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World Linking 7/29/2022

Cal Cohen.2358

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5 hours ago, ConorT.5396 said:

Also followed by the fact you have organised, voice zone-blob on an enemy borderland at 2am in the morning, pretty much killing all night-time content for everyone.



Totally balanced. 


There is an ancient snowman secret to handling Cormac's uniblob. Its kinda rough and atypical though.

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8 hours ago, ConorT.5396 said:

I am currently against Gandara - and you certainly should not have a link.

hi conor,

you can relax and have fun in any case. I'll explain a secret this game is definitely player skill and player organization, but numbers really matter a lot. in your game you are definitely inferior. 

once again just read yourself k + d ( I do not care if positive or negative I care about the sum ) at this time that I write gandara had 40% more players than the red team and almost 20% more than the blue team.

I don't know what team you are on, but I think you'll continue to be outcast throughout the week. you just have to organize yourself accordingly.

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this shows how necessary it is to update alliances, in fact the administrator needs smaller pieces to build. using gandara only as an example if it runs alone it struggles and has a connection results too much in numerical superiority.

so with gandara alliances (like all the others) in fact he will get excellent balanced matches, probably the most balanced ever seen before. problem number 1 solved.

unfortunately the gandara players will no longer have gandara, their community (like all the others) will be divided into many small pieces, and they will get a brand new team every 2 months, so we created the problem number 2.

so I wonder if really this is the only way , I solve problem number 1 and build problem number 2. how much harm the new problem could do to this game mode I do not really know, because we still got it.

but my thought /concern is legitimate, we have a company, developers who reflect and reason about how you can improve your product, so is it possible that there is no other way to solve problem number 1 without creating a new one?

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5 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

you can relax and have fun in any case. I'll explain a secret this game is definitely player skill and player organization, but numbers really matter a lot. in your game you are definitely inferior. 

I am happy for Gandara that the server was open and players could join/overstack it again and Gandara has in addition to that, after all that complaining, a link so the server can blob other servers into the ground and seems to have fun with that.  But please don't be arrogant and talk about player skill when mostly all that matters in zerging is who has the bigger blob.

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I would hope, Gandara is probably just hyped about getting a link for now so the, even though getting linked to Fort Ranik is predictable by now. Because the queues and visual queue 'bug' are quite annoying right now, but you would think they would die down after the first week. 

Although, it could be like after Deso spent 4 months without a link, before they got linked to RoF, before climbing to T1 after a couple of weeks from T5..

Edited by CrimsonNeon.6712
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Gandara opened before relink and had a decent amount of incoming transfers to the point where no link was needed any more.

Now we have a link people will claim that the previous claims of not being full while marked full were not true but they very much were true and it was an issue, but then we opened and the issue was resolved, and now we have a link and lots of queues.

Edited by Littlekenny.4196
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On 7/30/2022 at 4:24 AM, Mabi black.1824 said:

this shows how necessary it is to update alliances, in fact the administrator needs smaller pieces to build. using gandara only as an example if it runs alone it struggles and has a connection results too much in numerical superiority.

so with gandara alliances (like all the others) in fact he will get excellent balanced matches, probably the most balanced ever seen before. problem number 1 solved.



Alliances will create a new problem of politics. I use the term politics over organization that I would normally use in this case as it will be about those that organize themselves and can gather a team of like minded people that can stay a course. Those that can make sure that they have all their time zones covered will raise and fight others that have done the same. We might see raise again on the forums of people complaining of staleness in matchups as people fight the same people week after week. I do not know if its still the case but in the past ANet indicated they are looking to balance numbers and playtime but not timezone. In translation that will mean that coverage will not be accounted for which will give those that are organized an edge as they can try and recruit to handle what another server will call 'off hours' and give them an advantage in the matchup. So I think we will see some organized Alliances move up and more PUG based matchings spread. That is unless they account for timezone and/or limit how much space Alliances get and can impact these factors. Hence the term politics since as people win there will also be the human interaction of well my set of people were the ones doing it do we need these others and people split off and form new groups. This is also why the formation and deformation of Alliance and the tools provided to manage these groups will be important. But tl;dr version, yes Alliances will create their own new unique issues, but I hope to be wrong.  

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On 7/29/2022 at 5:48 PM, Virdo.1540 said:

Imagine giving Drakkar lake NO partner, while it even struggles WITH a Partner to not be worst EU-Server

You were too good at roaming at night when you played. Alas, every decently sized server should rotate in purgatory, plus you got also the beta coming in this linking period.

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On 7/30/2022 at 3:24 PM, Zok.4956 said:

I am happy for Gandara that the server was open and players could join/overstack it again and Gandara has in addition to that, after all that complaining, a link so the server can blob other servers into the ground and seems to have fun with that.  But please don't be arrogant and talk about player skill when mostly all that matters in zerging is who has the bigger blob.

You do realise that Gandara had next to no representation outside reset and evening weekends and no commanders? Please come and teach is how to blob with no tags, I beg you.

Now that we had some transfers and have a link, we are in the same boat as everyone else.

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On 7/30/2022 at 1:52 AM, ConorT.5396 said:

Also followed by the fact you have organised, voice zone-blob on an enemy borderland at 2am in the morning, pretty much killing all night-time content for everyone.



Totally balanced. 

Cormac plays 2 nights of the week for 6-8 hours. He doesn't play other nights. On a typical day of the year, with Gandara closed and with no link, you will find Cormac open tag defending home and EBG for hours and hours while his numbers dwindle as he gets stomped by larger groups. That's literally his whole gameplay as commander when we are outnumbered (and we usually are outside of T5 when we have no link, which is...always). 

He is ALWAYS there though, through tick and thin and let's be realistic it's been dire like 90% of the time for the last 2 years. Now Gandara has a link and was open for a week so got more players. Is it surprising that other commanders from other servers start losing fights and people log out, just like it happens 90%+ of the time to him, and when Cormac has nothing to take or defend on hbl or ebg (or for tactical reasons) goes to enemy borderlands? Have you ever played BB when they have multiple large groups roaming enemy borderlands throughout the night?

Either way, Cormac is not the problem, the problem are the smaller groups that screw you hard while he's the lightning rod defensively or offensively. I used to play with those groups btw, haven't logged due to the unbalance patch.

Now go back on Monday...

Edited by Karagee.6830
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On 7/29/2022 at 6:32 PM, Damash.2754 said:

There are server in EU, which are marked as full for a longer time then sfr. But they get a link?!
But the t1 owning server get a link with tons of na night people get a link? what?

Please anet just remove the whole linking system until alliances will be released (around 2032).
Ty in advance.

You enjoyed your T1 for 2 straight linking periods. Which other server should have been unlinked? I agree that all full and very high servers should be unlinked and opened on a rotation so we all have to suffer through this for 2 months a years.

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On 7/29/2022 at 6:35 PM, Duca di Ebonhawke.1045 said:

SFR with no link it has no explanations , Desolation much more active Gandara more active , ( oh I forgot they complaint ), so Drakkar Lake.....are you sure your system works ?

The same Gandara has been without a link 16 months in 2 years?

SFR has been T1 for 4 straight months. Gandara would be perfectly happy to have a link and be T1 (or choose our own opponents at lower tiera) for 4 months and and then be unlinked for 2 on a rotation. It would be a massive improvement. Or at least make us like BB and keep us unlinked but open to transfers...

Edited by Karagee.6830
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On 7/30/2022 at 1:18 AM, ConorT.5396 said:

I am currently against Gandara - and you certainly should not have a link.


Your population is way too high - this matchup is completely unbalanced & skuffed because of Gandara + Fort Ranik.


If you were to get a link, a quiet link like Jade Sea or Arborstone.. maybe - but Fort Ranik? 

Give us any server of your choice, but no more 8 month stints without link. I will say this though: FR is usually paired with Gandara or Desolation despite the languange difference, so the algorithm or Anet's numbers clearly show it is the lowest or one of the lowest populated servers, period. When I started playing WvW I dix roam with 4-5 guys from FR. Almost all of them were between 7k-8k rank and that was over 2 years ago.

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14 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Sunday prime time and outnumbered everywhere. Good job anet.

Sounds standard reality for Gandara 8-10 months a year...and people complain because it happens to them 1 week. Try a diet of that every week for 8 months and tell me it's ok to leave servers in that state (and closed to transfers at the same time) for such a long time.


15 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Alliances will create a new problem of politics. I use the term politics over organization that I would normally use in this case as it will be about those that organize themselves and can gather a team of like minded people that can stay a course. Those that can make sure that they have all their time zones covered will raise and fight others that have done the same. We might see raise again on the forums of people complaining of staleness in matchups as people fight the same people week after week. I do not know if its still the case but in the past ANet indicated they are looking to balance numbers and playtime but not timezone. In translation that will mean that coverage will not be accounted for which will give those that are organized an edge as they can try and recruit to handle what another server will call 'off hours' and give them an advantage in the matchup. So I think we will see some organized Alliances move up and more PUG based matchings spread. That is unless they account for timezone and/or limit how much space Alliances get and can impact these factors. Hence the term politics since as people win there will also be the human interaction of well my set of people were the ones doing it do we need these others and people split off and form new groups. This is also why the formation and deformation of Alliance and the tools provided to manage these groups will be important. But tl;dr version, yes Alliances will create their own new unique issues, but I hope to be wrong.  


1) alliances are only part of teams, even if they have the full 500 member maximum

2) the logical direction for alliances is...stacking not spreading. With alliances people will want to ensure they play when there are other people playing, both to get top pips and maximise gold/karma/xp etc. People without an alliance will meet and eventually join one with significant representation in the slots they are active in.

Aside from 'social' alliances, stacking at alliance level is the way to go. And if 1 alliance clogs a time slot on its own, that alliance will downsize, split or whatever but people will still stick together with others playing in the same hours.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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