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   ...The upcoming patch of October 4th 2022...

  Macemen, Pikemen,Hammer Gladiators, Barbarians, Axemen, the Sunspears  and the Ones with the Gunsabers: (enters  the offensive stance and uses the defensive tactics  to onward to the battlefield):

  We are very  ready, sire! To battle, men!Till the end of the earth! Hoorah!

  The Masters of Illusions: Now, we have our powers  as we should! We will dominate everyone who dares  to defy our magic! 

  The Masterminds of the Elements: Thunder! The Wrath of the Earth! The Vengeance of the Seas! The Flames! Who dares to challenge the nature of the world shall suffer! 

  The Protectors of the Wilderness: Melandru! Give us strength! Those who hurt our forests mustn't go unpunished!

  The Masters of the Mists: We shall strike them down with no mercy and no ashes remain!

  The Holy Warriors: By the Holy Fire and the Light, our enemies  will go to the Oblivion for eternity!

  The Masters of Advanced, Creative, Deadly weaponaries: We will continue on researching superb devices and durable tools. Then, our foes will see the power of the ingenius creators!

   The Masters of Shadow and Acrobatics: They will never catch us, this time. The longer  they allow us  to go here and there, the merrier we feel! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

   The Masters of the Black Art: They will taste the power of pain more than ever! They will beg for mercy in the very end when they have no way to escape from the grasp of death! No one can flee. This is the destiny every lives must face! 



Edited by Sylvia.4870
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There's little for me to be excited about. Finally Herald gets the nerf it deserved but there's still a need for changes to overnerfed/bugs currently plaguing "actual" Revenant into jank.

Herald and Vindicator are the only ones free of those still.

My 2 cents for that profession.

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Scrapper loses quickness despite being a mid-tier build at best. Likely goes in the trash. 

Harbinger keeps quickness despite being meta since EoD launch. 

Nade Holo comes back but I always found Holo boring personally. Like playing a Warrior with a giant glowstick, but without the satisfying meaty smacks and thumps. 

Core engi goes from the worst core spec since forever to one of the better ones. Wild world we live in. 

Soulbeast and Druid look cracked. Lot of potential for theorycraft there. I would love to see Druid enter the support meta again. 

Virtuoso is going to become even more block/invuln spammy. Still difficult to say whether this matters. It's in a  weird spot because distortion prevents node holding, yet they don't want to teamfight as much because they have a harder time generating daggers. This is huge for WvW roaming though. 

Chrono also gets distortion back. It's about damned time. (lol get it, time? Chronoma--)

Preeeety sure Cata is still good after this nerf. The loss of stability definitely makes it easier to punch through them and burst them down though. 

Warrior mains. Your time is now. Raise your weapons and fight!  CmC's blessings be upon you. 



Edited by Kuma.1503
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6 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

There's little for me to be excited about. Finally Herald gets the nerf it deserved but there's still a need for changes to overnerfed/bugs currently plaguing "actual" Revenant into jank.

Herald and Vindicator are the only ones free of those still.

My 2 cents for that profession.

All the core rev jank rolls over to herald/vindicator and vindicator added a whole lot more.

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48 minutes ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

All the core rev jank rolls over to herald/vindicator and vindicator added a whole lot more.

Hardly. Jalis was only played with Bunker. Everything else is always Shiro this, Shiro that and this Legend hardly has any bugs to deal with.

Outside of UA, there's not much to worry about when playing Herald or Vindicator. Deathstrike with all the easy Quickness mitigates the bad reg but at the cost of desync.

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39 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

Hardly. Jalis was only played with Bunker. Everything else is always Shiro this, Shiro that and this Legend hardly has any bugs to deal with.

Outside of UA, there's not much to worry about when playing Herald or Vindicator. Deathstrike with all the easy Quickness mitigates the bad reg but at the cost of desync.

Man now that you mention it, I kittening hate Shiro, not because is Strong but cause every build defaults to it. It is always Shiro with something and the elite spec is just a tack on to play it. Like there was some hope with renegade and people still went with Shiro , at one time there was even a condi build with Shiro. 
Considering the concept of Rev with the spirit channeling it is kinda of a shame that it always ends up as "assassin". 

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2 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Man now that you mention it, I kittening hate Shiro, not because is Strong but cause every build defaults to it. It is always Shiro with something and the elite spec is just a tack on to play it. Like there was some hope with renegade and people still went with Shiro , at one time there was even a condi build with Shiro. 
Considering the concept of Rev with the spirit channeling it is kinda of a shame that it always ends up as "assassin". 

This is why I was Mallyx for the longest time even when it wasn't popular. To the point where people would ping my legend and say that it was an auto loss in the game and would be fun to prove wrong.

Of course people eventually caught into it and ruined it with spamming pure resistance all around instead of playing the profession as it was intended which is why we are here now.

Neutered Resistance with the most useless healing skill in the game, I wasn't even playing with Resistance spam and I could still make it work just fine which has explained to me how out of touch the devs are by nerfing mallyx prior traits and skills first before the things they've reworked the legend with or rune of resistance which was simply plain OP.

To think I'd avoid any kind of BS just playing core yet it gets demolished with random non explained nerfs.

It feels personal to a certain degree because they go out of their way to remove runes and amulets to "balance" but not nerf the broken synergy certain specs have. IE Knight Ranger being the only thing that's broken, remove Amulet, not the problem with the spec.

Edited by Shao.7236
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