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Decade of the Dragons achievement


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2 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

I loved Brussel sprouts as a child. 

That’s awesome. How were they prepared?

I discovered that a lot of the things I didn’t like as a child were actually a reaction to how they were cooked.

Hated boiled Brussels sprouts, but now enjoy them roasted. I though spinach was vile, but it always came from a can. I later discovered fresh spinach is amazing. I was sure I didn’t like fish, but found that it was probably just way over cooked when I was a kid.

I don’t blame my parents. Mid century American cooking was generally terrible. They were just products of their generation.

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I hate fractals and dungeons and jumping puzzles, but I do them without complaining every time they are required.

I don't see how 10 unranked pvp games that take about 2 hours or following a commander in WvW for quite easy accomplishments (kill a dollyak or something) is that terrible. Why all this complaining every time. I'm actually GLAD they were included. It's been 10 years, and Anet needs to remind people there's more to this game other than limping around with Taimi.

Edited by wondermuffin.9680
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17 minutes ago, CAA.9653 said:

Wow. A whole thread to complain about 10 PvP matches.... you people are spoiled. Quit crying and get good.


Lets be real - being better than someone who never does the content is not impressive.


If the pvp community was any good at all, if they had any skill at video games... they'd be in another game with an active pvp playerbase measured in the millions proving it instead of demanding pve players be pushed and pushed and pushed to queue in GW2 pvp so they can feel good about being okay-ish among a playerbase measured in the hundreds.



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2 hours ago, Leger.3724 said:


Lets be real - being better than someone who never does the content is not impressive.


If the pvp community was any good at all, if they had any skill at video games... they'd be in another game with an active pvp playerbase measured in the millions proving it instead of demanding pve players be pushed and pushed and pushed to queue in GW2 pvp so they can feel good about being okay-ish among a playerbase measured in the hundreds.




I haven't played PvP in at least 8 years. I am awful at PvP. But I am not going to cry about having to play 10 matches for an optional achievement. My point is not about player skill, it's about shutting up and playing the game. In summary: nut up and play 10 PvP matches because nobody cares that you (or the OP) don't like PvP.

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On 8/28/2022 at 11:11 PM, Leger.3724 said:

Lets say you are a group of 10 people out on a Saturday night and you're all getting hungry. 9 of you want pizza and 1 of you wants sushi.


What do you think happens in that scenario? We get pizza. 

This seems completely irrevant to this thead? 🤔 


19 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Yeah, I am pretty disingenuous for wanting the people who get to do 1/20 of these in their preferred game mode to not be treated that way and to also think it's valid for the people who can do 18/20 in their preferred game mode to not be treated that way either. It's very dishonest for me to treat the complaints as valid and not try to splinter the issue into a tribalistic war between PvEer and PvPer. Mea culpa, I will be sure to try to split the playerbase into camps that get mad at each other when they could be agreeing next time.

You want more rewards for playing any limited part of the game you want. Meanwhile if you want more reward, you obviously should play more of the game's content. It's an extremely simple concept. Not only that, but all you have to do here is show up, so how can people still try to claim this is a problem? 🤦‍♂️

6 hours ago, CAA.9653 said:

Wow. A whole thread to complain about 10 PvP matches.... you people are spoiled. Quit crying and get good.

True except for the last part. This achievement doesn't require anyone to get good, not even close. Somehow still too much.

3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I don;t know about you, but I'd personally prefer devs did care about what players think about their game.

This skin is non-obligatory for anything in the game. If someone wants to do specifically x thing, they're free to do specifically x thing all the time. It doesn't mean that every reward they want to get should be loaded behind whatever part of the game they want to keep replaying.

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5 hours ago, CAA.9653 said:


I haven't played PvP in at least 8 years. I am awful at PvP. But I am not going to cry about having to play 10 matches for an optional achievement. My point is not about player skill, it's about shutting up and playing the game. In summary: nut up and play 10 PvP matches because nobody cares that you (or the OP) don't like PvP.

You realize people can quit the game too. That is an option here. It's anet's job to make them want to stick around. Like if I quit this game tomorrow, I'd be a little sad probably, but the consequences for me would be nothing compared to the consequences for anet if they had to shut the game down, i.e. their loss is far greater than mine if things go wrong. Talking to people as if this is the military and they gotta get through boot camp, is so bizarre and will never work.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You want more rewards for playing any limited part of the game you want. Meanwhile if you want more reward, you obviously should play more of the game's content. It's an extremely simple concept. Not only that, but all you have to do here is show up, so how can people still try to claim this is a problem? 🤦‍♂️


The developers should care about player experience. They adjust content all the time to fit in with player expectations and enjoyment. They change things based on complaints they receive. Think Drizzlewood Coast and the chests for defeating the Claw of Jormag.


Some of you seem intent on sticking your heads in the sand. This is a simple concept. I participate in an event. I give feedback about something I disliked in it. Arena Net can decide based on the feedback they get if it was worth locking a major part of the anniversary event behind doing ~2 hours of spvp.

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9 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

The developers should care about player experience. They adjust content all the time to fit in with player expectations and enjoyment. They change things based on complaints they receive. Think Drizzlewood Coast and the chests for defeating the Claw of Jormag.

You seem to have missed what was also in the same you quoted part of above. Here you go:

This skin is non-obligatory for anything in the game. If someone wants to do specifically x thing, they're free to do specifically x thing all the time. It doesn't mean that every reward they want to get should be loaded behind whatever part of the game they want to keep replaying.


9 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

Some of you seem intent on sticking your heads in the sand. This is a simple cocept. I participate in an event. I give feedback about something I disliked in it. Arena Net can decide based on the feedback they get if it was worth locking a major part of the anniversary event behind doing ~2 hours of spvp.

You might think the goal of this event is to just "give you the reward no matter what". But that's pretty clearly not what it is, it's a celebration of the 10 years of content of the game and a quick trip through it. If you refuse to do it, you're welcome to continue playing whatever you want and however you want.

"Major part of anniversary" -just give me the cape skin! Right. You think the reward is the celebration, but the celebration is participating in content with other players. And it includes wvw/pvp for the reasons already stated more than once before -nothing about that has anything to do with "sticking our heads in the sand".

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2 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Of course, and if they are going to quit over not having access to one specific cape skin then it was only a matter of a very short time before they were going to quit anyway.

That's a nice attempt at reassuring yourself I guess. It's also yet another attempt at attacking the idea of a player being dissatisfied with the game, which is def not helping with people wanting to stick around. And if someone leaves, it's more anet's loss than theirs.

I mean, if you want people to leave the game, then by all means try to invalidate their complaints and make them feel unwelcome as much as possible.

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8 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

That's a nice attempt at reassuring yourself I guess. It's also yet another attempt at attacking the idea of a player being dissatisfied with the game, which is def not helping with people wanting to stick around. And if someone leaves, it's more anet's loss than theirs.

I mean, if you want people to leave the game, then by all means try to invalidate their complaints and make them feel unwelcome as much as possible.

"I didn't get that cape skin for free (because I have to participate in 10 pvp matches to get the achievement), so now I'll WHAT IF I quit because of it?!" -and what's better that's following your repeated "I only play for fun" posts. Guess no cape skin = game no fun = quit.

What a failed attempt at a threat aimed at getting a skin.

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2 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

That's a nice attempt at reassuring yourself I guess. It's also yet another attempt at attacking the idea of a player being dissatisfied with the game, which is def not helping with people wanting to stick around. And if someone leaves, it's more anet's loss than theirs.

I mean, if you want people to leave the game, then by all means try to invalidate their complaints and make them feel unwelcome as much as possible.

I am not reassuring myself. But if lack of access to one skin among many, a skin that we did not know existed a month ago, is sufficient to put them off the game then they would have already left or would be leaving shortly no matter what is said here or anywhere else. If they cannot enjoy the game without that one skin then they would have left long ago because that skin did not exist in the past.

And no it is not an attack at the idea of a player being dissatisfied with the game because, simply put, I am not satisfied with the game. My disatisfaction, however, does not have me on the verge of quitting because there is one skin in the entire game that ANet will not give me without doing the content to which it is attached as a reward.

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21 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Of course, and if they are going to quit over not having access to one specific cape skin then it was only a matter of a very short time before they were going to quit anyway.

Not getting the single skin is obviously not a good reason to quit - not by itself anyway. Devs not caring about what their playerbase likes or dislikes (as someone suggested several posts earlier) however definitely is such a reason.

If i'm supposed to "shut up and play the game", i'd expect to get paid for this, instead of me me being the one that pays.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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Just now, Ashen.2907 said:

Of course, and if they are going to quit over not having access to one specific cape skin then it was only a matter of a very short time before they were going to quit anyway.


Oh please. Talk about disingenuous.


The problem will be when this becomes a pattern to keep spvp on life support. New skin obtainable in game? New item? New celebration? Lets put some spvp element into it!


I'm not about to quit because I had one bad experience for ~2 hours. But this is clearly Arena Net pushing to see if they can get players into spvp. And if they continue down this road it's going to lead to players quitting when more and more content gets locked behind grinding out some spvp.


I'm writing my thoughts for Arena Net to read because apparently they only read the spvp forums. I have played thousands of games of League of Legends and Guild Wars 1 GvG. This experience was awful. I did not enjoy it. Do not do it again. I can only imagine what people who don't like competitive games at all thought about grinding out those 10 games.



9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You seem to have missed what was also in the same you quoted part of above. Here you go:

This skin is non-obligatory for anything in the game. If someone wants to do specifically x thing, they're free to do specifically x thing all the time. It doesn't mean that every reward they want to get should be loaded behind whatever part of the game they want to keep replaying.


You might think the goal of this event is to just "give you the reward no matter what". But that's pretty clearly not what it is, it's a celebration of the 10 years of content of the game and a quick trip through it. If you refuse to do it, you're welcome to continue playing whatever you want and however you want.

"Major part of anniversary" -just give me the cape skin! Right. You think the reward is the celebration, but the celebration is participating in content with other players. And it includes wvw/pvp for the reasons already stated more than once before -nothing about that has anything to do with "sticking our heads in the sand".


Yet it omits dungeons that existed at launch, nothing to revisit in the story at all whether that's the core storyline or the living world, no fractals which were implemented almost immediately after launch. And then no raids put through a couple years later and nothing needed from most zones. If this was supposed to be some all encompassing highlight tour of the game they sure cut quite a bit.


It seems they have quite a good understanding of what the playerbase wants. They don't want to do dungeons so that was not part of the celebration. They don't want to do spvp but a vocal minority of players are constantly whining about not enough people being in spvp. Arena Net listened to the only vocal feedback they got: spvp players want more people in queue. And without understanding the loudest group is not necessarily representative of the overall population, they added 10 full games of spvp to the requirement to get the cape. 


It's time people not interested in spvp vocalize their thoughts. Enough is enough. It's not my job to queue so you can play an spvp game.




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4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not getting the single skin is obviously not a good reason to quit - not by itself anyway. Devs not caring about what their playerbase likes or dislikes (as someone suggested several posts earlier) however definitely is such a reason.

If Devs want me to "shut up and play the game", i'd expect them to  pay me for this. Not the other way around.

And this event/achievement/skin is supposed to be anywhere close to showing that? 🤦‍♂️ 

Or has this now moved to the usual wild hypothetical area that is somehow supposed to show x should get y because they said so on a forum?

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Why do I even bother.

This game's forums and reddit are like "this game is so underrated, the marketing is so bad, that's why it isn't a bigger game"

*a minute later, to every other forum poster who is dissatisfied with anything*

"how dare you levy a criticism against the game that is not personally an issue for me, I will hound you about it and say it's your fault and/or something wrong with you and/or not really an issue for anyone until my fingers turn blue from the typing"

*another minute later*

"how strange it is that this game is not getting the attention it should, it must be the marketing"

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18 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Why do I even bother.

This game's forums and reddit are like "this game is so underrated, the marketing is so bad, that's why it isn't a bigger game"

*a minute later, to every other forum poster who is dissatisfied with anything*

"how dare you levy a criticism against the game that is not personally an issue for me, I will hound you about it and say it's your fault and/or something wrong with you and/or not really an issue for anyone until my fingers turn blue from the typing"

*another minute later*

"how strange it is that this game is not getting the attention it should, it must be the marketing"

"Forum" and "reddit" are not a hivemind (despite what the memes say), different people have different opinions. Not only that, but what even is this take supposed to be? Just because someone might think "the game is underrated", it doesn't automatically mean they are bound to blindly jump on any idea/complaint anyone makes. People can think the game is underrated and still think certain complaints are unsubstantiated.

21 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

Yet it omits dungeons that existed at launch, nothing to revisit in the story at all whether that's the core storyline or the living world, no fractals which were implemented almost immediately after launch. And then no raids put through a couple years later and nothing needed from most zones. If this was supposed to be some all encompassing highlight tour of the game they sure cut quite a bit.


It seems they have quite a good understanding of what the playerbase wants. They don't want to do dungeons so that was not part of the celebration. They don't want to do spvp but a vocal minority of players are constantly whining about not enough people being in spvp. Arena Net listened to the only vocal feedback they got: spvp players want more people in queue. And without understanding the loudest group is not necessarily representative of the overall population, they added 10 full games of spvp to the requirement to get the cape. 


It's time people not interested in spvp vocalize their thoughts. Enough is enough. It's not my job to queue so you can play an spvp game.

Yes, it does omit harder content since in those cases it would indeed be the case of "l2p to get the reward" instead of being accessible to newer players as well. Notice how pretty much none of the anniversary achievements require you to do anything substantial in order to complete it. Show up at world boss, press 1 (literally or figuratively), finish the achievement. Show up at events in an area, tag stuff, get achievements. Show up at wvw, tag events, get achievements. Show up at pvp, do whatever you want, win or lose, nobody cares, get the achievements. What's the problem here exactly? Harder content not included, so I should be able to keep pressing 1 at world boss and get the reward I want while ignoring the point of the event? You are free to ignore the event, but then you're also free to not get the reward, which really isn't hard to get in the first place.

No, pvp achievement isn't "included because loud minority told anet to include it", oof. 🤦‍♂️

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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yes, it does omit harder content since in those cases it would indeed be the case of "l2p to get the reward" instead of being accessible to newer players as well. Notice how pretty much none of the anniversary achievements require you to do anything substantial in order to complete it. Show up at world boss, press 1 (literally or figuratively), finish the achievement. Show up at events in an area, tag stuff, get achievements. Show up at wvw, tag events, get achievements. Show up at pvp, do whatever you want, win or lose, nobody cares, get the achievements. What's the problem here exactly? Harder content not included, so I should be able to keep pressing 1 at world boss and get the reward I want while ignoring the point of the event?


If it's meaningless why is it 10 games then? Why can't it be 1 like the World Bosses or participate in the capture of 10 capture points? It's not 10 matches of WvW or 10 towers. It's not 10 world boss kills. It's not even all world bosses or most. 


You seem to be running out of ideas. If it's all meaningless why not make it 100 world bosses? If nothing matters why is it so important to you that spvp was something that needed to be done in this celebration?


What is the problem with not having spvp requirements in celebrations? What is it exactly?

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10 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

If it's meaningless why is it 10 games then? Why can't it be 1 like the World Bosses or participate in the capture of 10 capture points? It's not 10 matches of WvW or 10 towers. It's not 10 world boss kills. It's not even all world bosses or most. 


You seem to be running out of ideas. If it's all meaningless why not make it 100 world bosses? If nothing matters why is it so important to you that spvp was something that needed to be done in this celebration?


What is the problem with not having spvp requirements in celebrations? What is it exactly?

Where did I say it's meaningless? Did you read what I wrote in my posts?

You're still participating in the event with the community. The point is it's not behind "improve enough to farm up wins" or something similar. It's try it out, get an easy reward and that's it. I'm not "running out of ideas" just because you consistently attempt to dodge what I write here. 🙄  It's not "100 world bosses" the same way it's not "1000 pvp matches", because the event -as I already repeatedly said and you chose to ignore it- is not about grinding one place over and over again for a reward, it's about participating in broader content of the game that's still equally acessible for newer players. Really, what about that do you still somehow keep failing to understand?

What is the problem with you not having one cape skin if you refuse to participate in 10 matches? The event is there, if you refuse to participate, you're free to make that choice.

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10 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Where did I say it's meaningless? Did you read what I wrote in my posts?

You're still participating in the event with the community. The point is it's not behind "improve enough to farm up wins" or something similar. It's try it out, get an easy reward and that's it. I'm not "running out of ideas" just because you consistently attempt to dodge what I write here. 🙄  It's not "100 world bosses" the same way it's not "1000 pvp matches", because the event -as I already repeatedly said and you chose to ignore it- is not about grinding one place over and over again for a reward, it's about participating in broader content of the game that's still equally acessible for newer players. Really, what about that do you still somehow keep failing to understand?

What is the problem with you not having one cape skin if you refuse to participate in 10 matches? The event is there, if you refuse to participate, you're free to make that choice.


Nothing is being dodged. Why does it have to be 10 pvp games? 2 hours doing something you do not like is not a grind to you? Again still waiting on an answer that does not seem to be coming here. Why 10 games? It's not 10 matches of WvW. It's not 10 world bosses. The achievement that takes by far the longest for this event is the one the fewest number of people wanted included in the event. It's bad game design. Period.


As for the bolded, sure, Arena Net can take the dumbest approach a business could possibly take of: "we're not even going to listen, you're getting what we offer and doing what your told". I guess they could do that. And if they do that, good luck to their future as a game developer.

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24 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

Nothing is being dodged. Why does it have to be 10 pvp games? 

Are you asking about "why 10" or "why pvp"?

"Why pvp" -basically second part of this post https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/120168-decade-of-the-dragons-achievement/page/7/#comment-1744813

Why 10? Because they judged that as reasonable sample/time for participation in it.

24 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

2 hours doing something you do not like is not a grind to you? Again still waiting on an answer that does not seem to be coming here.

What do you mean "still waiting for an answer"?

Same post as the one linked above: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/120168-decade-of-the-dragons-achievement/page/7/#comment-1744813

Because this event isn't about just "getting you the reward no matter what", it's about revisiting multiple areas of the game, since the game is about the 10 year history of it. Considering that, I wouldn't say these achievements are somehow a grind, not even close.

24 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

 Why 10 games?

Answered above.

24 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

It's not 10 matches of WvW

You're comparing it to 10 weeks now?

24 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

It's not 10 world bosses.

Respawn for them is what? Almost 2h? In that time you're done with pvp part. And how many world bosses do you need to have included here for some reason? 🤦‍♂️

24 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

The achievement that takes by far the longest for this event is the one the fewest number of people wanted included in the event. It's bad game design. Period.

No, considering all the pve achievements, that's just false.

And theeere it is -it's not "a bad game design", because you refuse to acknowledge what a 10 year anniversary event pretty clearly is and you still want a reward for your limited participation. Period.


24 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

Arena Net can take the dumbest approach a business could possibly take (...)

And if they do that, good luck to their future as a game developer.

Lasted 10 years for now (hence the event), but I'm sure they appreciate your snarky good luck wishes because you refuse to play 10 pvp games for a cape skin and that's such a crucial business decision making or breaking the game or something.

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