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Best race for a Revenant


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Hi all.

I've recently bought the expansions and wanted to give the now unlocked Revenant a try. What race would fit the class the best thematically? Norn have the whole spirit theme that can go well with the class but since I prefer male characters and find male Norns ugly, it's not much of an option (male Norns really need some love). Shiro was human, the Sylvari have the whole nature spirituality theme, which would you choose and why? 


Thanks in advance 

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   Lore wise I would said either Norn or Sylvari; currently I have 2 Revs which are male Norn and a Rev which is a female Silvari. The link is that the spiritual world and the dream share some concepts with the mist, and the same way the Norns channel their totem spirits and are focused on improving their own legend, so invoking the powers of epic figures of the past make sense (well, lately they aren't "as epic"... ). Charrs are overall apprehensive against the use of magic (aside from members of the Flame Legion) and Asura are so centered in developing and enhancing their own intellect that borrowing abilities from other personalities seems off (despite they have acute interest in the technological advances in the Charr engineering).

   Humans a safe but boring middle ground: they trend to be organized so for a magic user a Guardain makes more sense than a Rev (Norn are more individualistic). My advise anyway is TO NOT repeat the same race+sex as with other professions you ar¡lready have, since having multiple characters sharing the same voice action ends being annoying (I have six characters sharing two voices).

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2 hours ago, YVictory.6840 said:

I am leaning towards to Norn, but is there a way to make the male Norn look more normal? I don't mind the height, just that they're to broad and look a bit grotesque in some body types IMO.  

  The slender physical model loots a lot like a NBA athlete. Chose the thiner modelwith the shortest heigh and yo'll get a viking-like frame instead of a space marine crossed with a neanderthal...

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4 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

The slender physical model loots a lot like a NBA athlete. Chose the thiner modelwith the shortest heigh and yo'll get a viking-like frame instead of a space marine crossed with a neanderthal...

This is the best description of the male Norn body physic I've read. Thanks for the laugh. 

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It's a profession that originates among the charr, but I don't think it's a profession that's likely to have widespread acceptance since it's probably a bit too close to religion for most charr. Jalis/Kalla renegades are probably most common, I'd guess.

Humans have the advantage that nearly every legend relates strongly to human history in some manner, except Ventari and Kalla. Some might avoid the more villainous legends, though, so Jalis/Glint or Jalis/Alliance may be preferred.

Norn have their cultural obsession with legends, and probably don't really care who they channel since they revere legendary villains as much as heroes. I could see norn culture as regarding tapping into an existing legend to be cheating over building your own, but that's just speculation on my part.

Sylvari are probably likely to focus on Ventari, followed by a second legend associated with the fight against the dragons, such as Jalis or Glint.

Overall, I'd probably say norn or humans are the most likely to invoke the full range of legends. Charr or sylvari probably work better for specific concepts.

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Norn tbh. Norn already practice a shamanistic culture and that would make them much more inclined to pick up the Revenant as a Shaman protector. 

In fact, I find it stranger that Braum didn't just go Revenant, like he could've been Rythlock's apprentice or something. And to make him unique, after the events of Icebrood Saga he would be the only Revenant to embody the Spirits of the Wild. 

Edited by Yasai.3549
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  • 3 weeks later...

Honestly I think Sylvari makes the most sense especially if you are playing through the core story. The dream could very well be an actual place between tyria and the mists. Plus the dream teaches your profession to you before you are "born" so being the first rev, but not having a name for the things you do and magic you use, for it to later be discovered by Rytlock makes a certain amount of sense canonically.

Edited by Groggyfrog.9754
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The norn mainly due to their havroun's constantly dipping into the mists. So it's not unheard of that perhaps they took some of their apprentices and those who went in heard the "call". Mai trin has kind of turned the idea on its head as she became one due to exposure rather than training; That said I feel like norn and sylvari go hand in hand. Our first Elite spec is glint a elder dragons child; Which of course ...


The sylvari share a TON of sympathy with being dragon minions themselves. So you have that connection as well ventari who is technically the father of their whole race. 

I Feel like rytlock being the first was only due to glint having a prior connection and trust in him; But I find it far fetched that he truly was the first. Likely there were prior rev's they were just rare if at all depicted as what they truly were; Plus rytlock has been the poster boy for a long while so of course he'd get the new profession in the first expansion. 

I'd say that the only down-side to being a norn is you have no legend of your own to channel and everyone outside of the asura does; So you don't have anyone to really give you the full package. But norn looking to enhance their own legend by learning from those of the past seems to fit.. like.. Norn love stories. Imagine the people they could learn to channel just from the legends they know already.. let alone the ones they'd strive to uncover. 

Plus your in lore one of the physically most powerful races to exist in the player pool,  you have Mathew Mercer as a voice actor who by far is the best of the lot when it comes male VA's and in all honesty now that the spirits have gone to heal I'm sure later on (GW3 maybe if it happens) norn will get their true shapeshifting back. 

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