waiting to stun you and dodge right after. You and your team need to pressure the untamed as soon as he goes in or tries to escape. You can see how fast they died in tournaments once focused.

Also they perform poorly vs any condi duelist / tank builds because the duelist can survive and then apply constant pressure. Power untamed has very few ways to deal with condi.

I am sure at some point people will realize that full damage untamed is more fun to fight and easier to deal with than the more duelist or condi variant which start to pop up (I do not like those).

Edited by aymnad.9023
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40 minutes ago, aymnad.9023 said:

As you said they will try to kite away because they do not have much sustain (unlike what you said). Keep a stunbreak if you see one waiting to stun you and dodge right after. You and your team need to pressure the untamed as soon as he goes in or tries to escape. You see how fast they died in tournaments once focused.

Also they perform poorly vs any condi duelist / tank builds because the duelist can survive and then apply constant pressure. Power untamed has very few ways to deal with condi.

I am sure at some point people will realize that full damage untamed is more fun to fight and easier to deal with than the more duelist or condi variant which start to pop up (I do not like those).

Sorry I wasnt just talking about ranger,just overall theres certain specs that have too much of both.

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24 minutes ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

Sorry I wasnt just talking about ranger,just overall theres certain specs that have too much of both.

oh ok 🙂. I just noticed I talked about some stuff like kiting because I did mix messages and thought you were also the op, my bad for that 😄

Edited by aymnad.9023
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