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Forest Beasts


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What'sworst is when the whole team gies for it, lets everything get decapped, and it still gets sniped. It was only worth 25 points anyway, I'd rather a team that defends nodes to a whole team that  goes after the forest creature like they as important as say, the Stronghold Lord.

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9 hours ago, John.8507 said:

Did like 90% of the damage to beasts, enemy player runs past gives it one hit, and gets the points???

Seems pretty unfair, should be based on which team did the most damage right?

WHY did you go BEAST not knowing where people are on the map???

This is 80% the reason why top players/streamers tell people to never immediately go after Beast. Try thinking about where people are on the map. Kill 1/2 people THEN think about immediately go after beast while they're on respawn....

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5 hours ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

What'sworst is when the whole team gies for it, lets everything get decapped, and it still gets sniped. It was only worth 25 points anyway, I'd rather a team that defends nodes to a whole team that  goes after the forest creature like they as important as say, the Stronghold Lord.

It has a passive effect that lasts after you kill it; +900 stats total to your whole team is huge, especially since PvP uses lower stat margins compared to other game modes.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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1 hour ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

It has a passive effect that lasts after you kill it; +900 stats total to your whole team is huge, especially since PvP uses lower stat margins compared to other game modes.

Not to be rude.... but what does that have to do with what I just said? If nothing else, it supports my comment. You simply Do Not go after beast until you are sure it is a 100% guarantee kill.

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5 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

It has a passive effect that lasts after you kill it; +900 stats total to your whole team is huge, especially since PvP uses lower stat margins compared to other game modes.

+50 to all stats is nothing (+450 to each player per beast). Especialy when 50% of stats is useless for most builds. 

Not going for beast is not a misplay usually. While going for beast is a mistake in 50% of cases I see. 


 Call for beast kill is the same level of game misunderstanding as "fight on point guys".

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18 hours ago, John.8507 said:

Did like 90% of the damage to beasts, enemy player runs past gives it one hit, and gets the points???

Seems pretty unfair, should be based on which team did the most damage right?

Yeah consider it an all or nothing mini-game gamble.   Once you understand the rules to it, you'll see it adds a level of strategy.   It does seem unfair at first glance, but I've grown to like the gamble.

Note that despite what others say, I've seen fairly successful highly mobile builds that can melt the beast... and make a good deal of points to swing the game by constantly sniping them on spawn.    Probably in high level play that would get noted, in mid tier play I've seen it lead to decisive victories when the other team followed the commonly held advice not to go for it.

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6 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

+50 to all stats is nothing (+450 to each player per beast). Especialy when 50% of stats is useless for most builds. 

Not going for beast is not a misplay usually. While going for beast is a mistake in 50% of cases I see. 


 Call for beast kill is the same level of game misunderstanding as "fight on point guys".


I'm speaking only from SoloQ perspective here...

Maybe if you get all supports / core necros on your team and have zero mobility.  Then going beast makes no sense and it is a higher return rate to try to get over to home and bully them at spawn.

If you have a theif, ranger, mesmer, warrior, etc. they should be able to down the beast and possibly contest the other one in short order.  

Also, why would you not fight on point? How you tell noobs from non-noobs is like the mech players that stand off point and try to rifle you while you just stand behind a wall and keep a fully capped point.  

Like sure, you're going to have side-noders who will be off point most of the time as they exist to decap, but the vast majority should be on or near a node at pretty much all times.  

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55 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Like sure, you're going to have side-noders who will be off point most of the time as they exist to decap, but the vast majority should be on or near a node at pretty much all times.  

The key part of that sentence is "or near a node".

Low-tier players think you have to be literally standing on the node at all times. There are plenty of situations where the correct play (the play which will be made by high-tier players) does NOT involve standing on a node. A bad player slavishly adheres to these rules with zero flexibility. A good player assesses each situation and makes a judgement call on what to do. If you've got a secure 2-cap, ganking lone enemies in roads to keep their respawns staggered is much smarter play than pushing for a third cap or standing afk on the ones you have.

Likewise, pushing for Beast is highly situational. A rule that says you should always go for it, or never go for it, is a stupid rule. Good players recognise which situation is good or bad to push for it. 9 times out of 10 it is the wrong play to go for it, but there is that 1 time in 10 where its correct.

"Fight on node" is a mantra repeated by silver-tier players. 

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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14 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

It has a passive effect that lasts after you kill it; +900 stats total to your whole team is huge, especially since PvP uses lower stat margins compared to other game modes.

I'd still say, even if I knew they would not be sniped, if I could choose to be on a team that would focus on capturing and defending nodes or a team that would go after the forest creatures at the cost of getting decapped, I'd choose the team that caps and defends.


For the original post, I don't think it can be any other way than it is currently. PVP, you are fighting each other as well as the creature. Say if I did 90% of the damage, you sneak in, kill me, then kill the beast, I'm out of the fight waiting to respawn. That doesn't change that I did 90% of the damage. Should I get the points even though I was removed from the fight before it died? Should you need to let it ooc, get it's health back then fight it again from the beginning? Then while you are doing that, I come back, roles reverse...

Or you kill me after I've damaged it by 90% you're waiting  for it to regenerate, my team mate comes along and snipes it, we get the points because you needed to let it ooc.

It may be unpleasant to get the last hit sniped by an enemy player, but maybe that last hit gets it is the fairest way that it can be done. https://i.imgur.com/Hn2rDsm.jpg Gotta make the best of it.


Thats one of the reasons why I prefer to focus on nodes and ignore the creatures.


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1 hour ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

The key part of that sentence is "or near a node".

Low-tier players think you have to be literally standing on the node at all times. There are plenty of situations where the correct play (the play which will be made by high-tier players) does NOT involve standing on a node. A bad player slavishly adheres to these rules with zero flexibility. A good player assesses each situation and makes a judgement call on what to do. If you've got a secure 2-cap, ganking lone enemies in roads to keep their respawns staggered is much smarter play than pushing for a third cap or standing afk on the ones you have.

Likewise, pushing for Beast is highly situational. A rule that says you should always go for it, or never go for it, is a stupid rule. Good players recognise which situation is good or bad to push for it. 9 times out of 10 it is the wrong play to go for it, but there is that 1 time in 10 where its correct.

"Fight on node" is a mantra repeated by silver-tier players. 


Right, but also want to separate the theory here from the rank. 

So called 'silver' players will be near a node but like I mentioned before it will be useless pew pew'ing from somewhere and not contesting anything or contributing anything as you can just LoS and they're neutralized.  

So that's why they scream to be on the node as anything more advanced at that rank costs you the game. 

Same for the beasts because below low gold really no one is rotating, no one is decaping, and most people are at mid--you just want to make sure they are on the actual node fighting and not on steps while enemies stand on node and range / get points.  

I basically think we agree but want to emphasize that trying to teach advanced skill to a low rank player is something that will just give you a headache.  Best to keep simple directions or advance to a rank where people already understand the mechanics of the mode.  


Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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