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GW2 10th anniversary, please don't forget the solo players Anet

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44 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Every time a new reward comes to the game there are threads from players feeling the reward should be easier to get for them. And no, this is not good for everyone. Some actually like to play a game and not get everything handed to them. A game like this should have unique rewards for specific challenges otherwise what is the point of rewards. It stops being a "reward" at that point anyway..  Might as well just sell everything for 2 copper and call it a day. Everything for everyone.  


I dont have anything against some accesibility. But to a point where people wants the game to be designed for them, to get free legendarys, to get content into their mail for free without having to hunt it down. Then whats the point of playing? And ofc rewards should be tied to different types of content. And even some like the decade armor could be tied to all types of content, and it will also promote that content among the community.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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8 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

What are you talking about?

I merely stated that I doubt ArenaNet will make the acquisition of the Decade Armor hard, because then all the casual players will complain.

No, you literally said: "For a birthday gift? Are you for real? 🤣"

To which I responded that this is not a birthday gift and you'll get your birthday gift for free in your characters ingame mail. What you're calling a "birthday gift" here isn't a "birthday gift". Is it clear enough "what I'm talking about" now? 😉

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:


I dont have anything against some accesibility. But to a point where people wants the game to be designed for them, to get free legendarys, to get content into their mail for free without having to hunt it down. Then whats the point of playing? And ofc rewards should be tied to different types of content. And even some like the decade armor could be tied to all types of content, and it will also promote that content among the community.

What if we create an ungly OW legedery set , and the Decade Armor acts as your suggestion ?

Decade rmor , it will be the thing that promotes all the modes ?


(Raid people will keep their armor + they can obtain Decade armor

OW people will have an ungly armor + they can obtain Decade armor

WvW will keep their armor + they can obtain Decade armor

Perfectly balanced , as al things should be!)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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23 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I dont remember one thread (doesnt mean there arent, just not common) where someone asks for specific reward to be less accessible. Sure there are clashes when something is announced and how the reward structure should look like. But seeking to additionally lock something specific behind X.

Every time a new reward comes to the game there are threads from players feeling the reward should be easier to get for them. And no, this is not good for everyone. Some actually like to play a game and not get everything handed to them. A game like this should have unique rewards for specific challenges otherwise what is the point of rewards. It stops being a "reward" at that point anyway..  Might as well just sell everything for 2 copper and call it a day. Everything for everyone.  

And this is not only ow vs raid or casual vs competitive or whatever divide some see here. You see players ask for less OW grind also. It only comes down to 2 types; players that feel entitled enough that a game should be changed for them and players that play the game as it was designed and try to overcome it. You know kinda what a game should be, overcoming a challenge, winning vs other players, solving a puzzle...

This is a false dichotomy.

There’s clearly some false entitlement in some posts.

But “this avenue isn’t fun for me and I’d like a different path with different challenges” is legit customer feedback.

Saying that everyone who doesn’t just accept the devs design choices wants everything handed to them is just a straw man.

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18 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

This is a false dichotomy.

There’s clearly some false entitlement in some posts.

But “this avenue isn’t fun for me and I’d like a different path with different challenges” is legit customer feedback.

Saying that everyone who doesn’t just accept the devs design choices wants everything handed to them is just a straw man.

I would say its a thin line between entitlement and legit request. Often request is for easier path not only different path. 

This is a game, games have rules, games are competitive, games have winners and losers. In such games rewards are the status that distinguishes players between each other by progress, challenges they completed. Not accepting the design rules in games is just strange to me and very quickly becomes very tedious. Imagine a competitor that wants the first place reward for 10th place because legit customer feedback. You dont want such players in your team because very quickly they will hold the team back. 

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I would say its a thin line between entitlement and legit request. Often request is for easier path not only different path. 

This is a game, games have rules, games are competitive, games have winners and losers. In such games rewards are the status that distinguishes players between each other by progress, challenges they completed. Not accepting the design rules in games is just strange to me and very quickly becomes very tedious. Imagine a competitor that wants the first place reward for 10th place because legit customer feedback. You dont want such players in your team because very quickly they will hold the team back. 

I can understand this in established games that have long traditions. I don’t show up to a soccer game and ask for a sit-down to change the rules.

On the other hand, there’s the contemporary board game community with a portion that gets great enjoyment out of developing house rules to tweak how games are played and the experience they provide (sometimes patching significant holes in their design).

An MMO, especially a themepark MMO like GW2, is a broad tent game that tries to be a lot of things to a lot of people, and sits in a grey area between competitive game, virtual hangout, and interactive storytelling.

On top of that, it was originally envisioned, and is still sold as, an MMO that rethinks the established rules of MMOs.

This leaves a lot of room for questioning how the game is designed without it being from a place of entitlement. Defending the status quo can equally come from a place of entitlement.

I’d rather look to whether feedback is offered humbly and thoughtfully than to its content to decide whether the critique is entitled or not. Otherwise I’m just closed off to anything I disagree with.

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I do mostly PVE content, typically chill openworld stuff but I branch out into the occasional raid, fractal, or strike. I'd like to think I'm mid-tier in my abilities. I've only ever touched WVW when I wanted the warclaw or a GoB and I have never touched PVP.  But I do want the armor and skins because Fashion is the meta, so I will be one of the apparent outliers who will actually make an attempt to go do the content if it's required of me instead of stamping my feet that it doesn't 100% cater to my specific playstyle.

As a pve casual, I apologize in advance to my wvw and / or pvp teammates that may encounter me after this Tuesday. Sorry I'm garbage tier, I'm just doing it for the skins. Once I get my shinies I'll get back out of your way. 😆

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9 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I would say its a thin line between entitlement and legit request. Often request is for easier path not only different path. 

Hint: entitlement does not equal wanting to have something easier. There can be as much entitlement in all the claims that difficulty must be a primary deciding factor, and that some (many) players "just do not deserve" some rewards.

9 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

This is a game, games have rules, games are competitive, games have winners and losers. In such games rewards are the status that distinguishes players between each other by progress, challenges they completed. Not accepting the design rules in games is just strange to me and very quickly becomes very tedious. Imagine a competitor that wants the first place reward for 10th place because legit customer feedback. You dont want such players in your team because very quickly they will hold the team back. 

Some games are like that. Some are not.

There are indeed games that are about competition, with the emphasis on winning and losing. Some are meant to challenge you, with the emphasis of pushing for self-improvement. And there are games that are primarily about enjoyment, and their emphasis is on everyone having a good time. Especially in those latter games rules are often a general guideline, and are very much subject to change if the current ones are not satisfying enough and are a hindrance to group enjoyment.

You are speaking purely about the first kind. GW2 is not that kind of game however. Nor is it a game with a rigid setup of rules that are never subject to change - quite the opposite. The rules here do change, and change a lot. Thus, proposing such changes is very much not out of place here. Rather, it should be considered business as usual.

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49 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Hint: entitlement does not equal wanting to have something easier. There can be as much entitlement in all the claims that difficulty must be a primary deciding factor, and that some (many) players "just do not deserve" some rewards.

Some (many, actually) players are/would be able to get what they want (may require getting to know some of the game's mechanics if they still don't know them), but they "just won't do it because no, so make it easier or apply additional rewards to the content I'm already playing". If someone wants to just dismiss/avoid content for no apparent reason, they're free to do it, but then asking for more rewards for whatever limited part they're participating in? 🙄

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39 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Some (many, actually) players are/would be able to get what they want (may require getting to know some of the game's mechanics if they still don't know them), but they "just won't do it because no, so make it easier or apply additional rewards to the content I'm already playing". If someone wants to just dismiss/avoid content for no apparent reason, they're free to do it, but then asking for more rewards for whatever limited part they're participating in? 🙄

At the same time some players were asking for more rewards for EoD strikes/CM's. I don't see any difference there.

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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

At the same time some players were asking for more rewards for EoD strikes/CM's. I don't see any difference there.

And you're responding with that to me for what reason exactly? How exactly does this change anything I said there?

(and even with that, pretty sure there's a difference between asking for more rewards vs just matching some reasonable level of gph 🤷‍♂️)

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13 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And you're responding with that to me for what reason exactly? How exactly does this change anything I said there?

(and even with that, pretty sure there's a difference between asking for more rewards vs just matching some reasonable level of gph 🤷‍♂️)

In both cases it's asking for more rewards for doing content you like, instead of having to go out to do content you dislike.

But apparently someone asking for bigger rewards for strikes because they do not want to farm drizzle wood is perfectly fine, but someone asking for adding rewards for their non-strike non-raid content because they do not want to do strikes/raids is suddenly entitlement.

If there's any real entitlement here, it's exactly that way of thinking that assumes that the content you like should be treated better and not be subject to the same restrictions you want to be enforced on everything else. Just because you think it's more worthy.

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4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In both cases it's asking for more rewards for doing content you like, instead of having to go out to do content you dislike.

Ok, but how does this change what I said? "some other people do it too!" is supposed to be changing what exactly about my post?

1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Some (many, actually) players are/would be able to get what they want (may require getting to know some of the game's mechanics if they still don't know them), but they "just won't do it because no, so make it easier or apply additional rewards to the content I'm already playing". If someone wants to just dismiss/avoid content for no apparent reason, they're free to do it, but then asking for more rewards for whatever limited part they're participating in? 🙄



4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

But apparently someone asking for bigger rewards for strikes because they do not want to farm drizzle wood is perfectly fine, but someone asking for adding rewards for their non-strike non-raid content because they do not want to do strikes/raids is suddenly entitlement.

If there's any real entitlement here, it's exactly that way of thinking that assumes that the content you like should be treated better and not be subject to the same restrictions you want to be enforced on everything else. Just because you think it's more worthy.

Farms like drizzlewood are pretty much infinitely farmable with great gph, did anything in my post you initially responded to pointed at me wanting for that to be the case in strikes or w/e? Or, again, why are you typing this at me?

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Some things can be done solo, but not many. And you need some skills or preparation for it.

So some small content for solo would be good. Do not see any problem. Game has insane amount of group content.

Unless you farm 24/7 so feel boring? This is only your problems.

Edited by ruikarikun.9402
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