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Any reason why Catalyst Energy does not recharge out of combat?


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In fractals you get full charge when you touch the thing.

This clunk is felt the most in PvP/WvW, where you're fishing for good hits and need a decent amount of them to not feel like playing core Elementalist.

Edited by LexIcon.2819
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Because anet wants Ele players to suffer?


The real question is, why does energy even exist? there is a CD on each field, energy serves no purpose, except to limit field use when not in combat, so recharging energy out of combat removes the one and only reason for energy to exist anyway, so IMO just remove energy.


Not to mention the UI for energy is terrible anyway. 

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12 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Theoretically, energy limits how many fields can be placed in quick succession. But I'm inclined to agree that cooldowns should now be sufficient. Would also allow catalyst to use a wider range of weapons rather than being reliant on hammer's multi-hit skills.

And it could allow for more creative and interesting revisions of hammer 3.

Rather than a projectile have it pulse like weaver's primordial stance or have no damage outside of the grand finale. Have each grand finale do a different effect based on which element you cast it in. Water could be a jet stream that maybe knocks back? Fire could make burning coals(gw1 ref) and apply aoe damage. Air could be a piercing lightning bolt and earth could be a pbaoe CC of sorts or some defensive effect.

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On 8/5/2022 at 6:56 PM, scerevisiae.1972 said:

Because anet wants Ele players to suffer?


The real question is, why does energy even exist? there is a CD on each field, energy serves no purpose, except to limit field use when not in combat, so recharging energy out of combat removes the one and only reason for energy to exist anyway, so IMO just remove energy.


Not to mention the UI for energy is terrible anyway. 

it can easily be replaced with the ammo system, then again the entire spec is a design cluster-kitten

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It's frustrating out of combat
it's frustrating in combat if you accident energy starve yourself because you can't tell when you have 20/30 energy to deploy 2 spheres at once to cycle all 4 on cd.

Adrenaline, Pip Energy system, energy on healing, augment refiling energy, sand shade charges; many options to improve it all ignored from beta feedback

as for the reason it like this currently they were making rifle mech for six months

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On 8/7/2022 at 10:50 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

Theoretically, energy limits how many fields can be placed in quick succession. 

In that sense, it acts like Mantra skills, but is more clunky. 

I would consider replacing energy with Mantra mechanic...maybe something like: 

  • 3 charges
  • 5sec count recharge
  • 15sec CD 
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14 hours ago, Sevei.3012 said:

It's frustrating out of combat
it's frustrating in combat if you accident energy starve yourself because you can't tell when you have 20/30 energy to deploy 2 spheres at once to cycle all 4 on cd.

Adrenaline, Pip Energy system, energy on healing, augment refiling energy, sand shade charges; many options to improve it all ignored from beta feedback

as for the reason it like this currently they were making rifle mech for six months

I did not even think of this.

We stack and we fill but we do not know if we can cast one two or three spheres. We literally have to calculate pixels... I guess that is complaint #253 about this spec.

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Tbh i don't think auto regenerating energy should be a thing, simply because because being able to insta cast 3 spheres in open world would be pretty broken. I do think however that they should remove the effect of not being able to regenerate energy while having a sphere up. This would make non optimized sphere rotation far less punishable and greatly decreases the negative effect on qdps having to open on air sphere as fast as possible. 

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13 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Maybe I'm hopping world lines here, but I swear I read/heart somewhere that Catalyst was going to automatically regenerate up to 10 energy while out of combat.  For reference, the energy cap is 30.  

I remember this too. Either the idea got scrapped, or this is the mandala effect in action. 

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On 8/11/2022 at 7:17 AM, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

Tbh i don't think auto regenerating energy should be a thing, simply because because being able to insta cast 3 spheres in open world would be pretty broken.

Why? a staff ele can drop more than 3 fields in quick succession already, and you can only combo with one of them.


I realise Catalysts get boons as well from dropping F5 fields but they're hardly gamebreaking, plus to drop 3 fields in quick succession, the Ele has to put 3 attunements (and 3 fields) on CD, which is a big opportunity cost for not a massive gain.


There's also the potential for Anet to add a shared min-reuse CD on F5 as well as on individual fields, eg: 5sec, which IMHO would still be much better than having energy as a resource, which looks and feels cliunky.

Edited by scerevisiae.1972
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Spectacular sphere and sphere specialist are pretty much mandatory in open world due to lack of proper buildup for elemental empowerment and empowering  aura's because of the limited combat time and quickness being broken AF.  So you'll end up with 10 sec quickness, perma Fury, 10 stacks might and 10 sec protection/vigor. It's easily a ~40% dps boost and a big surviveability boost. On top of that all spheres deal another ~10k damage. 

Catalyst (especially hammer) is already pretty broken when it comes to OW content. Giving them another massive boost would basically eliminates core ele, Weaver and Tempest for OW. 


I definitely agree that spheres need a rework (the 10 energy mentioned earlier sounds like a good start), but i simply think a full regen wouldn't be beneficial for the Espec balancing in OW. 

I personally Just think that the real problem of the cata energy system is rooted in it's regeneration while in combat (not being able to regen while a sphere is up and the energy on hit mechanic heavily favoring hammer). I don't mind having to cast 1-2 skills to regen my energy up to 10 but i don't want to cast ~5 skills and swap multiple attunements to reach 30 energy so i can get my dps rotation going.


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I still think spheres should work like tempest overloads without an f5 skill and no energy cost. I'm assuming adding an f5 was probably easier to code than altering those attunements. 

But I also think making fire skill 1 work similar to dragonbanner and air skill 5 being an orb like focus or something would make the damage portion much more enjoyable - as would changing air skill 4. I know people have gotten accustomed to the self-knockback but didn't it get removed from engi rifle specifically because it was annoying and people were trying to stack stab before using it anyway? 


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23 hours ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

Spectacular sphere and sphere specialist are pretty much mandatory in open world due to lack of proper buildup for elemental empowerment and empowering  aura's because of the limited combat time and quickness being broken AF.  So you'll end up with 10 sec quickness, perma Fury, 10 stacks might and 10 sec protection/vigor. It's easily a ~40% dps boost and a big surviveability boost. On top of that all spheres deal another ~10k damage. 

Catalyst (especially hammer) is already pretty broken when it comes to OW content. Giving them another massive boost would basically eliminates core ele, Weaver and Tempest for OW. 


I definitely agree that spheres need a rework (the 10 energy mentioned earlier sounds like a good start), but i simply think a full regen wouldn't be beneficial for the Espec balancing in OW. 

I personally Just think that the real problem of the cata energy system is rooted in it's regeneration while in combat (not being able to regen while a sphere is up and the energy on hit mechanic heavily favoring hammer). I don't mind having to cast 1-2 skills to regen my energy up to 10 but i don't want to cast ~5 skills and swap multiple attunements to reach 30 energy so i can get my dps rotation going.



spectacular sphere and giving quickness lowers your dps output by 21%. Quickness is ~30% dps gain so you benefit way less from granting yourself quickness than you think.

There are multiple open world builds which are way stronger than cata btw. Perma fury is quite easy to achieve for every power build. a lot of builds can solo 25might in open world too. Heck even vinditrash can self buff very good in open world and do ok solo dps.

The raid meta rotation already uses all 4 spheres but thanks to energy regen lock and orbs getting destroyed by invuln targets its very hard to do on non golem bosses. And even if you do this the ele dmg is not even top tier. Quickness ele does just not exist anymore since they slapped a 21% dps nerf on the quickness version alone on top of all the power ele nerfs that came with the same patch.  

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I really don’t like the implementation of spheres and that super tiny 3 tier bar. 

I would rather have ONE BAR but you can keep building energy EVEN when the sphere is still up. 


If they dont wanna tinker with energy gain, ATLEAST just make it an ammo style UI instead of the tiny bars. 

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