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so what things did you love to see in the guild wars 2 community

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as the title says I'm just here to see what your thoughts on what you found good the bad and maybe some constructive feedback that the devs can possibly look over...unlike a certain franchise community threatening there devs I'm sorry i just have had a bad experience with destiny forum community and you all have made it so much better than that once again I'm grateful to each and every one of you who replies and makes comment you are all welcome to chat and discuss with me whenever you want.

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The mentors and commanders in starting area helping new players. And the Mesmers by the daily jumping puzzle. The commanders leading hp trains in hot and pof. There are lots more, but those come to mind right away. 

there are many helpful and nice players in gw2 and it’s known for it. The community is really good and ofc there are some toxic players and trolls. that will always be the case and you need to look past them and see the community as a whole. 

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3 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

The mentors and commanders in starting area helping new players. And the Mesmers by the daily jumping puzzle. The commanders leading hp trains in hot and pof. There are lots more, but those come to mind right away. 

there are many helpful and nice players in gw2 and it’s known for it. The community is really good and ofc there are some toxic players and trolls. that will always be the case and you need to look past them and see the community as a whole. 

ty thank you for your comment.

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I can't talk about it too much, but there was more of an ideological shift toward my ideas as time goes on.  For example, the Scourge meta would've been something actively discouraged from the raiding community a few months after launch.  I spent many vigorous years arguing for a more permissive meta standard, and we eventually got there.  

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The guildwars community is one of the most helpfull communities i have ever seen in games. 

There is less competition and most of the time it rewards you with playing together or help eachother out. 

But lately there are some new people who absolute hate everything. A dude yesterday during Seitung Province meta, was screaming he was the best because he had the topdps of the event. Completely ignoring the increasing amount of people who got downed. IMO, i'd rather help someone get revived than having the top DPS. Lol. 

Still, call out in mapchat you need help and help will be there. Thats what i love about guildwars. 

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I love when people think they're entitled to get legendaries or sky scale without the effort. Makes me laugh all the time. 

I love the random kitten that happens when you just go places, not quest or meta related, just doing silly things like running around as choyas for a bit, as an example.

Edited by Tiamat.8254
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I also love the great community. Questions in map chat usually get answered quickly and sometimes funny conversations happen. Exeptions are the "I didn't have it, so why should you have it"-people and the "I can't do the content but I want the reward anyway and group-play equals toxic"-people. Both need to calm down.

Also wish the afk-farmers would go. It's annoying and pointless.

And they need to look into event-participation. Sometimes I just walk by so far, the event doesn't even show up on the GUI and I get gold reward. Other times I give it my all and only get silver or bronze. It's odd and unbalanced.

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I like how common it is to see mentors and commanders offering advice and help to anyone who needs it (especially in starter maps), mesmers offering portals to the end of jumping puzzles and other hard to reach places, people joining in or offering their help so someone can get an achievement even if the people helping have already done it or don't need it. Oh and people literally going out of their way to revive downed or dead players, and sometimes waiting where they know people are likely to die (like when Vexa's Lab is the daily mini dungeon, people will hang around in the portal room to pick up those who go the wrong way). It just feels like the default assumption for a lot of players is that they should help each other, whereas in some other MMOs I've played the default is to avoid other groups and solo players and certainly not to help them because then they'll have an advantage and may get ahead of you.

The other one which really stands out to me is how many LFG groups and players will accept any profession or build. I know it doesn't always happen and I also know sometimes there are good reasons to insist on using (or avoiding) certain things, but even then I see groups only requiring those things and not worrying about the rest of the build. In some other games I've played, even ones where the game itself is as casual as GW2 and you don't actually need a perfect group players will still insist on it and instantly kick anyone they suspect isn't conforming.

For example I went through the whole Ad Infinitum collection on my ranger using non-meta condi soulbeast and untamed builds. I had to do a lot of extra Fractals besides the ones needed for the achievements because I'd barely played it when I started the collection so I needed a lot of relics and materials and had to build up to doing T2-4. I did it almost exclusively using LFG and I was always able to find groups that would take me or people who would join my group and was never told I had to change my build. Even when someone thought I was using core ranger they were genuinely curious about why rather than trying to tell me I had to use an elite spec.

Again I know it doesn't always happen, I also saw plenty of groups asking for specific builds, even just for T1-3 dailies, and occasionally someone who joined an 'everyone welcome' group and then tried to insist on specific builds. (The weirdest was when I joined a group who had just started Siren's Reef, just in time to see someone say the rest of the group "moved like they were inexperienced" and quit.) But I've still had a much easier time consistently finding groups that will take anyone in this game than many others.

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On 7/29/2022 at 12:25 AM, Tiamat.8254 said:

I love when people think they're entitled to get legendaries or sky scale without the effort. Makes me laugh all the time. 

I love the random kitten that happens when you just go places, not quest or meta related, just doing silly things like running around as choyas for a bit, as an example.

i know the feeling but i chose sunrise and i have the 4 legendary material am i anywhere close or am i far away?

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How open random people are to conversations 

Back when I played FF14 everyone always kept to themselves, I don't wanna say it felt abrasive but honestly it really did feel like that. You  could be sitting in the hub city with over 2 dozen people AFK'ing at the main spot with countless others running through and no one says nothing for the whole time you're there, and anyone who does say anything gets ignored.

Here, you say something, or ask a question. it's almost guaranteed at least one other will join in, and the best part? Most of the time it's positive too! Even in the PvP lobby where the convos can be special (or autistic that has has been said MULTIPLE times in that chat, mods don't ban me again pleeeeeeeeease), people will chat about whatever and generally be positive about it, there's not much toxicity and it feels amazing coming from a MMO where toxic casual-ism was baked into every conversation.

I should also add I don't feel worried I'm gonna get banned every time I speak, back in FF14 the GM's were bloody brutal, herwe, there's been no really toxic convos but people have sweared and talked about more mature things openly, including myself, yet here I am, still being able to talk in all chats, it's soooooooooooo wonderful.


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Exploring the world, being helped and helping others to finish map bits, people being openly nice, to the point where I've got paid for LOOKING good once or twice. Overall, being a guy who was used to League of Legend's toxic community, being in this game's community is confusing and impressive. This game is like the director opposite to League in terms of community behavior.


Only thing I tend to avoid is dungeons and PvP because that's where some elitists can demand me to git gud and tryhard, so rather not put myself through hell.

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Regardless of what forum says the fractal, raid and wvw community is great and way nicer than what I'm familiar with from other games. It seems the population is older and more mature (not necessary tied together) and the game is not as competitive as most other games. Its also the part of the game where we actually have real guilds and sub communities.

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