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I'm an AFKer...


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I don't have an issue with people who quit... but I have a Huge issue with people who quit after the first mid wipe, and/or when the enemy team has 100 more points than you.

It's simply exhilarating making a comeback in Conquest when the enemy team think they're about to win.. It's why I NEVER quit during a ranked match...

Even if it's a for sure loss, I'm there to hit things. It is too boring to just stand around.

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On 10/9/2022 at 7:25 AM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

And all my protests that i'm not a licensed, paid therapist are met with typical sweat comments like 'stay gold trash kekw'



Pssh, they're ignorant coz the people that matter knows that GOLD (around 1680/oz USD as of this post) is worth more than PLATINUM (900/oz USD as of this post) IRL. Teeheehee. Love gold. Unlike diamonds that are indigenous to our planet, gold is made from Giant Supernovas and have landed on earth randomly over billions of years from meteors. Not relevant to in-game skill, but if we're talking precious metals, gold is where it's at. 💸💸💸🤑🤑🤑



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On 10/8/2022 at 7:01 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:

I don't have an issue with people who quit... but I have a Huge issue with people who quit after the first mid wipe, and/or when the enemy team has 100 more points than you.

It's simply exhilarating making a comeback in Conquest when the enemy team think they're about to win.. It's why I NEVER quit during a ranked match...

Even if it's a for sure loss, I'm there to hit things. It is too boring to just stand around.


That's nice and all but you're not making a comeback once good players start spawn camping you. I mean you only have ONE SPAWN POINT so it's not like there's any where else to go.


Sure, as a DD you might be able to run and decap but while you're doing that they are still wiping your team +5, +5, +5, +5 while holding your home node.


AFK players don't seem to bother me as much as they used to. I understand their frustration but I choose not to be a part of it.

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On 10/7/2022 at 12:18 PM, shion.2084 said:

Out of interest... Are you also a millennial?  I ask out of curiosity.

My ethic is that if I commit to start a thing then I finish a thing.   I also don't walk off the field in the middle of a soccer match because we're behind 15 goals.

Nah, this is more of a Boomer or Gen Z mindset, believe it or not those two have some weird similarities.

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1 hour ago, Barabbas.8715 said:

Guess you've never heard of the Sunk Cost Fallacy.

I commit to playing a match when I undertake to play a match.  If 10 of my friends were playing twilight imperium and I was clearly losing, I don’t flip the table, or walk away,I respect the commitment I made to play

Edited by shion.2084
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1 hour ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Go watch Naru for a few hours. Biggest toxic rage quitter. 

Naru hate whispered me a few times a few seasons ago when I was running some dumb chrono build with a ton of damage. 

Called me a “monkey.”


And numerous other “high level” players doing similarly. Not the right really care. I dish it back anyway. Just saying that everyone does it, even high level players. Despite people getting their friends or alts to comment on forums in an attempt to obfuscate or discredit. 

Just a symptom of having a competitive game mode that gets little attention and leaves things in a broken state for months.. or gets stale from the same overperforming/favored specs.


I’m sure most are good people outside of the game format, even if there’s this weird toxic clique fest happening within the dismally small remaining pvp community. 

I did notice when I dipped down to silver 1 during my experiment the people in matches were a lot nicer though. Lol. And just happy to get a kill. I think that’s probably one good reason for eliminating displayable titles/gizmos. Less clout = people aren’t worried about rating. Making ranked and unranked the same and keeping the matchmaking algorithm could be interesting. Would be good for keeping balanced matches so queue dodging plats wouldn’t be plaguing unranked with pre made stomp fests.



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50 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

I commit to playing a match when I undertake to play a match.  If 10 of my friends were playing twilight imperium and I was clearly losing, I don’t flip the table, or walk away,I respect the commitment I made to play

Some people respect their own time more than some ephemeral "commitment" they made to randos that would rather fight in the road than cap points.

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52 minutes ago, Barabbas.8715 said:

Some people respect their own time more than some ephemeral "commitment" they made to randos that would rather fight in the road than cap points.

I don’t think you’ll understand my perspective, but I’ll try to explain one more time, my ethic isn’t just about a commitment to others it’s about one to myself.  If I undertake to do a thing, it isn’t about what the others on my team are doing.  It’s about me doing what I said I would.   Obviously if there’s some house emergency or something, I’ve had to go afk once or twice, but in those cases I disconnect so my team doesn’t take the loss,  yes even if we are really behind.


This isn’t a faceless stock investment where I’m maximizing for self interest.  I get what a sunk cost is, but this is about showing basic the basic respect I would like to see in others, even if they don’t show it in return.  I can’t control others, but I can be accountable to myself.

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1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

And numerous other “high level” players doing similarly.

The match that made me finally quit PvP, was him and Nos telling me to un-alive myself when the first team fight was lost. They then sat in spawn, chat raging the rest of the match. 

This isn’t the first time, I’ve experienced toxicity in the game, but something about it rubbed me wrong. I think it’s because A-net props these guys up and partners with them, like they’re good people. 

Edited by Drennon.7190
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9 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Love gold. Unlike diamonds that are indigenous to our planet, gold is made from Giant Supernovas and have landed on earth randomly over billions of years from meteors. Not relevant to in-game skill, but if we're talking precious metals, gold is where it's at. 💸💸💸🤑🤑🤑

Well that just about explains it. Pretty sure the wintrader cartel arrived here via meteor as well 👽🛸would make sense that they've gotten used to it.


Personally I love gold too; in every sense, especially the game. They're very human at least, knowing better than to take this game too seriously(...most of the time) 

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3 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Personally I love gold too; in every sense, especially the game. They're very human at least, knowing better than to take this game too seriously(...most of the time) 


You're a smart fellow and totally understood the context of my explanation. Gold people are real, be proud. No such thing as a Platinum medal at the Olympics 

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