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I'm an AFKer...


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...and there's nothing wrong about it, when


 - my team is full of ignorant people not knowing how the objectives of a bg/arena work and queuing for rated instead of unrated.

- my team play like they are soulless and botlike puppets.

- they rather fight in the middle of nowhere than caring about capping the points/nodes.

- it's a hopeless match and we'll lose anyway.


So if my team doesn't care, so why should I? Why should I play punching bag for the enemy team? I rather standing AFK in my base and wait till the nightmare is over asap.


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I feel personal contribution could be tweaked for ranked pvp on your personal performance... a big overhaul over a long period of time most likely, but I reckon that'd make things better?!? eg; if all a person did was spawn and run to get killed without decapping one-tick, or softening up other enemy players that the team kill in the process... type of thing, iykwim

Edited by Arimir.5864
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I think I almost have more fun if my team is getting stomped and I can keep 2-3 of the enemy busy chasing me around the map for 5 minutes trying to land a kill on me. 
I’d also prefer to lose a match 150-500 but get all the top stats and have no deaths rather than win the match but have the most deaths and no top stats.

Carrying is fun, even when you lose. Being carried sucks. 

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4 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

The more you afk, the more you lose, the worse ranking, worse players which will kitten you off to afk more, and it will never end.

IDK, when you have 10k games played you can say pretty accurate when match is unwinnable. I'll go afk whenever I feel I can't and I still maintain my winrate and rank. Maybe I could win 1 game out of 10 where I was afk, but it is not worth my time and my sanity.

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You can't stay AFK for real, since the game kicks you out after few minutes. Most of the people who go AFK keep insulting the team, so rather than wasting time to talk, they could actually "teach" how to play, if they think to be better. Most of the time though, the people who complain the most are the ones with the lowest stats at the end of the match (even when they don't go AFK). I also find that there are way more AFKers at low rank, when I play with a new profession for example. A professional player keeps playing, even when he's carrying the group.

I've been banned for 24 hours many years ago (when ArenaNet actually banned people, I guess) for going AFK one single time in 7 years, because someone insulted me after 5 seconds for no reasons, out of the blue. Idk if I've been particularly unlucky, but I found it fair, as I punished not only that idiot, but also the other 3 players that had no guilt.

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If enemy team just rolls on my team (150++ points gap after 5 mins), i dont mind if one is going AFK. He really misses the chance to practice uneven fights or 1v1, its his decision to be lazy and dont care.


BUT... if there is any slight chance, that we can turn it and one goes AFK, i become a bit angry and sad for the missed opportunity. Sadly im not a kid anymore with unlimited time to waste on noobs and AFKers. Ye i know this game is trash, pvp is trash, classes are trash (or op), community is toxic and also trash... whining everywhere... but i dont care. I love this game, accepted its flaws and im enjoying conquest.


Heck i dont even mind losing, unless me and my team tried its best. But i despise honorless warriors who give up after one lost fight on mid 😛

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4 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

IDK, when you have 10k games played you can say pretty accurate when match is unwinnable. I'll go afk whenever I feel I can't and I still maintain my winrate and rank. Maybe I could win 1 game out of 10 where I was afk, but it is not worth my time and my sanity.

I have no doubt that you genuinely belive this to be true. However, I would pretty much garanty that something like 1/3 of these games could easily be turned if you tried. You simply never figured out how to turn games because of your attitude.

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11 minutes ago, ascii.1369 said:

However, I would pretty much garanty that something like 1/3 of these games could easily be turned if you tried. You simply never figured out how to turn games because of your attitude.


12 minutes ago, ascii.1369 said:

I have no doubt that you genuinely belive this to be true.


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If you can't be bothered to try and play, just feed the enemy points by repeatedly getting killed with no resistance instead of AFKing. That way, the match and the annoyance you cause for others are over faster.

In both cases, you are the bad apple of the match, but one option clearly has advantages over the other.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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16 hours ago, Roman.6930 said:

...and there's nothing wrong about it, when


 - my team is full of ignorant people not knowing how the objectives of a bg/arena work and queuing for rated instead of unrated.

- my team play like they are soulless and botlike puppets.

- they rather fight in the middle of nowhere than caring about capping the points/nodes.

- it's a hopeless match and we'll lose anyway.


So if my team doesn't care, so why should I? Why should I play punching bag for the enemy team? I rather standing AFK in my base and wait till the nightmare is over asap.


Out of interest... Are you also a millennial?  I ask out of curiosity.

My ethic is that if I commit to start a thing then I finish a thing.   I also don't walk off the field in the middle of a soccer match because we're behind 15 goals.

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17 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Its weird, I rarely hear good players complain about their team. Maybe its because they only care about their own performance. I can guarentee there is always more you can do to improve. 

Good message overall, but the top players definitely talk a lot of kitten in this game, don't know who told you otherwise.

Go watch a Shorts stream where he doesn't call his team a bunch of bots at least once, you can't do it. Physically impossible.

Or Grimjack, well-documented to immediately block any of his teammates that don't play to his standards.


They really want this game to be sweaty so they'll complain about their team until they're blue in the face, blaming every facet of the occasional loss or misplay on them just like anyone else might.

If anything they directly & indirectly contribute to AFK games with all the uber-sweat shady cheese tactics that go on at the top. Sweats ruin everything, every game. Nobody wants to play with them, not even other sweats. Especially other sweats.

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20 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Its weird, I rarely hear good players complain about their team. Maybe its because they only care about their own performance. I can guarentee there is always more you can do to improve. 

If you watch any stream literally everyone complains about their team

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I get the frustration, tough matches can be a learning experience for everyone. As hopeless as some matches/players are, I can't blame you. In my opinion, it's worth trying to take a constructive lead than deciding everybody's time should be wasted. Though I'm more the type to keep playing even when I have an afker because it doesn't make sense to join a match and not play the game. We all handle loss differently, I guess 

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6 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Good message overall, but the top players definitely talk a lot of kitten in this game, don't know who told you otherwise.

Go watch a Shorts stream where he doesn't call his team a bunch of bots at least once, you can't do it. Physically impossible.

Or Grimjack, well-documented to immediately block any of his teammates that don't play to his standards.


They really want this game to be sweaty so they'll complain about their team until they're blue in the face, blaming every facet of the occasional loss or misplay on them just like anyone else might.

If anything they directly & indirectly contribute to AFK games with all the uber-sweat shady cheese tactics that go on at the top. Sweats ruin everything, every game. Nobody wants to play with them, not even other sweats. Especially other sweats.


I don't follow streamers anymore and when I did, ROM from EU was such a stand out because he blames himself for mistakes, supports his teammates, never calls them names, never toxic on mapchat or chat to his teammates. Just a very polite person to everyone. Oh, and he doesn't boast titles, gizmos, rank tier.... Very entertaining and charming. 



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If you want your team to play how you want - form an actual team and play ATs. If you play ranked, then you shouldn't go in with the expectation that everyone does what you think they should do (even tho chances are high you don't know any better than them). You should go in with the goal to do whatever YOU can do to win the game, regardless of what the other players do. If you don't do that, then losing is on you, and you alone. And "afk"ing is never a way to win (and at the same time you are ruining the game for others, so no, it's not ok).

A lot of perceived lost games would be winnable or at least close, if so many players wouldn't give up so quickly.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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17 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

I don't follow streamers anymore and when I did, ROM from EU was such a stand out because he blames himself for mistakes, supports his teammates, never calls them names, never toxic on mapchat or chat to his teammates. Just a very polite person to everyone. Oh, and he doesn't boast titles, gizmos, rank tier.... Very entertaining and charming. 

Fr that's good, we could all use more content creators like that who are dedicated to just playing and promoting a game they enjoy.

Basically someone who isn't completely insane.

There used to be a few like this on NA, but the crazy combined with the cheating(and this is only in sPvP) drove many of them to quit, go play WvW instead, or worst-case join the wintrading cartel. We don't have many heroes left, and the few that are still there are usually counterfeit.


For example I have 2 'top players' they're really just boosted alts that probably belong to the same person that are dedicated to 'hunting me down' in Ranked, saying that they'll 'farm me until I rq' for the mean comments I make about wintrading on the forums. (Yes, this actually happens, weekly/biweekly.)

And all my protests that i'm not a licensed, paid therapist are met with typical sweat comments like 'stay gold trash kekw'

This is all pretty normal on NA and I don't think it has anything to do with the region or that region's players itself, but rather the same 10-15 wintraders that just  can't get over themselves and their massive egos. Their positions as content creators and shadow-balancers for the game allow them to normalize their irrational way of thinking to some extent and people do fall for it.

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