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Sad News: Help us say goodbye

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Hello everyone, I am Lithril and I run EcK, you can find out more in my signature.


I come to you today to see how many players reading this will take the time to wish one of our dear friends the best hopes and wishes in the circumstance they lose the fight.

For identity sake, they will be "they" and un-named.

The story thus far is that they were diagnosed and treated for the wrong type of diabetes and was found a bit after 24 hours lying on the floor in a diabetic coma from which they had a stroke and lost function in 1 leg, and most motor function in the other.

To add more insult to injury they were diagnosed with pneumonia which turned out to be a mold form of Black Lung Disease which is highly dangerous, that had taken residence in both lungs and the throat.  Kidneys are barley functioning, Dialysis and blood transfusions are being done. It took over and fed off them due to the diabetes.

Only 1 doctor will take a chance and see them, however, in someone healthy, the aggressive medication and following surgery only leaves a HEALTHY PERSON 5% chance to survive after removing unsalvageable tissue.

The guilds have been talking and telling stories with them present and tears are shed with hopes high and defiant.


While we dont name them here, we hope we can get as many responses and best wishes for their recovery or potential parting as possible, so in their potential last moments the community can give back and show the love I know this community has for one another.


Remember, we call come from different backgrounds, areas, religions and beliefs, we are all human, we all feel loss and emotion...in this modern time with tech the old time letter & pen pals have evolved to what we have today in MMOs and other games. We still overcome all of these to form bonds unsevered. 

Please leave a response/reaction so I can pass it onto them.

For those willing as well, if you want please send pictures of yourself(masks/blurred face etc if you want) holding a picture wishing the best etc) LIKE THIS to Lithril Ashwalker.6230#1805 via discord. The image will be forwarded to the family for a massive collage to present to our very very dear friend for a massive collage. Out of respect for the family & picture posters, the collage/images will NOT be made public.


They are gaining some access to standing, using wheel-chair to get up and try to move around, they are refusing to give up thus far! It's a long long way though. We still hope and pray for the best.


the Lung specialist was finally able to come in and speak to THEM and THEIR parents. HE DOES NOT THINK THIS IS A DEATH SENTENCE. They are in for a long recovery, and is not out of the woods yet. But there may be a solid chance THEY can survive this. We do not know details beyond that as of yet, since they are still running tests, but THEIR overall recovery and healing for the other various body parts gives him confidence this can be rectified as well.


MAJOR UPDATE: fungus has come back with a vengeance and they have now been intubated. Its not looking great, sudden turnaround for the worst

FINAL UPDATE: Due to surgery and a heart attack while operating to scrape what was left on their lungs, They have passed away on the 21st of October. Please set aside medical issues and help us mourn for our friend, our guildmate and our loveable fellow human.
Please, pass this thread on in memory of all you, yourselves, have lost in the community as gamers, artists and such.

Those we hold on our arms a little while, we hold in our hearts forever

Rest in peace Dusty...

maybe one day we can get tombstones / memorials for our guilds halls to help the processes

ABOUT WHO DUSTY WAS:  - We will be updating based on personal instances and those willing to share.

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
update on situation - final edit
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I rarely ever met someone more stubborn, pigheaded, and defiant then them. When they find some weird glitch in the game they would stop at nothing to keep trying it over and over and over again. This person just by being their goofy layed back self brought groups together. I’m personally proud to say I road the autobahn with this person and it was easily one of the best rides of my life. I’m glad I got to see them smile and giggle. Truly a baddest they will always be. Venture on killer I’ll catch up in time.

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This was really sad to read. Health workers should not do mistakes like these. I hope your friend can pull through and I wish them all the best and hope for a full recovery.

And remember to talk to someone if you’re struggling too. It’s not easy being close to someone going through things like this. Best wishes to you all. 

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

You have touched more people that you will ever know.

You are loved by more people than you will ever know.

You have made a difference in more ways than you will ever know.

Many more people are hoping/praying/fighting for you than you can imagine.  Keep strong!

Really can't say it any better than this. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

much appreciated everyone, we are making guild hall memorials and trying to get people back into the community of AXII family in the game. Tore a bunch of us up.

just made an kitten of myself because someone i didnt know looked suspicious account wide via discord (used my signature to find it) and took some things out of context...Id like to apoligize given the chance. i feel like an kitten on how i worded things 😕

We would like to update this more to see how everyone is following up as well as her friends and family as no family should divide after a passing...even in game.

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