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Anyone else play a specialization that they suck at?

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14 minutes ago, neighto.7386 said:

I play solo pve 90% of the time... I dont run meta builds, and have no interest in "looking up rotations and maxing my dmg"   I have a job in real life, I play this as an escape from that, so NO I wont spend my time researching stuff and working my kitten off just so I can put up big numbers.   Does this mean I may suck at any specific build I may be running?   Sure to some it may, but I really dont care as long as I am having fun when I load up the game.    Some people seem to forget this is a game and take it waaaaaaaay too seriously

High five o/

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I still wish they'd codify a new elite specialization for all professions: "Faceroller". I know it sort of already exists, but making it formal would allow the Faceroller crowd to now boast about it as their Elite Spec. I actually began as a faceroller, and eventually graduated to semi-organized rotation keystroker for my Tempest. 🤣

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Renegade here when i Alac in Fractal CMs.  I just never enjoyed it enough to really practice it outside that context.


Realistically i suck at most classes since the vast majority of my playtime is on Thief and Engineer (who i mastered on all elites).

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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10 hours ago, Shrike Arghast.3856 said:

I'll go first: I'm currently maining a Weaver, and I am flat out terrible at it. I cannot remember the skills, I routinely forget which elements I'm currently using (thus swapping to bad combinations on the next change), I am constantly dying even in PvE because I forget that the thing is a glass cannon with absolutely zero sustain. Overall, I'm just bad. But I really, really like the aesthetic, and the playstyle is almost a siren's song - aggressively baiting me with "wow, this might be really cool if you keep at it!... too bad you suck, though."

I can't be the only one doing this.

I picked up elementalist to play catalyst (because it reminds me of GW2's version of an enhancement shaman). I'm not great, but I've improved greatly over the last week, and it's really starting to feel like a melee/mid ranged jack of all trades. I like my utility now, but I'm going to play around with the augment abilities tonight. 


The best advice I can give to anyone wanting to learn a new class, is go out in the world and play. I've been running the decade event on my cata, doing bosses and lots of events, and it has helped to understand when I can camp an element, when and how to heal/kite, and how to rotate to break bars (though, not a lot of cata for that).

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Thief for me. I love the look and idea of Thief; my Thief has long black hair and wears all black and has pale skin and looks great being a ninja assassin martial artist, and 50% of the time I'm waving my sword in the air at no one because I blinked backwards instead of forwards. Also, to date I still know, like, maybe two stealth combos at most. 

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I played a lot on my core Mesmer in the early years of the game, and have played a ton on my Mirage over the last several years. Just rolled up a new character with the intent of going Chronomancer, and expect to be faceplanting for a while. I understand the mesmer community is pretty down on Chrono's usefulness in open world at the moment, and that it is considered a high-skill-floor spec. 😬

I said to my son, "Okay, you ready to hardcarry me for a while?"

To which he replied, "I'm playing Chrono, too."

But, I need a change of pace from Mirage, and have a fantasy of dual sword Mesmer so here we go..............

Edited by Gibson.4036
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Elementalist is one that I always struggle with despite having around 700 hours or so clocked on it. Fresh Air Tempest is probably the easiest to play so far, but it's kind of dull as I'm essentially camping in Air 99% of the time. It's one of the characters I play when I'm doing group content or helping new players in the Open World. It's the class I play to force myself to get better at.


Mesmer is easily the class I have the best time on, though I strongly dislike the Core class gameplay. I am very used to the Mirage gameplay; So much that I find myself instinctively trying to Mirage Cloak on my level 30-something Mesmer.

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Okay, I guess this would depend on what mode of the game that I'm playing?  Also, it can depend on how my mood is during my gametimes and my level of arthritic pain any given day as well.

Like, getting me to play Core Engineer?  Probably not my best spec on any given day, the kits get a little confusing for me. But, the other Elite Spec Engineers are my better spec options, definitely.  I have yet to test any of them out during any sort of PvP, though.  So I don't know.  I'll probably be lackluster though.

I rock the Thief in all specs in PvE, but not in PvP.  I don't have the hand/eye coordination for the faster paced combat style this class requires in any PVP mode.

The other classes have either had massive success for me in both game modes, or have only been used in one game mode only because I haven't been able to test them yet in the other to see how I would stack up.  

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