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Teleport wars 2

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Willbender teleport nosntop

> how

> muh skills

> but you spammed traps n cats, also the reuse on wiki...

> muh skills


Necros teleport nosntop

> but thats a core

> *wurm*

> but was on the warclaw...

> spectral walk

> but that teleport back not forward

> youknowtoomuch


Mesmers teleport nosntop

no idea here used like one time


Elething teleport nosntop

no idea here used like one time


Revs teleport nosntop

no idea here i dont have a rev and the char slot is full


Thiefs teleportbehindyounothingpersonalkidmeme.jpg

> huehuehuehue.gif


Engis teleport nosntop

> but only eod engi have teleport if im not wrong

> is the invisible+rocketboots combo

> but he was using a mortar

> shhhhh


Ranger teleport nosntop

> bow 3 + swoop or traprune + swoop

The smokescale "teleport" but has 750 range, 20s reuse and need an enemy target

Ranger swopping nosntop

The Pet (doggo) leap have 10s reuse with 800 range

The Pet (birb)  leap have 18s reuse with 1200 range 

Gazelle actually have less range than birb

Sword [2] have 8s reuse with 600 range

GreatSword [3] have 15s reuse with 1000 range

GreatSword [3] can go down to 12 with beastmastery

Skirmishing have one trait to decrease the first skill use after swapping

Also swoop = meele range meanwile other classes spam whatever ranged



Speedrune = dont change a thing with all teleporting around nonstop





So i was testing the 3 swoop ranger:

Swoppin range more than 2800 > 3x swoops + sword [3] dodge + utility dodge + 2 dodges

1) the sword damage is total crap compared to the other weapons

2) both weapons attacks with 130 range 0 condi, hit only in front and max 3 ppl 🤦‍♂️

3) even with 3 swopping + permaswift cant catch anyone when they run away

4) also is impossible to run away unless you are in the tower door range

5) ???

Edited by PinkTacoLover.7603
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14 minutes ago, Justine.6351 said:

Longbow is over 2k range rofl.


Thats why theres only rangers around, oh wait...


longbow [1] range is > 1500 but < 2000

mortar  hit on walls with 1500 range also staff [1] mage thing less range but hit on walls too

mortar spammer > superspeed jumpjumpjump away

meanwhile for some reason 2x swoop permaswift with runes go brrr

Edited by PinkTacoLover.7603
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1 hour ago, PinkTacoLover.7603 said:



Thats why theres only rangers around, oh wait...


longbow [1] range is > 1500 but < 2000

mortar  hit on walls with 1500 range also staff [1] mage thing less range but hit on walls too

mortar spammer > superspeed jumpjumpjump away

meanwhile for some reason 2x swoop permaswift with runes go brrr

LB 5 can hit beyond the wall, on supply hut and inside towers with no los.

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44 minutes ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

LB 5 can hit beyond the wall, on supply hut and inside towers with no los.

> Volley of arrows shot in air at high parabole hit inside



AOE hit from the other side of the gates, in some case even walls like the ranger root elite

Pulls pull from the other side of the walls, sometime you see someone flying up in the air like a rocket 😂

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uhm!? if you really want to be fast and escape combat as a Soulbeast, you need to run owl or gazelle and you need to play Bow/Greatsword.

how to do it: When you find yourself in a tricky situation, and you need to gtfo fast.

 first:  break vision. Easiest done by your bow "3" for stealth.

then, detarget your enemy, by hitting escape or clicking the ground. (you also need to deactivate autotargetting for this)

look in the direction you want to leave and use "swoop" from Greatsword. follow that up with the f2 from gazelle or the other leap from owl.

and from here HAMMER your warclaw button.

both leaps are enough distance to be OOC. You can literally stealth and instantly go OOC with this combo. From there just mount and run away. Literally nothing the enemy can do against this, except guess in what direction you are YEETING while you are in stealth and pray.


Sometimes its worth to ask for help and tips, instead of creating the next "teleport wars 2" Thread 😉

Edited by Sahne.6950
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38 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:


uhm!? if you really want to be fast and escape combat as a Soulbeast, you need to run owl or gazelle and you need to play Bow/Greatsword.

how to do it: When you find yourself in a tricky situation, and you need to gtfo fast.

 first:  break vision. Easiest done by your bow "3" for stealth.

then, detarget your enemy, by hitting escape or clicking the ground. (you also need to deactivate autotargetting for this)

look in the direction you want to leave and use "swoop" from Greatsword. follow that up with the f2 from gazelle or the other leap from owl.

and from here HAMMER your warclaw button.

both leaps are enough distance to be OOC. You can literally stealth and instantly go OOC with this combo. From there just mount and run away. Literally nothing the enemy can do against this, except guess in what direction you are YEETING while you are in stealth and pray.

About 50% of rangers yeet themselves back into your loving arms, good enough for me.

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4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:


uhm!? if you really want to be fast and escape combat as a Soulbeast, you need to run owl or gazelle and you need to play Bow/Greatsword.

how to do it: When you find yourself in a tricky situation, and you need to gtfo fast.

 first:  break vision. Easiest done by your bow "3" for stealth.

then, detarget your enemy, by hitting escape or clicking the ground. (you also need to deactivate autotargetting for this)

look in the direction you want to leave and use "swoop" from Greatsword. follow that up with the f2 from gazelle or the other leap from owl.

and from here HAMMER your warclaw button.

both leaps are enough distance to be OOC. You can literally stealth and instantly go OOC with this combo. From there just mount and run away. Literally nothing the enemy can do against this, except guess in what direction you are YEETING while you are in stealth and pray.


Sometimes its worth to ask for help and tips, instead of creating the next "teleport wars 2" Thread 😉


i have autotargetting  off  and utilitydodge + press esc + dolly + swoop * 2

bow [3] dont work if dont hit (invul, dodge, reflect, etc...)

gazzelle actually have less range than birb

that said never happened, not even once, in a whole year, that i went out of combat

i have literally any class glued to my back all the time even with permaswift, is a bit better with the runes but the damage drop by a ton and dont go ooc anyway



i did more than 1k wvw levels with my ranger in a year+

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I am at least happy that my engineer got a signet (which has longer CD in WvW/PvP) - with the latest elite spec - for more interesting mobility options. Other than that the rifle offers a small movement skill. The other utility stuff I don't really want to use - need the slots for other stuff.

Still ... those thiefs just cycling between port 1 (long range) and port 2 (long range) endlessly ... until they maybe are out of energy (initiative) and need to wait a second or two in stealth - until they start again.

Try to hit a thief and he is already a mile away. Turn around and he tickles you with one of his attacks and the moment you start to face his direction ... he is already away. 🤣

Would make great for some meme pictues I guess.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 7/21/2022 at 7:33 PM, Justine.6351 said:

Longbow is over 2k range rofl.

Indeed, and higher grounds will help that, ive seen lb reaching far arround 3k due high ground.

But if its other weapons or utilities being used far above reach treshold it's another story.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 7/22/2022 at 2:08 PM, PinkTacoLover.7603 said:

that said never happened, not even once, in a whole year, that i went out of combat

i have literally any class glued to my back all the time even with permaswift, is a bit better with the runes but the damage drop by a ton and dont go ooc anyway

thats why you have to break visibility, before trying to create distance. You need to gain stealth before being able to YEET away.

Ranger is actually one of the harder classes to catch.

Birb might be more range, but Gazelle offers overall WAY more damage / CC and the Cooldown of the leap is laughably short, so you can basicly spam it.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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