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Rifle Deadeye now dead in WvW


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The changes completely listed as is destroy Rifle Deadeye in WvW roaming.  Between losing too much stealth, having 20% recharge on deception skills trait removed (which is huge), now can't have Flickering Shadow and Shadow Rejuvenation, and the trait replacements are pretty much useless for DE (I mean weakness when hitting with a stealth attack is just bad for any build but even more so for rifle).  DE really need that 20% CD reduction and additional stealth.


Suggestions on another profession? Maybe actually roll a lb/gs soulbeast?


Honestly this will likely make me not play much since that was my favorite playstyle 

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Yeah I'm a bit surprised that they didn't revert the stealth duration of silent scope. Guess deadeye's just going to have one second of stealth on dodge rolls lol. Just so we understand how long that is, a dodge roll gives you 3/4ths of a second of evade, during which, you can't really perform other actions. This means that doing a dodge roll for "stealth" gives you like 1/4th of a second to really play around with. The only benefit you'd get now is pretty much dodging to get superspeed for a little bit as taking the barrier trait would mean not having condi cleansing and taking protection would mean having less initiative (on a class that relies pretty much solely on initiative to do any damage). But hey, at least these changes are interesting for daredevil and things like condi thief. Just sucks that it feels like an oversight in regards to deadeye's dodge roll stealth.

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It will still be fine though. Im mostly dissapointed with the Stealth removal on Steal in SA,if i read it right. Since that was an opener for an actual Spike,and not to really to hang in stealth with which is the biggest issue blobbers complain about,its a weird change.

But hey atleast all their reflect spamm and projectile hate is still untouched !  Its all pretty much a joke to me at this point,whoever is balancing has little to no clue..Or theyre taking advice from the wrong people..*Cough* 😄

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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This change is great for Deadeye. Stealth on mark, stolen skill, withdraw, elite, dodge and maybe even blinding powder is just too much. I played my fair bit of it tbh but the cheaper you play (outstealthing the opponent and waiting out cooldowns) the better you did and it is just too boring and not interactive of a gameplay in the end.

Now we have less of the too easy stealth access, less stealth duration and less incentive to stay in stealth and INSTEAD we have incentives to only go in stealth only shortly (quick reposition or stealth attack... you know, the things you could argue are actually the purpose of stealth with thief), we get superspeed and protection, bursts of initiative, blind/weakness to make up for it and in the end we are more viable being less in stealth and the opponents have at least the feeling they have a chance to fight since there are more windows of opportunity where the deadeye is visible

 I assume it will be too strong and nerft again but it's definitely the right direction gameplay and philosophy-wise. It's more interactive and less cheesy imo. If it sucks we can finally commit to kitten or CS again without feeling to gut ourselves. I love it. This change leads to a more healthy relationship with stealth.

Also I think a rifle deadeye with superspeed and quickness is very scary to fight in of itself.

Edited by Padd.1479
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I used to play S/D rifle deadeye with deadly arts, trickery and DE. Wanderer armor, dura runes and mara rest. It was a boon build, focussed on maintaining protection from M7 and denying boons with sword. SA will now play similarly to that, more emphasis on boons for survival and more reliance on stolen skills/shadow meld for stealth. Honestly its a good thing, and it opens DE up for buffs (silent scope stealth back to 2-3s for example) without making the spec stupid because of chaining mark, mercy and heal for long stealth durations. 

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The short uptime means there is no choice, to time a dj.

You need to do it in the same second, as you get invis.

This makes the dj very predictable. Invis uptime is now more like a blink instead invis.

We will see, if and how DE which try to make this working will try to solve this.


All in all, the ps riffle de seems gone.

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On 6/26/2022 at 5:26 PM, Curennos.9307 said:

Rifle DE is a sacrifice everyone other than rifle DE's are willing to make to fix the horribleness that was SA DE.

Tbh deadeye is the one spec that will be fine with these changes regardless. It has plenty of stealth sources, the thing I'm more concerned about is specter being reliant on blasting smoke fields in shroud for stealth. For an update that was supposed to be aimed at making SA better with specter they were very successful at making that combination much more awkward to run. 

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25 minutes ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Tbh deadeye is the one spec that will be fine with these changes regardless. It has plenty of stealth sources, the thing I'm more concerned about is specter being reliant on blasting smoke fields in shroud for stealth. For an update that was supposed to be aimed at making SA better with specter they were very successful at making that combination much more awkward to run. 

Which is fair. I hated the cheesey feeling of DE that will be gone - albeit probably not completely - with these changes. What I didn't like is the removal of Concealing Restoration and Hidden Thief, which were two nice, quick, reliable sources of stealth. I can understand why they were removed - as they're now worth much, much more as the traitline rewards you for dipping into and then out of stealth, but the designated stealth traitline is feeling increasingly limited for, of all things, stealth options - outside of DE, that is. 


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It was already pretty dead and rare from my experience. Rapid Fire Rangers do it better since they can insta-kill without telegraph. I've never found Deadeyes threatening at all, just pesky bugs to shoo off. People just get mad that DE can flee away after their ambush fail and believe they have priviledge to 1hit kill them in retaliation instead of it ending in a draw where no one dies.

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  • 1 year later...

the "dead"eye: BEWARE" *puts the sign on his head saying " I KNEEL NOW, can´t move now. dont kill plz" ...any enemy profession comes around disables all of you and stomps you to death in around 1.4secs

the "crap"specter: "hey im a specter with scepter! did u get that joke?" ...*dead while applying one hit of torment that ticks critically with almost 100

it sounds slightly exaggareted, cos when you not dying instant in almost any wvw situations that counts, "shadowsteps/charges/hoops to death" mechanics , the one situation you dont, the elite thief professions gives you at least some BORING gametime minutes killing lords etc with a tad bit more than average damage, unless u go full glass...if

daredevil: "i may say a word or two"

Edited by hardloop von edgehoven.851
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On 9/11/2023 at 5:32 PM, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

the "dead"eye: BEWARE" *puts the sign on his head saying " I KNEEL NOW, can´t move now. dont kill plz" ...any enemy profession comes around disables all of you and stomps you to death in around 1.4secs

the "crap"specter: "hey im a specter with scepter! did u get that joke?" ...*dead while applying one hit of torment that ticks critically with almost 100

it sounds slightly exaggareted, cos when you not dying instant in almost any wvw situations that counts, "shadowsteps/charges/hoops to death" mechanics , the one situation you dont, the elite thief professions gives you at least some BORING gametime minutes killing lords etc with a tad bit more than average damage, unless u go full glass...if

daredevil: "i may say a word or two"

Spot the necro main ^

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On 9/11/2023 at 6:32 PM, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

the "dead"eye: BEWARE" *puts the sign on his head saying " I KNEEL NOW, can´t move now. dont kill plz" ...any enemy profession comes around disables all of you and stomps you to death in around 1.4secs

the "crap"specter: "hey im a specter with scepter! did u get that joke?" ...*dead while applying one hit of torment that ticks critically with almost 100

it sounds slightly exaggareted, cos when you not dying instant in almost any wvw situations that counts, "shadowsteps/charges/hoops to death" mechanics , the one situation you dont, the elite thief professions gives you at least some BORING gametime minutes killing lords etc with a tad bit more than average damage, unless u go full glass...if

daredevil: "i may say a word or two"

Would love to know what class you are playing. I'm going to jump ahead an say that you are either a necro main or playing mech engineer. Anyway, any class that attracts the rather no smart ones. 

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Really like deadeye in wvw tbf. But its a littlebit sad that the rifle isnt anymore the main weapon of the spec. 

Scepter / Dagger is just too powerfull right now. The damage of the rifle pales in comparison. The only good thing its got is it having somewhat utility but theres better choices then that honestly.

Hope the rifle sees some improvements on the new balance patch.

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I'm trying to learn deadeye and I'm having an absolute blast. I will say, through my limited experience, that the damage just feels kinda bland. I die a ton to rangers that can do my HP in damage in the time it takes me to shoot once. It also seems incredibly hard to actually get 5-7 stacks of malice and then land the telegraphed shot for 5-7k damage, where some classes just sneeze 12k.

I'm not complaining, I know a huge part is i need to learn to play, just an observation

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