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Spvp meta vs others


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Hello ,

Since i joined GW2 , i've been playing only spvp , trying different classes untill i choosed weaver(fire weaver s/f) to play and learn , but it seems that doesn't matter how hard you try to master any class that is not meta( or maybe , BROKEN?) you will get deleted by some random mechs pressing 1 or some bladesworn who doesn't even do anything and destroys me.

Why are we forced to play some builds that personaly i don't like. i like to play as a fire weaver s/f  , why this build and other builds are not balanced , at least to feel that its about skill and not broken classes/builds ?

Why Anet doesn't care about this things  ?

I am sick of logging in to game , queueing for spvp and getting deleted by some classes that are broken and not balanced. Why ?!

I was trying to get over it and keep playing a class that i like and to think that something will change and they will balance the classes so i can enjoy this build but it seems that nothing is going to change!

Why ?!

Edited by Lexxoff.8137
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2 hours ago, Lexxoff.8137 said:

Why are we forced to play some builds that personaly i don't like.


Because SPvP gives out rewards not for mere participation like WvW, but for winning. Which means that if you want to win the most often, you most adopt the most effective builds. Due to Anet's understaffed class design team, the classes are not remotely balanced, which means that there is a massive gap between builds.

Don't expect anything to change. Class design has been on a downward trajectory since PoF. You need to make your peace with it. The SPvP grind isn't worth it if you're going to spend hundreds and hundreds of hours having a less than fun time, when you could be doing something else with your limited free time that you find more enjoyable.

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15 minutes ago, Valfar.3761 said:


Because SPvP gives out rewards not for mere participation like WvW, but for winning. Which means that if you want to win the most often, you most adopt the most effective builds. Due to Anet's understaffed class design team, the classes are not remotely balanced, which means that there is a massive gap between builds.

Don't expect anything to change. Class design has been on a downward trajectory since PoF. You need to make your peace with it. The SPvP grind isn't worth it if you're going to spend hundreds and hundreds of hours having a less than fun time, when you could be doing something else with your limited free time that you find more enjoyable.

But spvp do give out rewards just for participation just a tad slower.

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14 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

But spvp do give out rewards just for participation just a tad slower.


You need 3,600 ascended shards of glory to make a full set of PvP legendary armor. The difference between being a plat with a 60%+ win rate and a silver with a 50% win rate is hundreds of hours of grinding. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNJob0zFk6JzjXA4q2ZCvfuu43r_1afuFgXlv11y1c0/edit#gid=547760379

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11 minutes ago, Valfar.3761 said:


You need 3,600 ascended shards of glory to make a full set of PvP legendary armor. The difference between being a plat with a 60%+ win rate and a silver with a 50% win rate is hundreds of hours of grinding. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNJob0zFk6JzjXA4q2ZCvfuu43r_1afuFgXlv11y1c0/edit#gid=547760379

So what it is still progress.

You get no progress failing raid bosses for months on end mate.

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11 hours ago, Lexxoff.8137 said:

Hello ,

Since i joined GW2 , i've been playing only spvp , trying different classes untill i choosed weaver(fire weaver s/f) to play and learn , but it seems that doesn't matter how hard you try to master any class that is not meta( or maybe , BROKEN?) you will get deleted by some random mechs pressing 1 or some bladesworn who doesn't even do anything and destroys me.

Why are we forced to play some builds that personaly i don't like. i like to play as a fire weaver s/f  , why this build and other builds are not balanced , at least to feel that its about skill and not broken classes/builds ?

Why Anet doesn't care about this things  ?

I am sick of logging in to game , queueing for spvp and getting deleted by some classes that are broken and not balanced. Why ?!

I was trying to get over it and keep playing a class that i like and to think that something will change and they will balance the classes so i can enjoy this build but it seems that nothing is going to change!

Why ?!

The thing is, that the matchups into alot of the current meta sidenoders simply dont favor you.

Gw2 is very "rock-paper-scissory". The problem is, that Weaver simply looses all the matchups against current sidenoders.

Swap to Catalyst or tempest, their Magauras are pretty devastating into the current projectilemeta.





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8 hours ago, Valfar.3761 said:


You need 3,600 ascended shards of glory to make a full set of PvP legendary armor. The difference between being a plat with a 60%+ win rate and a silver with a 50% win rate is hundreds of hours of grinding. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNJob0zFk6JzjXA4q2ZCvfuu43r_1afuFgXlv11y1c0/edit#gid=547760379


The problem is rewarding both, the ones that know a little more and want to win will go for cheesy playstyle, and then the ones just go for rewards that are like bots or afk will just accept the 3 loosing pips. So you get a lot of disparity and that can make super unbalanced matches.

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It's bad because GW2 is too simple to give purpose to its comparatively huge volume of options.  The game is drowning in bloat, so you're ultimately forced to play the most overperforming builds rather than finding success with experimentation and creativity.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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You don't have to be good or play meta builds. You will not be a top player but are still very welcome to play. Once you're familiar with the build you want to play (No matter if it is in the meta or not) select ranked and play for around 20 matches. The computer will now determine your skill level and assign a skill rating to you. This will determine in which league (difficulty) you play. If you're bad, you end up in the bronze league. You still play sPvP. You still get your ranked rewards and you play at your own skill level. And maybe over time you get better and promote to silver or gold, and you will notice the matches getting more difficult.


Please note that the ranking and matchmaking system does not prevent you from getting terrible matches. Sometimes you just get overpowered and then just keep playing, take the loss and move on to the next match. Some players can't stand losing and go toxic in chat. Block them and move on. You need to get a bit of a thick skin when playing sPvP unfortunately.


In the nights there are not enough players to get balanced matches without very long queue times. So at night be prepared to be paired with and against far more skilled players. Personally I don't care about that, but if you do, consider avoid playing at the low hours.

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20 minutes ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

fire weaver definitely doesnt die to mech

Got any tips for me? I lost to one who played with Rocket Boots and I never managed to catch him and land enough key attack like Pyro Vortex to bring him down. Then I tried to line-of-sight and kill the mech, but he recalled it with his Elite. Dodging or sidestepping Jade Mortar seems doable but since I have that much trouble doing anything to the mechanist I - sooner or later - get hit by one of his many CCs and then that's it, can't recover from that. All he does is running and jumping away and let his pet do the work.
So any in depths help would be appreciated!

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Fire weaver is actually good against the builds you said


Against bs you use resonating stones as a utility, now you tank enough to survive his burst and stab to land your combos without being interrupted


Mechs shouldnt be a problem as you have insane projectile denial and them dont have very good condi cleanse, you just have to set your burst right fire/air use air 5 to stun use 2 and 3, swap to earth use 3 again to get stab and burn them swap to fire again and press earth 4 (reflect) at this point they already panic and gonna try to burst yout but all their dmg will be reflected to their faces and they are nearly dead


The only tricky builds to fight against as weaver are spectre, reaper, untamed,  good core wars and spellbreakers will super pressure you if you not running resonating stones (this last match up prolly has more to do with me playing with 200 ping, and having a hard time dodging their cc) and lastly perma immob rangers (when they get you without some of yout cds) and virtuosos ( good virtuosos ate very rare)

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How can you die as Sword/focus Weaver in 1 vs 1? I guess you play it with a dps Amulet? Don't. Take Sage Amulet. Weaver/Arcane/Earth traits. Crit immunity in Earth trait is mandatory. You can go Fire instead of Earth, if you feel comfortable enough,  slightly higher dmg but much lower survivability. Rotate through your Attunements often: Earth and Water when you need defense or party support and Fire + Earth for when you need dmg.  Air is also not that bad, so don't completely ignore it. The dmg part is not bad at all. Stone Resonance and Twist of Fate utility are both  huge survival boost. You are one of the best 1vs 1 profession in the game, even though your role should be at least slightly support oriented.

Edited by Sifu.9745
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5 hours ago, Bizgurk.5639 said:

Got any tips for me? I lost to one who played with Rocket Boots and I never managed to catch him and land enough key attack like Pyro Vortex to bring him down. Then I tried to line-of-sight and kill the mech, but he recalled it with his Elite. Dodging or sidestepping Jade Mortar seems doable but since I have that much trouble doing anything to the mechanist I - sooner or later - get hit by one of his many CCs and then that's it, can't recover from that. All he does is running and jumping away and let his pet do the work.
So any in depths help would be appreciated!

you dont have to kill him to generate value, play for the node. you have a ton of projectile mitigation, swirling, mag wave.

once you get that node and he cant kill you, thats value for you. its value for you regardless since hes a TFer/Roamer and hes 1v1ing you, and you're not. You're in the right place and hes not, so you're the favorites(should be) to win the fight on the rest of the map.


if you're in melee definitely just spam out your primordial stances forcing his very limited cleanse of Crisis Zone and Shift Signet, especially if you're on node to get him off node so you can just cap it while rotating your defensives

as for how to not die to him once you have the full cap, well you can LOS, you dont need to be on the node if hes not, then go chase him, if hes running hes not casting skills on you and you can very easily just outsustain mech skills or dodge them since hes kiting and not really damaging you.

besides that dodge orbital strike the big laser beam, that thing hits for like 10k

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19 hours ago, Valfar.3761 said:


You need 3,600 ascended shards of glory to make a full set of PvP legendary armor. The difference between being a plat with a 60%+ win rate and a silver with a 50% win rate is hundreds of hours of grinding. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNJob0zFk6JzjXA4q2ZCvfuu43r_1afuFgXlv11y1c0/edit#gid=547760379

   As a current owner of the three legendary sets from PvP (plus The Ascension and Trascendence) which has been close to plat 1 but never able to cross the line I don't think w/l ratio it matters too much: the main limiting factor are the Boxes of Grandmaster Marks. You need 20 for a full set and you can only get 3 x regular Season + 1 x mini Season, so it takes you ~15 months to get those. At that point, you will be flooded in ascended shards, even with sub 50% w/l ratio.

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7 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

   As a current owner of the three legendary sets from PvP (plus The Ascension and Trascendence) which has been close to plat 1 but never able to cross the line I don't think w/l ratio it matters too much: the main limiting factor are the Boxes of Grandmaster Marks. You need 20 for a full set and you can only get 3 x regular Season + 1 x mini Season, so it takes you ~15 months to get those. At that point, you will be flooded in ascended shards, even with sub 50% w/l ratio.

You can craft the marks with normal crafting to avoid the timegate.

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On 8/17/2022 at 7:10 AM, Valfar.3761 said:

The difference between being a plat with a 60%+ win rate and a silver with a 50% win rate is hundreds of hours of grinding

Although true in theory, in practice (at least in my experience) it's not quite accurate.

I'm dangling between g2 and g3 at the moment, still learning the meta and stuff after a very-very long break. But I noticed that the games are usually extremely one-sided and last for 8-9 minutes on average (couple of teamfights lost, and then the losing team is just afking at the spawn). 10 is rare. Queue times are generally around 1 minute.



So, assuming the matches become more even at higher ratings, thus becoming longer, and assuming the increase in queue time, I actually get less time farming it in gold than in platinum (157 vs 174 hours, according to the spreadsheet). And it would probably be even faster if I was silver, lol.


Edited by Tiah.3091
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