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The SA rework and its consequences


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22 minutes ago, Szymon.5369 said:


They could change all the gains from "leaving stealth" to "revealing yourself". So no bonuses if you just let it run out.

And that would be too much of a nerf. This way you could only benefit from SA in combat situations where you already have the upper hand. If anyone gets to land a reveal, or blocks/blinds/reflects get in the way, you lose your mobility, initiative, cleanse and sustain?

This is what I'm talking about.. .this rework is dumb. It's unnerfable. You make it any worse, thief as a class is dead in PvP. Leave it as it is, thief is too strong and too degen. #revert

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2 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

And that would be too much of a nerf. This way you could only benefit from SA in combat situations where you already have the upper hand. If anyone gets to land a reveal, or blocks/blinds/reflects get in the way, you lose your mobility, initiative, cleanse and sustain?

This is what I'm talking about.. .this rework is dumb. It's unnerfable. You make it any worse, thief as a class is dead in PvP. Leave it as it is, thief is too strong and too degen. #revert

The only other thing they could do is change what the actual skills do, but that also seems unlikely. Why change superspeed to swiftness on SA when acro exists? I'm actually hoping that acro gets a rework as well, but not holding my breath. 


This patch also only really helps you out if you were running D/P, S/D or rifle, or S/P if you were running bound (actually plan on testing this later, S/P bound is an old fav build of mine). I was running shortbow on 2nd set for my cele specter build but I feel kinda forced to run D/P now just for the stealth access in WvW. PvP is probably less of a problem as you won't have 2-3 longbow rangers/shortbow renegades chasing you at any time xD

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I like the SA rework.  Hopefully when they nerf it they don't go too heavy.


I think shadows rejuvenation could be brought down to 2 initiative instead of 3 total.  I would still use it.  Or they could nerf it to 1 initiative and add something else to the trait like healing.


The second trait that I now really love is the venoms master trait.  I don't think if this was intended, but previously this trait granted you 1 stack of spider venom every 3 seconds, but now it grants you THREE stacks upon entering OR leaving stealth, and they all leech health.  I am currently using this trait as P/D and its kind of insane.  I think they meant to add 1 stack of venom upon entering/exiting, but I'm not sure.

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Silent Scope needs to be 2 seconds.
Stealth on Steal needs to come back.

These 2 changes were made by someone having no clue about thief whatsoever,or simply wanting it destroyed. I'm not going in details because it's falling on deaf ears anyway,as this will.

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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On 6/29/2022 at 5:04 AM, Geiir.7603 said:

I changed to bound and zoomed around. Tried P/P as the other set instead of short bow and boy it is disgusting. 

Mobility is through the roof. Can focus targets down, have near infinite access to initiative. Gonna abuse the heck out of this! 😂

Then get everyone nerfed great idea..

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for all the people saying i like not beeing stealthed all the time, this post is not for you then, you sound like salty player that didnt like stealth thief, wich is amazing because in all the mmos assasins or thiefs have a good stealth mechanic, because that is how it is ment to be played, there is some variations of course like the ones you all are talking, the problem here is that this no stealth builds for thiefs were always there, hit and run style or dodging shoting, they been there all the time, arenanet just destroyed, deleted stealth builds that is why we the "stealth" thiefs are so sad and angry, i dont know if you all understand this topic because i see like  3 or 4 guys replaying that they dont even play stealth or "its fine i like to run a lot and dodge", so to make you understand we cant do what we liked to do now, wich is stealth, plan the atack like an assasin "in the shadows" hit and hide, was hard before with all the reveal things arround wvw, was not even op to beging with, some one with decent skills can give a good fight to stealth builds....

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Staying in stealth was always a trap anyway. Every second spent in stealth is one where you cant hit your opponent, but your opponent can hit you. That being said, Im surprised at how net buffed it seems. I fear theyll just nerf it into the ground now, which would suck.

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On 7/3/2022 at 3:47 AM, EEB.7082 said:

for all the people saying i like not beeing stealthed all the time, this post is not for you then, you sound like salty player that didnt like stealth thief

I'm on your side if this thief shenanigans hit you in a negative way.


I may not stealth much but that is my play style.  I still want to be able to stealth on heal and stealth on steal because for how I play as a pure melee thief I need to in order to compete.


I usually had no issue on dispatching a thief or deadeye that relied on stealth pre update.  Now.... I'm toast. Anet took away the two most important defensive skills for the pure melee thief.

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On 7/4/2022 at 7:06 AM, Jitters.9401 said:

I'm on your side if this thief shenanigans hit you in a negative way.


I may not stealth much but that is my play style.  I still want to be able to stealth on heal and stealth on steal because for how I play as a pure melee thief I need to in order to compete.


I usually had no issue on dispatching a thief or deadeye that relied on stealth pre update.  Now.... I'm toast. Anet took away the two most important defensive skills for the pure melee thief.

I feel sooo lost on my thief without stealth on steal....I (like many others) used that as an opener

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its been almost 2 weeks of this nerf, all i can say is "garbage" using the new shadow arts feels even worst than sthealt, hit and run, hit and run, soooo boring, at least using stealth you stay in the same area, like i said people with skills gave me problems and some times i lost battles, with the new hit and run thing i can just go back to base in 2 seconds running because of course if i stay i will die, i dont know what arena net is thinking, im quiting wvw maybe ill do antoher legendary and then leave the game for some months again maybe they will fix something...... THANKS ARENANET !

Edited by EEB.7082
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