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The new quickness and alac aplication is problematic.


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With the new changes will either trait into alac or quickness which will aply on well use. Problem is,those wells also have their own effects and buffs which i may or may not want to save and use at apropriate times. 


Theres a conflict of interest here because one one hand i want to get the quick/alac out the door but on the other i may wanna keep the superspeed for a certain moment, save the aegis to block an attack or use the boonstrip well to remove boons off a boss.

I also if i want to get out a string amout of quickness have to spend alot of my utility slt economy on wells while previously quickness chrono was able to have multiple flexible slots because the spec relied on shatters.


Some of the qol namely instant quick/alac and bigger radius are great however having to disregard what the well do for them already sounds unappealing.

Edited by zealex.9410
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Alac application is going to be quite unreliable unless you spec at least 3-4 wells, which is pretty much similar to before but you saved the hassle of mimic.


Quickness application however can now ditch wells all together and just slot whatever utility since no point in well of action. Unfortunately it may meant you need to aim 100% boon duration and tie yourself to shatter storm though.

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12 hours ago, zealex.9410 said:

Theres a conflict of interest here because one one hand i want to get the quick/alac out the door but on the other i may wanna keep the superspeed for a certain moment, save the aegis to block an attack or use the boonstrip well to remove boons off a boss.

This applies to literally any effect linked to Utility skills. That's nothing new and hardly an issue only seen with Chrono. It's the exact same for Specter and Ranger when it comes to Alacrity (aside from Specter Wells being Chrono Wells+ 🙄).

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9 hours ago, NICENIKESHOE.7128 said:

Unfortunately it may meant you need to aim 100% boon duration and tie yourself to shatter storm though.

When I tried my rotation at the golem without the Well (I just changed the Quickness one with the DMG one) I was lacking about 33% of quickness.

So my guess is that QuickChrono will probably stay as it is, just with more Diviner's Gear. Yes, it will result in a DMG-loss, making the QuickChrono the lowest DPS Quickness-Provider, but maybe they'll add some Power → Concentration conversion like the Scrapper has. Or they maybe increase the Quickness you apply with STM to maybe 1,25-1,5 s per Clone shattered, so you can go full Bersi again with the DMG staying as it is.

The thing is, shield is not a viable weapon. Even with the Power Scaling increase of Tides of Time, it won't make up for the loss of the Swordsman. You need 4 Shield Phantasms to do as much DMG as one Swordsman - also it has a more CD as the Swordsman and to get the second phantasm cast you need to block an attack, which is always a bit situational.

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5 hours ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

It's the exact same for Specter

Yeah, I agree with you, but the Wells of the Specter are much more useful.

The Healing Well is fine for the Specter, as they don't need to recharge anything like we with our Signet. The Boon and Condition Wells are excellent, as they both synergize nicely with your Supportive Role.


But what do we have? Yes, we have the DMG Well, which comes in handy and does OK DMG, but the rest? We can't use the Heal Well, as we need our Phantasm recharge from the Signet. Superspeed is not that useful tbh and very situational. The Boon removal is just Overkill on one hand, as we already have enough Boon removal in our Kit (AA-Chain (-1 Boon), with the Disenchanter (-5 Boons) and our CC (-2 Boons)). And on the other hand, it's just a glorified null field with minor DMG.

The Stability Well is only good on things like Deimos when you tank or maybe at Vale Guadian to Block Ports, but doesn't provide DMG.

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At least you can use Well of Calamity for a 5s CD shave on granting Alacrity to allies versus using the previous Well of Recall.

Except now we just spam wells as a GM, are forced to take an offhand, and need at least 3 wells to keep reliable Alacrity.

Quickness seems like a really weird identity issue since going it doesn't really provide a unique amount or damage or anything.

The fact Chronomancer doesn't supply its own Regeneration still hurts me. We got Swiftness instead- feels like rubbing salt in the wound.

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On 6/26/2022 at 6:32 PM, zealex.9410 said:

With the new changes will either trait into alac or quickness which will aply on well use. Problem is,those wells also have their own effects and buffs which i may or may not want to save and use at apropriate times. 


Theres a conflict of interest here because one one hand i want to get the quick/alac out the door but on the other i may wanna keep the superspeed for a certain moment, save the aegis to block an attack or use the boonstrip well to remove boons off a boss.

I also if i want to get out a string amout of quickness have to spend alot of my utility slt economy on wells while previously quickness chrono was able to have multiple flexible slots because the spec relied on shatters.


Some of the qol namely instant quick/alac and bigger radius are great however having to disregard what the well do for them already sounds unappealing.


The balance team's approach is to encourage you to just spam all your skills off-cooldown at a PvE boss's foot in order to maintain boon uptime for your party (with PvP being a distant afterthought).  There was zero thought given to what the skill's underlying purpose is, or how the skill is actually used in practice. 

And that's because the devs who do the balancing just play raids/strikes, so that's all they know.  They never think about things like interrupting a key skill, kiting with mobility skills, or having to read other players' animations.  That's why the latest patch pushes chronos to just spam their shield5 stun off cooldown to maintain quickness/alac.  That's also why specters maintain alac by spamming wells off cooldown, etc.

Edited by ResJudicator.7916
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