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Okay, I know this is going to sound absolutely wild, so hear me out ...

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If you think you lag now, imagine the number of calculations necessary for this to happen in a WvW zerg with 70 or 80 people. It would slow the game down to a point where it was unplabyable.  In Guild Wars 1, where you never had more than 24 people in a map during combat, it was fine, but with the graphics here, in larger areas, with more people, it would be disastrous.

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7 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:


anyone remember Warhammer Online? The pvp had collision, and it was SO GOOD. Shield Walls? Yep, that was a thing. Smaller groups blocking off chokepoints from enemies? Yep. That was incredible.

Early MMOs all have collisions. My favorite was Myth of Soma, where there's only one guildhall, and guilds will fight to control it for a week. Guilds will form alliances for the fight and try to capture it from the current guildhall owner.

Only 1 main entrance into the fort. Defenders will place tankers at gates and jammed together. Healers right behind healing non-stop. Ranged along the walls providing support. If gate is breached, 3 entrances into the guildhall, that needs to be defended. If those are breached, all will be at the guild seat prventing it's destructions.

The fights were always epic. Not sure on the cap but it was at least 50 and a major lagfest. If you think Ley-line is a lagfest, then you ain't seen nothing yet. Remember that this was about 20 years ago where our PCs and internet were still learning to crawl.

Edited by Silent.6137
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^that got me thinking about all the raid and strike mechanics that force people to converge in a small area to live.

  • The hug mechanic for Samarog would mean pain/death even if you did it right.
  • The Deimos shelter would involve piling in with the unlucky person(s) getting insta-killed.
  • The sniper mechanic in Aetherblade would be the same—last one in gets killed.
  • Harvest Temple would be people pushing others off the edge.
  • Voices would be who would get shoved into the fire first so others could live.
  • Sloth wouldn't be too different simply because people already PvP their teammates by mistake.

And so much more.

Collision would make huge swaths of the game literally unplayable. Even if it wouldn't require several extra hamsters to run each server, Anet's not going to do something that would render so much of the game unplayable unless they go back and change old content 'cause we all know how Anet feels about fixing/adjusting old content with new technology.

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Lets go do X world boss.

Oh.. this waypoint I ported too is surrounded by players on turtles.. lets try this one.. oh same thing, ok what about this one?.. ok same, this one?.. same.

Screw it, i'll just do Tarir.

Yay now to get my loot... and the doorway is blocked by turtles and skyscales >.<

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What if we turn the question around: Are there parts of the game where this would work?

It already happens in Fractals sometimes with the Mistlock Instability. Of course then the whole point is that it makes things harder for the players, but it's not impossible.

What about sPvP where there's a maximum of 10 players and a small number of NPCs (and I don't think the NPCs move?) It seems unlikely players could block off important areas simply by standing there, or maybe they could block 1 but then the opposing team would have free reign over the rest of the map. Likewise with movement being an important part of combat in GW2 I'm not sure most players could stay alive for long standing still, or even moving with another player to block them. But it could briefly be effective and that could add another tactical element (or at least a complication) to PvP matches.

10 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Gah, I may have misremembered and it's player collision that I disabled.  Sorry, once I get a game set how I like I leave it that way for years on end and details get murky 😞

Not a problem, I do the same. I even installed an addon to save and copy my settings so I didn't need to manually redo them on new characters or repeat any changes I do make.

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14 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Cool. There’s definitely a lot of reasons not to do collision detection, especially in things like races on routes that were never designed for such.

GW2 was not designed with it to begin with. There are Fractal, Strike, Raid, even OW Meta mechanics require a bunch of people to sit in a spot where maybe 3 would fit at best. Many OW Metas have hitboxes that are too small to introduce this.

13 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

The negatives might outweigh the positives, but there are potential positives. Boonblob zergfest WvW would definitely look different.

No it won't. Skills work on people 2 steps from you as well. Making people form a circle instead of a single spot won't magically make it different, in a span of an hour it'll be back to like it was.

Allowing people to just randomly block others like in GW1 would mean a tiny Asura could block a stream of Charr riding Warclaws from entering, that would make a lot of sense.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:


Allowing people to just randomly block others like in GW1 would mean a tiny Asura could block a stream of Charr riding Warclaws from entering, that would make a lot of sense.

One would expect the stream of Charr to kill the one tiny Asura.

Again, yes, GW2 and WvW weren't built for it. Yes, it will never get it. No, it shouldn't be dismissed as something that is so completey absurd no one has ever asked for it.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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