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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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There is often discussions about current dislike for methods of getting legendary armor, and I'm in that same boat.  Raid content does not interest me much (and is not great for casuals), and I just don't have the time to spend 20 hours/week in WvW to get max claim tickets - for the time I do have, it will probably take me 6+ months to get 1 piece of legendary armor from wvw claim tickets.

So here is my idea:

- Each time you complete a world boss event successfully, you get 1 legendary armor token.  Max 5 tokens/day just so someone can't farm for 24 hours/day and get ~100 tokens/day

- With 150 (or some other reasonable) number of tokens, you get a piece of legendary armor.

This means at the fastest, it would take 180 days (25 weeks) for a full set.  My understanding is raids take from 6-12 weeks, pvp 24 weeks, wvw 22 weeks.  So calendar time would be similar.  Play time would be faster than wvw (5 bosses, presuming you can only get 1 every 15 minutes, takes 1.25 hours/day, or ~10 hours/week).  This is faster than WvW time (which probably closer to 20 hours/week to get max claim tickets), and maybe about the same as PvP.

It seems to me that killing 900 world bosses is pretty legendary.  Probably more legendary than just spending 20 hours in WvW (which you just need to do enough to keep your participation up) or paying someone for a raid run.


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Now also add complicated multi step collection to that, 50 provisioner tokens/piece and overall expensive crafting cost and we might be close.


Feel free to lower the amount of world bosses required tho. Because tokens alone should not give you armor pieces, just like LIs from raids won't.


My "raid legendary armors" actually forced me to spent More Time doing hot farming than actually raiding.

Edited by sokeenoppa.5384
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I like the idea of this as an easy way to time gate, and also encourage people to play different bosses.  Though I'd much prefer some actually interesting achievements like the Return To series.


Having something similar to this, with maybe slightly lowered requirements, but more engaged follow ups, as outlined by the post above.


The one thing I'd definitely want on this is that the tokens drop from ANY world boss.  The main issue I have with the raid tokens is that they require so much scheduling effort.  Even if you have a group/know mechanics, you still need to be on at the same time as nine other people, and want to do the same thing they do at the same time.  Being able to log in and immediately make progress towards legendary armour (as is the case in WvW, and should be the case in PvP if the queues were shorter) is the thing that is really missing from PvE.  If you have a schedule that only allows you to play at specific/unpredictable times, or in short bursts, you're kind of locked out of this content or forced to farm WvW.

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I like the spirit of it, tho I more like the idea of metas awarding such a token, or at least being included (maybe you are including them when you say world bosses?). So stuff like Dragon's Stand, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths: the major bosses there, for example.

And then maybe you have a daily that gives a bonus to get people doing some of the less done metas, like Maws of Torment.

As a complete picture, modeling it mostly after the raid armor, something like:

Gift of Prosperity

Gift of Heroism (X number of time gated open world tokens + the rest same as raid armor's Gift of Prowess)

Gift of Adventuring (mix together stuff like karma + various LW currencies + various expansion currencies to get people showing up in all sorts of places: they could do like the design of Conflux here with Gift of Warfare to expand the quantity of currencies used, while keeping the amount of each currency reasonable per piece)

Precursor (either through a collection or to keep it simple, use the craftable ascended armor as precursor and use the same skin for legendary version of it: granted, this means just utility, no shiny)

Edited by Labjax.2465
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3 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

There is often discussions about current dislike for methods of getting legendary armor, and I'm in that same boat.  Raid content does not interest me much (and is not great for casuals), and I just don't have the time to spend 20 hours/week in WvW to get max claim tickets - for the time I do have, it will probably take me 6+ months to get 1 piece of legendary armor from wvw claim tickets.

So here is my idea:

- Each time you complete a world boss event successfully, you get 1 legendary armor token.  Max 5 tokens/day just so someone can't farm for 24 hours/day and get ~100 tokens/day

- With 150 (or some other reasonable) number of tokens, you get a piece of legendary armor.

This means at the fastest, it would take 180 days (25 weeks) for a full set.  My understanding is raids take from 6-12 weeks, pvp 24 weeks, wvw 22 weeks.  So calendar time would be similar.  Play time would be faster than wvw (5 bosses, presuming you can only get 1 every 15 minutes, takes 1.25 hours/day, or ~10 hours/week).  This is faster than WvW time (which probably closer to 20 hours/week to get max claim tickets), and maybe about the same as PvP.

It seems to me that killing 900 world bosses is pretty legendary.  Probably more legendary than just spending 20 hours in WvW (which you just need to do enough to keep your participation up) or paying someone for a raid run.


"Pure" pve armour? Can you explain where in raids you are fighting other players?

Time and time again this topic resurfaces with different iterations "I want legendary armour but not make any effort to get it"

In all honesty I would be in favour of your proposed method just to stop the whining but I completely disagree with the numbers.

900 world bosses? Which you can afk to complete? Seems rather simple. What would be more in line is about 2k world bosses per armour piece (as well as other materials obviously). Since you can just port in for the last 2 mins of a world boss and AA for a few hit to tag it, the value of your token should reflect this.

5x token per day should give you a nice round 400 days per armour piece which seems perfect. Anyone who thinks it should be quicker is clinically insane.

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Just now, yoni.7015 said:

The legendary raid armor is the pure PvE armor and now with the emboldened mode it’s even easier to get. I see no reason for another PvE armor. 
Also this has been discussed over and over. 

Saying you don't need open world armour because raid armour exists (and is PvE) is like saying you don't need WvW armour because sPvP has a set (and is PvP).


This is discussed over and over again because Open World is obviously a completely different thing to raids, and for some reason people object to players being able to get rewarded for playing the content they actually enjoy.

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2 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Saying you don't need open world armour because raid armour exists (and is PvE) is like saying you don't need WvW armour because sPvP has a set (and is PvP).


This is discussed over and over again because Open World is obviously a completely different thing to raids, and for some reason people object to players being able to get rewarded for playing the content they actually enjoy.

No it’s not. WvW and PvP are two separate game modes. Open World and Raids are both PvE. 

You get rewarded for playing open world, the rewards are pretty good actually. You can make a lot of gold in open world. 

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3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

No it’s not. WvW and PvP are two separate game modes. Open World and Raids are both PvE. 

WvW and PvP are both PvP game modes.  Open World and Raids are both PvE game modes.


Even if you insist Open World and Raid are the same mode (despite being arguably as different as PvP and WvW), that isn't an argument as there is no reason not to have two paths to legendary armour in the same mode.

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7 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

WvW and PvP are both PvP game modes.  Open World and Raids are both PvE game modes.


Even if you insist Open World and Raid are the same mode (despite being arguably as different as PvP and WvW), that isn't an argument as there is no reason not to have two paths to legendary armour in the same mode.

The PvE armor already is a combination of raid and open world. In order to get it you have to play a lot of open world content. 

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20 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

The PvE armor already is a combination of raid and open world. In order to get it you have to play a lot of open world content. 

Cool, so on that logic we can add PvP automated tournament wins to the WvW armour requirements, and then we no longer need two PvP armour sets.  Easy 🙂 


Anyway, the OP presented a constructive thread on how to best enable Open World legendary armour.  Let's not derail another thread trying to figure out why you object to its existence.

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2 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Cool, so on that logic we can add PvP automated tournament wins to the WvW armour requirements, and then we no longer need two PvP armour sets.  Easy 🙂 


Anyway, the OP presented a constructive thread on how to best enable Open World legendary armour.  Let's not derail another thread trying to figure out why you object to its existence.

Again, maybe you’ll understand it this time: there are three game modes in this game, WvW, PvP and PvE. Every game mode has its own legendary armor. 
The PvE armor is a combination of raids and open world. So why a second PvE armor? Wouldn’t it be unfair to WvW and PvP with only one arnor? Then WvW and PvP would need a second legendary armor as well. 

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4 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Again, maybe you’ll understand it this time: there are three game modes in this game, WvW, PvP and PvE. Every game mode has its own legendary armor. 
The PvE armor is a combination of raids and open world. So why a second PvE armor? Wouldn’t it be unfair to WvW and PvP with only one arnor? Then WvW and PvP would need a second legendary armor as well. 

Oh, maybe you hadn't realised.  The PvP modes already have two armours.  You get one from WvW, and one from sPvP.  Glad we could clear that up 🙂 


Again, let's not derail a productive thread on this.  You've made it clear that you object to Open World legendary armour over many threads (for some reason).  Let's keep this thread as a discussion on how Open World armour could work.

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37 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

No it’s not. WvW and PvP are two separate game modes. Open World and Raids are both PvE.

Open World and Raids may both be PvE but they are two totally different game modes.


I'm entirely neutral on this suggestion since I have all my legendary armors. But I'm always interested in new suggestions, even if the topic has been discussed ad nauseum. There's always the possibility of a new and novel idea. And also, there's obviously a significant number of players interested in the topics or else we would not keep seeing it brought up. And just because some of us had discussed the merits of these multiple times, are we suggesting that new players are not allowed to talk about it?

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World bosses, possibly the easiest 'endgame' content in the game, should give lege armour tokens? No, just no. The raid collections for the precursor pieces are what makes pve legendary armour, legendary- everything else is just time-gated or budget-gated. If you take away the raid element, you're taking away all challenge in acquiring said armour.

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41 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Oh, maybe you hadn't realised.  The PvP modes already have two armours.  You get one from WvW, and one from sPvP.  Glad we could clear that up 🙂 


Again, let's not derail a productive thread on this.  You've made it clear that you object to Open World legendary armour over many threads (for some reason).  Let's keep this thread as a discussion on how Open World armour could work.

pvp and wvw are completely different modes, played differently with entirely different requirements. If anything, wvw is more similar to open world pve since you can spend your entire time fighting npcs and never need to encounter any other player.


Let's not derail the thread by stating things which are factually wrong whichever way you look at it :)))

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I don't really care about legendary armors but I'm glad people keep bringing this up since pretty much every thread gets closed because of the same people.

More options cannot be bad for the game, people who want to raid will raid. Make it grindy and take as long as WvW legendaries, keep the Gift of Battle, whatever. I'm sure they can come up with a way to add PvE legendary armors, there is a lot to do in PvE. Is it challenging? Not really. Is switching camps in WvW for 20+ hours per week challenging? Even less so.

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I like the idea in principle. As long as it takes roughly the same amount of effort and time as legendary raid armor and as long as it has the same kind of skin as pvp/wvw armor (ie no special skin) I think there's nothing inherently wrong about being able to earn the QoL aspect of what legendary armor gives.

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5 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

There is often discussions about current dislike for methods of getting legendary armor, and I'm in that same boat.  Raid content does not interest me much (and is not great for casuals), and I just don't have the time to spend 20 hours/week in WvW to get max claim tickets - for the time I do have, it will probably take me 6+ months to get 1 piece of legendary armor from wvw claim tickets.

So here is my idea:

- Each time you complete a world boss event successfully, you get 1 legendary armor token.  Max 5 tokens/day just so someone can't farm for 24 hours/day and get ~100 tokens/day

- With 150 (or some other reasonable) number of tokens, you get a piece of legendary armor.

This means at the fastest, it would take 180 days (25 weeks) for a full set.  My understanding is raids take from 6-12 weeks, pvp 24 weeks, wvw 22 weeks.  So calendar time would be similar.  Play time would be faster than wvw (5 bosses, presuming you can only get 1 every 15 minutes, takes 1.25 hours/day, or ~10 hours/week).  This is faster than WvW time (which probably closer to 20 hours/week to get max claim tickets), and maybe about the same as PvP.

It seems to me that killing 900 world bosses is pretty legendary.  Probably more legendary than just spending 20 hours in WvW (which you just need to do enough to keep your participation up) or paying someone for a raid run.


lol no leggendary armor is supposed to be a reward for completing hard content and not something you can get by killing a level 1 slime, or afking an open world boss.

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Open world is not just about world bosses and metas. There are also jumping puzzles, mini dungeons, exploration and a whole body bunch of outer stuff. If they would make a legendary armour acheavement collection it would have to reflect all these aspects. It would be simmilar to the skyscale collection, only longer, more expensive and would have to cover most of the open world maps.


Your proposal, that world bosses would drop tokens is far too pasive and would make the legenadry armour feel more like a byproduct of doing world bosses, rather than something you have earned by actively playing the game. Killing world bosses would be a part of the collection, but there would have to be a lot more. The raid armour collection requiers you to complete HoT metas multiple times in order to unlock it, so the rest of the collection would have to be equal to raiding in terms of challenge and time investment.

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1 hour ago, Funky.4861 said:

World bosses, possibly the easiest 'endgame' content in the game, should give lege armour tokens? No, just no. The raid collections for the precursor pieces are what makes pve legendary armour, legendary- everything else is just time-gated or budget-gated. If you take away the raid element, you're taking away all challenge in acquiring said armour.

19 minutes ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

lol no leggendary armor is supposed to be a reward for completing hard content and not something you can get by killing a level 1 slime, or afking an open world boss.

No one is taking away raid armour.  It's still there.


WvW and PvP armours do not require challenge.  They just require time.  Literally 2 out of 3 routes to legendary armour are time gated, rather than challenge gated.


As others have said, can we please discuss the topic of the thread, which is the best route to Open World Legendary Armour.  I still don't know why there is such investment from some players in forcing people into modes they don't want to be in. 

Edited by CrashTestAuto.9108
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5 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

No one is taking away raid armour.  It's still there.


WvW and PvP armours do not require challenge.  They just require time.  Literally 2 out of 3 routes to legendary armour are time gated, rather than challenge gated.


As others have said, can we please discuss the topic of the thread, which is the best route to Open World Legendary Armour.  I still don't know why there is such investment from some players in forcing people into modes they don't want to be in. 

pve armor already exists its from raids, wanting a second way to get pve armor because people are lazy and cant put in the effort i think would devalue legendaries even more. and if you want a braindead way to get legy armor it already exists its called pvp and wvw. 

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3 minutes ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

pve armor already exists its from raids, wanting a second way to get pve armor because people are lazy and cant put in the effort i think would devalue legendaries even more. and if you want a braindead way to get legy armor it already exists its called pvp and wvw. 

Okay, so we agree that challenge is not an essential requirement.  So the question now becomes, why do you want to force Open World PvE players into modes that (1) they don't want to be in and (2) fills those modes with people who don't care about it and will just AFK?  Do you actively want people to leave the game?


I ask this for your own reflection.  This is still off topic.

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