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Taking hits in the middle of dodge roll

Bear on the job.6273

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I noticed this somewhat last season, but I've been noticing this a lot more since the balance patch. I'm not sure if it's my lag (doubtful, usually under 30ping), the other player's lag, or something else. What I'm talking about is taking direct damage (NOT condi) or getting CCed while dodge rolling. This isn't at the start or end of the dodge roll either, it's right in the middle, like when the characters head is hitting the ground and rolling over.

I know there are some CC abilities that go through evasion, like Guardian pulls. But today I was playing a Warrior from EU, and they constantly hit me with Shield Bash and Bull Rush while I was dodging. Both of those abilities, especially Bull Rush are easy to see coming. But against this player, it was practically impossible to dodge. One time I even got hit while I was in the somersault animation, and it like glitched out and flipped me over onto the ground with my feet still sticking up.

This is something really frustrating, and I have no way to play around it. If it's the other player's lag, or some sync issue with the server...how can I play around that? I guess just avoid matching up with players that do this? Is this a known issue? Looking for some insight...

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I have this bug too. Weaver's "Twist of Fate" rather often (1-2 times a day) is interrupted midair, approximately in the highest point of "Twist of Fate" trajectory.This occurs mostly in 1v2 fights. Several times I checked my ping after this and it was ok (<100ms). Never saw this problem with other evade skills or dodges.My only guess is: "Twist of Fate" animation is longer than evade frame. But if I'm right, it's awkward: animation of evade skill should match evade frame.

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@Vaeo.4097 said:I have this bug too. Weaver's "Twist of Fate" rather often (1-2 times a day) is interrupted midair, approximately in the highest point of "Twist of Fate" trajectory.This occurs mostly in 1v2 fights. Several times I checked my ping after this and it was ok (<100ms). Never saw this problem with other evade skills or dodges.My only guess is: "Twist of Fate" animation is longer than evade frame. But if I'm right, it's awkward: animation of evade skill should match evade frame.

Happened once or twice too for me. I didn't bother too much back then, but since i'm not the only one, i will pay more attention.

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I've also had it happen while I was channeling Renewed Focus on my Guardian, while I was invuln. In those cases, it was usually a Scourge applying fear to me, and it would break my channel. I know Renewed Focus can be interrupted during the initial cast time, before the channel starts...but these instances were all while the channel was active.

Today though, against the EU warrior, it was practically impossible to beat him because of this. I would drop a symbol, and he would put up Full Counter right after that. I stopped attacking, but knew the next symbol tick was going to trigger his full counter. This was an extremely predictable case of a CC attack, and being able to evade. I knew exactly when the CC was coming, and dodged accordingly. But it didn't matter, and Full Counter hit me in the middle of the dodge roll and actually pulled me out of the dodge roll animation. I faced off against this warrior 1v1 probably 5 times in the match or more (he was alone on our home node the entire match), and everytime I lost because of this.

I don't know how ANet can even fix this though without a major engine change. Because this happened so frequently with the EU player, if definitely seems to be latency related, and would possibly need a fix in the netcode. And not your own latency necessarily, but the latency of your opponent. The more laggy they are, the more advantage they have.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:So now we need to know enemy ping to know when to dodge :)

Yeah basically

Except if they have really bad ping, you won't be able to dodge at all. It seems that whatever their ping is, you need to dodge that amount of time before you would normally dodge. So if they have a ping of 50ms, then you dodge 50 milliseconds before you normally would (which is not really noticeable). But if they have a ping of like 1000ms, you would need to dodge 1 full second before you normally would. And since most attacks are around the 1/2 second mark (500ms), you would basically have to dodge before you see any attack animation. You would have to entirely predict all of your opponents moves.

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@Razor.6392 said:I've had this happen numerous times, and while it could be attributed to my awful 140 ping, sometimes happens RIGHT in the middle of a long dodge, such as ele's Twist of Fate.

Makes me wonder what's the deal with this.

I thought I was the only one getting spiked in the middle of Twist of Fate.... I was blaming my potato PC and Australian internet it for it though and had no idea others were experiencing it.

As for the OP: I mostly play Weaver and have only noticed it on sword water 2 and twist of fate... Mid animation someone will CC me.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Razor.6392 said:I've had this happen numerous times, and while it could be attributed to my awful 140 ping, sometimes happens RIGHT in the middle of a long dodge, such as ele's Twist of Fate.

Makes me wonder what's the deal with this.

I thought I was the only one getting spiked in the middle of Twist of Fate.... I was blaming my potato PC and Australian internet it for it though and had no idea others were experiencing it.

As for the OP: I mostly play Weaver and have only noticed it on sword water 2 and twist of fate... Mid animation someone will CC me.

This thing soon gona cost me new keyboard and mouse ...

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@Alek Seven.2374 said:I also experience a ''immune'' while there is NO SINGLE STABILITY before or after the CC, thats getting annoying .

Yeah, what's up with that? On Fresh Air I'm frequently landing a max range Comet or Gale on an incoming enemy (usually a warrior or an engineer) who isn't dodging and doesn't have stability, and I get 'immune' pop up. It's not just annoying, it can cost me the point and sometimes an important kill.

Come to think of it, often a half second after 'immune', the warrior uses Whirlwind Attack. My ping is usually only 70-80ms.

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Try to play with 30ms vs someone with 400 ms. GL landing a hit or predict wth they are doing.It actually gets more obvious in OW if anyone played it. It has replay of your death from enemy view and you can see how your character is located in completely different place for enemy just because they are lagging so they land hits on you which they otherwise wouldn't if they had decent connection.On the other hand, playing with bad connection is also massive pita.

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Well thx to other guy posting in - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/16603/anet-we-want-answers-on-the-laggy-amazon-servers-that-you-switched-to-using-since-2-weeks-ago#latest

Now its clear what i experienced 2 weeks ago and experience on daily basis every few games.Where some of my skills don't work,like enemy is not there in the right place,or when dmg is off not hitting enemy and i drop dead.

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