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The Best Teamfighter Class Also Beats All Meta Builds 1v1


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Scourge is objectively the best teamfight class in the game but now since they nerfed spellbreaker it also beats pretty much everything 1v1 so basically scourge is infallible god tier and every other class other than support and decapper is basically not useful for anything. The ideal comp right now is scourge, scourge, scourge, firebrand, daredevil because you actually cant win teamfights vs scourges and the only classes that can 1v1 scourge are druid and deadeye, daredevil demolishes deadeye and can just +1 druid. It's kinda sad how you can literally create the fattest tank build in existence and you still cant stand on point vs scourge because they actually corrupt every single boon you have in 2s and then condi bomb 20 torment because ??? I was gonna go for top 3 this season but it's actually not even worth a second of my time to play ranked because it isn't fun to face triple scourge every game and lose. I recommend other players to do so as well, unless you play scourge, then I guess it'sfun for you, but people need to show anet that they aren't OK with such awful balancing with a mass exodus from PvP.

Cya guys, I may be back next season but at this point IDK if im actually going to come back ever because Anet has dissapointed me so many times

-Teef Teef Teef Teef/ Legendary Jagdtiger/ Potato

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@Jagdtiger.2517 said:Scourge is objectively the best teamfight class in the game but now since they nerfed spellbreaker it also beats pretty much everything 1v1 so basically scourge is infallible god tier and every other class other than support and decapper is basically not useful for anything. The ideal comp right now is scourge, scourge, scourge, firebrand, daredevil because you actually cant win teamfights vs scourges and the only classes that can 1v1 scourge are druid and deadeye, daredevil demolishes deadeye and can just +1 druid. It's kinda sad how you can literally create the fattest tank build in existence and you still cant stand on point vs scourge because they actually corrupt every single boon you have in 2s and then condi bomb 20 torment because ??? I was gonna go for top 3 this season but it's actually not even worth a second of my time to play ranked because it isn't fun to face triple scourge every game and lose. I recommend other players to do so as well, unless you play scourge, then I guess it'sfun for you, but people need to show anet that they aren't OK with such awful balancing with a mass exodus from PvP.

Cya guys, I may be back next season but at this point IDK if im actually going to come back ever because Anet has dissapointed me so many times

-Teef Teef Teef Teef/ Legendary Jagdtiger/ Potato

Yup. Completely agree.

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@Saiyan.1704 said:And ranger, because ur a ranger :)

In all honesty Core Valk Guardian can beat Plat+ Scourgies 1v1 on side points. Open field (Foefire's big mid) is a bit more difficult because of minimal LoS. DH meta should also beat Scourge 1v1 by using the knockback CC and out ranging him.

That said I agree with the OP. Three Scourgies (plat level) + Thief + HealBrand would be one heck of a cancer comp.

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Honestly the only thing saving this season ATM is a hotfix to scourge which is probably a 1% chance of happening because Arenanet has a very bad philosophy of doing zero balancing during the season. It was pretty bad last season with Helio on spellbreaker taking 4/10 spots on top 10 but now 7/10 spots on top 10 are scourge and 3 are thief last time I checked.

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before leaving, did you forget to tell us that scourge can also 1 shot with having perma evades and perma stealth or clones? certainly that would be included in beating all meta, wouldn't you agree? i almost forgot, this one... a best team fighter class who excels in all meta's and who can reset fights at will.

(Scourge it is)

I want to share this with you Jagdtiger: i have shared this many times in my post

' Are Thieves And Mesmer's The Cause Of the Meta '


You see, Thieves and Memsers beats all meta because of one reasons: Favoritism. They are Anet Favorite classes and will always be. They are intentionally design to control the meta and are near immune to it. Both of these classes are design to excel in nearly all meta build without having none to less risks than all other classes.

The reason why Scourge is strong is to take the focus on them. Necromancer/Scourge=The Scapegoat. That is excatly whats going on here: i can see it millions miles away including many players who knows the game.

In the end, Necromancer/Scourge and Elementalist will be nerfed again, than all focus will be on thief and mesmer.

Don't you see how the game is being played?

So don't worry, your wishes will come true including with others. Than you will have no other choice but to deal with thief and mesmer all over again.

(Think like chess: the most powerful pieces and most valuable pieces in the board are your king and queen)

That is the game

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@Burnfall.9573 said:before leaving, did you forget to tell us that scourge can also 1 shot with having perma evades and perma stealth or clones? certainly that would be included in beating all meta, wouldn't you agree? i almost forgot, this one... a best team fighter class who excels in all meta's and who can reset fights at will.

Scourge it is

When people talk about 1v1 matchups, thief is always excluded because1) Thieves as a rule generally avoid wasting time doing 1v1s as it's not their job and there are more productive things to be doing2) Thief doesn't die to anything 1v1 due to it's disengage potential, so it's not really worth talking about when discussing another classes matchups.

Or where you talking about Mesmer? I can't tell with all the sarcasm.

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Exactly why I bailed on Ranked.There was very few really competitive Matches and Foes even before PoF. Now that the Bomb hit Nagasaki, there is totally zero Skill-based play left in Ranked. I am better Off playing Unranked for just Fun than actually trying to get a Win or at least Challenging Match in current Rank.

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@Vapour.7348 said:Scourge = the fastest way a Bronze skill leveled player to climb up to Platinum

You are completely correct! Take this for example.


Scourge Wars, that's what it is these days. Who has the most scourges. :trollface:

Oh I forgot just to add. I don't care about my rank. I do however care about getting the most pips/hour. Therefore scourge it is!

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@Burnfall.9573 said:before leaving, did you forget to tell us that scourge can also 1 shot with having perma evades and perma stealth or clones? certainly that would be included in beating all meta, wouldn't you agree? i almost forgot, this one... a best team fighter class who excels in all meta's and who can reset fights at will.

(Scourge it is)

I want to share this with you Jagdtiger: i have shared this many times in my post

' Are Thieves And Mesmer's The Cause Of the Meta '


You see, Thieves and Memsers beats all meta because of one reasons: Favoritism. They are Anet Favorite classes and will always be. They are intentionally design to control the meta and are near immune to it. Both of these classes are design to excel in nearly all meta build without having none to less risks than all other classes.

The reason why Scourge is strong is to take the focus on them. Necromancer/Scourge=The Scapegoat. That is excatly whats going on here: i can see it millions miles away including many players who knows the game.

In the end, Necromancer/Scourge and Elementalist will be nerfed again, than all focus will be on thief and mesmer.

Don't you see how the game is being played?

So don't worry, your wishes will come true including with others. Than you will have no other choice but to deal with thief and mesmer all over again.

(Think like chess: the most powerful pieces and most valuable pieces in the board are your king and queen)

That is the game

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@Razor.6392 said:If only this spec was somehow more complex to play for the reward it gives...

Faceroll away boys.

Pretty much every class is that way. Not defending scourge but auto attacks hitting massive dmg and condi stacking is way way too much... aka pve balance. Anet can suk this dic tbh

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The current meta will be final nail in SPvP tbh, worse meta I've ever seen from release of the game. Conditions are out of control, it's made bad players into good players and taken all the skill out of the game. From people spoken with, many are quitting and finally giving up, I came back from big break, what dumb idea that was....

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I have posted this in one way or another in some other Scourge thread, but it's worth repeating here: The single and only problem with Scourge is the low risk, high reward, utterly broken and shoehorned Sand Savant trait. To start with, this trait shouldn't even exist, because 3 smaller shades are the only way to truly play out the devs intention of Scourge "playing the field". With Dhuumfire you have a very high incentive to spam Manifest on the same spot (usually the point, of course) and mash everything else while your spectral armor is generating life force. If anything is still alive after you finish literally running around in circles with stability, you simply portal away to recover health and/or finish them with the torch. If the enemy could simply walk away from your shades whilst fighting, and you were forced to actually and skillfully predict his/her movements to land key skills, maybe then we could be seeing some counterplay.

As it is right now, a necromancer with the Sand Savant trait is either unbeatable on point or creates an indefinite stalemate by forcing you out of the point and recapping it every 15 secs. I'm probably going to play Scourge the whole season because I'm on it for the pips, but I do wish I could play something else without severly hurting my performance.

Also sad is that Scourge is somehow considered "heavy support" on PvE and will never get any actual PvE-worthy damage (boon rips on the other hand are in excess, I don't even think about ripping anymore, I just run around knowing I will eventually destroy every warrior/guardian).

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@huehuehueh.5106 said:Potato was fine with the meta when it was condi evade spam thief, thats the only time he has ever been relevant

Except for S6 when I got top 25 on WARRIOR, except for S8 when I was consistently top 5 on WARRIOR until I stopped playing. Except for S7 when I was constantly complaining about the state of warrior because it was literally impossible to climb on any warrior build in existence, forcing me to play builds I hated like condi evade thief.

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