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What would you like to see from Ele's next espec


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Force of Nature


Spec weapon: Longbow

Spec mechanic: Switching attunements drops an 'elemental font' of the new element at your location that launches projectiles (lava balls, water orbs, lightning bolts, rocks) at your most recently damaged target - functioning slightly different depending on your main weapon / range. They don't last very long, disspiating after a short while (I'd say after launching around 3-5 projectiles)

Imagine it moving about, swapping attunements quite often and each time leaving behind a little elemental turret that shoots at your enemies.

Edited by Chyro.1462
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this might sound a bit like tempest 2.0, but id like to see a spec that plays with the idea of being able to reattune to the same element (without weaving) and having a bit more control over attunement lockout. attunement keys are replaced with fleshed-out and reasonably powerful skills that still switch to the selected attunement on press, but have slightly higher cds than usual. however, these skills immediately go into cd rather than when leaving attunement, meaning that they can be cast again to "reattune" to the same element (proccing some of the "on-attune" effects ele is annoyingly built around) and allowing for true mono-attunement gameplay. alternatively, the cd starting on switch vs switching out also means that staying in the element for longer than x seconds can allow attuning back to that element quicker if the ele chooses to switch attunements instead of reattuning (minimum of 1.5s from core global attunement recharge)

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Single target longrange weapon-> longbow


Maybe something with less attunement swapping.

I saw people suggesting only 2 attunement to select for instance.

I throw here something like "the more you stay in an attunement, the more buff you gain (benefit lost on swap (could be a GM trait to actually make the buff linger and another one that reverse the buff: the longer you stay the weaker it becomes, so people wanting to attunment dance can also be happy))

Edited by Mattmatt.4962
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i have to many ideas.

one is able to temporarily combine all 4 elements into their skills at once (think AtLA avatar form) with physical skills. not sure of the weapon i'd use though. thinking either bow or mace

another one is attunements are replaced with tomes and you use a neutral arcane attunement for your weapon skills. gain mainhand pistol and consecrations utilities skills.

new idea i came up with is one where the longer you camp in an attunement the stronger it becomes with shorter cooldowns on their skills, but at a price (for example, camping fire will eventually start inflicting burn on yourself with increasing severity) weaponwise i'd give them a ranged axe and corruption utilities (for example, inflict burn on yourself to inflict your target with burning and a mobile fire field/timebomb-like detonation).

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Elementalist foregoes of elemental power. Now can only fight without elements, additionally all core elementalist skills disabled. You can only use new physical skills.


New Elite Spec Monk

After realizing that elements started disperse, The elementalist decided to use mace to bash down enemies.

Bash your enemies with Dual mace.

Healing Skill - Injure yourself to deal less damage and down faster

Utility One - When activated damage received increases by 20%.

Utility Two - Your attributes halved to increase damage of team by 10%

Utility Three - Stun yourself

Utility Four - Transfer the conditions on boss to yourself

Elite Skill - Down yourself directly without the need of someone to hit you.


Reverse them for next spec.

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I want a real intention to make a spec really viable in all senses what it is proposed. Not just a spare for others, like a lot spec has been... Where anyone can do in a easier, faster and better way.
I want weapon skills giving what I need to have in a battle and have my utilities to be utilities, specially when supporting my group.
I really want a spec wher eyou cannot use elemental weapons. Acctually elemental weapons could be completely removed from the game, been replaced by more usefull skills that doesnt create a even more hard rotation to be executed. They just make elementalist more complex and his nerfes justified.
I want a spec wich we could be "competitive", comparable with others. A lot of specs are better than elementalist in ANYTHING (except healing, what isnt necessary because overhealing doesnt have a real effect). Giving alacrity, giving damage, giving quickness, giving might, giving reflections/blocking projectiles in area (wich support 10 players, not just a 5 player skill like magnectic aura).
There are some mechanics elementalists absolutely doesnt have, and game has some bosses wich you need some of them like strip boon.
Every place in the game you need someone, you can replace an elementalist for other and it will be better on that. The reverse does not happen.
Or ANet could just make a spec where you can turn into another profession. Probably, that one would be the most popular spec for elementalist ever.

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Something a bit different:

Attunements have 3sec cast times and 30sec CDs, so you're more or less forced into comitting to a single element for an extended period. Attuning to an element immolates the caster in the element, ie: attunement to fire, you're surrounded by flames. attuning to an element . 

Switching attunements puts the caster into a mist-like form, gaining superspeed and all incoming damage and incoming healing are reduced by 50%, puts all other attunements on 30sec CD.

Note: the spec doesn't get a new  weapon, uses existing weapons, but only for stats -- think a monk-like spec that dedicates itself to its craft, not weaponry per se.

Each attunement is a completely different form:

  • fire form, medium-ranged caster, pulses burning, damage and might around the caster every 2sec and can cast 600 ranged cone AOEs and has a short-CD 600 range leap/evade. Fragile but high damage and relatively mobile.
  • air form, long range caster, casts lightning bolts, pulses vulnerability, damage and swiftness around the caster every 2sec, and casts mainly 1200 range single target damage and has a medium-long CD teleport and long CD PBAOE knockback. 
  • water form, mixed-range support caster, pulses regen and AOE condi cleanse around the caster every 2sec, casts 900 range frostbolts and healing AOEs
  • earth form, short-ranged tank, pulses bleeding, damage and protection around the caster every 2sec, casts 300 range range cone AOEs, has access to immobilise and a smoke field and blast (so evasive arcana could double blast)

GM traits

  • fire/water affinity: attunement to fire and water reduced to 1sec, but you're unable to attune to earth or air
  • air/earth affinity: attunement to air and earth reduced to 1sec, but unable to attune to fire/water
  • master of none: attunement cast times are reduced to 1sec  and attunment CD is reduced to 15sec, but you no longer pulse any boons or dmg


utility skill type is mantra:

  • mantra of the flowing wind: gives AOE superspeed, 2 ammo, 5sec CD, 30sec recharge,
  • mantra of cleansing fire: converts 2 condis into boons, 2 ammo, 10sec CD, 30sec recharge
  • mantra of the resolute earth, grants AOE barrier, protection and AOE stunbreak, 2 ammo, 15sec CD, 45sec recharge
  • mantra of sustaiting water, grants ~1K AOE barrier, ~2.5K heal over 3sec, 2 ammo, 10sec CD, 25sec recharge


elite skill: Mantra of arcane insight,  your next attunement is instant, 2 ammo, 45sec CD, 60sec recharge.




Basically, the core idea is, each elemental form is independently viable on its own and much less emphasis on switching.

Edited by scerevisiae.1972
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Just say i want something viable , that not feel like a burden in comparison with other classes , with a weapon fully dedicated to support or damage not a hybrid one who heals in water , deal damage in fire , or we gonna have to bypass attunements , like weaver who bypass either water/earth or air/earth.  Something kinda like the hammer , who can be considered fully dps in all attunements , but not especially damage , can be support too.

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On 8/6/2022 at 7:48 PM, scerevisiae.1972 said:

Something a bit different:

Attunements have 3sec cast times and 30sec CDs, so you're more or less forced into comitting to a single element for an extended period. Attuning to an element immolates the caster in the element, ie: attunement to fire, you're surrounded by flames. attuning to an element . 

Switching attunements puts the caster into a mist-like form, gaining superspeed and all incoming damage and incoming healing are reduced by 50%, puts all other attunements on 30sec CD.

Note: the spec doesn't get a new  weapon, uses existing weapons, but only for stats -- think a monk-like spec that dedicates itself to its craft, not weaponry per se.

Each attunement is a completely different form:

  • fire form, medium-ranged caster, pulses burning, damage and might around the caster every 2sec and can cast 600 ranged cone AOEs and has a short-CD 600 range leap/evade. Fragile but high damage and relatively mobile.
  • air form, long range caster, casts lightning bolts, pulses vulnerability, damage and swiftness around the caster every 2sec, and casts mainly 1200 range single target damage and has a medium-long CD teleport and long CD PBAOE knockback. 
  • water form, mixed-range support caster, pulses regen and AOE condi cleanse around the caster every 2sec, casts 900 range frostbolts and healing AOEs
  • earth form, short-ranged tank, pulses bleeding, damage and protection around the caster every 2sec, casts 300 range range cone AOEs, has access to immobilise and a smoke field and blast (so evasive arcana could double blast)

GM traits

  • fire/water affinity: attunement to fire and water reduced to 1sec, but you're unable to attune to earth or air
  • air/earth affinity: attunement to air and earth reduced to 1sec, but unable to attune to fire/water
  • master of none: attunement cast times are reduced to 1sec  and attunment CD is reduced to 15sec, but you no longer pulse any boons or dmg


utility skill type is mantra:

  • mantra of the flowing wind: gives AOE superspeed, 2 ammo, 5sec CD, 30sec recharge,
  • mantra of cleansing fire: converts 2 condis into boons, 2 ammo, 10sec CD, 30sec recharge
  • mantra of the resolute earth, grants AOE barrier, protection and AOE stunbreak, 2 ammo, 15sec CD, 45sec recharge
  • mantra of sustaiting water, grants ~1K AOE barrier, ~2.5K heal over 3sec, 2 ammo, 10sec CD, 25sec recharge


elite skill: Mantra of arcane insight,  your next attunement is instant, 2 ammo, 45sec CD, 60sec recharge.




Basically, the core idea is, each elemental form is independently viable on its own and much less emphasis on switching.

Some great ideas in there. Especially like the idea of breaking with the usual "swap through attunements as quickly as possible".


Short answer: anything but hammer


Longer answer: don't really care, as long as the new spec weapon/mechanic is good in all game modes, especially WVW, I'll be content. Hammer was a complete design abomination from my point of view, and a total screw you to the Ele community at large. Even as a casual visitor to this forum it was abundantly obvious that people were asking for a new ranged weapon, not another melee weapon.  

Not to mention, no attempt has been made to improve it, even after all the complaints and terrible poll numbers.

Edited by brandies.8673
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